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It will make you homesick - only in the sense that you'll be wanting Thai food - most of the restaurants in buchan call themselves Thai Chinese, but all they do is take names of Thai dishes and assign them to equally random chinese dishes - if this is not the case tell me - I would love to know...

Yeah, this one is Thai Chinese and on the menu it features Penang Curry????

parently there is a Thai woman working there though so I look forward to saying something in Thai (which they won't expect.) :o

There's a chinese in Peterhead that sells Pattaya Chicken (?) and chicken lampang (?) They're both crap. Their Tom Yam was sweet and sour sauce.

It was a Thai/Chinese restaurant that had no Thai's working there.

There was a strong smell of urine when we entered the place but the food was alright, nothing special but satisfactory.

And it was Chinese.

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It was a Thai/Chinese restaurant that had no Thai's working there.

There was a strong smell of urine when we entered the place but the food was alright, nothing special but satisfactory.

And it was Chinese.

So ... not impressed when you spoke Thai then scamp..? :o

totster :D


At one stage I had this very rich Thai girlfriend. The night I met her folks they took me to this restaurant in the Chinatown area of Bangers. It was a banquet of all sorts of weird stuff for this simple scouse. Two dishes I will never forget, A Brown Bears Paw and a soup made with sparrow heads :o

give me a pan of scouse anytime :D

Stuffed / boiled frog with potatoes – this was the whole frog bones and all. 




Insects too numerous to list

Have eaten a ton of interesting food in Asia and most of it surprisingly not that bad.  After it all the food that I still have the most difficult time with is sushi and sashimi.  Something about raw food just does not set well with my stomach.

i like people with a good tast !!! :o


FRIED INSECTS................yuckkkkkkkkkkkkk....................!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate them...u usually get them at some road side open cart....i know its not the strangest thing but yuckssssss...........

FRIED INSECTS................yuckkkkkkkkkkkkk....................!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate them...u usually get them at some road side open cart....i know its not the strangest thing but yuckssssss...........

Those fried locusts are pretty tasty actually... gotta pick the legs off first though.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

ok..obviously i'm Thai...

but  Isarn people (some) eat  cow or  deer's poo (in small intestine) ....it is "khee plea"  i read from book ...they mix it with meat...i have  no idea


i can't ..


:o  Bambi

Finally someone else has heard of this. My father in law eats this, absolutely terrible. The family makes him sit away when he is having a chew on the old Khee plea.

What ever inspires some people :D


A couple more for the pot......dinner parties :D

Monkey Toes.(Indonesia)-Deep fried monkey toes,eat it off the bone :D

Squirrel Brains.(US South)-You cook the head with the rest of the body (after cleaning of course), then, using your fingers and a fork, you crack the skull open and dig the brain out.

Rats.(Thailand)-the meat tastes a bit like rabbit

Calf's Head.(France)- Tete de veau (Calf's Head)- The brain is served in the corner of the plate.

Cat.(Hong Kong) Cat meat with steam bread (siopao )and butter.

Horse.(Japan) Horse sashimi.

Criadillas (Spain, Canada) Bull testicles. Also called Prairie Oysters.

Stewed Dormice.(Slovenia)-makes a nice little mice stew.

Dog (Southeast Asia) Korean Best.

Philippine dogs are a sorry sight, often skinny and nervous, shedding parts of their coats, with sores, scabs and sunburn. They also tend to have worms and all sorts of defects and can be deformed by beatings. The dogs breed and scavenge uncontrolled and are so neglected they sometimes dont taste too good...

Placenta.(Feminists) Lots of recipes for human placenta.

Finally instead of beer chang to wash it all down ..try a glass of..

Breast Milk (China)

or if you prefer to eat ....

Restaurants in southern Hunan province offer dishes cooked with human breast milk as part of a "milky banquet"....great with omlets :o

It will make you homesick - only in the sense that you'll be wanting Thai food - most of the restaurants in buchan call themselves Thai Chinese, but all they do is take names of Thai dishes and assign them to equally random chinese dishes - if this is not the case tell me - I would love to know...

Yeah, this one is Thai Chinese and on the menu it features Penang Curry????

parently there is a Thai woman working there though so I look forward to saying something in Thai (which they won't expect.) :o

There's a chinese in Peterhead that sells Pattaya Chicken (?) and chicken lampang (?) They're both crap. Their Tom Yam was sweet and sour sauce.

It was a Thai/Chinese restaurant that had no Thai's working there.

There was a strong smell of urine when we entered the place but the food was alright, nothing special but satisfactory.

And it was Chinese.

I suspected it would be like that. I often wonder if the people that own these places actually eat the food that they sell. I pretty much doubt it.

Have you been to the Thai Palace on Union street in Aberdeenfor lunch - they have an excellent all you can eat buffet. My wife loves it and she is sooo fussy.

There is a another thai/chinese restaurant opening in Peterhead soon, but I'm not holding my breath.

Finally instead of beer chang to wash it all down ..try a glass of..

Breast Milk (China)

or if you prefer to eat ....

