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Burgled :(


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Just had an email from my housemate to say that we were burgled the other night.

Aparently they cut the (double) padlocks on the front door and took her camera and computer from the frontroom (she was sleeping in the bedroom upstairs).

Of course they might have taken more (my stuff!), as she wouldn't know what's missing - but it seems a bit insensitive to ask now.

I wonder why it happened though, opportunist? We live down a very VERY quiet soi, with only a few villa style houses down it in Pahonyothin - and the place has an 8 foot wall around it!

Obviously she's very scared now as she is worried they might come back (assuming they didn't nick my stuff yet, that also means there's still a load of audio equipment in the front room too)

I guess now we know why a lot of the other houses all gave dogs - it's kinda sad though - and who on earth would scale a massive wall on the offchance something (and not someone) was on the other side????

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Someone who knew a few farangs stayed there who likely had some valuables laying around...

I guess so ... the scary thing is wondering if they will come back again.

The owner has said they will install an (and bear in mind this is translated from thai > japanese > english, so it might not quite be right) "Electric Coil" around the house, not sure what this is, an electric fence maybe?

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they can always throw in poisonous food for the dogs before they burgle again, dogs is not always the answer

i too lived in the phayonthoin area,aree area, soi 5, now i moved and many homes have high walls, not every house has dogs, most have the barbed wire coils at the top of the walls which seems a better deterrent, some sois had a far higher rate of burgalry, i think soi 5 had maybe 1 attempt a year, soi 4 had 3-4 attempts a year, aree sampan near by just had far higher rates of burgalry, its just based on how quite the soi, how few passers by, etc, its not always about skin the white pig, thais living in homes without any security guards have the same problems , you can request the police to come and check your house every evening, they will come and sign a book at your gates, the fee is small you can have a thai friend ask the local police station about this service, i saw many houses in the area have this service, i am not saying it will a huge deterrent but every little bit helps when you live in these kind of homes in bangkok

also lighting, try and have bright lights on the tops of the walls, this also acts as a detterrent, illumination is not what gurglars want, lights, high walls, barbed wire coils, police signing the gate book every evening, it all helps.

i would also add in the sois the homes with lights on the walls, high walls with barbed wire and book signings by police to my knowledge were never burgeled in the 3 years i lived there,

Edited by humbug
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You can train the dog not to take food from strangers. Anyway the dog will wake you up that is for sure. My dogs sleep in the home and it will be hard to poison them because they first have to open the doors. Before they have done that the dogs will have woken me up.

On an other note you got lights that switch on on movement. But whatever you do its never full proof.

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You can train the dog not to take food from strangers. Anyway the dog will wake you up that is for sure. My dogs sleep in the home and it will be hard to poison them because they first have to open the doors. Before they have done that the dogs will have woken me up.  

On an other note you got lights that switch on on movement. But whatever you do its never full proof.

Rob, I know you have a thing about guard dogs (see extensive thread on this topic) but I did an analysis of housing two rottweillers vs getting robbed.

Robbery = a few thousand baht worth of stuff and the fact that someone has been in your home.


Rottweillers x 2 = food, shit, vet bills, missing shoes, sofas with the corners chewed off, you favorite ties used as dental floss, having to walk them

After a 12.5 minute comparison it is indeed cheaper, less aggravating to be robbed - not that I wish it upon anyone.

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You can train the dog not to take food from strangers. Anyway the dog will wake you up that is for sure. My dogs sleep in the home and it will be hard to poison them because they first have to open the doors. Before they have done that the dogs will have woken me up.  

On an other note you got lights that switch on on movement. But whatever you do its never full proof.

Rob, I know you have a thing about guard dogs (see extensive thread on this topic) but I did an analysis of housing two rottweillers vs getting robbed.

Robbery = a few thousand baht worth of stuff and the fact that someone has been in your home.


Rottweillers x 2 = food, shit, vet bills, missing shoes, sofas with the corners chewed off, you favorite ties used as dental floss, having to walk them

After a 12.5 minute comparison it is indeed cheaper, less aggravating to be robbed - not that I wish it upon anyone.

I guess it all depends what kind of valuables you have in your house... I understand that you don't need to have a few rotweilers to guard your shoebox :D

But granted.. i did not get dogs for protection. Its just an added benefit, but you loose a lot of your freedom once you have dogs.. So its not something you should do without thinking of the consequences.

