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A few days ago there was a lot of speculation locally that there was going to be a large earthquake in the region this weekend.

The Thai government even commented on this speculation and told people not to panic.

Apparently the Sun, Earth and Moon were in alignment yesterday, with some saying that this causes unusual gravitational stress on the planet.

After reading about this (on Thai Visa too) over the last few days, i thought that it all sounded like the usual hogwash.

However approximately 1.30 am this morning there was a 7.6 magnitude earthquake centered around the Nicobar islands.

Coincidence or what???


Your'e nuts put the comics down and do something else.

Answer to “Does this happen? How often?”:

This is a difficult question to answer. First off, as an astronomer I have to point out that the planets aren’t all in exactly the same plane. If one of these alignments occured, when you looked down on the solar system from above you would see the planets in a line, if you looked from the side at the same time, some would be a little higher, and some would be a little lower.

Everything I’m reading is pointing to the fact that even that sort-of alignment probably won’t happen. On May 5, 2000, the Earth, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were close to a line, but it wasn’t perfect. Check out this simulator, you’ll have to type in 2000-05-05 in the date field.

Planetary Confluence from wonderquest.com

Phil Plait over at Bad Astronomy says this: “As it turns out, planetary alignments are fairly rare. Getting more than three lined up is difficult; getting them all lined up is rare indeed. But 5 billion years [the length of time the solar system has been around] is a long time! Alignments may be rare, but given enough time they do occur, and the Earth is still here. Even more, what most doomsayers say is an alignment is really more of a confluence, or loose gathering, of planets.”

You’d think that with the planets going around the Sun for 5-10 billion years we’d get a perfect alignment at least once, but it looks like the math just doesn’t work out.


I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?


I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

NOT............ many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Descriptor Magnitude Annual average

Great 8 or higher 11

Major 7–7.9 172

Strong 6–6.9 1342

Moderate 5–5.9 1,3192

Light 4–4.9 c. 13,000

Minor 3–3.9 c. 130,000

Very minor 2–2.9 c. 1,300,000


I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

There absolutely is some scientific theory about this planetary alignment just as there is about full moons effecting human behavior due to our physical make of 90% water.


Well it made the news in Australia, that does not happen every 2 days, along with talk about Tsunami warnings etc.


I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

NOT............ many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Descriptor Magnitude Annual average

Great 8 or higher 11

Major 7–7.9 172

Strong 6–6.9 1342

Moderate 5–5.9 1,3192

Light 4–4.9 c. 13,000

Minor 3–3.9 c. 130,000

Very minor 2–2.9 c. 1,300,000

Every day? Can you confirm that claim?


Sheesh look where its located??? fault lines etc how vague is "in this area" what next lepricorns, goblins fairies and elves

here moon info for you, so according to your theory every month ther will be a huge earthquake

here from a junior school

Facts about the Moon for Kids

The full moon is a lunar phase occurring when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun and all three bodies are aligned in a straight line. It appears as an entire circle in the sky.

The only month that can occur without a full moon is February.

The world's tidal ranges are at their maximum during the full moon when the sun, earth and moon are in line.

The full moon is given different names, depending on when it appears:

January - Moon After Yule, Wolf Moon, or Old Moon

February - Snow Moon or Hunger Moon

March - Sap Moon, Crow Moon, Worm Moon or Lenten Moon

April - Grass Moon, Frog Moon or Egg Moon

May - Milk Moon or Planting Moon

June - Rose Moon, Flower Moon, or Strawberry Moon

July - Thunder Moon or Hay Moon

August - Grain Moon or Green Corn Moon

September - Fruit Moon or Harvest Moon

October - Harvest Moon or Hunter's Moon

November - Hunter's Moon, Frosty Moon, or Beaver Moon

December - Moon Before Yule or Long Night Moon.


I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

NOT............ many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Descriptor Magnitude Annual average

Great 8 or higher 11

Major 7–7.9 172

Strong 6–6.9 1342

Moderate 5–5.9 1,3192

Light 4–4.9 c. 13,000

Minor 3–3.9 c. 130,000

Very minor 2–2.9 c. 1,300,000

Every day? Can you confirm that claim?

