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A friend of my wife has been internet dating a guy from the UK for about 3 months. In recent weeks he has pledged to retire to Thailand and marry her. Now he has claimed to have sent her $2,000,000 dollars which is with " Fast-way finance diplimatic company worldwide" in Malaysia.According to e-mails they also have a branch in Newcastle Upon Tyne. In an effort to dispell the lady's doubt this guy has sent her a copy of his passport ( which to me doesn't look all that authentic) together with a photograph of the money and various certificates from Fastway and "Omic Diplomatic Couier and Security Services Ltd"

Omic has sent her an e-mail telling her she has to pay clearing and handling charges of release order 4,200 euros.

Fastway have sent her an e-mail telling her they want $2,200 for fast delivery service and she would get the money within 5 hours of clearance.

Does anyone know if this is a current scam which is doing its rounds? To me the whole thing stinks, but I am trying to put myself in the Thai lady's shoes. Dating with the guy for for three months; wedding bells in the air; a possible fortune waiting for her. After all, he seems a genuine guy on the internet and he HAS sent a copy of his passport as proof of his sincerity. All the documentation would seem authentic to her.

She was actually on the point of raising the funds by borrowing from her friends and family when my wife got wind of it and asked my opinion.

What do you think?

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3 months...never met...wedding bells?!!??!

OK, it's obviously a scam.....

Besides, if he really wanted to give her that much money..he sould be able to come and deliver it to her personally...... it isn't like he wouldn't be able to afford a ticket out here...and people w/ that kind of money to give away also usually don't have a problem taking a few days off for vacations either...

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Dating for 3 months via internet and he/they come up with a variation of "I need to get several million out of the country to your account" New twist, the money has been wired, BUT you need to put up cash to take possession. Both parties of this alleged dating system need to go back to the boiler room for ideas.

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same scam use in the Nigeria's 419 scam....very super clear it is a scam by con artise and they are very patient. Do not sent anything, personal information like bank account number, address, ID...etc

just google 419 scam or 419 scam baiter and you'll have clearer picture.

snopes.com: Nigerian (419) Scam

P/S: She need to be educated on this...on the com and show her 419 scam acticles, convince her. If she gets coned, she might jump...but if she insist on her way, then get her to play the game of baiting her scamer to clear all doubts...btw i've no experiance of been scam, i just enjoy reading 419 scam baiters in action...makes me more cautious and knowledgeable.

Edited by RedBullHorn
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My friend's ex wife meet on an internet dating site a self-styled English manager want to retire in Koh Phangan and buy a 5 millions Baht villa. Big love, beautiful words. The Thai woman, in his 40ies, was very excited waiting the day the manager come in Thailand. She already had found a land with a villa already built to buy (her name) with the Englishman.

Arrive the very day this man must arrive in Samui, few hours before the airplane landing from Kuala Lumpur, the woman get a call from the man, stack in KLIA because the custom find 100.000 English Pounds with him and now he must pay a 100.000 baht to be released, with the money too. Cannot use that money and the plastic too (??) so if she kindly could send him the money he needs to be released, the day after he will come to Samui. He send her also a copy of an electronic ticket KL-Samui and let her talk with some Malaysian Custom-Immigration guy to confirm the story. She send quickly the 100 grands by Western Union and wait for the man to come the day after.

No need to say the "manager" never arrive in Samui. Just he calls her back to ask for a 50.000 baht more (here I don't know if the woman send the other money or not, she disappear for a week to avoid to loos the face with friends and ex-husband).

Edited by angiud
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My friend's ex wife meet on an internet dating site a self-styled English manager want to retire in Koh Phangan and buy a 5 millions Baht villa. Big love, beautiful words. The Thai woman, in his 40ies, was very excited waiting the day the manager come in Thailand. She already had found a land with a villa already built to buy (her name) with the Englishman.

Arrive the very day this man must arrive in Samui, few hours before the airplane landing from Kuala Lumpur, the woman get a call from the man, stack in KLIA because the custom find 100.000 English Pounds with him and now he must pay a 100.000 baht to be released, with the money too. Cannot use that money and the plastic too (??) so if she kindly could send him the money he needs to be released, the day after he will come to Samui. He send her also a copy of an electronic ticket KL-Samui and let her talk with some Malaysian Custom-Immigration guy to confirm the story. She send quickly the 100 grands by Western Union and wait for the man to come the day after.

