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Latest Bashing At Nana


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I get a wake up call at around 5-6 am this morning. It's my Finish mate.

He's obviously drunk again slurring his words. Say's he's all bloodied up at some police hospital near Siam square. Said he was at Nana last night drinking at some roadside beer stall near Subway Sandwiches at Nana, and some Thai guy came and hit him atleast five times on the head, can't really remember for what, why--? :o but for obvious reasons, witnesses won't talk.

All I know it had to do with some unpaid tab with the English dudes/ or whatever. Anyhow, he was concious all this morning, still drunk having issues at the police hospital refusing to get stiched up there.

To make a long story short, he shows up at my apartment around 7 am cause I told him I'd go with him to the hospital he wanted to get treated at near here. Blood soaked shirt, with cuts all over his face and a big 3 inch gash on his head, he goes to buy a can of Chang against my suggestions.

Eventually, we make it to at a private hospital over in Sapan Kwai, he get's stitched up for a thousand baht (insurance don't cover violent related accidents) and waited to get drugs at some other pharmacy, where we come across a great deal on Diazapam unexpectedly---looking for Librium or something to substitue for his alcohalism, which is what got him in this mess in the first place.

Now he's crashed out cold. As a friend, I got to worry. He's lucky he's alive, and it's still to early to conclude wether and internal hemorage/bleeding can/will occur. Bottom line, he's needs to stop the drinking for now and a while as it won't do him any good. This is not the first time he's been knocked out on the Bkk streets by some random Thai guy while he was drunk. But he's stubborn and has 'freedom' to decide what he wants to do. All I can do is advise, but it's not my place to force him, an impossible task.

It shouldn't be a surprise about his frequent police harassments he might have mentioned on the forum recently. Sure as farang, we have certain freedoms over the locals, but then on the flip side, we are much more vulnerable on the Thai streets as these experiences can teach us.

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He's obviously drunk again slurring his words. Say's he's all bloodied up at some police hospital near Siam square. Said he was at Nana last night drinking at some roadside beer stall near Subway Sandwiches at Nana, and some Thai guy came and hit him atleast five times on the head, can't really remember for what, why--?  but for obvious reasons, witnesses won't talk

I am so grateful that I don't need to drink anymore! :o

Brings back many memories.

I have been in 15 different hospitals in Bangkok for alcohol related "accidents".

I could write a book about it all, if I remembered.

If he wants help, he can get it.


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If he speaks, reads & writes Thai as well as you do it's sure a waste of good talent... 
Not many Fins do.

I used to work in Finland, and I was amazed at the amount they drink, many of them blacking out. Monday mornings at the office were always very interesting as no-one ever spoke to each other, after they were all paraletic the previous night, taking their clothes off and jumping in holes in the ice, in Lautersarren.

I'm not the biggest fan of Thai blokes, but they don't go round smashed people over the heads for no reason, I reckon your mate was shouting his mouth off to the wrong people.

Very true, since I quit drinking, I haven't been beat up once.

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Sure as farang, we have certain freedoms over the locals,

I can't think of any, could you be more specific?

I'm not trying to get into a debate on subjective definitions of 'freedom' here, but my intended meaning was a long the lines of as farang, we can get away with a lot more than Thais just for the fact of being farang. Many times, police and other authorities won't go through the full hassles with farang as they would Thais in many situations. Whether, it's traffic related or entering a club, or whatever.

Sometimes, we take this for granted and cross the lines...where accidents related to cross-cultural misunderstandings can happen...

Often are gestures and actions in public that might contradict local customs and culture are written off and justified as 'farang' where in contrast, if it were back in the states, foreigners don't have such special privileges to be so ethno centric.

Also, the purpose of the thread wasn't to humiliate my friend and make him sound stupid. Actually, he's one of the most intelligent guys I know--often over the heads of many in the petty conversations in the social circles we cross. I've noticed that other Scandanavians or European drunks tend to have character conflict with him in the sense that he can out drink them in week long whiskey binges and still have the desire to engage in Chinese philosophy or history while everyone else is strung out....he's ready to buy another bottle and indulge in more deep profound topics or Japanese, Chinese, or Thai linguist discussions.

