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No Problem If Thaksin Returns, PM Abhisit Says

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This will be interesting to see how he can avoid the 2 years jail. He has the money for a very good army of Lawyers and now, as he is divorced from his Wife this can change a lot.:whistling: Wait and see..............

Welcome home old man.

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Awefuly quiet from all you Thaksin haters about the fact that he has not been arrested on terrorism charges by interpol

Like i said and was bashed for it Interpol wont arrest someone on trumped up political charges

Love it when Im proved right LOL B)

It's all about money and he is not broke yet.


He is indeed Thai but of the elite rich minority who don't think the same an normal Thais they are usually obsessed with staying rich, why does he want to protect "the establishment" so much....no brainer really its just because it keeps the poor in their place poor while the rich stay rich.

Now that Thailand is getting back to normal, you only have to be in Thailand just a few years to see an increase in lifestyle from poor entering into the middle class life. I would say that is the reverse for a lot of western countries.

And what is your answer,,, the rich give you all of their money?


Awefuly quiet from all you Thaksin haters about the fact that he has not been arrested on terrorism charges by interpol

Like i said and was bashed for it Interpol wont arrest someone on trumped up political charges

Love it when Im proved right LOL B)

It's all about money and he is not broke yet.

What? He is not finished burning Thailand?


Don't know where to fit this in, just curious;

Is Abhisit a British Citizen? no great political importance, though it would be in other countries, like America, for one.

His Govt is going to make expats give up their home nationalities, maybe Britain, Germany, Canada, Sweden, America, should copy this 'wise' move for all of the Thai expats

Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner. Some less well informed posters have made comments that since he was born there he should go back there, which is rather absurd when you think about it..

Not sure what your comments about making expats give up their 'home nationalities" is all about?

He is Thai and thinks like a Thai with some western influence admittedly but still Thai

Have to take your word that he's thinking, but I'm sure he can sing all the Thai songs. It would appear that he is being coached, probably from an American perspective, since he has reduced his incessant blinking down to only 80-100 times per minute, his choice of ties and suits has improved, he has been keeping his hair better-styled, and he has moved to standing presidentially at a podium flanked by flags and an official seal instead of sitting wherever at empty tables when addressing the nation.

Thats because his idol is Obama. He, little doubt,, watches, learns the US, Obama technique. No alcohol talking here. I have been observing Abisits evolution on television and snewspapers. What you have said, is likely more accurate than even you realize.


Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner. Some less well informed posters have made comments that since he was born there he should go back there, which is rather absurd when you think about it..

Not sure what your comments about making expats give up their 'home nationalities" is all about?


Abhisit thinks like a westerner? What makes you think that?

Probably the fact that he was educated in England.  :whistling:

What does that actually mean "to think like a westerner"?

Abhisits was also educated in Thailand, went also here to school and university, Chulalongkorn and Ramkhamhaeng

furthermore is he Buddhist

and in the world cup 2010 his favorite football team was ... England? NO! Argentina. :P

I would say he thinks like Abhisit who comes from an influential family, his grandfather was minister in the cabinet of military dictator Field Marshal Sarit Dhanarajata 1959-63 and minister in the cabinet of military dictator Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn 1963-69, his father served as minister in the 1991/92 Junta Cabinets. 1

Of course he was also send by his parents to Eton and Oxford. Does that make one "to think like a westener"?

King Mongkut (Rama IV)to Christian missionaries he hired as teacher: "What you teach us to do is admirable, but what you teach us to believe is foolish." :thumbsup:


^ 1. Don't look in a narrow minded western way of think at all this junta, military and dictator stuff. These governments were on a peacekeeping and doing-good for Thailand mission and nothing else.


Money is running low, no international support, no support from USA, family assets frozen, Could it be that he is considering to serve the time and try to live the rest of his life peacefully?

I hope so, surely will make his life easier


Don't know where to fit this in, just curious;

Is Abhisit a British Citizen? no great political importance, though it would be in other countries, like America, for one.

His Govt is going to make expats give up their home nationalities, maybe Britain, Germany, Canada, Sweden, America, should copy this 'wise' move for all of the Thai expats

Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner. Some less well informed posters have made comments that since he was born there he should go back there, which is rather absurd when you think about it..

Not sure what your comments about making expats give up their 'home nationalities" is all about?

He is Thai and thinks like a Thai with some western influence admittedly but still Thai

Have to take your word that he's thinking, but I'm sure he can sing all the Thai songs. It would appear that he is being coached, probably from an American perspective, since he has reduced his incessant blinking down to only 80-100 times per minute, his choice of ties and suits has improved, he has been keeping his hair better-styled, and he has moved to standing presidentially at a podium flanked by flags and an official seal instead of sitting wherever at empty tables when addressing the nation.

None of this answers my question.

I never asked if he was Thai, I already knew that he is, DUH. My question is does he have British Citenzship? ALSO

[You can have only one Thai parent, be born in another country, never even in live in Thailand, and still get a Thai birth certificate]


Money is running low, no international support, no support from USA, family assets frozen, Could it be that he is considering to serve the time and try to live the rest of his life peacefully?

