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No Need To Turn Off The Television In Thailand


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Thailand sells vision for energy-saving remote control

BANGKOK: -- Turn off the television in Thailand, the Government will do it for you. Amid an energy crisis, the Government has told TV and radio stations to shut down from midnight each night or face broadcasting bans.

TV companies say they will comply if the Government makes it compulsory for all, but they warn that a blackout will not cut power usage.

The blackout was among voluntary measures recommended this week by the Energy Policy and Planning Office to lower energy consumption.

Other recommendations include increasing air-conditioning temperatures in Government offices to 25 degrees, and shutting down systems at lunch and from 4pm to 9am; asking golf courses to switch off unnecessary lights; and asking people to use their cars less at weekends.

"It's time for a serious saving of energy consumption by all the people in the country," Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said. "I urge everyone to do their part to help conserve energy. We need to tighten our belts really hard."

Thailand's energy crisis is not about a shortage of power, but its cost to the economy.

"We are addicted to oil. We consume it in many ways, household, industrial and electricity," said energy researcher Suthakij Nuntavorakarn.

The Government has threatened to make the broadcasting measures compulsory if power use is not reduced by 10 per cent over three months.

--The Age, AU, 2005-06-24

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On my experience, referring to my electricity bill, air con consumes almost same as my 24/7 on fridge, computer, fan and stereo/dvd, plus occasional tv and lighting together. That's from the government electricity office since I live at a condo, so there can be no cheating involved like many apartments do in Bangkok.


What is the real issue here?????

Edited by sonnyJ
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Does this include all the UBC channels...?  :D

Just wondering... :o

totster  :D

Yes - they have made an extra long ladder & some Thai guy is going to climb up to the satellite each night & switch it off. No safety ropes, of course.

It does make me wonder just how much trouble is Thailand in, here ? What's actually behind this drive to save electricity ? Don't consumers & companies pay for what they use ? Is this no longer convering the costs ?


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Does this include all the UBC channels...?  :D

Just wondering... :o

totster   :D

Yes - they have made an extra long ladder & some Thai guy is going to climb up to the satellite each night & switch it off. No safety ropes, of course.

It does make me wonder just how much trouble is Thailand in, here ? What's actually behind this drive to save electricity ? Don't consumers & companies pay for what they use ? Is this no longer convering the costs ?


i will make sure to leave all my TV's on when i go to sleep in spite of this..

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It seems to me that there are a bunch of brainless people in Thailand!

Read with interest the past few days about the solutions to the fuel crisis. Among the solutions given were: shutting down all TV stations after mid-night; enforce the speed limits 90km per hour on general roads, 110kph on expressways and 120kph on motorways; and switch air conditioner’s off for an hour during lunch break.

The above are not solutions to the crisis. The following are better nation-wide solutions:

- Alternate day vehicle operation based on even-odd number license plate.

- Stop all inter-provincial and inter-city buses from departing stations every 30 minutes unless buses are more than 50% full or alternatively, on the hour.

- Expressway, motorway, and general road speed for all vehicles cannot exceed 90kph.

- Switching off air conditioner’s during lunch will require the use of MORE electricity to cool down the room after lunch. Setting back the air conditioner to 22-23C is a better alternative.

- All malls/shopping centers must close by 8-9 PM daily.

- All long-haul inter-provincial trucks can only travel after 8-9 PM.

- Turning off every other highway light throughout the kingdom.

These are just some of the alternatives. If there are 40 million vehicles traveling the roads nation-wide on a given day just think about the fuel savings if only 20 million vehicles are moving. Vehicles traveling at 110 and 120 kph is ridiculous and burns 2 times the fuel of a vehicle traveling at 90 kph, and a lot more safer if an accident should occur! Buses traveling the highways with no or very few passengers burn unnecessary fuel and increases the repair frequency. Most people leave work on a daily basis by 5 PM therefore any shopping (malls/shopping centers) that need to be accomplished can be done before 8-9 PM. Long haul trucks that travel during the day and have to stop-and-go because of traffic are just wasting fuel which comes out of the pockets of businesses and individuals. Turning off every other highway lights will safe substantially on fuel usage and will not hinder visibility at night.

Edited by chiangrai57020
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Addiction to increasing one's personal, individual electrical energy consumption impacts on the national economy because the nation (through its government) has to raise the capital to build more power stations.