Why dont you do some research before posting???


Magnitude 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

8.0 to 9.9 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 0 1 1

7.0 to 7.9 14 15 13 14 14 10 9 14 12 16 7

6.0 to 6.9 146 121 127 140 141 140 142 178 168 142 81

5.0 to 5.9 1344 1224 1201 1203 1515 1693 1712 2074 1768 1754 909

4.0 to 4.9 8008 7991 8541 8462 10888 13917 12838 12078 12291 6928 4201

3.0 to 3.9 4827 6266 7068 7624 7932 9191 9990 9889 11735 2898 1628

2.0 to 2.9 3765 4164 6419 7727 6316 4636 4027 3597 3860 3007 1214

1.0 to 1.9 1026 944 1137 2506 1344 26 18 42 21 25 13

0.1 to 0.9 5 1 10 134 103 0 2 2 0 1 0

No Magnitude 3120 2807 2938 3608 2939 864 828 1807 1922 20 21

Total 22256 23534 27454 31419 31194 30478 29568 29685 31777 * 14792 * 8075




I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

NOT............ many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Descriptor Magnitude Annual average

Great 8 or higher 11

Major 7–7.9 172

Strong 6–6.9 1342

Moderate 5–5.9 1,3192

Light 4–4.9 c. 13,000

Minor 3–3.9 c. 130,000

Very minor 2–2.9 c. 1,300,000

Every day? Can you confirm that claim?

Actually it appears when I copied and pasted it it says 134 a year but thats not correct thats for a 6.9 quake its 15 for a 7.0 upwards anyway as you can see big quakes happen extremely often


I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

NOT............ many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Descriptor Magnitude Annual average

Great 8 or higher 11

Major 7–7.9 172

Strong 6–6.9 1342

Moderate 5–5.9 1,3192

Light 4–4.9 c. 13,000

Minor 3–3.9 c. 130,000

Very minor 2–2.9 c. 1,300,000

Every day? Can you confirm that claim?

Why dont you do some research before posting???


Magnitude 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

8.0 to 9.9 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 0 1 1

7.0 to 7.9 14 15 13 14 14 10 9 14 12 16 7

6.0 to 6.9 146 121 127 140 141 140 142 178 168 142 81

5.0 to 5.9 1344 1224 1201 1203 1515 1693 1712 2074 1768 1754 909

4.0 to 4.9 8008 7991 8541 8462 10888 13917 12838 12078 12291 6928 4201

3.0 to 3.9 4827 6266 7068 7624 7932 9191 9990 9889 11735 2898 1628

2.0 to 2.9 3765 4164 6419 7727 6316 4636 4027 3597 3860 3007 1214

1.0 to 1.9 1026 944 1137 2506 1344 26 18 42 21 25 13

0.1 to 0.9 5 1 10 134 103 0 2 2 0 1 0

No Magnitude 3120 2807 2938 3608 2939 864 828 1807 1922 20 21

Total 22256 23534 27454 31419 31194 30478 29568 29685 31777 * 14792 * 8075



These figures are for the Thailand region as per the OP?


These are world figures , you want Thailand figures then the earthquake didnt happen in Thailand at all, the whole region from Indonesia round to the Nicobar islands is highly active.


Ivan Kelly, James Rotton and Roger Culver (1996) examined over 100 studies on lunar effects and concluded that the studies have failed to show a reliable and significant correlation (i.e., one not likely due to chance) between the full moon, or any other phase of the moon, and each of the following:

-the homicide rate

-traffic accidents

-crisis calls to police or fire stations

-domestic violence

-births of babies


-major disasters

-casino payout rates



-aggression by professional hockey players

-violence in prisons

-psychiatric admissions [one study found admissions were lowest during a full moon]

-agitated behavior by nursing home residents


-gunshot wounds


-emergency room admissions [but see]

-behavioral outbursts of psychologically challenged rural adults




-sleep walking




Pure coincidence.

