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Farang Harrassing Thais Overseas


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That is exactly my point.

These poor Thai girls have to deal with these old ugly fools who have been to Thailand as a sex tourist and now stalk and harass any Thai lady they see under the premise that they "just want to get to know her" and when the girl does not quote them a price and is disgusted by their very face and tells them to get lost, they start slagging off Thai women.

Regardless people should judge one another on a case by case basis - saying hello is not the same as trying to pick a bird up.

The problem is what happens after the Thai girl says hello back!

The sexpat will then take that as a signal to move on her!

Would you randonly say hello to Brit girls on the street in London? (No you damnwell wouldn't!).

Then why do you think it is ok to harass Thai girls in public?

Some guys have got absolutely no idea :)

Also an excellent point.

As an aside, Chunky, what is your problem?

It's a fair point but people don't communicate as easily in big cities the same way as they do in more rural areas where people often say hello to strangers. This is my impression.

So i tell you what Chunky, if it pleases you shall i just ignore all my female fellow human beings? Oh and BTW, i consider myself neither a stalker or sex tourist, just a reasonably pleasant and friendly bloke

Aside of that, yes Chunky, what is your problem?

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Never had a Thai act like this to me. Often times I end up in long conversations with them and I have made some friends out of it. The only problem comes about that some of the girls are jealous of my wife since her husband can speak Thai (yet completely disregard her level of English) and we are doing much better than the average Au Pair worker.

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So i tell you what Chunky, if it pleases you shall i just ignore all my female fellow human beings?

I'm sure said "female fellow human beings" would greatly appreciate it. Seriously, that's rather disingenuous of you to say, knowing Chunky didn't mean that at all. This is such common sense that men shouldn't have to explain this to fellow men. Chris Rock once did a routine about this, saying something along the lines of "....every time a man does anything for a woman or says anything to a woman, he's offering d**k." Pretty funny routine, I might add. Question is, would you want your wife or daughter to encourage every would-be suitor by being overly receptive (i.e., be too nice)? The farang girl who posted earlier to share her experiences is right-on-the-money. Thai girls, unfortunately, get it worse because many of them (particularly when they're overseas) haven't figured out how to be a b**ch. You almost need to be to avoid being constantly harassed by these so called "pleasant and friendly bloke(s)."

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I'm sure said "female fellow human beings" would greatly appreciate it. Seriously, that's rather disingenuous of you to say, knowing Chunky didn't mean that at all. This is such common sense that men shouldn't have to explain this to fellow men. Chris Rock once did a routine about this, saying something along the lines of "....every time a man does anything for a woman or says anything to a woman, he's offering d**k." Pretty funny routine, I might add. Question is, would you want your wife or daughter to encourage every would-be suitor by being overly receptive (i.e., be too nice)? The farang girl who posted earlier to share her experiences is right-on-the-money. Thai girls, unfortunately, get it worse because many of them (particularly when they're overseas) haven't figured out how to be a b**ch. You almost need to be to avoid being constantly harassed by these so called "pleasant and friendly bloke(s)."

Quite right. Thai women automatically love farang men - not 'cos of money obviously.

Its hard to explain why so many Thai women throw themselves at farang men - but I've no doubt at all we're hear all sorts of reasons on this thread...

Of course they love them for themselves (not the way better life they're offered). How could anyone possibly think that?

Edited by F1fanatic
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"Why would you ask that question? I think the Chunks has made some very good points. Why would YOU have a problem with what he/she's saying?"

Aside from the point on his head, my only problem is when someone talks in generalities. Chunky could be an ugly young fool, but it's kind of stupid, and perhaps, he has some issues with his Father, but he should learn a little respect.

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Lets see.....

Couple of Thai girls sitting have a chat and tea...some farang comes up to them and says in abysmal and typical tourist Thai "how are you"

Girl probably thinks....."oh bloody heck, he probably wants to sit and speak Thai to us"....

What would your response be??

Love the way everyone seems to turn these situations into a hooker thing

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I kind of feel for the girls.

They were probably in the middle of catching up on gossip and having a girls moment when two beer gurzoolged buffoons walk up saying 'SAWADEEEE.......KLAP' 'SABAI......DEE..... MAI.... KLAP?"

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Absolutely sounds like some girls got enough of the attention from middle aged guys.

Let's face it, Thailand isn't exactly an exotic location, everyone and their mother has been already and tons of guys go back thinking the bar illusion is a reality. I can easily see how hundreds of barstool ladies men must have said the same crappy sawatdee over and over to those girls. At least try to be original and ask if they're Chinese or something, that may give you an in.

I don't go around trying to chat up random Thais in my country, but I've never had that negative experience. The contrary actually, most often it's fun and innocent flirt and an invitation to cook dinner :)

Now, you may catch me stalking Japanese girls hunched over a map in the tourist district! 'Oh hi, you look lost, let me help you.. I know this jewellry shop that has a special, just for today!".