Thaksin is being very responsible in bringing the need to cut back on our energy consumption to the notice of his electorate. Most politicians chicken out from giving the voters any bad news about the facts of economic life. (They fear that the voters may go into 'shoot the messenger' syndrome).

I just wish he could also point out the crass stupidity of building up personal indebtedness by credit cards and excessive mortgages etc. But the pushing of unnecessary credit onto unsophisticated people has some very powerful 'dark influences' behind it. They are what a British (Conservative) Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan, used to call 'the Banksters'. Even Thaksin has to think twice before offending the combined clout of SCB+Bankok Bank+HSBC+Visa+ Mastercard+++.

What Thaksin, Gordon Brown, Greenspan etc. realise is that we are globally very near to an economic 'earth-tremor' that would precipitate effects that would make the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 1928 American/British one look like mild readjustments. Their dilemma is that shouting a warning could trigger it off; but not shouting a warning could make it more disastrous when it does come.

Just my two quids worth---but I am looking to buy some little rice fields in Esarn to be my children's inheritance, rather than a Bangkok bought-to-rent condo!

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So the millions of people in Thailand who regularly watch English and Euro football which continues or starts to broadcast after midnight will now be deprived of that enjoyment......right?????

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Well, if you thought shutting down all the stores after 10pm wasn't

well thought out.

And if you thought only allowing the aircon to be on during regular

office hours wasn't given any critical analysis (lets all turn on and

off air cons, and when we get sick of waiting for it to cool down can

all go home from work at the exact same time and really waste

energy sitting in traffic.....)

Now comes we want you to go to sleep after 12pm, so we are going

to turn off your TV broadcasts and cable (great for those who need/like

access to international business channels). Of course, since the TV

stations are part of the 'tsunami early warning system' they will be

allowed to turn on again in the event of an emergency - except nobody

will think to flip from their VCD/DVD players to know about any

impending emergencies.

Next it will be international internet access after 12pm to make sure

computers are turned off (Shin Sat will be exempted).

Nothing wrong with enforicng speed limits - but how about just letting

some market forces come into play and just increase the price of

electricity a little bit.


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still dont understand how it is a cost to the economy as everybody pays for the energy he use.

If they pass the full cost of energy producing to you, You'll not be able to have your food either my dear friend. Oil is at a very subsidised price in Thailand. and the main source of electricity generation is Oil black gold

Cheers! :o

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The following are better nation-wide solutions:

- Alternate day vehicle operation based on even-odd number license plate.

They did this in Mexico City when I was there; my friends family had 2 or 3 cars so they just drove a different car every day.

As usual, it doesn't affect the people with cash. :o

And practically speaking, it costs alot of cash to buy a vehicle here; especially if you make a 'Thai wage', as I do.

So now, if I can only (theoretically)...drive my car half the time, it really cost me twice as much! :D

And it's half my time back on a motorcycle, or stuck at home after 6..or 8pm as there's no public transport after. :D

Why fookin work hard for something and then be 'denied' it's use.. *wank* *wank*



Edited by IsaanAlex
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How about using the hot air all the politicians produce to power a huge hydroelectric plant.

That will solve two problem...

Get rid of the politicians As they will be locked away in a plant somewhere..

Produce cheap fuel.

Heck, we could just burn the politicians.

That would help in Chiang Mai in the winter.

Edited by scratt
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still dont understand how it is a cost to the economy as everybody pays for the energy he use.

If they pass the full cost of energy producing to you, You'll not be able to have your food either my dear friend. Oil is at a very subsidised price in Thailand. and the main source of electricity generation is Oil black gold

Cheers! :o

Which is strange when you consider that the price in Thailand is the same as the price in the US... And people in the US are complaining that Oil prices are at an all time high, and they can't stand it!

I know ###### well that petrol is not subsidised in the US. Perhaps part of the problem is the fact that other oil consuming countries are abusing their power and priveledge when it comes to current oil situation.

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why hasnt the government approached me

we have factory in CHina making solar panels for hotwater electricity street lighting garden lighting advertising signs

Also recycling plans that will turn out oil gas and other products FREE from rubbish

Government needs to stop all tax on these products

Government needs to offer subsidies on these products

dont forget oil hit the all time high yesterday US$60 per barrel

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And also the price of fuel in the U.K. 86p a litre. Gee Imagine if the Thai price was in line with that. Then people might not drive as much.

Why not finish the bl00dy subway and skytrain lines.

Whats gonna happen when all these other condos are built and that new shopping centre at Siam with the fish tank.