No need to say the "manager" never arrive in Samui. Just he calls her back to ask for a 50.000 baht more (here I don't know if the woman send the other money or not, she disappear for a week to avoid to loos the face with friends and ex-husband).

There is one born every minute which why these scams continue to exist. Once those dollar/baht signs start flashing in their eyes all common sense flies out the door.

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I was in KL this week, reading the Malaysian papers, two Nigerian guys have been arrested for this scam, last week, they also have malaysian women in on the scam.

Basically they befreind a woman over the internet, say they are sending her and expensive gift, The malaysian women in on the scam then calls the victim and says there is a gift waiting for them but they have to pay a customs charge, tell them to pay the customs charge into a bank account.

this sounds like it is along the same lines.

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You really need to ask :blink:

I love how the scammers never use DHL / UPS / HSBC or Western Union etc always some long lengthy spurious name "Omic Diplomatic Couier and Security Services Ltd" and "Fast-way finance diplimatic company worldwide" :lol:

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Yes this is a scam 100%!!!

A friend of mine, Thai lady had the same thing and same company happen to her.

The guy was from Newcastle and had sent her about £2000 and a lap-top computer.

She was asked for about 40,000 baht for the company to send it because it had to be delivered by hand from Malaysia. I told her not to do it. She didn't and it goes to show you now that I am vindicated in telling her not to trust this man.

$2000,000 seems a lot for a blind date situation....

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What do I think? What would anyone with half a brain think, would be more appropriate.

Your wife's friend, her friends and family,  you and your wife - none of you could figure that one out? :cheesy:

Where are you all living? I've got a really good investment idea, I'd like to discuss with you.

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you guys are so negative. There are lots of millionaires looking to give away their money. What is so fishy about some bloke giving a large sum to a person he only met on the internet. It sounds so legit to me.


What comes around goes around.

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My friend's ex wife meet on an internet dating site a self-styled English manager want to retire in Koh Phangan and buy a 5 millions Baht villa. Big love, beautiful words. The Thai woman, in his 40ies, was very excited waiting the day the manager come in Thailand. She already had found a land with a villa already built to buy (her name) with the Englishman.

Arrive the very day this man must arrive in Samui, few hours before the airplane landing from Kuala Lumpur, the woman get a call from the man, stack in KLIA because the custom find 100.000 English Pounds with him and now he must pay a 100.000 baht to be released, with the money too. Cannot use that money and the plastic too (??) so if she kindly could send him the money he needs to be released, the day after he will come to Samui. He send her also a copy of an electronic ticket KL-Samui and let her talk with some Malaysian Custom-Immigration guy to confirm the story. She send quickly the 100 grands by Western Union and wait for the man to come the day after.

No need to say the "manager" never arrive in Samui. Just he calls her back to ask for a 50.000 baht more (here I don't know if the woman send the other money or not, she disappear for a week to avoid to loos the face with friends and ex-husband).

I have noticed in recent years an large increase in the amount of Nigerian looking types appearing in Bangkok and wondered if they were trying this crap here on the Thai womenfolk...............ironic really, wait for the uproar from the Thais when a few have been ripped off by this scam. :lol:

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What do I think? What would anyone with half a brain think, would be more appropriate.

Your wife's friend, her friends and family, you and your wife - none of you could figure that one out? :cheesy:

Where are you all living? I've got a really good investment idea, I'd like to discuss with you.

Gotta say I agree, as harshly as you put it. It's almost hard to be sympathetic to folks who fall for this sort of scam. Because it requires two things: stupidity and greed. A scam like this would never go over unless both traits are present.

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Nigeria's 419 scam.....................100%, and I have no doubt it even coming from Nigeria, routing though the UK. Even if you don’t respond to this now...........There will be more scams to come, She is on their mailing list now. Best start educating yourself and family on this matter. Just remember this; If it sounds too good to be true.................It probably is!!!!!! An old saying, but very appropriate.

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