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Corruption Getting Worse: PM Abhisit


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Corruption has always been the problem with the Democrats.

Its why the Thai people embraced the TRT and Thaksin, to end the continuous corruption scandals of the Democrats.

The Democrats have not won an election since.....well, its over a decade now since they won an election.

Which is why there there has been a coup and a judicial coup in the meantime to get them back into power.

The "people" do not vote for the Democrats, nobody likes them apart from the Bangkok middle class who live on the back of corruption, turning a blind eye to it provided they get a little treat now and then.

Its no surprise that "corruption" is rising with the Democrats in power, I mean, this is the party that has two times escaped being disbanded, how nobody knows.

And they have yet another court case coming up for alleged illegal donations, again.

I have to LOL @ Abhisit....... he should know full well why corruption is rising.

He will also soon be banned should his party fail to talk their way out of the illegal donations scandal.

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And so long as those in a position to keep their noses in the troughs, corruption (particularly here) will continue 'to get worse'.

Get rid of the 'moved to an inactive post':blink: and take a few leaves out of Japan and Cina's books - fall on you sword/face firing squad.

Guarantee will cut corruption here 50% within the first year. But they won't of course. Not just because too many snouts already in troughs, simply Not Thai Way.ie Far too harsh on the little darlings. Now off you go and don't do it, er, again or we'll be weally weally cwoss:lol:

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My hopes are up to my shoulders that PM Abhisit is a good man and up to my knees that he could be a great man. He talked about creating measures for ALL Thais, not just the minority red and yellow activists. He is talking about doing Polls, let's see if they educate the masses instead of the Nabobs. NOW he is pinpointing the #1 cause of the Kingdom's problems. Is this man a dolphin in a shark tank, or what? [One of my Thai correspondents told me Khun Chuan Leekpai was his mentor?] Class divisions is NOT the main problem; the leaders on both sides have their own reasons for wanting to portray that false impression.

Okay EVERYbody knows corruption is a big problem in Thailand, but only a few of us were Warning it was leading to huge riots. I am the only one predicting Thailand will break up if they don't end it. I'm the only one saying Thailand will become a G30 Nation within 5 years if they do end it. I'm the only one saying there are guaranteed measures in The Joseph Solution to bring Stability, Peace, and corruption free Prosperity to Thailand.

Too Bad it is 'against the rules' to discuss the Concepts here.

However, TJP and TJS have been detailed to many Thais and many government offices, including the Abhisit website.

Abhisit is either a genius or someone has read him my emails, because the first 2 steps of The Joseph Plan, which I have Date Stamped proof of, are rolling out. Unfortunately, I clearly stated it will never work without my involvement as a Consultant.

I don't care if the want to change the name of it, The Vishnu Solution, even, or The Abhisit Solution, or the The Chuan Solution.

I JUST want it to work!


1. Polling yes, but it has to be done in a way they will not even imagine.

2. A Canadian style Royal Commission. Only I know the agenda and the participant selection process that will WORK.

[look at the how the Solution ends Corruption would be one part]

So far I have been lying by claiming Thailand could be a G30 Nation.

Will you please sit down for this one?>>> The actual truth of the matter, it is NOT incredulous, based on the real net worth of many of the reigning G20 and G8 Nations, countries, like Thailand, have a chance to be in G10!

Some noted economists have written about this, countries which do not have high personal debt loads.

Thailand and others should build bunkers on the world's financial mountain, so they don't get swept down in land slide that is already in motion.

The term EMERGING Nations is going to take on a whole new meaning when the houses of cards finally fall down.

Will Thailand fall with them, or use its inherint strengths to survive?

Please check out what car Khun Chuan Leekpai son drive.

It is worth 10 times more that all the assets (include his house) Khun Chuan declared.

and Chuan drives an old Volvo?

Well Chuan's brother was accused of $9,000,000 embezzlement from TFB and lived in Taiwan until statute of limitations ran out. Maybe, Uncle, bought the car.

The point is, I would like someone to create a list of Thailand's least corrupt politicians. It would a short list and Chuan would be on it.

When Thailand breaks up is everybody going to say they predicted it, when I am the only one saying it?

If Thaksin and Sondhi are not in jail before the next elections, May 2010 will look like a picnic!

On the other hand, if The Joseph Solution is implemented via The Joseph Plan, The Monarchical Realm of Thailand will rise like a Phoenix.


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Some posters are ignoring or haven't understood that the PM is not talking about the last year but about a trend over the last 18 years… Perhaps that speaks more about the posters themselves than about the content of the article discussed or its author

Many westerners make the mistake to think that "All prime ministers are corrupt so it doesn't matter", "it doesn't matter which party, there is and has been corruption under all of them so they are all the same". Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is of course true that there is corruption under all parties and prime ministers, it will be at least a generation before corruption goes down to "European levels", the point is that it really matters if a party or a prime minister in power tries to reinforce the corruption system, or go with it, or perhaps even tries to tackle it. It really does matter for the country economically.

