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Thanks All, But Can You Help Me One More Time?


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:o OK folks remember I'm a newbie, that goes for Thailand as well, sooooo PLEASE be gentle.

As far back as I can remember I have had a likening for Thai ladies, and this year, (after being taken for a ride once too often by English women) I have decided that enough is enough and I am going to find my Thai lady.

I have NEVER been to Thailand, I holiday in Goa spending about 2 months there every year, so if you wanna know anything about Goa just ask.

So this is where I need some help.

It looks as if some of you spend time in Thailand and time here in the UK??

(Totster & Daleyboy is this what you guys do?)

Well I'm after some good advice PLEASE.

I've been told Phuket is the best place for me to find the lady of choice?

Although I've been looking at a web site based in banggok (sorry not a good sppeller)

Like i said, I'm single so going to Thailand on my own is NOT a problem, I'm NOT shy and basically will talk to a wb (water buffalo??) if it listens

BUT theres nothing like a 'Local' to show you the ropes.

So whats the best bar(s) to head for for me to sit and chat with fellow Brits who know could show me the ropes, espically what to look out for??

I'm thinking of spending about 6/8 weeks in Thailand I know "How long is a piece of string" BUT would you say this is enough time for me to at least find a lady of choice, dont get me wrong I dont expect to "Go to Thailand--Find lady--Buy house--settle down, all within 6 weeks, but is this roughly enough time to get to know someone from a different culture??

OK heres the bit i REALLY could do with some help.

I hear all these stories that the Thai lady is after one thing....YOUR MONEY!!

(Well whats new to women all over the frigging world espically the UK)

I have joined a Thai dating agency (No I havent paid any money yet) based in Bangkok, I've looked at nearly all the agencies on the www and the ladies from these guys are....WOW they seem soooo genuine.

Thats my Question...ARE THEY???? or are they after just one thing??

Most of the ladies seem to be from the North and are either white collar workers/students who work part time/2 are models (these are gobsmacking why would they wanna advertise for a partner looking as great as they do??)

The cost of the joing is about 500$ for this I get to choose ladies and mmet them at the office.

Some folks have said "why do this when you can meet ladies at the bars?? BUUUUTT

Again How do i know the lady at the bar wont just spin me a story, tell me what i wanna hear and POW....I'm stung AGAIN.

I know its my choice, but a little bit of imput wouldnt go amiss.

Cheers all, maybe (just maybe) I'll buy you a few bevvies when I come over if your there.

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I've been told Phuket is the best place for me to find the lady of choice?
Newsflash dude, there's plenty of available single women everywhere in the country, in the airport when you arrive, working in the hotel where you stay, walking on the street, working in the shops, drinking in the bars, everywhere, you don't need to go to a certain place in Thailand to find a woman, you can find a woman here exactly the same way you find a woman in any other country, just by being here.
BUT theres nothing like a 'Local' to show you the ropes.

So whats the best bar(s) to head for for me to sit and chat with fellow Brits who know  could show me the ropes, espically what to look out for??

Head around the main tourist and expat areas and you'll always find fellow Brits to give you advice, but remember just because they been here a while doesn't mean they know everything and many expats in Thailand have opinions on Thai women that are just plain stupid and will start you on the wrong path. Wanna learn some more? Post some questions here, you will often find some good advice.

I'm thinking of spending about 6/8 weeks in Thailand I know "How long is a piece of string" BUT would you say this is enough time for me to at least find a lady of choice, dont get me wrong I dont expect to "Go to Thailand--Find lady--Buy house--settle down, all within 6 weeks, but is this roughly enough time to get to know someone from a different culture??
Exactly, how long is a piece of string? You might find your perfect woman in a day or 10 years, no one can answer that. If you are assigning a time to this finding a woman project then you're starting off on the wrong foot.
OK heres the bit i REALLY could do with some help.

I hear all these stories that the Thai lady is after one thing....YOUR MONEY!!

(Well whats new to women all over the frigging world espically the UK)

I have joined a Thai  dating agency (No I havent paid any money yet) based in Bangkok, I've looked at nearly all the agencies on the www and the ladies from these guys are....WOW they seem soooo genuine.

Thats my Question...ARE THEY???? or are they after just one thing??

Most of the ladies seem to be from the North and are either white collar workers/students who work part time/2 are models (these are gobsmacking why would they wanna advertise for a partner looking as great as they do??)

The cost of the joing is about 500$ for this I get to choose ladies and mmet them at the office.

