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Thaksin To Overhaul Thailand's Economic Structure


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PM calls for overhaul of economic structure

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra today called for a radical overhaul of the nation's economic structure, calling on the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) to shift its focus from drawing up operational plans to thinking up economic strategies.

Addressing NESDB members for their annual meeting, the prime minister said that it was time for the nation's economic structure to get a complete rethink, both in terms of its industrial sector and in terms of agriculture.

Noting that the Thai economy was a capitalist one, he, nonetheless, stressed the importance of social development and the elimination of poverty, saying that future national economic and social development plans would focus on social development.

Failure to restructure Thailand's economy, he said, would necessitate several rounds of debt restructuring the future.

What is needed first is an overhaul of the industrial sector, with a focus on industries which are competitive and profitable, which use a high percentage of domestic raw materials, and which conduct extensive research and development.

In the agricultural sector, the focus would be on creating added value for Thai products.

He also noted that the heavy reliance of neighbouring countries on the Thai economy was having an adverse impact on the kingdom, and called for the construction of 'economic dams' against this.

The role of the NESDB, he indicated, should no longer simply involve drawing up plans, but should focus on active involvement in the determination of economic strategies.

According to the NESDB's Secretary-General, Ampon Kittiampon, the 10th National Economic and Social Development Plan will not state economic growth forecasts, but will, instead, take a more social and integrated approach.

--TNA 2005-06-24

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He also noted that the heavy reliance of neighbouring countries on the Thai economy was having an adverse impact on the kingdom, and called for the construction of 'economic dams' against this.

Not really sure to cleary understand, but a first analyse it look like Germany economy after the WWWI. Close the country to the external influences , artificials exchange rates .... I am unsure to really get the point , but if yes ...

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This man is actually just making one big toxic mess is what it looks like to me.

The over haul should be to out law chemicals in farming and limit them in Industries.

He will go down as the most environmentally destructive PM in the history of Thailand.

It is costing Thailand billions and billions, far more than this Toxic mess will ever make anyone!

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From his statements in the last weeks it seems like he realizes Thailand is in deeper trouble then many dare to admit - however, it doesn't seem like he has a clue as to what should be done about it.

shouting at ministers and boards "solve the problem! solve the problem" will not do.

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mr 't ' obviously just read another book, and believes he can achieve by spouting some tripe cliche's.

a realistic assesment of the state of the nation is the only real starting point, but that will never come from him during his lifetime.

it would be humorous if the living conditions of millions of people was not at stake.

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Before solving a problem, you need to identify the problem. It seems that there is a great deal of secrecy right now in what is happening with the economy. Anybody know a good site with accurate, reliable, unbiased information on the Thai economy?

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Why cant Thailand open its borders a little more

Farangs can bring in more money and the knock on effect is an improved economy

Let them buy houses .Thia people can then build them

Let them borrow money they can create jobs and pay wages

Build up the technolgy base, not just IT and we can all then prosper.

Manily changing boxes around will not work A fundamental rethink out of the box is needed.

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Why cant Thailand open its borders a little more

Farangs can bring in more money and the knock on effect is an improved economy

Let them buy houses .Thia people  can then build them

Let them borrow money they can create jobs and pay wages

Build up the technolgy base, not just IT and we can all then prosper.

Manily changing boxes around will not work A fundamental rethink out of the box is needed.

I fully agree with you chadwicn!

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Maybe the recent 20% fuel hike is starting to take its toll. Everyone is feeling it, people keep telling me how things keep going up. Of course we were told that the 20% fuel hike would not have any affect on the economy :o

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Before solving a problem, you need to identify the problem.  It seems that there is a great deal of secrecy right now in what is happening with the economy.  Anybody know a good site with accurate, reliable, unbiased information on the Thai economy?

The Nation newspaper generally does a good job. Unfortunately, the standard of economic reporting in Thailand is pretty woeful due to the lack of real demand for proper economic reporting (which is not the same thing as finance reporting).

Unfortunately, until people have a larger stake in the economy (ie own a house, have a mortgage) they are simply not going to care about things like interest rates, exchange rates, and current account deficits.

The best places to get the inside skinny are to know people who are in the civil service, working at places like the NESDB, BOT or MOF.

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The main problem with the economy as I see it is the large spendings on imported oil. Technology has been around for years to at least double gas mileage, yet, taxes for imports of these vehicles more than double the price of these cheap, economic cars. These cars should have low import taxes to promote the experimentation of the effectiveness of the cars.

The governement shold sort its priorities on energy saving.

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From his statements in the last weeks it seems like he realizes Thailand is in deeper trouble then many dare to admit - however, it doesn't seem like he has a clue as to what should be done about it.

shouting at ministers and boards "solve the problem! solve the problem" will not do.

Yes thie is the fact of the matter. It was only a matter of time before reality set in. Just look at the Baht / USD lately. I predict it will go higher than 45TB / 1USD within the year.