Restaurants in southern Hunan province offer dishes cooked with human breast milk as part of a "milky banquet"....great with omlets :D

Do you get to pick the Breast it comes from, like when you are picking your Lobsters from the tank :o

Mr BoJ


on the subject of milk:

i've had dogs milk , horses milk, donkey's milk, and my own breast milk but the wierdest:

a friend of mine ran out of milk one day when serving 10:00 coffee on saturday; she went out for a few minutes and there was milk in all our coffee... years later she told us, self milking.......

btw: human milk doesnt taste so good except to babies, dogs milk is sweet, so is mares milk...

couldnt get any thai friends to try fresh goats milk or donkeys milk

placenta: having watched a million cow births, and after receiving numerous lectures by our vet, i do not give our goat placentas to the thai, it goes straight to the dogs... if they want a cow placenta, they have to stand there and catch it as it comes out , into a plastic bag....

if not, once it hits the ground......the dogs get it..........

porcupine, nothing to write home about

but like i said: those dead chick eggs are the absolute nastiest both in flavour and texture

It was a Thai/Chinese restaurant that had no Thai's working there.

There was a strong smell of urine when we entered the place but the food was alright, nothing special but satisfactory.

And it was Chinese.

So ... not impressed when you spoke Thai then scamp..? :o

totster :D

Yeah, lots of Chinese try to ride the Thai food success wave lately. And of course the food tastes nothing like Thai food. Their curries are like watered-down versions of Westernized Indian food. Totally bland, but they still sell ok.

My Dad intended to surprise my girlfriend when we visited last year, and took us to such a place ("Patong"). GF tried to ask the waitress (who could have been Thai if you only went by her looks), if they had some real Thai food, and only got the blank stare as a reply (which also looked pretty Thai to me... :D ). Then she tried to talk to my GF in English. Very funny.

The food sucked bigtime - the rice was lowest grade Uncle Ben's type stuff.

It was a Thai/Chinese restaurant that had no Thai's working there.

There was a strong smell of urine when we entered the place but the food was alright, nothing special but satisfactory.

And it was Chinese.

So ... not impressed when you spoke Thai then scamp..? :o

totster :D

Yeah, lots of Chinese try to ride the Thai food success wave lately. And of course the food tastes nothing like Thai food. Their curries are like watered-down versions of Westernized Indian food. Totally bland, but they still sell ok.

My Dad intended to surprise my girlfriend when we visited last year, and took us to such a place ("Patong"). GF tried to ask the waitress (who could have been Thai if you only went by her looks), if they had some real Thai food, and only got the blank stare as a reply (which also looked pretty Thai to me... :D ). Then she tried to talk to my GF in English. Very funny.

The food sucked bigtime - the rice was lowest grade Uncle Ben's type stuff.

In Thailand certain Thais like to pass themselves off as chinese. In the UK the Chinese try and pass themselves off as Thai!

I think it's fair to say that certain Thai tastes are not as conventional as back west.  But, what is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

For me it's a toss-up between fried cows udder and live fresh water prawns.  I'll go for the prawns though, as the udder didn't keep jumping off the spoon! :o


I think I've previously mentioned my go around with "Baked Frog with Garlic" on a very boozy night in Bangkok.

The "1000 Year Old Eggs" in Vietnam and also at a Thai/Chinese friends New Year party in BKK also come to mind. (The eggs with the fertilised embreyo inside).

Also been to Ethiopia. Can't tolerate that NJERA bread, flat and bitter bread made from local seed grains. (They make some of the best coffee in the world, however )

I would love a MELOTTI beer. (Beer made by one Luigi Melloti, Italian who once ran a brewery in Asmara, Ethiopia - but now part of Eritria after the Ethiopians were tossed out)



I remember sitting with some friends one night having a few drinks. After a while, we were all a bit peckish, and the egg man came along. We all tucked in to these eggs, and whilst a bit chewy (or something) I thought that they were only just OK. Picking up the second one I happened to bite into it and THEN take a look at what I was actually eating.

Yup. You guessed it. Chickens inside. Boiled eggs haven't been the same since.

I can do the grass hoppers (in fact, I actually FELT like eating them the other night), the bamboo worms are OK only if fried, but the Mengdah is one thing I can't seem to do. The perfumey smell and flavour are too overpowering.

A few weeks ago I went to a wedding just outside of Udon. I decided to go to bed when the still warm (but dead and chopped up) cow arrived on the back of a truck. And most of that cow was eaten RAW.

I was trekking once and the kids in the village came across me and my group heading up the mountain. The kids all ran off ahead passing on the message that "Donna Madonna" was in town. When I arrived they had killed a snake and hung it in the tree to let the poison drain out. We ate it in a soup. I quite liked it (but maybe it was just the fact that they did it especially for me).

Squirrell, dog, bird, spider, and other tasty treats that I can't remember were all part of a fun trek into the hilltribes of the north.

Oh. I remember one day my guide came out and said to me "Donna, we have an iguana in the house". "Great" I thought. I went into the house and (stupidly) looked for this iguana running around. Well, it (about 1.5m from tip to tip) was spread eagled on the fire. Overnight, it was placed up high in the house, over the fire (I think to watch over us during the night) and in the morning it was chopped up into bite sized pieces. I even offered some to my group, and to my surprise, they tried it AND liked it.

But Mengdah has to be the most yuk thing for me. That, and jackfruit. Can't stand it. Give me durian any day.

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