Some folks have said "why do this when you can meet ladies at the bars??  BUUUUTT

Again How do i know the lady at the bar wont just spin me a story, tell me what i wanna hear and POW....I'm stung AGAIN.

Do not for second think that because a girl is on an internet website looking for a man that you cannot be stung by them for money, and do not think that all Thai women are money grabbers, don't come over here with these jaded opinions. Lots of horror stories about meeting girls through these dating agnecies, if your that desperate you can send me 500 dollars and I'll arrange a couple of dates for you! :o

You know what be a good idea though and could save you some cash? When you are here, look for an attractive woman, then ask her out for a movie, dinner, drink whatever, it's an old technique but it has been known to work before. :D

I have NEVER been to Thailand, I holiday in Goa spending about 2 months there every year, so if you wanna know anything about Goa just ask.

I just love Palolem in South Goa. :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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Thanks for your imput, Honestly I do take it in and digest, I'm one of these guys that has a pro's & con's list so thanks for advice.

Palolem Nice but Tooooo quite, I mean I love peacful beaches and a bit nightlife but there its far too quite, well again personal choice for me its toooo quite.

But I stay in North Goa Candolim tp be honest, gotta place by the Taj, its a bit quiter up this end rather than Calangute, but with all the 'raves' taking place now, we are seeing a lot of "Younger" tourist coming here looking for the ultimate party, Boy are the y dissappointed when they get here, I just wish taht when they go home they would tell the rest whos coming here, but hey I think they call it PROGRESS??

One last thing I guess I kinda knew all the answers (exactly what you gave me) before i posted but het I could ave been wrong??


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Hi shesmu your right me and the old totster are in the uk at the moment. I met my wife in the hotel i was staying in and we have been married for 4 years now. Believe me when i say you DONT need a dating agency, i aint no oil painting but it is not hard to find a good lady, if you think she is ripping you off then she probably is.

The wife and i are going over just before xmas for 6 weeks on holiday.

You dont have to go to Phuket there are plenty of lively places that arent as expensive. Not that compared to western standards Phuket is expensive but relitivley (spelling) speaking compared to the rest of Thailand it is.

If you want any more info feel free to pm me and i will see if i can help.

Btw where in the uk are you? :o

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Don't worry about dating agencies either. Good luck.  :D

Couldn't agree more doc. What do these guys do for $500?

My wife has 200 nieces, 120 cousins, 4 aunties, a grandmother, a great grandmother, oh and 1 nephew :o all looking for farang boyfriends/husbands. If he pays for the party I'll introduce him to all of them :D On the other hand this would cost more than the $500. :D

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Man you are disgusting!!!!!!!! Don't you feel ashamed writing something like this?

:o OK folks remember I'm a newbie, that goes for Thailand as well, sooooo PLEASE be gentle.

As far back as I can remember I have had a likening for Thai ladies, and this year, (after being taken for a ride once too often by English women) I have decided that enough is enough and I am going to find my Thai lady.

I have NEVER been to Thailand, I holiday in Goa spending about 2 months there every year, so if you wanna know anything about Goa just ask.

So this is where I need some help.

It looks as if some of you spend time in Thailand and time here in the UK??

(Totster & Daleyboy is this what you guys do?)

Well I'm after some good advice PLEASE.

I've been told Phuket is the best place for me to find the lady of choice?

Although I've been looking at a web site based in banggok (sorry not a good sppeller)

Like i said, I'm single so going to Thailand on my own is NOT a problem, I'm NOT shy and basically will talk to a wb (water buffalo??) if it listens

BUT theres nothing like a 'Local' to show you the ropes.

So whats the best bar(s) to head for for me to sit and chat with fellow Brits who know  could show me the ropes, espically what to look out for??

I'm thinking of spending about 6/8 weeks in Thailand I know "How long is a piece of string" BUT would you say this is enough time for me to at least find a lady of choice, dont get me wrong I dont expect to "Go to Thailand--Find lady--Buy house--settle down, all within 6 weeks, but is this roughly enough time to get to know someone from a different culture??

OK heres the bit i REALLY could do with some help.

I hear all these stories that the Thai lady is after one thing....YOUR MONEY!!

(Well whats new to women all over the frigging world espically the UK)

I have joined a Thai  dating agency (No I havent paid any money yet) based in Bangkok, I've looked at nearly all the agencies on the www and the ladies from these guys are....WOW they seem soooo genuine.

Thats my Question...ARE THEY???? or are they after just one thing??