Also at my school they are required to turn off lights after lessons. Now, correct me if I'm wrong doesn't it cost alot to reboot them. everytime.

As for the T.V. thats just plain stupid I mean think about the sudden drain when they are all turned back on again.

Surely, all these knee juerk reactions make Thailand look stup1d to the international community.

I can see the cartoon now with Thaksin standing over Thailand with a light switch.

WELCOME TO THAILAND OPENING HOURS 6AM until MIDNGHT but also closed from 7-12 and 2-5.


My 2bht


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Is this the way Thailand is heading into the future?

-what about Government spending?

-What about all the money lost in corruption? New airport etc.

-What about the plane Toxin bought for the Government? Very costly toy.

-What about the billboards from his son. Setup in a very short time and distroying all views. Light pollution everywhere now. High energy consuming.

-What about the tons of employees chatting all day on the internet?


-etc etc

-etc etc etc

-etc etc etc etc

Every day I see the most stupid regulations coming up, but NEVER something about corruption. Never ever, despite corruption is the thief of all.

My humble opinion: I think Thailand starts twisting down in a deadly spiral.

Watch and enjoy my friends.

Take care.

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Is this the way Thailand is heading into the future?

-what about Government spending?

-What about all the money lost in corruption? New airport etc.

-What about the plane Toxin bought for the Government? Very costly toy.

-What about the billboards from his son. Setup in a very short time and distroying all views. Light pollution everywhere now. High energy consuming.

-What about the tons of employees chatting all day on the internet?


-etc etc

-etc etc etc

-etc etc etc etc

Every day I see the most stupid regulations coming up, but NEVER something about corruption. Never ever, despite corruption is the thief of all.

My humble opinion: I think Thailand starts twisting down in a deadly spiral.

Watch and enjoy my friends.

Take care.

a dictatorship is being made in disguise, maybe its time to move on :o

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Vehicles traveling at 110 and 120 kph is ridiculous and burns 2 times the fuel of a vehicle traveling at 90 kph,

That's a real inaccurate statement. There are a multitude of factors involved in fuel economy on a car. Most modern cars in N. America and Europe will run at optimum fuel consumption between 110 and 120 kph. Maybe cars in Thailand are geared so differently as to change this optimum speed, but I doubt it.

You thinking on this is about 30 years old. Even in the States they had to change their campaign to keep the speed limits at 55 miles per hour--about 88 kph. "Fifty five saves lives" became the mantra when the optimal fuel consumption went well above 90 kph.

I won't argue your safety point. I'm not surprised if it's more dangerous to drive faster, it just uses less energy per kilometer traveled.


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Is this the way Thailand is heading into the future?

-what about Government spending?

-What about all the money lost in corruption? New airport etc.

-What about the plane Toxin bought for the Government? Very costly toy.

-What about the billboards from his son. Setup in a very short time and distroying all views. Light pollution everywhere now. High energy consuming.

-What about the tons of employees chatting all day on the internet?


-etc etc

-etc etc etc

-etc etc etc etc

Every day I see the most stupid regulations coming up, but NEVER something about corruption. Never ever, despite corruption is the thief of all.

My humble opinion: I think Thailand starts twisting down in a deadly spiral.

Watch and enjoy my friends.

Take care.

Well I guess it really breaks down to if you don't know what to do, then punt. Or management by crisis.

Do any of you live in Thai meighborhood? How much activity is there after ten O'clock or for the matter after Eight O'clock.

Bars I have seen all the excitment about closing at 2:00 A.M. Don't understand why not just start drinking earlier.

Will this effect the tourist areas where the real energy consumption is in the late hours I seriously doubt it.

Remember the government is going to stop paying for part of the fuel or at least they say they are not, we will see. This needs to be justified to the average voter, so we can be ready for the next year of election promises, not a aspect of life unique to Thailand.

The major shopping complexes here in Udon are already closed by midnight and the biggest by Eleven, through the week it only operates 12 hours a day.

Perhaps there was big panick when the heat hit a few months back, I know I was running my air more. Now that the rainy season has started it's not as hot, therefore it actually was used 50% less. By the way my bill did not reflect that,. I have been trying for months to get the electric company to check the meter nothing but promises so far and no action. Wonder how much that factor effects the numbers in consumption?

Oh well we are here when it's to hot I will turn the air on, when I want to watch T.V. I will. The powers to be will be the drum until such time as they have made thier point, then things will return to normal. Or normal will change just have to wait and see.

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