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South To North 20 Mins Ago


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my room faces doi suthep looking west

about twenty minits ago something a bright white went over doi suthep from south to north burning up by the look of it in a wide shower of many bright lights

did anyone else see it ? .... anyone know what it was ?

i was gobsmacked .... dave2

ps ... ive seen shooting stars before but this was something else !

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I'm in the farm so saw since it started on south, it bright (burn) and drawn over Chiangmai sky then explosed WOW!!!! <Too fear>

........... a few pieces move up north until I can't see... What it is ??? Possible spaceship or just garbage?

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Eta Aquariids

The next major meteor shower are the Eta Aquariids. The Eta Aquariids (ETA) are particles from Halley's Comet, which last passed through the inner solar system in 1986. The meteors we currently see as members of the Eta Aquariid shower separated from Halley's Comet hundreds of years ago. The current orbit of Halley's Comet does not pass close enough to the Earth to be a source of meteoric activity.

The Eta Aquariids are active between April 28 and May 21. The strongest activity may be seen near May 7, when rates can reach 25-30 meteors per hour as seen from the tropical areas of the Earth. Unlike most major annual meteor showers, there is no sharp peak for this shower, but rather a plateau of good rates that last approximately one week centered on May 7.

For most observers, the Eta Aquariids are only visible during the last couple hours before the start of morning twilight. The reason for this is that the radiant is situated approximately sixty degrees west of the sun. Therefore it rises before the sun in the morning hours. The time of radiant rise is between 2:00 and 3:00 local daylight time (LDT), depending on your longitude. The real key is the latitude. There is an observing window for this shower between the time the radiant rises and the beginning of morning nautical twilight. This window ranges from zero at 60 degrees north latitude to all night in Antarctica. Unfortunately in Antarctica, the radiant never rises very high in the sky. The best combination of a large observing window and a decent radiant altitude occurs between the equator and 30 degrees south latitude. From this area the radiant reaches a maximum altitude of 50 degrees at nautical twilight. The observing window ranges from 3.5 hours at the equator to slightly over 4 at 30 degrees south latitude. Going further south will increase your observing window but the maximum altitude will begin to fall closer to the horizon.



June Bootids max Jun 23-24?

This shower produced an unexpected outburst in 1998, with a broad peak during June 27-28. Another outburst was seen on 2004 June 23. Although several outbursts from this shower were seen in the early 20th century, these latest outbursts were unexpected as the Earth now passes some distance from the orbit of the particles which produced the earlier outbursts. The parent comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke was at perihelion on 2008 Sep 26, but there is no evidence that recent outbursts have been related to the position of the comet. It is worthwhile monitoring this shower's activity however in case further outbursts occur. Indeed, there are suggestions that the Earth may encounter a dust trail during the night of 2010 Jun 23-24. There is some uncertainty as to the current location of the shower radiant, with recent reports merely describing the activity as originating from "northern Bootes".

Edited by whiterussian
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I saw it too, about 10.15pm.  Much larger than any "shooting star" I've ever seen.  At first I thought it was a firework, but it just continued, passing behind clouds & reappearing. Seemed to be several pieces, all close together, as if one large object breaking up, with several tails.  Very impressive.

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By your description of the object moving south to north and its breaking up into several objects, it sounds like the failure of a polar orbiting satellite breaking up as it is reentering the atmosphere. Remember the space shuttle Columbia disaster and how it broke up on reentering the atmosphere, did it look like that? A large satellite would look much the same upon reentering the atmosphere.

Columbia Shuttle Explosion - Video


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This topic, Leonid Meteor Showers may explain it.

//edit - not sure now as this seems a bit early for them as they are usually in November. But someone in Chiang Rai per the above link saw something also.

"The June Lyrids is a low-rate shower during which you could see up to 10 meteors per hour during its peak." Showers 2010

I've viewed that in the past and it was really much larger than that, perhaps much nearer. Last nights meteor/satellite re-entry/? was huge by comparison and really quite breathtaking. Seemingly so nearby and low in the western sky.

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I was at Mae Ngat Dam Lake 40km north of Thailand. We had perfect view of it. Luckily we'd been assigned rooms at a houseboat opposite where we usually stay.

Appeared orange to us and was visible a full 20 seconds. First of us to see it said it came into view near the moon.

Ive just been checking meteor videos on youtube - they all appear to look white. This definitely appeared orange to us. It looked like a cluster of burning things, leaving orange trails all moving in straight line (not falling) until they were out of view. That video showing the space shuttle was very similar, yes.

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I saw a Leonid meteor here last year that streaked for about 4 or 5 seconds with trail... like a hollywood movie... covered about 30 degrees of the sky...

the horrible thing was.. that no-one else saw it...

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I was at Mae Ngat Dam Lake 40km north of Thailand. We had perfect view of it. Luckily we'd been assigned rooms at a houseboat opposite where we usually stay.

Appeared orange to us and was visible a full 20 seconds. First of us to see it said it came into view near the moon.

Ive just been checking meteor videos on youtube - they all appear to look white. This definitely appeared orange to us. It looked like a cluster of burning things, leaving orange trails all moving in straight line (not falling) until they were out of view. That video showing the space shuttle was very similar, yes.

It looked like 38 secs into that space shuttle video, but we could see no smoke of course.

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June offers treats for stargazers PAGASA

Despite the short nights during the month, June offers treats for stargazers with a partial lunar eclipse, a meteor shower, and star and planet sightings, state weather forecasters said on Tuesday.

The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said the lunar eclipse would occur June 26, five days after the summer solstice.

"Philippine nights are at their shortest and daytime is at their longest around the summer solstice, which falls on June 21 at 1:16 p.m. (Philippine Standard Time)," Pagasa said in its astronomical diary for June.

