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Thai Girlfriend Wants To Marry Me

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I am Canadian. Can anyone advise me what are the steps to legally marry my TGF and get the visa. What is the visa name, how much does it costs total, what do I need to furnish and where? Anyone know what this entitles her regarding Canadian immigration if we marry legally in Thailand but not Canada? Any pitfalls? Thank you.

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What visa are you talking about? You do not get a visa for being married but it would allow application for non immigrant O visa and extensions of stay from Immigration if meeting financial conditions. But that is for Thailand stay. Are you asking about moving to Canada? If you are will move this to the proper forum.

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A legal marriage in Thailand will be recognized in Canada.

What you first need to do is to get an affidavit from your embassy that you are free to marry. Look at your embassies website to see which documents you will need to supply.

Next you have this document translated by a translation agency and after that you go to the Thai foreign ministry, consular section, to have the document legalised. (Most translation agencies will offer to take care of the legalization for you). Once you have the legalised document you go to an amphur and get married. You can get married at any amphur.

For immigration it is advised that you ask for a copy of the marriage registration, besides the wedding certificate. Kor ror 2 form. Immigration will want to see that.

The visa is a different question and the answer depends on what visa you are on now.

For extensions of stay based on marriage you will need to be living with your wife and have an income of 40,000 baht a month (maybe from abroad) or have 400,000 in the bank in Thailand (for at least 2 months).

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A couple of possible Technical pitfalls (depending upon your circumstances)

1) Pre-Nuptial: If you are making one then ENSURE the Amphur office accept, keep and register it AND do so AT SAME TIME OF THE LEGAL MARRIAGE. If they do not it will be "Null & Void" and cannot be registered later. This is Thai Law.

I did register this with my first marriage in Bangkok (done by lawyers but I did not appreciate the necessity). On my second marriage in Khon Kaen It was refused by the Amphur office clerk insisting WRONGLY) they did not register and keep such items and that I having a signed copy in our possession was adequate. Clearly she did not know Thai law or was not willing to bother. Either way I have a useless Pre-Nupt I paid for. Luckily after 4 years of marriage to my second Thai wife I see no reason to worry, but failure of a Pre Nupt with my first "clued up" gold digging Ex .. could have been a financial disaster.

2) If (hopefully never)a divorce is sought by you or you wife you will have to process it personally in Thailand (as I had to with the divorce of my first Thai wife after only 3½ months. Luckily it was quick 15 mins (a mutual uncontested agreement)as she realised she was getting nothing else out of me (except at last minute she made a 1 million baht scam "or I'll not divorce". She accepted 50,000 Baht when I told her "take it or leave it. If I fly back home still married you will never get me back to divorce you again when you want it"

Good Luck and Best wishes


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Once you have married in Thailand (already covered in the replies) you can apply for her to come to Canada as your spouse - http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/spouse.asp

Expect this process to take up to 2 years (I managed it in 8 months - but I've heard horror stories).

Cost? About $550 now. It was cut almost in half a few years ago.

You can get the application package sent from Immigration Canada.

Immigration lawyers can fill the application in for you - and charge you thousands (and make mistakes which you will pay for in $ and extended delays),

or you can get a big table and lay everything out and do it your self, checking all forms several times for mistakes / additional information etc.

Better to do it your self - you have the most to lose by making mistakes.

Start taking lots of photos of the 2 of you together with her family members - you have to convince Canadian authorities this is a genuine relationship.

Also save all emails, chat converstaions, letters etc. Print them out to send with your application - I'm serious, it worked for me.

Let me know if you need more info - though you will have to get used to searching the link I included.

Good luck - if you've found the right girl it really is worth all the trouble.

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Thank you for your replies. This is naive but: if we are legally married in Thailand, is she entitled to my assets? I rent my condo and own a motorbike. Thank you.

Based on your question you may want to take a deep breath (that's not organism related) and really think whether "you" want to marry this girl or not. Marriage is a BIG, BIG, BIG step in a person's life.

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Thank you for your replies. This is naive but: if we are legally married in Thailand, is she entitled to my assets? I rent my condo and own a motorbike. Thank you.

Based on your question you may want to take a deep breath (that's not organism related) and really think whether "you" want to marry this girl or not. Marriage is a BIG, BIG, BIG step in a person's life.

I just want the visa and the girl is doing me a favor.

Any potential pitfalls? Thank you everyone.

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what kind of favour do you think she's doing you? Whatever visa you want you can get it without getting married, apart from, obviously, the extension of a visa based on marriage. Why would you want to go through the considerable hassle of all the paperwork at immigration, proving you have the money, photo's of you and her in your home together, visits from immigration officials to make sure you're married, just so you can report to immigration every 90 days to show you still live together? Then, whenever she wants to kick you out the country she goes and tells them and you're screwed! There's other legitimate ways to get visas without hooking up with someone who's supposedly doing you a favour.

If you do go through with this, I think you'll find that it's you who will be doing her favours on a monthly basis, shortly after pay day.

Go get a non-immigrant type o from a nearby country or get an ed-visa or something, don't get married to get a visa extension, it's hard enough when you're getting married for the usual reasons.

Anyway, up to you, your life not my life, as they say.

I do like the way you casually ask if there are any potential pitfalls btw, that did make me chuckle :)

reason for edit; removing the words 'f*cking' and 'idiot'

Edited by bifftastic
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The visa is a hassle

It may require her to leave Thailand and front up with you

How long have you been in Thailand? Do you see your life here?

Has this woman ever work in the "entertainment" industry????

I have a girlfriend - who I love, we have now been together six months. Neither she nor I are in any rush to marry.

I had a friend of 7 years, she is trustworthy. Everything was great when I was a butterfly. When I became attached (above) she was not happy. We now no longer see one another - and had strong words. She was jealous (but married to another guy). Moral: how well do you really know her.

Will she later extort money out of you? What about sin-sodt?

I think its a bad idea personally. Then there is the fact you are legally married - and all that brings.

my 2 baht. Had the chance - did not take her up on it.

If you are hard pressed for visas, travel to other countries and spend 4-6 mos here each year.

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