Most of the ladies seem to be from the North and are either white collar workers/students who work part time/2 are models (these are gobsmacking why would they wanna advertise for a partner looking as great as they do??)

The cost of the joing is about 500$ for this I get to choose ladies and mmet them at the office.

Some folks have said "why do this when you can meet ladies at the bars??  BUUUUTT

Again How do i know the lady at the bar wont just spin me a story, tell me what i wanna hear and POW....I'm stung AGAIN.

I know its my choice, but a little bit of imput wouldnt go amiss.

Cheers all, maybe (just maybe) I'll buy you a few bevvies when I come over if your there.

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Yes Phuket is the most expensive place in Thailand.

Pattaya, I wasn't thrilled, or even enjoyed it really.

All these most touristed places seem to be full of scams and special prices for foreigners. :o

But I don't know what kind of thailady you are looking for.

My friend had a great time in Udon Thani, that's Isaan, near Vientiane/Laos border crossing. Soo nice girls, like to party. Just walk in the bar and see. I'm not talking about girl bars, just ordinary ones. Also some places there are open 'till morning. So not so ordinary in Thailand.

You should understand what most thai girls think. Mostly they assume that an intimate relationship will turn into a marriage. Thailand is a very conservative country.

Money seems to be a big part of the culture/attitudes. If I ask my girlfriend, why everything is about money always, she will strongly deny it. But it is. What I said is a bad thing to say. On my conclusion thai culture is a lot about money but they don't see it in a negative way, like I do. It's normal to play with money. Use money to take care, love, get married, etc. I'm not talking about any rip offs here, nor services, it works the other way around too. My girlfriend buys us a trip to Hong Kong etc. But still, it's so much about money in Asia, in general I assume.

Thailand is also very much a class society, way more than any country in Europe. I guess, by tradition thais usually marry with people with equal money as their family. But many times not. Marriage is a great source of wealth for the whole family in any country. It can get pretty extreme in some cases in Thailand.

Take a look around. Bangkok/country side, rich/poor, humanists/scientists.....

They all have pros and cons. Relationships are about how two different personalities match.

Good luck, have fun. :D

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You are one sick ######!

Btw where in the uk are you? :D

KENT, just over the Queen Elizabeth bridge

Can you please explain why he is sick? is it Because he wants to find a Thai lady?

Funny really seeing as you want to marry a Thai lady as well



Anyone who can answer this question? I am getting married in two month with my girlfriernd, she is Thai, but she lifes in France since she was 17 years old (now 32). I life in france, too, but I am a German national. My question is, will my future wife be able to get a German citizenship/passport after a while or not?

Anybody who could give me an answer on that?

Thanks a lot



I think it is sick that the girl you want to marry wants to marry you!!!! after all you are German which must mean you are overweight with a big thick moustache.

Not nice is it being type cast as a particular type of person?

Btw i dont think all Germans are like this just pointing out about stereotyping someone when you have never met them is not a particular nice thing to do, not once in his post has he mentioned that he is a sex tourist, which you assume he is, so what if he wants to use a dating agency there are plenty of them all over the world catering to all sorts of people and they are not frowned on, so the man prefers Asian women, in my book nothing wrong with that, i have been married for 4 years and i have to say i would never go with a Farang girl again (sorry farang ladies no offence meant just my personal preferance) just like someone prefering blonds to brunettes etc. :o

Edited by daleyboy
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Yes Phuket is the most expensive place in Thailand.

Pattaya, I wasn't thrilled, or even enjoyed it really.

All these most touristed places seem to be full of scams and special prices for foreigners. :o

But I don't know what kind of thailady you are looking for.

My friend had a great time in Udon Thani, that's Isaan, near Vientiane/Laos border crossing. Soo nice girls, like to party. Just walk in the bar and see. I'm not talking about girl bars, just ordinary ones. Also some places there are open 'till morning. So not so ordinary in Thailand.

You should understand what most thai girls think. Mostly they assume that an intimate relationship will turn into a marriage. Thailand is a very conservative country.

Money seems to be a big part of the culture/attitudes. If I ask my girlfriend, why everything is about money always, she will strongly deny it. But it is. What I said is a bad thing to say. On my conclusion thai culture is a lot about money but they don't see it in a negative way, like I do. It's normal to play with money. Use money to take care, love, get married, etc. I'm not talking about any rip offs here, nor services, it works the other way around too. My girlfriend buys us a trip to Hong Kong etc. But still, it's so much about money in Asia, in general I assume.