Between the 27th of May and the 13th of June there were 3 earthquakes somewhere on the earth above 7.0 magnitude. That's 17 days and an average of of one 7.0 or bigger earthquake roughly every 6 days. If that is typical, I can predict that there will be a 7.0 earthquake somewhere in the world every weekend...and after about 3 or 4 months the likelyhood that may prediction will be true is high. If I predict that there will be an earthquke next weekend, and nothing happens, I won't remind you that I made the prediction. If by some chance my prediction does come true, I will remind you that I made it. After a year or so of that, you will be convinced I can predict earthquakes.

That's how fourtune-tellers convince you they can tell your future. If they tell you something will happen, and it doesn't happen they don't remind you they made that prediction. If, by chance, something they tell you will happen, does in fact happen; they will keep reminding you they predicted it before it happened. After a while, you will only remember the few times when they were "right", not the many times they were "wrong".

It's just a clever trick use of human nature...because humans want to see a pattern in unrelated events. Our brains are hard-wired to see "connections" between unrelated events as a pattern. A few hundred thousand years ago, that is how we survived becoming food for the large meateating animals that wanted us as dinner then. The ones that learned to think like that survived to have decendents. The others didn't. So our brains are still hard-wired that way. After all. it's only in the last few thousnad years or so that humans haven't been food items on a large carnivore's menu.



I was rather surprised to hear that on the news also after the rumors that where going around.

Interesting coincidence or not?

NOT............ many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Descriptor Magnitude Annual average

Great 8 or higher 11

Major 7–7.9 172

Strong 6–6.9 1342

Moderate 5–5.9 1,3192

Light 4–4.9 c. 13,000

Minor 3–3.9 c. 130,000

Very minor 2–2.9 c. 1,300,000

Every day? Can you confirm that claim?

Actually it appears when I copied and pasted it it says 134 a year but thats not correct thats for a 6.9 quake its 15 for a 7.0 upwards anyway as you can see big quakes happen extremely often

I guess there's an apology in there somewhere?? If I'm not posting the misinformation why is it my onus to prove it right??


Here Im gonna make it simple for you, here is a map of earthquake activity world wide in the last few days and as you can see the Nicobar islands round to Indonesia are highly active.

But maybe its better to believe in old wives tales??????????

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Yeah it's called the ring of fire for those who don't know and it's unstable and susceptible to various atmospheric and planetary gravitational events such as the one that just occurred and in spite of your semantics the Indian ocean is still considered "the region" just as Ache was which effected the entire "region" in question..so the SCIENCE is beginning to show it's potential for accuracy just as it was once impossible and considered wives tales to predict hurricanes, tornado's and even once the world was thought to be flat and being round was considered to be a mythical wive's tale... :)


Every day? Can you confirm that claim?

Actually it appears when I copied and pasted it it says 134 a year but thats not correct thats for a 6.9 quake its 15 for a 7.0 upwards anyway as you can see big quakes happen extremely often

I guess there's an apology in there somewhere?? If I'm not posting the misinformation why is it my onus to prove it right??

Nope no apology earthquakes of that size are happening quite often as can be seen in the figures the apology is for the fact when i copied and pasted the information it re arranged the order slightly of the text and made it look like there were quakes of 7 upwards 135 times a year when it fact it was quakes of 6.9 but the main point here is the moon causing quakes and old wives tales, there is no evidence for this and any other talk is sidetracking the subject of the OP


Here Im gonna make it simple for you, here is a map of earthquake activity world wide in the last few days and as you can see the Nicobar islands round to Indonesia are highly active.

But maybe its better to believe in old wives tales??????????

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Yeah it's called the ring of fire for those who don't know and it's unstable and susceptible to various atmospheric and planetary gravitational events such as the one that just occurred and in spite of your semantics the Indian ocean is still considered "the region" just as Ache was which effected the entire "region" in question..so the SCIENCE is beginning to show it's potential for accuracy just as it was once impossible and considered wives tales to predict hurricanes, tornado's and even once the world was thought to be flat and being round was considered to be a mythical wive's tale... :)

I still beg to differ Can the Moon Cause Earthquakes?

