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Thought I would throw this out here. I have a lot of favorites, but will start with one and see if people want to contribute to the thread or not.

My obsession the last couple days is "Instapaper", a cool service/app that you use to collect stories from the web you want to save later to read on your iPad (works on iPhone too). So often I see something I would like to read when on the web but don't have time to. With instapaper you can install the instapaper applet in your bookmarks toolbar of any browser that you download it to, and it will reformat it and save it to your online instapaper account. When you later log in to your app on your iPad, it will download all the articles you have saved, and they are reformatted into a very nice to read text format, with lots of settings to tweak for your liking. You can then save them into various folders of your own making, and read them offline. You can also save your favorite stories with a star favorite, and then share your account name with other people and they will then receive those articles. Good for people who are information sharing on a common topic or interest.

It took me a half hour or so to get into instapaper, but now I find it very useful and a great way to archive things to read on the road from the web.

Check it out at instapaper.com.

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