Thailand is also very much a class society, way more than any country in Europe. I guess, by tradition thais usually marry with people with equal money as their family. But many times not. Marriage is a great source of wealth for the whole family in any country. It can get pretty extreme in some cases in Thailand.

Take a look around. Bangkok/country side, rich/poor, humanists/scientists.....

They all have pros and cons. Relationships are about how two different personalities match.

Good luck, have fun. :D

Thanks SONNY

Just what I wanted loads of info..I know that I gotta go there and make up my own mind, this is for sure, but it sure helps wwhen going if you have just a small piece of advice is valueable.

Whos this Janwerner???????????????

I'm gonna go there for about 6/8weeks that should be enough time for me to go walkabout.

Again cheers

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Yes Phuket is the most expensive place in Thailand.

Pattaya, I wasn't thrilled, or even enjoyed it really.

All these most touristed places seem to be full of scams and special prices for foreigners. :o

But I don't know what kind of thailady you are looking for.

My friend had a great time in Udon Thani, that's Isaan, near Vientiane/Laos border crossing. Soo nice girls, like to party. Just walk in the bar and see. I'm not talking about girl bars, just ordinary ones. Also some places there are open 'till morning. So not so ordinary in Thailand.

You should understand what most thai girls think. Mostly they assume that an intimate relationship will turn into a marriage. Thailand is a very conservative country.

Money seems to be a big part of the culture/attitudes. If I ask my girlfriend, why everything is about money always, she will strongly deny it. But it is. What I said is a bad thing to say. On my conclusion thai culture is a lot about money but they don't see it in a negative way, like I do. It's normal to play with money. Use money to take care, love, get married, etc. I'm not talking about any rip offs here, nor services, it works the other way around too. My girlfriend buys us a trip to Hong Kong etc. But still, it's so much about money in Asia, in general I assume.

Thailand is also very much a class society, way more than any country in Europe. I guess, by tradition thais usually marry with people with equal money as their family. But many times not. Marriage is a great source of wealth for the whole family in any country. It can get pretty extreme in some cases in Thailand.

Take a look around. Bangkok/country side, rich/poor, humanists/scientists.....

They all have pros and cons. Relationships are about how two different personalities match.

Good luck, have fun. :D

Thanks Sonny

A lot of info just what I hoped for.

I know I gotta go there for sure to see and judge for myself, and any advice no matter how small is a greta help, sooooo thanks all for your imput apart from...

JanWerner, must be an anagram of something??? :D

Sooo I'll prop be going around xmas time or january, and will be posting some Q's before then, (many I'm sure)

Cheers all :D

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Yes Phuket is the most expensive place in Thailand.

Pattaya, I wasn't thrilled, or even enjoyed it really.

All these most touristed places seem to be full of scams and special prices for foreigners. :o

But I don't know what kind of thailady you are looking for.

My friend had a great time in Udon Thani, that's Isaan, near Vientiane/Laos border crossing. Soo nice girls, like to party. Just walk in the bar and see. I'm not talking about girl bars, just ordinary ones. Also some places there are open 'till morning. So not so ordinary in Thailand.

You should understand what most thai girls think. Mostly they assume that an intimate relationship will turn into a marriage. Thailand is a very conservative country.

Money seems to be a big part of the culture/attitudes. If I ask my girlfriend, why everything is about money always, she will strongly deny it. But it is. What I said is a bad thing to say. On my conclusion thai culture is a lot about money but they don't see it in a negative way, like I do. It's normal to play with money. Use money to take care, love, get married, etc. I'm not talking about any rip offs here, nor services, it works the other way around too. My girlfriend buys us a trip to Hong Kong etc. But still, it's so much about money in Asia, in general I assume.

Thailand is also very much a class society, way more than any country in Europe. I guess, by tradition thais usually marry with people with equal money as their family. But many times not. Marriage is a great source of wealth for the whole family in any country. It can get pretty extreme in some cases in Thailand.

Take a look around. Bangkok/country side, rich/poor, humanists/scientists.....

They all have pros and cons. Relationships are about how two different personalities match.

Good luck, have fun. :D

Thanks Sonny

A lot of info just what I hoped for.

I know I gotta go there for sure to see and judge for myself, and any advice no matter how small is a greta help, sooooo thanks all for your imput apart from...