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Actually on my floor/level of my apartment building(Australia) I have many thai neighbours,they are students,i did say hello to one whilst waiting for the lift to go down to the lobby,she replied "sorry no english",so i spoke in thai where for some reason she ignored me and we both got into the lift.

I said hello to them again,a older thai male who lives next door whilst waiting at the lift /elevator but he nodded and ignored me even though i spoke politely in thai.

There are 9 units/flats on my floor and i have thais living on both sides of me,these are mostly young students who are renting,and they have no respect,slamming their apartment doors at all hours of the night,so i get them back by playing my AC/DC music loudly with my door open.

One of them had forgotten their security keys to use the lift/elevator to get up to our floor level so used the intercom buzzer to buzz my unit ,being next door to theirs,to let them up in the security elevator.

I decided to tell them,sorry i dont speak english and turned the intercom off.

I dont bother saying hello to them in thai anymore,but it doesnt mean all thai people are like that,i have met some wonderful thais in Australia,mostly around my age group,so it could just be a age thing,younger dont like older people saying hello etc.

I notice whilst on a bus the other day that thais dont greet each other so i dont bother talking to them unless i have some sort of business with them such as my thai tutor who recently told me that one of his thai friends was riding his motorbike on a foothpath here in Australia only to be stopped by Police where he began to tell the Police that he was father was a high ranking govt official in Thailand.

Apparently it didnt help as he was fined over $500 for several traffic offences and wanted to know of my thai tutor what the police officer meant when he said "tell him to kiss my arse"after he told him how powerful his father was in Thailand.

Nice....I can't comprehend why people of any culture or language would be so rude and ignorant, especially when you share a similar language and experience in a country. I especially like to motorbike story, I would love to have seen the look on his face.

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Best guess, from experience, is that they are sick and tired of being propositioned for sexual services and classified as easy targets by nationals who had previously vacationed in Thailand and/or stereotyped as a result of tabloid press reporting, sad but understandable to a degree.

Wow, and I thought Chiang Mai was comprised of mostly nice people. You should post a picture of yourself so I nor anyone else on this thread ever says hi to your sorry arse. You might even think we were trying to proposition you, ya delusional nonce.

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There's too many unknowns in this story to form a cogent perspective on these examples.

'Why don't you go back to Thailand, as rude people like you are not welcome in this country" I will add I had a bit to drink at this point, anyway they said nothing and we walked off."

so that drunken guy was cool rejected and reacted exactly with the words he must have heard in Thailand often.

Put it in context the other way my friend, how would you react? I can totally understand losing my cool in that circumstance and my Thai wife could as well.

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Many years ago I was introduced to a Thai woman studying for her Master's in Sydney.

She was working part time in my friends Thai restaurant to help pay for her living expenses whilst studying.

I got to know her and a few of her Thai friends quite well over the next couple of years.

Neither her nor any of her friends had Farang boyfriends and all where in Sydney furthering their education.

One day I overheard her being quite rude to a farang male customer in the restaurant and later asked her what happened.

Her response was that her and also her friends were sick and tired of farangs just marching up to them and start to chat them up. She said they would never march up to a Farang woman on the street or in the work place and start chatting them up, why do they think we Thai women are any different. She said if she is not blunt with them they just keep trying!

I was very suprised to hear just how often it happens! on the street, on the bus/train, at work, etc etc. She claimed most try to speak Thai to them and they can instantly tell they have learned thier Thai from bar girls. (accent?).

I can understand their plight! the poor girls are constantly bombarded by Thai sick farangs looking for a local score, it gets to a point were they have to be rude to keep them at arms length!

So please remember gentlemen, not all Thai women O/S's are Issan village girls earer to meet a Farang.

Umm, has anyone ever thought of placing the blame on Thailand's perpetuating this stereotype by inviting so called perverts to their country for this kind of behavior as well as encouraging "their own" to work in this business???

Anyway, I don't buy it. Most of the people in these stories just sound like rude idiots to me "long tua eng" you might say. There are ways to be polite and stand offish at the same time you know.

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My short story:

A while back, I worked for an electronics firm in the US, and found a Thai man was in my department - an engineer. No I'm not gay. He totally blew me off.

I'd reconsider my sexual orientation if I were you Chef. :D

Looks like he already has. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is proper for a young women in the US (England) to not talk to drunken men Young or old. Mostly those type of people are looking for a woman and in their minds non-Anglo women are working girls.

I hear all the complaining by these same type of Falangs on this forum to run down anything or anyone associated with Thailand or her cultural values. I have had the same sort of treatment in the US by people that insult you to your face, that is why I am here!

Got tired of hitting all those Holes in the face and limit my association here in the LOS mostly to Thais.

