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How To Open A Food Stall On Walking Street?


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Would anyone know how to go about getting a spot on walking street for a food stall?

Something similar to the pizza and kebab stalls at the end of soi diamond and the likes.

Is it town hall that issues a permit to trade?

Are the spots rented out by bar owners?

Is it impossible to get into and mafia run?

Thank you for any help/info/advice

Read more: How To Open A Food Stall On Walking Street? - Thailand Forum How To Open A Food Stall On Walking Street? - Thailand Forum

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I thik a bit of common sense is needed here folks,i don't think the OP will be doing it himself do you?

He is asking how to go about it,is it easy to get in or will he have to pay a lot of money to oil the dirty cogs of the walking machine.

I would of thought it best to stay away from walking st and try somewhere where the 'rents" might be more forgiving?

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Of course I wont be wanting to work it myself, LOL +1000

I believe I have a good idea that is not available anywhere in WS. So the plan would be to get the stall made, and employ some one to work it. Now all that is the easy bit but I'm sure we can just waltz into WS and start selling. I was hoping someone might have an idea of where to apply for permit, or whatever is needed to get spot there.

If it is a simple as set up Co, pay for permit then pay for spot, Id give it a go, but if it is gotta know mr right, pay so and so big back hander, upset some other crew so have to pay someone to pay them etc etc I wont bother.


Edited by AndyPooots
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Of course I wont be wanting to work it myself, LOL +1000

I believe I have a good idea that is not available anywhere in WS. So the plan would be to get the stall made, and employ some one to work it. Now all that is the easy bit but I'm sure we can just waltz into WS and start selling. I was hoping someone might have an idea of where to apply for permit, or whatever is needed to get spot there.

If it is a simple as set up Co, pay for permit then pay for spot, Id give it a go, but if it is gotta know mr right, pay so and so big back hander, upset some other crew so have to pay someone to pay them etc etc I wont bother.


After a couple of weeks,you will not be alone with your business. whistling.gif

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The best thing to do is to have a Thai person find out what spaces and where can be rented OR are available.

I doubt personally actually there are any spaces available.

You would have to walk around yourself,look for a good location,see if many of your potential customers are there,for whatever your selling,kebabs,french fries or whatever and get a thai person to approach the Pattaya City Hall if its in Walking Street or a shopkeeper if you plan on setting up outside their shop.

It seems to me your worried about some third party you may have to pay,i doubt anyone really knows.

Maybe also you could pm the tourist Police and ask them where you could get more information.

Otherwise you would have to go see a Lawyer and ask them for their services.

As for requiring a work permit,I have noticed an eldery male driving a motorbike with his wife on the sidecar selling issan food in the Jomtiem area.

I doubt he has a work permit but Police dont seem to stop him.

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I don't know about the particular Walking Street you mentioned (is it Pattaya ?).

What I do know, that every public event for vendors have their own set of rules.

Many times is organised for the benefit of the vendors and that means 'it should be free'.

Other fairs or streets are privately organised, which means their is a certain fee for a 'lock'

But also most of the time their are more applications from vendors then their are places available.

And because TIT, you have to find ways the ask around, try different methods, waiting for hours and hours.

Their is almost always a local organizer (government or private) which can be found during starting hours of the event (ask around).

Many places I have tried (also different city's) will cost only small fee's (not always fixed, TIT, they will say 'up to you') or sometimes a present (food or fruit, the thai way will do)

Or other places you pay the regular fee (same as the Thais), 'one lock' (mostly 2m x 2m or 3m x 3m or similar seize) will set you back about between 40 - 100 baht per time + electric charge.

If really important markets, fairs or private events can set you back a couple of hundred baht per time. (the most expensive we paid so far was 4500 baht for a fair which was for 10 days).

Of course their are also fixed markets around Thailand, also here prices vary a lot.

Sometimes as low as 800 baht/month (and you can sell their every day).

But on the higher end it can as much as 20.000 a month for similar small space.

Don't forget their can be 'Saeng' money (key money) involved also before obtaining an available space to sell.

Key money is in some places fixed or up to the vendor who is giving up their space (the money involved here is sometimes outrageous, so be careful and calculate if it is worth the money)

It all depends where you can find the contacts, who subcontracts to whom.

What you need first of all is a trustworthy Thai partner, who is well spoken and can work with local governments, and people off all walks of live, not be afraid to ask around, and can make deals.

Bargaining can mostly be done as everywhere.

Be prepared for many waiting hours, don't lose you cool ever, smile a lot, and try to make you business a success.

Don't give up after a few failed attempts, we did had many disappointments along the way.

Good luck

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Of course I wont be wanting to work it myself, LOL +1000

I believe I have a good idea that is not available anywhere in WS. So the plan would be to get the stall made, and employ some one to work it. Now all that is the easy bit but I'm sure we can just waltz into WS and start selling. I was hoping someone might have an idea of where to apply for permit, or whatever is needed to get spot there.

If it is a simple as set up Co, pay for permit then pay for spot, Id give it a go, but if it is gotta know mr right, pay so and so big back hander, upset some other crew so have to pay someone to pay them etc etc I wont bother.


Ok, the obvious answer to this is ............................... you will need to pay very big bucks in both backhanders and rent for a patch on walking street or any other high profile spot in pattaya for that matter, I assume your question is a request for who you need see to arrange this, town hall - police - mafia - and god knows who else will have a finger in the pot.

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