JanWerner, must be an anagram of something??? :D

Sooo I'll prop be going around xmas time or january, and will be posting some Q's before then, (many I'm sure)

Cheers all :D

If your going over xmas time same as me and my wife (thai) for 6 weeks give me a pm and maybe we can hook up give you a bit of a tour if you want. :D

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oooppss posted twice sorry all.

Never mind gives me a chance to say THANKS Daleyboy for coming to my defence.

Although I DONT have to explain myself, for the future replies I think I will.

I have had been married, when the money run out so did she, I had another relation, same, one more (well they say it comes in threes) same Bl**dy thing, took her and her son in, when time came for me to sell and move she also moved.

Sooo yep NOT a sex tourist, geniunly (told you I cant spellllll) looking for a thai lady, where I believe that if two people can get what they want from one relationship, and no-one gets hurt whats wrong with that??

Anyways I'm told that most of the sex tourist are indeed Germans?? what does that say?

And lastly when I go to Thailand I shall make it my home, that way there will be one more sun bed in Europe for the Geramans to lay their towel on at 4-00am in the morning.

See ya in Thailand people.

Daleyboy I will be posting to you pretty soon, and ask q's like where to stay? flight only? package holiday? best time to go?

Hope you wont mind answering these and more, just dont wanna make big mistakes like I first did when I went to Goa (Wish there was someone like me NOW back then)

:D Confuseing or what :o

Edited by shesmu
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I don't know what type of women you are looking for. You wish to enjoy the beach and persue a women? If a women is priority why restrict your choices to those on a recreation island? I would think Bangkok has the largest concentration of the prettiest women in the most diverse occupations in all of LoS.

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oooppss posted twice sorry all.

Never mind gives me a chance to say THANKS Daleyboy for coming to my defence.

Although I DONT have to explain myself, for the future replies I think I will.

I have had been married, when the money run out so did she, I had another relation, same, one more (well they say it comes in threes) same Bl**dy thing, took her and her son in, when time came for me to sell and move she also moved.

Sooo yep NOT a sex tourist, geniunly (told you I cant spellllll) looking for a thai lady, where I believe that if two people can get what they want from one relationship, and no-one gets hurt whats wrong with that??

Anyways I'm told that most of the sex tourist are indeed Germans?? what does that say?

And lastly when I go to Thailand I shall make it my home, that way there will be one more sun bed in Europe for the Geramans to lay their towel on at 4-00am in the morning.

See ya in Thailand people.

Daleyboy I will be posting to you pretty soon, and ask q's like where to stay? flight only? package holiday? best time to go?

Hope you wont mind answering these and more, just dont wanna make big mistakes like I first did when I went to Goa (Wish there was someone like me NOW back then)

:D Confuseing or what :D

Feel free to pm me no problems mate, not very experienced on Phuket but anywhere else you wanna know about i will try and help if i dont know what your looking for i am positive there will be someone on here that will know, after all tv is a true wealth of knowledge on everything Thai and a few other things as well :o

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Shesmu, Go and enjoy. There is no shortage of young beauties looking for a farang boyfriend\husband.

I LIKE TO LET ANYONE That I COME INTO CONTACT WITH KNOW, THAT I AM LOOKING FOR A tHAI GIRLFRIEND, OR WIFE.! Waitress, hotel personel massage lady, etc. At 54 years old, Ihave had ladies show me photos of thier 23 year old little sisters who are looking for a farang husband, and a message waiting for me at my hotel when I returned, saying yes they would like to meet me for dinner.

No problem finding dates, More like the proverbial kid in the candy store, more often than not, when out I am being eyed up by some little young hottie, and wish that I did not have a date!

When are you going? I will be back in the LOS for 3 weeks after Christmas. I will be spending half my time with TGF from Buriram.................and the other half at the candy store.

Good Luck Ray :o

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Nothing to get personal here big man. I just wrote my opinion and I guess I am ###### right about what I wrote. You seem to be pretty upset about that, so I think you must be the same kind of guy. Aren't you. For me to write something like this is sick. Understood. Moreover I am 178 cm high and 72 kg. No moustache, as well. If you would see me on the street you would probably never think I was German, since all Germans are overweight and have moustaches. You got that right smart guy.

Concerning my marriage, the difference between you and me is that my future wife has a MBA from the US, a top position job in Paris and she is paying for me not me paying for her! That's the difference. Do you get it. I don't have to go to Thailand and get myself a poor Isaan girl out of some strip joint.

You and you buddy here must be poor man who don't have many options when it comes to women, I guess.

You are one sick ######!