Cheers: B)

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Many years ago I was introduced to a Thai woman studying for her Master's in Sydney.

She was working part time in my friends Thai restaurant to help pay for her living expenses whilst studying.

I got to know her and a few of her Thai friends quite well over the next couple of years.

Neither her nor any of her friends had Farang boyfriends and all where in Sydney furthering their education.

One day I overheard her being quite rude to a farang male customer in the restaurant and later asked her what happened.

Her response was that her and also her friends were sick and tired of farangs just marching up to them and start to chat them up. She said they would never march up to a Farang woman on the street or in the work place and start chatting them up, why do they think we Thai women are any different. She said if she is not blunt with them they just keep trying!

I was very suprised to hear just how often it happens! on the street, on the bus/train, at work, etc etc. She claimed most try to speak Thai to them and they can instantly tell they have learned thier Thai from bar girls. (accent?).

I can understand their plight! the poor girls are constantly bombarded by Thai sick farangs looking for a local score, it gets to a point were they have to be rude to keep them at arms length!

So please remember gentlemen, not all Thai women O/S's are Issan village girls earer to meet a Farang.

Umm, has anyone ever thought of placing the blame on Thailand's perpetuating this stereotype by inviting so called perverts to their country for this kind of behavior as well as encouraging "their own" to work in this business???

Anyway, I don't buy it. Most of the people in these stories just sound like rude idiots to me "long tua eng" you might say. There are ways to be polite and stand offish at the same time you know.

Please explain how "their own" are encouraged.

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  • 4 months later...

We were recently in the airport in Korea waiting to check-in for our flight when this old goofy farang came up to the sweet, innocent Thai girl behind us who was with her friend and couldn't have been more than 25 years old and goes "Sawadeekrap. Gin re yang krap". I guess he figured that he had her trapped and I guess the poor girl had no choice but to answer him. He then follows up with his next hum dinger "Pom Chob Kon Thai" and then "Sabai dee mi krap". After we made it through security I saw them duck into the bathroom to try and escape him but he was waiting outside of it. Hilarious. Poor girls.

I guess a couple of lines like that really floors the girls in Pattaya.

Edited by Chunky1
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We were recently in the airport in Korea waiting to check-in for our flight when this old goofy farang came up to the sweet, innocent Thai girl behind us who was with her friend and couldn't have been more than 25 years old and goes "Sawadeekrap. Gin re yang krap". I guess he figured that he had her trapped and I guess the poor girl had no choice but to answer him. He then follows up with his next hum dinger "Pom Chob Kon Thai" and then "Sabai dee mi krap". After we made it through security I saw them duck into the bathroom to try and escape him but he was waiting outside of it. Hilarious. Poor girls.

I guess a couple of lines like that really floors the girls in Pattaya.

Wow, can't believe this topic has been revived.

Being in Thailand I have had many Thais (even old ones) come up to me with their very, and I stress very limited knowledge in English and strike up a conversation. They were very nice people by the way. Maybe your guy was a creep; I don't know but in general I don't see anything wrong with trying to speak with native speakers in a language you are trying to learn.

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I don't know but in general I don't see anything wrong with trying to speak with native speakers in a language you are trying to learn.

Try spending the complete afternoon at a village wedding in the baking heat out in the sticks about 80 kilometres from Muang Roi Et with the drunk as a skunk Puu Yai Ban following you around all the time trying to utilize his entire English vocabulary of " Where you go?", " Hot hot" and " Football, David Beckham"

I'd rather drink industrial drain cleaner and rub my eyeballs with sandpaper than go through that again.

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I like hitting on Thai chicks abroad. Remarkably easy to at least make contact and a nice conversation. I think the case described in the OP was just some old boozer hitting on young women and they didn't respond the way young women might respond in Pattaya. Shock horror.

Either way it does not sync with my own experiences. But I'm young, handsome, smart and fluent in Thai. (And modest. :) )

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I like hitting on Thai chicks abroad. Remarkably easy to at least make contact and a nice conversation. I think the case described in the OP was just some old boozer hitting on young women and they didn't respond the way young women might respond in Pattaya. Shock horror.

Either way it does not sync with my own experiences. But I'm young, handsome, smart and fluent in Thai. (And modest. :) )

Fluent in Thai abroad... wow i bet that is useful. hahahaha :lol: Car with no wheels springs to mind... good look

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I don't know but in general I don't see anything wrong with trying to speak with native speakers in a language you are trying to learn.

Try spending the complete afternoon at a village wedding in the baking heat out in the sticks about 80 kilometres from Muang Roi Et with the drunk as a skunk Puu Yai Ban following you around all the time trying to utilize his entire English vocabulary of " Where you go?", " Hot hot" and " Football, David Beckham"

I'd rather drink industrial drain cleaner and rub my eyeballs with sandpaper than go through that again.

I think the operative word here is drunk :blink:

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