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Mental Hospital

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Just finished with the current missus, and she gone mad !!

She has cut herself and threatens to kill herself and blame me !!

I need to send her to a mental hospital like in the uk .. Who do I contact ?? She needs help

Note she is not a bar girl but highly educated and with a good job

Shit this is to much .. Bar girls where less hassle

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Think the above post is correct. As far as I am aware there are no doctors resident on the island capable of making the necessary decisions. Similar to the UK I believe, where it takes at least 2 GPs to 'section' somone/detain them against their will. A doctor in the meantime might prescribe drugs to calm things down.

Good luck.

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sorry to hear that as well

I think, if she says that you were the one hurting her, the mental clinic is no option any more. It's a police matter. Better be careful and try to be reasonable. It looks like she does not let you go easily. Maybe solve the situation first and postpone the break up for the moment?

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The mental health hospitals here are not as bad as all that. I know a couple of people who have needed their sservice. GO to a hospital and get temporary treatment but make sure you get a referal to a thai mental hospital. I can assure you they will care for her.

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This reaction is a typical attitude among Thai females when things go bad. They tend to ware the slash marks as a badge of honor. If you are legally married (amphur) then you have legal rights to help. If you only had Buddha wedding no luck. You could get a friend of hers to help and if she is over the top you could possibly get some of your friends to help get her to a hospital for help. Short of that if she is really gone for your sake...leave and don't look back.

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Boater,if you are in a position yourself you or friends could take her to nathon hospital,i dont know of any other place to go.Difficult to give advice without knowing all the circumstances.

Firstly i would say..............dont panic.If she is on medication now,it could just be the medication causing the problems she now has.On the other hand thai ladies are known to do this to their husbands,thai or farang,and it could just be attention seeking.

My ex used to threaten to kill herself many times,at first i assumed her threats were real,but when i did n't respond in the way she wanted she soon stopped using it as a weapon.

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i m in samui , hence the worry !!!<BR><BR>please i just need a number for the men in white coats !!!!

Look there is a large well known mental hospital in Surat Thani, the name escapes me but don't worry they are VERY GOOD and will make arrangements to pick up the patient. I suggest you contact any hospital here on Samui and they will make the necessary arrangements. Good Luck.

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lazy gourmet has it close, Suan Saranom in Surat Thani, its on the way to Phun Phin.

The doctors at the government hospital in Nathon are your best bet, to be honest. If you can get her there. They can refer her to the hospital in Surat and arrange transport.

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u can go to the police if they agree she is Baa then they give her the choice. wither go voluneeterally or be force. ran ka deng is the nigk name and it is in surat. free food and free ned. or ther is bbk hops.

going through a similar thing with mine at the moent.its a laugh

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u can go to the police if they agree she is Baa then they give her the choice. wither go voluneeterally or be force. ran ka deng is the nigk name and it is in surat. free food and free ned. or ther is bbk hops.

going through a similar thing with mine at the moent.its a laugh

Lang Kha daeng is the nick name (red roof) but everyone knows Suan Saranom.

I doubt the police would be much help unless she is hurting other people, they don't get involved in what is seen as a "domestic"

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u can go to the police if they agree she is Baa then they give her the choice. wither go voluneeterally or be force. ran ka deng is the nigk name and it is in surat. free food and free ned. or ther is bbk hops.

going through a similar thing with mine at the moent.its a laugh

Lang Kha daeng is the nick name (red roof) but everyone knows Suan Saranom.

I doubt the police would be much help unless she is hurting other people, they don't get involved in what is seen as a "domestic"

if u r haveing a domestic and the police are called and she does some strange stuff infront of them then they have the power. though they have aphyciatric section in bbk samui but be ready for big baht. or the other alternative is bangkok sukhumwvit soi 70. bit cheaper there but still will have to dipp into your pocket.

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But have you still finished with her or gone back?

we all go back to them. i have finiished with my bird 100 times. on a break at the moment though if hostory repeats itself i'll be back

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