Btw where in the uk are you? :D

KENT, just over the Queen Elizabeth bridge

Can you please explain why he is sick? is it Because he wants to find a Thai lady?

Funny really seeing as you want to marry a Thai lady as well



Anyone who can answer this question? I am getting married in two month with my girlfriernd, she is Thai, but she lifes in France since she was 17 years old (now 32). I life in france, too, but I am a German national. My question is, will my future wife be able to get a German citizenship/passport after a while or not?

Anybody who could give me an answer on that?

Thanks a lot



I think it is sick that the girl you want to marry wants to marry you!!!! after all you are German which must mean you are overweight with a big thick moustache.

Not nice is it being type cast as a particular type of person?

Btw i dont think all Germans are like this just pointing out about stereotyping someone when you have never met them is not a particular nice thing to do, not once in his post has he mentioned that he is a sex tourist, which you assume he is, so what if he wants to use a dating agency there are plenty of them all over the world catering to all sorts of people and they are not frowned on, so the man prefers Asian women, in my book nothing wrong with that, i have been married for 4 years and i have to say i would never go with a Farang girl again (sorry farang ladies no offence meant just my personal preferance) just like someone prefering blonds to brunettes etc. :o

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Nothing to get personal here big man. I just wrote my opinion and I guess I am ###### right about what I wrote. You seem to be pretty upset about that, so I think you must be the same kind of guy. Aren't you. For me to write something like this is sick. Understood. Moreover I am 178 cm high and 72 kg. No moustache, as well. If you would see me on the street you would probably never think I was German, since all Germans are overweight and have moustaches. You got that right smart guy.

Concerning my marriage, the difference between you and me is that my future wife has a MBA from the US, a top position job in Paris and she is paying for me not me paying for her! That's the difference. Do you get it. I don't have to go to Thailand and get myself a poor Isaan girl out of some strip joint.

You and you buddy here must be poor man who don't have many options when it comes to women, I guess.

You are one sick ######!

Btw where in the uk are you? :D

KENT, just over the Queen Elizabeth bridge

Can you please explain why he is sick? is it Because he wants to find a Thai lady?

Funny really seeing as you want to marry a Thai lady as well



Anyone who can answer this question? I am getting married in two month with my girlfriernd, she is Thai, but she lifes in France since she was 17 years old (now 32). I life in france, too, but I am a German national. My question is, will my future wife be able to get a German citizenship/passport after a while or not?

Anybody who could give me an answer on that?

Thanks a lot



I think it is sick that the girl you want to marry wants to marry you!!!! after all you are German which must mean you are overweight with a big thick moustache.

Not nice is it being type cast as a particular type of person?

Btw i dont think all Germans are like this just pointing out about stereotyping someone when you have never met them is not a particular nice thing to do, not once in his post has he mentioned that he is a sex tourist, which you assume he is, so what if he wants to use a dating agency there are plenty of them all over the world catering to all sorts of people and they are not frowned on, so the man prefers Asian women, in my book nothing wrong with that, i have been married for 4 years and i have to say i would never go with a Farang girl again (sorry farang ladies no offence meant just my personal preferance) just like someone prefering blonds to brunettes etc. :D

I am not sure what education has to do with it! please explain

I am not upset about what you wrote, what i am upset about is the way you wrote it, the same as i wrote all Germans have moustaches etc has obviously upset you my point is not all farang men want to meet a bargirl, and i also beleive that the dating agancies in Thailand dont cater for these ladies anyway, just normal Thai girls with mbas etc :D

If you bothered to read the post completely you would have read that i didnt think all Germans were like that i was just pointing out stereotyping isnt a nice thing to do.

Shes paying for you!! mmm something to be real proud of :D

Your right my wife isnt rich so what, she also isnt a bargirl/stripper, when i came to Thailand i had no plans on meeting a woman, i just came travelling with 3 friends and no it wasnt a sex tour, i was travelling with 3 women.

This is all i have to say on the matter i am not going to get into a flame war on a public forum so have a nice day and i hope your life is fullfilled being paid for by a woman :o

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have been here for 20 years and still testing and looking, the point is you been fcuked over by your missus, so why hock up with the first gal you see :D

exploring thailand, its culture and the behaviour of the many type of gals will give you a much better understanding of what all about here :D

like the others have said, they are available from mba's, doctors right upto the shop assistants and the so-call poor issaan girls, with the right choice they all can be good companions :o

do what most longtime members have done, and that's to test drive as many of them as you can :D

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