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Bough an AIS Aircard - HUAWEI E1752 - print on the back of the box says W7 compatible.

Finally I can "connect" after I changed the default number *99# to *99***1#

Firewall permission for the new Network "allowed"


- ping - tracert of any web site fails

- pages are displayed 'blank'

- in Chrome a message can be seen in the lover left corner on accessing a web site 'resolving host' -

after that "page can not be displayed".

To cut it short - I am connected to something but can't access any web site

I phoned AIS - tried static DNS settings - to no avail.

What is wrong here? Any advise is much appreciated

OS - W7 ultimate ( I have taken admin rights)

ADSL (turned of during card testing)


I wish you well on this one. I have the E160E Air card from AIS 3G. I have been with them since 3G came out in Chiang Mai and have had little or no problem UNTIL the problems in Bangkok at that time and since they have been none response on their hot line or none helpful when they do respond. I have worked most of my problems out with out their support. You can try taking your laptop and air card in their office and try there. Keep your fingers crossed.


In the last month, AIS 3G 900MGhz has had congestion, often at nights about once a week. You can not load web pages. This last form 3o0min to 3 hours. I ring them up, and they say, yes, and use the word, congestion. Also, the speed has dropped a lot over the last 2 months overall. Not much I can do really !!!!!! At least I have that :)

I am looking FWD to 2100MGhz to be licensed, so at least some competition. But I cant really complain as at least AIS has 900MGhz. It's not like you should even consider expecting to get what you are meant to here. I have AIS 3G router. There was no issue installing it. Wish you the best of luck.

PS, with AIS support, depends massively on the person you get, I have had some shockers, and also some people who have great English and could help me.


Hi, I purchased my Huawei E122 from an AIS shop in Pantip Plaza. I purposely took my laptop with me and asked the worker to "show me" how it works i.e. install it on my laptop. After she was finished it works and I can connect to internet and browse. Unfortunately the service seems too slow to download a video but email etc and viewing web pages it fine.





Try to open a COMMAND PROMPT window then type "ipconfig /all" without the quotation marks. See if the relevant connection information is actually there. It's possible the number you changed to did not connect to the correct server. The server you connect to has to know that you are a valid customer, it it is a valid server at all.


  • 5 months later...

i would describe my dealings with ais over the last five weeks the as easily worst treatment i have ever had when dealing with people

who are suposed to be there to help! in fact it was an absolute nightmare!

i bought my air card for around 2890 bht in the telewiz shop in udon thani,after two months of poor speeds

countless droping i moved to the new park lane condo's jomtien,the air card was useless so i rang ais to see if they could help?

the first thing i was told was that although i had purchased a six month contract,i didn't have one?i quoted the price/model no.

and that we'd been told thirty hours a month for six months,my wife is thai and she explained to deaf ears that we had purchased

the 6 moth promo deal.no we hadn't and we would have to go to udon and produce a recipt?

to save time i paid for more air time,every day i would try and connect but could only stay on line for seconds

so over the next two weeks i got to know every english speaker who worked for the call center,most where not interested and couldn't

be botherd,i tried the telewiz shop below tesco on sumkuvit,in the flesh the 3 women could hardly look away from thier makeup mirrors

back on the phone i asked if i could have my air card tested and it was sugested i go to dotcom were another 2 ladies tried my sim

out but had no facility to test the aircard,by this stage i had spoken to a lady supervisor at the call center who now sugested i go to siaracha

one of her colegues also said siracha was my best bet after the fiasco at dotcom i asked if the aircard was faulty would it be repaired or

replaced as it must be under warranty?no it was not coverd the warranty only cover'd a week!!! but provided it was minor it would probably

get fixed at siracha.so off i went the next morning into robinsons and telewiz the three ladys done me proud and helped more in ten minutes

than the rest had done in near three weeks,allthough the sim seemed fine the aircard didn't connect 100% so i asked the girls where was the tech

guy to give the aircard a proper test,they looked a bit bemused as there is no facility in siracha to refurbish or test aircards properly in sirarcha

i phoned ais from the shop and when i asked why customer services at ais send customers on wild goose chase's,with totaly incorrect infomation

as there has never been an air card testing or fixing facility,and was sheepishly informed that they were going to check the facts at some point??

i have since found theese condo's due not get a signal from ais true and even the TOTwi-fi strugles with signal strength.

i rang and told ais that their signal needed boosting they blamed the builders and a parting shot was why was i so reluctant to take my

laptop to siracha did i have something very private on it?well i explained to the moron i hadn't been online long enough due to their company's


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