Anyway, that's off the topic, but I'm sure all of us have similar stories of our own accidents where blood was drawn---ours or others. Whether we are/aren't willing to admit them. Or atleast have seen their share of blood in Thailand---a wonderful place that many of us call home. I've had my share...and got to say I'm lucky to be alive...having to had learn many lessons the hard way, not just my own experiences, but from accidents and deaths of other close ones.

It's so easy to get caught up in the heat of this country in a drunkard spell. It's easy to lose ourselves.

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QUOTE(pluto_manibo @ 2005-06-27 11:30:20)


Sure as farang, we have certain freedoms over the locals,

I can't think of any, could you be more specific?

I'm not trying to get into a debate on subjective definitions of 'freedom' here, but my intended meaning was a long the lines of as farang, we can get away with a lot more than Thais just for the fact of being farang. Many times, police and other authorities won't go through the full hassles with farang as they would Thais in many situations. Whether, it's traffic related or entering a club, or whatever.

Sometimes, we take this for granted and cross the lines...where accidents related to cross-cultural misunderstandings can happen...

Aren't you half Thai?
He is going to be disturbed when he will see ur posts......

Ha :o ha, I know what I would have done in this sonny guys shoes, when I found out my "mate" was talking about me to strangers.

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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But  he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and  came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

i doubt very much you were attacked even in "plymouth" for having an american accent,it is probably the fact that you were talking as loud and ig norantly as many americans do.is it some sortof belief that everyone is interested in the crap you talk on a regular basis??

sorry this is based on my own experience of americans outside the u.s.a.!

i lived there for almost 2 years"PLYMOUTH",and due to the place having nothing much but pubs it turned me into a virtual alcaholic.

funnily enough no one tried to attack me in all that time?

you work it out.

Edited by schmokinn
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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But  he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and  came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

i doubt very much you were attacked even in "plymouth" for having an american accent,it is probably the fact that you were talking as loud and ig norantly as many americans do

...this is based on my own experience of americans outside the u.s.a.!

Uh huh? :o

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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But  he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and  came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

i doubt very much you were attacked even in "plymouth" for having an american accent,it is probably the fact that you were talking as loud and ig norantly as many americans do.is it some sortof belief that everyone is interested in the crap you talk on a regular basis??

sorry this is based on my own experience of americans outside the u.s.a.!

i lived there for almost 2 years"PLYMOUTH",and due to the place having nothing much but pubs it turned me into a virtual alcaholic.

funnily enough no one tried to attack me in all that time?

you work it out.

A bad hair day schmokinn .......... :o

Not all Seppos are loudmouthed, you should get out more.

& buy a bloody dictionary before you post again.....:D

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A new experience. A lesson learned (again). Guess I'm lucky in a way or few.

I'm still left in the dark by my memories of last night. All there is left are head aching pains, and my swollen face.

No, I don't consider my self as an out-of-control-crazy. I didn't beat up anybody last night. I can't understand that kind of behaviour. But, it's a good lesson. Violence? I'm not into that, but we all must get our experiences some way, whether we like it or not. My experience didn't change my perception on violence too much. Only made it more reachable, being able to grasp on it by my own hands so to speak. Violence is not a way to go says I.

I consider myself as an sensitive, intelligent, thinking, feeling human being.

That's all folks.

As a chinaman would say. Ni Qingke Wo Fuqian. You invited but I will pay. (This is to be considered in a positive sense).

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A new experience. A lesson learned (again). Guess I'm lucky in a way or few

I doubt very much if you learned anything.

Are you sober now?

Stoned on valium?

Quit drinking now, mate, as if you are indeed an alkie(as your mate says), there is only one way to go, and that is down. How far are you willing to go?

It is only when you awaken that you realise you were sleeping.I wish you luck.

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QUOTE(pluto_manibo @ 2005-06-27 11:30:20)


Sure as farang, we have certain freedoms over the locals,

I can't think of any, could you be more specific?

I'm not trying to get into a debate on subjective definitions of 'freedom' here, but my intended meaning was a long the lines of as farang, we can get away with a lot more than Thais just for the fact of being farang. Many times, police and other authorities won't go through the full hassles with farang as they would Thais in many situations. Whether, it's traffic related or entering a club, or whatever.

Sometimes, we take this for granted and cross the lines...where accidents related to cross-cultural misunderstandings can happen...

Aren't you half Thai?