But Bellini, the U.S. Geological Survey geophysicist, said, "There is still no known observation of an effect related to the moon and seismicity."

In a follow-up email to National Geographic News, Bellini questioned the scientific validity of Berkland's predictions. He said they appear to be "self-selected statistical analysis of historical seismicity rates and are so vague in time and location that they are certain to be correct."


Actually it appears when I copied and pasted it it says 134 a year but thats not correct thats for a 6.9 quake its 15 for a 7.0 upwards anyway as you can see big quakes happen extremely often

Nope no apology earthquakes of that size are happening quite often as can be seen in the figures the apology is for the fact when i copied and pasted the information it re arranged the order slightly of the text and made it look like there were quakes of 7 upwards 135 times a year when it fact it was quakes of 6.9 but the main point here is the moon causing quakes and old wives tales, there is no evidence for this and any other talk is sidetracking the subject of the OP

Must be British eh? "Quite often" is not "everyday" though is it? You quoted "EVERY DAY" and referenced this region which was the topic of the OP and also the size was relevant too, but what eva, I expected as much..

Evidence or lack there of does not make it a "wives tale" it just makes it speculative and unproven for this moment in mankinds evolution just as the theory of relativity still is unproven but is widely accepted as fact by the preponderance of preeminent scientists..

So this Bellini chap is the worlds authority and last word on the topic eh?? Boy will he be embarrassed when he's proven to be ill informed and cynical like so many other skeptics have throughout history..


Actually it appears when I copied and pasted it it says 134 a year but thats not correct thats for a 6.9 quake its 15 for a 7.0 upwards anyway as you can see big quakes happen extremely often

Nope no apology earthquakes of that size are happening quite often as can be seen in the figures the apology is for the fact when i copied and pasted the information it re arranged the order slightly of the text and made it look like there were quakes of 7 upwards 135 times a year when it fact it was quakes of 6.9 but the main point here is the moon causing quakes and old wives tales, there is no evidence for this and any other talk is sidetracking the subject of the OP

Must be British eh? "Quite often" is not "everyday" though is it? You quoted "EVERY DAY" and referenced this region which was the topic of the OP and also the size was relevant too, but what eva, I expected as much..

Evidence or lack there of does not make it a "wives tale" it just makes it speculative and unproven for this moment in mankinds evolution just as the theory of relativity still is unproven but is widely accepted as fact by the preponderance of preeminent scientists..

So this Bellini chap is the worlds authority and last word on the topic eh?? Boy will he be embarrassed when he's proven to be ill informed and cynical like so many other skeptics have throughout history..

I quoted every day many happened (meaning earthquakes of a large size as statistics quote 174 a year so that makes an average of almost 1 every 2 days at 6-6,9) of quite a large size, is there something wrong with being Britiah as I see that as totally irrelevant, tell you what why dont you prove it to me ??? and actually post something to back it up instead of moaning that Im a skeptic non believer. Instead you seem to want to split hairs.


many happen everyday.in fact almost every 2 days there is a quake of that size.

Is what I quoted.

I suggest you read the websites attached or perhaps you'd be better off loking at the strange beast villagers are worshipping in another thread and telling me its an alien :D

ps. the Earth does cause moonquakes on the moon you'd be interested to know :)




Perhaps the best proof that planetary alignments do not cause disasters can be found by simply looking at history. Neither the 1982 alignment nor the 2000 alignment caused any problems on our planet, though they did sell a lot of books.


Perhaps the best proof that planetary alignments do not cause disasters can be found by simply looking at history. Neither the 1982 alignment nor the 2000 alignment caused any problems on our planet, though they did sell a lot of books.

Ah, but do you have the stats for crop circles during those year? hmmm?


Perhaps the best proof that planetary alignments do not cause disasters can be found by simply looking at history. Neither the 1982 alignment nor the 2000 alignment caused any problems on our planet, though they did sell a lot of books.

Ah, but do you have the stats for crop circles during those year? hmmm?

Not yet but Im sure Warp speed will prove me wrong.

heres another study of the moon and earthquakes from a credible source.

Moonquakes and Earthquakes

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