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Loyal Gaurd Dog , Good With Kids - Any Recomendations

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Hi all,

I have one son 3.5 yrs and our new addition is 4 mths old - our golden retreiver was stolen about a year ago and we were reluctant to get another dog as we had got very attached to the golden retreiver.

I spend quite a bit of time away working and there was a break inn to the house next door just the other day.

We feel we are ready to get another dog, one that would sleep outside , require little exercise, by little i mean about one walk a day, protect the family, raise the alarm from an outsider and most important of all be good with children.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

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I have a soi dog that i picked up as a puppy. He comes to school with every friday when I play football with the kids and other teachers. I purposely trained him around young kids and after a few smacks on the nose he is very well behaved. Except when anyone wants to come in the garden and house area. No one gets past the gate.

He eats a pig bone every few days and has the whitest teeth. I walk about 8 kilometres with him and the labrador I also have and he is well behaved off the leash.

I do firmly believe that no dog is bad it is often the owner. A firm hand and early guidance sets the dogs temperament. I have also had Rotweillers and they are very similar.

enjoy what ever you get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had 2 labradors stolen and shearch for a long time for the perfect breed to replace them, and it could also work for you. Plus there is a good breeder near Bangkok.

- impossible to steal

- scary dog and good guard,

- absolutely free from agressivity, it's a cream dog that is known to be gentle with kids.

Now the minus: it's an expensive dog, specially to feed !

if you want to learn more, just google "great dane"

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A perfect thread, I was just about to start something similar, and my kids are 2yrs 10 mths and 4 mths :) I want a dog for all the same reasons as choppychugger, primarily a guard for the kids and wife and a companion and playmate for the kids.

Those of you that have kept Labs out here, how do they cope with the heat? I wanted a golden Lab, but in the UK my Lab was a real slobbery dog and in the heat out here I imagine that the 'slobber' must be constant. Is that so? It is not something I want continually splashed all over the kids!

I also love retrievers but I thought too much hair for the heat. Any ideas you guys? I love the thought of a Great Dane, but the dog would be bigger than most of my neighbors LoL I have had Springers before, but I love my garden out here too much to allow a springer to run riot in it. Any advice greatly appreciated.

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I have 2 wonderful dogs, the oldest one slept on my palm in 1994 only a couple of minutes old, she is 15 years and 8 months old now, the second one is an off-spring of the first one

Breed? I have no idea, but they are great with my daughter and other kids and they are always barking loudly when they should be and sometimes when they shouldn't. Get a bitch, girls are better with kids and often get better attached to the whole family. The boys tend to select a favouite family member. It's not about breed, study the personality before you buy, select a soft personality and get the dog when it is as young as possible. My second dog easily got irritated at her brothers and sisters when she was only 15 days old and she still doesn't like other dogs

Labs are very lovely of course and the ones I have seen take the heat pretty well (as long as they don't get over weight!) but they aren't ideal watch dogs. Beware ever allowing anyone to hit a labrador (the whole retriver family). They generally have pretty low self confidence and get startled easily, there are actually quite a few cases of Labradors biting children reported, got scared and bit, didn't mean it of course but it happened. Labs need loving homes

A lovely street dog puppy with soft personality perhaps? Good Luck

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My British Bulldog is great with my little boy but tends to stay asleep when I open the gate and drive my car in! Don't know if it's because he knows it's me, but I suspect it's because he is lazy! Or death.

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we have 2 dogs, one thai ridgeback and one doberman. the ridgback is a scared dog that doesnt like people much, only the family. the doberman is confident, very kind and protective of the family. and thais are very scared of it. if i were u i would get a doberman. it needs some exercise though, but if the garden is big enough its no problem. i love Labradors too, great dogs. those will work for you too. if you need a guarddog i would not get a thai dog. thais are used to those dogs.

but there is another breed one can call a thai dog too: bang geo (i am probably spelling it wrong). those are really nice, and are big. but, you need to train them. they are known to get aggressive sometimes.

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