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Bulk Buying Of Household Goods? Is It Viable?

Bentley 7

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I wonder if anyone could advise on the availability of Bulk buying stores for household and other goods? Say for non-perishable goods and items for parties etc.

Similar to a Costco (US)or a Campbells Cash & Carry (Aust). Is there an equivalent here in LOS?

Secondly, is it viable? Does the price of goods relate into some savings?

Does anybody use this type of stores?

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Need to apply for a makro card at one of their branches to make purchases

A lot of people who own ma and pa shops buy in bulk (certain items) to resell in their shops from what I see.

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In your local sois you may be able to catch one of the delivery people delivering to the shops. They more than likely would supply you with wholesale depending if they stock what you want. I think the usual is that there would be several suppliers to a shop with limited range of products though.

I know red bull is cheaper to buy in makro than from my local red bull wholesaler and thats buying by the pallet.

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Makro does offer savings on many goods over Lotus, but it requires bulk purchasing in units impractical for anyone except for large families. If you buy ketchup, how long will 24 bottles last in a smaller household?

Many of their electronic goods, however, are better individually priced than Lotus.

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