PAGASA said the June 26 partial lunar eclipse would be visible in the Philippines. "The eclipse magnitude will be 54.2 percent and will also be visible primarily in some parts of America, Pacific Ocean, Antarctica, eastern Asia, and Australasia. The eclipse will begin at 4:55 p.m. Philippine Standard Time and will end at 10:21 p.m.," it said.

Meteor shower

PAGASA also said stargazers would be treated to a meteor shower this month. It said normally, the shower is active from June 26 to July 2.

"Although the shower peaks on the 27th of June, a little or no activity will be expected this year, with full Moon on June 26. The radiant is usefully accessible virtually all night, and all observing techniques can be employed," it said.

Pagasa said the shower is derived from the debris ejected by Comet 7P/Pons-Winnecke. The radiant of the shower will originate from the constellation of Bootes, the Herdsman, which lies nearly overhead when darkness falls

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Yeah i saw it too i was in a karaoke Bar on the 118 8 kms from Doi Saket, i was looking up at a cluster of about 30 + Balloons (The ones they release during songkran) when i noticed what looked like a comet or a series of bright lights traveling across the sky.

I had forgotten all about it ( probably due to to much Leo) Until the poster mentioned it.

I just might go back down there tonight to see if i can see it again. :D

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Wish the OP had used a more effective title and or subtitle ! I woulda looked much earlier, as would likely many others. Something along the lines of 'UFO over CM', 'Was that a rocket I saw ?', or 'Who else saw something strange in the sky ?'

Anyway, I totally saw it too. I was at the Night Bazaar and standing next to 2 security guards I pointed it out to. We all watched in amazement. So bright n white and so big. Also seemingly so slow and silent, and still kinda fast. It was big enough to have been a plane taking off from nearby CNX, but the lights were white and pointing backwards like a tail. Trajectory was hard to tell as it was between buildings from my vantage point. I thought it was going up, but not really at much of an inclination. Jealous you guys out in darker areas could see distinct pieces at the head of it.

I got to a rooftop party and everybody there missed it incredibly... and instead subjected me to the usual 'Ha ha ha's' and 'Wish I had what you've been smoking.' I wasn't upset with the jokes. It was just so spectacular, too bad they all missed it while sitting atop a hotel under the sky !

Easily one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

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I did one even better when I searched the whole site, turns out it was a Soyuz rocket that launched just a few days ago to send some astronauts up to the Int'l Space Station. Here is the link to the article. Then up to you to have some fun with google translate. It's all pretty straightforward, with a solid not-silly translation. Eh...maybe I'll post the translation too. Why not ?

1) ´Òǵ¡àÁ×èͤ׹¤×ͨÃÇ´ÃÑÊà«Õ - àªÕ§ãËÁèÃéÍÂá»´ CM108

2) Courtesy of Google Translate

Seen several posts about the meteor. (เสียดาย Jung did not see the truth) that fits through the web to find others to notice it I brought together ครับ.

Saturday night June 19, 2553 at approximately 22:10 to 22:20 am has been reported from several provinces in northern Thailand That many found objects like meteors penetrating ball into the sky at once. Information gathered has led to the conclusion that what you see is So You ซ Russian rocket. Used in the astronaut to the International Space Station on June 16, 2553 rocket orbit three days before the world will surge into the atmosphere.

4 throw waste of time, Saturday, June 19, 2553 people in several provinces. Mae Hong Son and Chiang Rai, Lamphun, Lampang, Phrae bright spark noticed several children group. Consolidation into a slow and dragging a length of the sky in the west. We like to break through into the global atmosphere. It is evident for longer than 10 seconds.

According to many. The time of notice. Forecasts of an object into the atmosphere by various Aerospace and orbital data of So You ซ aircraft missiles such that celestrak.com. Ensure that the object is not found naturally. But the missiles used in the Russian manned space missions.

So You space - U (Soyuz-U) is a rocket propelled vehicle of So You ซ which was sent up into space by Yuri Base Space Center Karin Ka Noor Dubai Golf. In Kazakhstan on June 16, 2553 at 3:35 pm local time. (Thailand later than one hour) to bring vehicle So You ซ third astronaut to the Russian people and American people a second person to submit to the International Space Station on June 18.

After sending the rocket into space So You space - You have separated from the motor So You ซ. And Earth's orbit is elliptical. Catalog satellite command center NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) in the United States. Use this object that a SL-4 R / B (SL-4 is a type of missile that the U.S. used to call this part of the Russian R / B is a Rocket Booster) is a satellite 36,604 numbers in the catalog.

Data show that the orbit for 15 hours before the fall. The aircraft missiles in orbit at an altitude of 152-161 km earth After the resistance in the atmosphere reduce the rocket slowly orbit satellite prediction software expected to rocket at an altitude of 116-119 km for 15 minutes before the fall as it orbited over the Indian Ocean with a speed 7.8 km / s (very slow compared to the shooting of a lion in mid-November meteor entering. Atmosphere with a speed of 71 km / s).

Missiles to Myanmar over the mouth of the Ayeyarwady delta at 22:10 PM observers, such as the Yangon city. Will have to see this aircraft missile parts on overhead While northern Thailand near enough to see the missile appeared in the sky west Then it moves to the head to the northeast. And likely to break out soon after. The position and direction is consistent with observations reported in Thailand And the 16 hour time frame Aerospace expect rocket enters the atmosphere.

Based Thai Astronomical Society (Thai Astronomical Society).


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No worries - you won Dave2. I gave you all the info you ever needed to know about the thing we both saw last night. And then I even gave you some pointers on how to title things so they make sense the next day, and to people who didn't notice the direction of travel. That way the people you want to reach will find the topic you'd like them to see. That's not police, that's helping us all out. Double winner !

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