The dogs that i have now are actually the first dogs i have ever owned and im not sure i will get new ones if these die. I love them.. but they make a mess of the house (on a second thought.. i should get new ones else i cant blame them for making a mess anymore and the wife might blame me :D )

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You can train the dog not to take food from strangers. Anyway the dog will wake you up that is for sure. My dogs sleep in the home and it will be hard to poison them because they first have to open the doors. Before they have done that the dogs will have woken me up.

On an other note you got lights that switch on on movement. But whatever you do its never full proof.

Rob, I know you have a thing about guard dogs (see extensive thread on this topic) but I did an analysis of housing two rottweillers vs getting robbed.

Robbery = a few thousand baht worth of stuff and the fact that someone has been in your home.


Rottweillers x 2 = food, shit, vet bills, missing shoes, sofas with the corners chewed off, you favorite ties used as dental floss, having to walk them

After a 12.5 minute comparison it is indeed cheaper, less aggravating to be robbed - not that I wish it upon anyone.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :blink:

got to admit, this is funny.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :blink:

got to admit, this is funny.

James can be funny that is something that can't be denied. It lightens up the mood at times.

I am like a door to door salesman. Make 100 posts and one of them is bound to be funny - even if it was by accident. 

Back to burglary in LOS. I suspect that this is on the upswing as people try to payoff debts to wc sharks.

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I like the electric coil idea best.

Hope it's legal.

Here, we just live in a Thai neighborhood where everybody knows each other and if a stranger comes into the neighborhood, the local dogs let everyone know it.

No walls. Just be friends with your neighbors.

It works for us anyway.

If i had to live in one of those walled houses, I guess i would build a strong room for my valuables and leave a dummy old computer laying around.

I did that for a while but no one has break-ins around here.

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None of us in the house like dogs and we have an adopted cat, so it's not the best solution - but then, getting burgled again would suck.

The front door is quite odd - we have the gated bit at the front (and it has the curled barbed wire bit) then the front door doesn't have a lock inside it - so you need to padlock it from out *outside*.

Basically it's a bit of a pain to lock up at night, but you need to go out via the patio door, lock the front door padlocks, then go back in through the patio and lock that!

I think a deadbolt for the main gate door might be useful, but then of course, only any good if someone is home - we can't lock it if we've gone out.

We're on soi 24 - but only one side of the street has houses, the other side is a forrest - we did wonder if this would be bad for security, but having never been subjected to burglary before, were being more optimistic and thought it looked nice .... :(

Edited by Monokuro
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Do not worry they will not come back. do not bother with police they do not care.

If you really worried you have 2 options

1. Employ a night guard-salary will not be more then 7-10k per month

2. Get a dog, but remember before it turns into a guard dog it will take 6 months minimum.

If dog is an option, i would suggest taking a young dog from the soi for a few reasons

1. They very protective of their new owners

2. Very protective of their property

3. Not to easy to be fed by a stranger once they have a home

4. Already grown up

I took 2 dogs from the soi, one of them has turned into the best guard dog anyone could wish for without any training. I also live in a small soi and when he smells or sees someone who he does not know he goes crazy not only barking and always corners that person. The more person tries to kick him or send him away the angrier he gets.

at first all the neighbours were angry at me and scared,but now all love him and help out when stranger walks past. Al of them can not stop thanking me how safe they feel now.

Soi dog will get along really well with cats as they already live side by side. So its only the matter of liking dogs

PS. Sometimes in the evening, people go to corner shop and always call him to come out(and he is always happy to join every neighbor to come for walk)

Thats my experience anyway.

Edited by kuffki
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After a 12.5 minute comparison it is indeed cheaper, less aggravating to be robbed - not that I wish it upon anyone.

Don't laugh James, in my previous business life; sound system rentals, it was cheaper to have one complete sound/lighting system stolen per year, than to insure entire hire stock. :blink:

You are right, sometimes the precautions completely outcost the benefit.

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They cut two padlocks ??.......... why do you have two padlocks on your front door, must be a choice area you have decided to call home.

His and Hers of course.

I like the "get a goose" idea. That one could be good for a cost/benefit analysis James?

Geese are cool. Get one to make a noise against an intruder, any uknown person, any dog, any cat or any frog. Then get a paddling pool and outdoor shower. If the goose gets out the gate you'll need a trained dog to protect it against all the other dogs who'll think all their Christmases have come at once.

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