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One Farmers Thanks To The Support Team

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Someone once told me that if you include enough keywords in a post you can write anything you like on Thai Visa forums without being struck by lightening. Ok, so to keep Bina happy, as both our forum leader as well as a valued contributor, here goes. Farm, tractor, pig, cow, goat, feriliser, EM, organic, self sufficient and that is sufficient I hope. Oh, extra point for sufficient? What about it Bina?

So down to the actual message.

I would like to express my public thanks to the support team for their brillant site update. It was done professionally and as unobtrusively as any sytem rebuild I have experienced. Given the fact that we are in Thailand and many other parties must be involved, this one I vote in the top 5% IMHO. Well done and thanks so much. I hope i am not the only member who expresses thanks to you all either privately or publically. If I am, then let me know and I'll think of some more keywords and thank you all again Long live TV and long may it's quality support team be with us.


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