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From his statements in the last weeks it seems like he realizes Thailand is in deeper trouble then many dare to admit - however, it doesn't seem like he has a clue as to what should be done about it.

shouting at ministers and boards "solve the problem! solve the problem" will not do.

The point is : the guy has been reelected (well not as good as Chirac in 2002 in France, 80 %, but close... ;-) last february... and then.... since.... NOTHING.

Compare to Taxin 1, his second governement is relatively "quiet".

Of course we are still earing from time to time some nice and very funny "bullets of bullshit" as they traditionnaly like to make.... some crazy announcements... or comments... But, nothing "serious". Dont' you agree ?

Gone the very ambitious "reform" program of the Thai society by Mister T. He's quiet, appears to follow and obliged to react instead of initiate.

The truth is : THERE IS CURRENTLY NO PILOT aboard the thai airplane.

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Maybe the recent 20% fuel hike is starting to take its toll. Everyone is feeling it, people keep telling me how things keep going up. Of course we were told that the 20% fuel hike would not have any affect on the economy  :o

So lets make our own fuel make our own drugs build our own houses

Teach Technology for all It will take a while look at what Ireland did

Lets not procrastinate do it Make it all work Stop talking about it

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I never met thaksin, but from his actions, I think he is trying to do the right things.

I think in the future, people in thailand will look at thaksin as one of the best leaders that this country has ever had.

wishing you the best, man. keep on trucking.

suggestion: solar technology, and superconductors. the wave of the future.

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I never met thaksin, but from his actions, I think he is trying to do the right things.

I think in the future, people in thailand will look at thaksin as one of the best leaders that this country has ever had.

wishing you the best, man.  keep on trucking.

suggestion:  solar technology, and superconductors.  the wave of the future.

Are you kidding me. He is trying to do the right things for his companies, not the thai people. You are right about the solar technology though.

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I never met thaksin, but from his actions, I think he is trying to do the right things.

Why would you met him ?

Do you mean that the millions of thais voter SHOULD meet him in order to judge his policy ?

That's a funny statement. :o

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I never met n, but from his actions, I think he is trying to do the right things.

I think in the future, people in thailand will look at thaksin as one of the best leaders that this country has ever had.

wishing you the best, man.  keep on trucking.

suggestion:  solar technology, and superconductors.  the wave of the future.

I agree as he tries to make the best of a tough situation. For example dealing with energy issues, while still struggeling with the ligering effects of a not so distant economic slump. As Communist powers such as China and Vietnam power on with no regard for the there people or the envronment. Of course issues like the tusnamies, bird flu and a junior sized war in the south and the troops in Iraq complicate things even more.

Personally I liken Thaksin to the energizer bunny, unscathed he just keeps on going. Boogie on, Boogie on big brother.


Not Allowed

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I am to uninformed to really take about Taksin's policies, however, I have noticed that he can complete a sentence, something Bush can not do. Also, he is at least taking on some problems that Bush will not even comment on, or he'll just change the topic to "the war on terror" every time. So, he just might be doing better than the worlds superpower pres Bush.

I don't know if that is really saying something or not.

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I am torn, I don't like what I hear about him in the Media. Some of the stuff he says makes me shudder. Unfortunately as an English speaker, reading the English language press, he just doesn't come across as well as he does when you listen to him in Thai.

On the other hand, I know people whose opinions I respect. One or two of them know the PM and they really respect him having worked with him, and have actually changed their opinion in favour of the PM.

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Why cant Thailand open its borders a little more

Farangs can bring in more money and the knock on effect is an improved economy

Let them buy houses .Thia people  can then build them

Let them borrow money they can create jobs and pay wages

Build up the technolgy base, not just IT and we can all then prosper.

Manily changing boxes around will not work A fundamental rethink out of the box is needed.

I fully agree with you chadwicn!

havent you worked it out yet

Thai's dont like foreigners - thats why they have names like farang and alien for them

Thai's like our money though :o

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I never met thaksin, but from his actions, I think he is trying to do the right things.

I think in the future, people in thailand will look at thaksin as one of the best leaders that this country has ever had.

wishing you the best, man.  keep on trucking.

suggestion:  solar technology, and superconductors.  the wave of the future.

Are you kidding me. He is trying to do the right things for his companies, not the thai people. You are right about the solar technology though.

I have met and spoken with him when he came on tour of our research facility. I disagree with the comment about 'right things for his companies'. Most ministers that have visited us seemed to be there for PR sakes. PM Thaksin however showed true interest in the projects and asked very educated questions about seriously complex technologies we employ while other ministers just listen and nod.

He made it clear that he wanted these technologies to be advanced and had his full support behind them. BTW we do 'fuel cell' research, bioengineering (plants), material modifications (industrial machinery) and several other research projects that directly help the Thai people and he was sincerly happy about this.

Don't get me wrong, he is a very amiable and likeable person but as many Thais feel a little 'heavy handed' in his approach to certain tasks.

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