He is going to be disturbed when he will see ur posts......
Ha :o ha, I know what I would have done in this sonny guys shoes, when I found out my "mate" was talking about me to strangers.

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What are the ratings for Finns as street brawlers? I am making no excuses for trouble makers here, But I imagine if a Brit , Aussie or German pisshead came home beat up ,covered in blood.... some of it would be other people's blood :o

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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But  he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and  came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

i doubt very much you were attacked even in "plymouth" for having an american accent,it is probably the fact that you were talking as loud and ig norantly as many americans do.is it some sortof belief that everyone is interested in the crap you talk on a regular basis??

sorry this is based on my own experience of americans outside the u.s.a.!

i lived there for almost 2 years"PLYMOUTH",and due to the place having nothing much but pubs it turned me into a virtual alcaholic.

funnily enough no one tried to attack me in all that time?

you work it out.

A bad hair day schmokinn .......... :o

Not all Seppos are loudmouthed, you should get out more.

& buy a bloody dictionary before you post again.....:D

i would apologise udon...but unfortunately i get out quite a lot and as i stated i find most americans obmnoxious.

if you are american i suggest you calm yourself about dictionaries as it is your nation that stole are language then "bastardized"it.


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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But  he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and  came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

i doubt very much you were attacked even in "plymouth" for having an american accent,it is probably the fact that you were talking as loud and ig norantly as many americans do.is it some sortof belief that everyone is interested in the crap you talk on a regular basis??

sorry this is based on my own experience of americans outside the u.s.a.!

i lived there for almost 2 years"PLYMOUTH",and due to the place having nothing much but pubs it turned me into a virtual alcaholic.

funnily enough no one tried to attack me in all that time?

you work it out.

A bad hair day schmokinn .......... :o

Not all Seppos are loudmouthed, you should get out more.

& buy a bloody dictionary before you post again.....:D

i would apologise udon...but unfortunately i get out quite a lot and as i stated i find most americans obmnoxious.

if you are american i suggest you calm yourself about dictionaries as it is your nation that stole are language then "bastardized"it.


As a Brit myself I find your posts boring, unfounded and lacking in grammatical prowess.

Bastardize that....... :D

ps Udon is an Ozzie , do you find them "obmnoxious" ( sic ) too ?


ps the Yank you said he got beat up for having an american accent sounds like a tit as well..... :D

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Obviously, he was blacked out and did something or said something thst pushed even the "greng jai" Thais over the limit.

I've seen a lot of Brits do the same...think they're back in the local pub, having a few pints, where rude behavior and aggression is a sport of some kind...I was attacked in Pymouth England because I speak with an Americam accent..luckily I fast enough on my feet (or was back then) to get away.

Some cultures have embraced the alcoholic culture that well.

He's on his way to the hospital again unless he cleans up. But  he's probabaly already a veteran of hospitals.

Just because he came half way around the world doesn't mean that he can behave in any manner he sees fit. He's probably just out of control and  came to Thailand (the Land of the Free) to try to get away with it.

i doubt very much you were attacked even in "plymouth" for having an american accent,it is probably the fact that you were talking as loud and ig norantly as many americans do.is it some sortof belief that everyone is interested in the crap you talk on a regular basis??

sorry this is based on my own experience of americans outside the u.s.a.!

i lived there for almost 2 years"PLYMOUTH",and due to the place having nothing much but pubs it turned me into a virtual alcaholic.

funnily enough no one tried to attack me in all that time?

you work it out.

A bad hair day schmokinn .......... :o

Not all Seppos are loudmouthed, you should get out more.

& buy a bloody dictionary before you post again.....:D

i would apologise udon...but unfortunately i get out quite a lot and as i stated i find most americans obmnoxious.

if you are american i suggest you calm yourself about dictionaries as it is your nation that stole are language then "bastardized"it.


As a Brit myself I find your posts boring, unfounded and lacking in grammatical prowess.

Bastardize that....... :D

ps Udon is an Ozzie , do you find them "obmnoxious" ( sic ) too ?


ps the Yank you said he got beat up for having an american accent sounds like a tit as well..... :D

boring to you maybe....unfounded,i will presume that a mistake as i am speaking of my experiences..and i do not think you would call me a liar.

as for my lack of typing ability you would surely forgive me that??

yours schmokinn :D

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