Corruption increased under Banharn and Chawalit, it went down under Chuan Leek Pai (but he wasn't very good at stimulating the economy), it went up sharply under Thaksin (pretty good at stimulating the economy though). Overall, corruption going down is good for a country, corruption going up is very bad for a country

What does the prime minister try to achieve with the article, what's his message?

You should get your facts right.

Corruption was rampant during the last Democrat government.

The people elected the the TRT and Thaksin to stamp out the massive drug scale in Thailand and the massive corruption of the Democrats and Elite.

During TRT corruption fell drastically.

Now it is rising again back under the control of the Democrats and Elite.

Since 2006 massive military spending (and its associated corruption) has happened.

The pigs have their snouts back in the trough, for the first time since pre-TRT, and they are happily eating.

The trouble Abhisit has is he is only the puppet and not the one pulling the strings, he is as guilty as the people he beds with for his position.

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Some posters are ignoring or haven't understood that the PM is not talking about the last year but about a trend over the last 18 years… Perhaps that speaks more about the posters themselves than about the content of the article discussed or its author

Many westerners make the mistake to think that "All prime ministers are corrupt so it doesn't matter", "it doesn't matter which party, there is and has been corruption under all of them so they are all the same". Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is of course true that there is corruption under all parties and prime ministers, it will be at least a generation before corruption goes down to "European levels", the point is that it really matters if a party or a prime minister in power tries to reinforce the corruption system, or go with it, or perhaps even tries to tackle it. It really does matter for the country economically.

Corruption increased under Banharn and Chawalit, it went down under Chuan Leek Pai (but he wasn't very good at stimulating the economy), it went up sharply under Thaksin (pretty good at stimulating the economy though). Overall, corruption going down is good for a country, corruption going up is very bad for a country

What does the prime minister try to achieve with the article, what's his message?

You should get your facts right.

Corruption was rampant during the last Democrat government.

The people elected the the TRT and Thaksin to stamp out the massive drug scale in Thailand and the massive corruption of the Democrats and Elite.

During TRT corruption fell drastically.

Now it is rising again back under the control of the Democrats and Elite.

Since 2006 massive military spending (and its associated corruption) has happened.

The pigs have their snouts back in the trough, for the first time since pre-TRT, and they are happily eating.

The trouble Abhisit has is he is only the puppet and not the one pulling the strings, he is as guilty as the people he beds with for his position.

So rushing through a law to lift the foreign ownership threshold & then immediately selling 70 plus billion Baht worth of shares in Shin Corp to Tamasek is not corrupt. This would have to be the largest piece of policy corruption in Thailand's history.

Edited by Valentine
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Some posters are ignoring or haven't understood that the PM is not talking about the last year but about a trend over the last 18 years… Perhaps that speaks more about the posters themselves than about the content of the article discussed or its author

Many westerners make the mistake to think that "All prime ministers are corrupt so it doesn't matter", "it doesn't matter which party, there is and has been corruption under all of them so they are all the same". Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is of course true that there is corruption under all parties and prime ministers, it will be at least a generation before corruption goes down to "European levels", the point is that it really matters if a party or a prime minister in power tries to reinforce the corruption system, or go with it, or perhaps even tries to tackle it. It really does matter for the country economically.

Corruption increased under Banharn and Chawalit, it went down under Chuan Leek Pai (but he wasn't very good at stimulating the economy), it went up sharply under Thaksin (pretty good at stimulating the economy though). Overall, corruption going down is good for a country, corruption going up is very bad for a country

What does the prime minister try to achieve with the article, what's his message?

You should get your facts right.

Corruption was rampant during the last Democrat government.

The people elected the the TRT and Thaksin to stamp out the massive drug scale in Thailand and the massive corruption of the Democrats and Elite.

During TRT corruption fell drastically.

Now it is rising again back under the control of the Democrats and Elite.

Since 2006 massive military spending (and its associated corruption) has happened.

The pigs have their snouts back in the trough, for the first time since pre-TRT, and they are happily eating.

The trouble Abhisit has is he is only the puppet and not the one pulling the strings, he is as guilty as the people he beds with for his position.

You need to get your facts straight. Thaksin was elected due to his populist policies...period. Free medical, reduction of debt to farmers, free loans, etc. Had nothing to do with corruption or the elite. Here is an interesting comment on Thakisn from Wikipedia:


In the January 2001 elections, telecommunications 'multimillionaire' Thaksin Shinawatra, who had relation with the 1990s junta, and his Thai Rak Thai (TRT) party won an overwhelming victory on a populist platform of economic growth and development.

Thaksin also marginally escaped (8:7) a guilty verdict in the Constitutional Court where he was charged by the Board of Anti-Corruption of hiding hundreds-of-million-baht-worth of shares with several of his employees. A decade later, a Supreme Court ruling in another case accepted a possibility of bribery in the Constitutional Court case.


Right off the bat, he is implicated in corruption...but to be fair...everybody in Thai politics are involved in corruption. The reds just want to get back to the trough so they can gorge themselves and get rich again...no different with the dem's.

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