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Looking For A Good Internet / Telecoms Consultant

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I have a small business with about 12 people totally dependent on our Internet connection. Bad connection = lost productivity = lost money.

We had a Loxinfo dedicated line, for around 20,000 a month but that was bad bandwidth. We downgraded the dedicated line to a lower priced one, I think around 7,000 + a True 3MB line. We have a router that is load-balances between them. That's the theory anyway.

Meanwhile our performance is poor, especially having to reload pages all the time. And I can't seem to use Skype anymore due to poor quality so I use my mobile to call clients overseas - I just got a 11,000 AIS bill, that means saving on my Internet access was a great idea that cost me 10,000 more on my mobile bill. Very smart move :-(

I have a do-it-yourself IT guy here but I've pretty tired of fooling around and wonder if there's someone who *really* knows this stuff, knows how to configure the two lines the load balancing, getting Skype working and such. VoIP experience would be helpful also - perhaps Skype isn't what I should be using.

If you are such a person or know someone I'd love to hear from you.



If you can't even use Skype it must be bad. Sounds like you have made a good choice to get some one who knows what they are doing. Saving a few baht with the amateur will cost you a lot more in the long run.


Would help to know where you are.

We have an excellent man for this in Phuket. Thai, and knows both wireless and wired internet, routers (including load-balanced), etc. Very reasonable prices. PM me if interested.


Oh yeah the location. We're in Bangkok. Saphan Khwai area on Pradipat.

Possible someone could do this without coming in the office I supposes, not sure if we'd set up a VPN or just send the configuration info and do the things they tell us. But I assume it's better for someone to come in and be hands on.



For high-speed internet as well as VoIP services, try Ji-NET. Jasmine has established a good reputation in terms of reliability and just might be the "all-in-one" solution you're after. As a longtime subscriber, I can say with a high degree of certainty that their broadband internet service and support is second to none.

Their webpage is somewhat outdated, so contact them directly to inquire about services and rates.


Oh yeah the location. We're in Bangkok. Saphan Khwai area on Pradipat.

Possible someone could do this without coming in the office I supposes, not sure if we'd set up a VPN or just send the configuration info and do the things they tell us. But I assume it's better for someone to come in and be hands on.


I'm here. What are your other 2 wishes?

  • 9 months later...


I would suggest not using SKYPE and going for another VOIP provider, i use VOIPcheap - i find that skype over here really does have some issues - but whenever i call International numbers with voip cheap i get great quality and no problems.

Skype has issues and in Thailand i think even more.

give another VOIP provider a shot. i pay 10 euros for free calls for 90 days...


>We had a Loxinfo dedicated line, for around 20,000 a month but that was bad bandwidth. We downgraded the dedicated line to a lower priced one, I think around 7,000 + a True 3MB line.

The cheapest line True offers these days in Bangkok is 6Mbps at 599/month unlimited. Works great with Skype.

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