I hope so, surely will make his life easier

That is a scenario I would love to see. I would double love it if the yellow terrorists ALSO decided to serve THEIR time behind bars, Sondhi and the rest of them.

That would make life better than 'easy'. Can we say golden?

The Government would be lighting a fuse if they punish one side and not the other. If the System was not run by Brokers of Corruption it would be a simple matter of process to clip the wings right off the yellow and red movements and put the criminal leaders where they BOTH belong.


NOW, here is a scenario I do NOT want to see; Thaksin popping into the North and fortressing himself for revolution. He has talked about doing this, and nothing could stop him.

Remember the fully equipped military train, with 200 armed soldiers, that was 'commandeered' by peasants in sandals and shorts? The North still is Red Territory.

If a mass of people could dictate military manouevers, why could they NOT form a human shield? Who would be able to get close enough to arrest him, a multi colored? lol


Scenario #1 or Scenario #2? It would be interesting to know which one he is planning.


Remember! Someone has a 'theory' that it is 'set' for Thaksin's men to get promoted in the annual military reshuffling. THAT could be the deciding factor as to whether it is A or B.


To ensure Thaksin never returns as 'President' and his only option for return is jail, ALL a non partisan, progressive, modern, fair, Government would have to is pave that road by jailing Sondhi and the other yellow mobsters, even if it includes Cabinet Ministers.


Am I really the only one in the World who views Thailand as on the verge of breaking up into 3 or 4 countries? If does get to that the dozens of 'experts' who will, then, come forward 'claiming' they knew it all along would cute to me.


I have been doing a POLL of Thais and discovered some Western concepts for questions don't even work for Thais. [yes or no responses that is]

Some work, for example 'Is Thailand filled with political corruption?' [yes, always has been]

But try to get a yes/no answer to, 'Would you like to see a System that eradicates corruption?' It's like asking 'would you like to have wings and fly like a bird?

Instead of , yes or no, I get 'impossible', 'it will never change' 'not bother about that' and so on.

While Thais KNOW corruption exists, and we can assume they would be 'okay' if it was greatly reduced, it 'seems' they consider it an immovable object. < just the way the Mob would be glad for them to think.


I better get all this out b4 the gangsters cyber scouts are finished their training.


Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner.

Ive just heard him speak on AlJazeera and he certainly doesnt speak perfect English.

After spending that kind of money on an education im sure his parents were hoping he'd be as good a public speaker as what Eton is renowned for creating .... someone like David Cameron who'd have been at the exact same schools Eton/Oxford at possibly the same time .... Though as English obviously is not his first language despite spending most his early years there maybe he is more confident and comes across better whilst speaking in Thai.

PS i didnt vote for Cameron.


Taksin can never return. He has too much to answer for after the second year of the burning of Bangkok.

Flip side of that, if he did return and was not held to full account, you can place this nation firmly in the camp of "banana republic", "tin pot dictatorship" "puppet gov't" and "run by military junta"

Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner. Some less well informed posters have made comments that since he was born there he should go back there, which is rather absurd when you think about it.. Not sure what your comments about making expats give up their 'home nationalities" is all about?
:crazy: Abhisit thinks like a westerner? What makes you think that?
Probably the fact that he was educated in England. :whistling:
What does that actually mean "to think like a westerner"? Abhisits was also educated in Thailand, went also here to school and university, Chulalongkorn and Ramkhamhaeng furthermore is he Buddhist and in the world cup 2010 his favorite football team was ... England? NO! Argentina. :P I would say he thinks like Abhisit who comes from an influential family, his grandfather was minister in the cabinet of military dictator Field Marshal Sarit Dhanarajata 1959-63 and minister in the cabinet of military dictator Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn 1963-69, his father served as minister in the 1991/92 Junta Cabinets. 1 Of course he was also send by his parents to Eton and Oxford. Does that make one "to think like a westener"? King Mongkut (Rama IV)to Christian missionaries he hired as teacher: "What you teach us to do is admirable, but what you teach us to believe is foolish." :thumbsup:------------------------- ^ 1. Don't look in a narrow minded western way of think at all this junta, military and dictator stuff. These governments were on a peacekeeping and doing-good for Thailand mission and nothing else.
So his grandfather happened to be a minister under 2 junta goverments...? :rolleyes: THATS EXPLAINS why he feel so comfortable now,he inherited apparently the genes for it :annoyed:

I think Thaksin's message to his people was once again just the fantasy that they'll be somehow in charge by the end of the Year and I guess he'll concentrate on forcing a November election date. A Phuea Thai election win is one of the possible scenarios for his return, according to earlier statements. It's getting pretty lonely out there...


Naew Na Editorial, July 05 2010

Translated and Rewritten by Itiporn Lakarnchua

Thaksin Come Back, With Honesty

UPDATE : 5 July 2010

Ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has once again made headlines by declaring via video-link to his supportive Pheu Thai Party that he will be returning to Thai soil at the end of this year. The declaration has spurred mixed reactions of jubilation, apprehension, and outright distrust that the move is simply another attempt to derail the Kingdom's forward trajectory.

Thaksin Shinawatra, for all intents and purposes, is a wanted fugitive who has already been sentenced to two years imprisonment for his illicit purchase of a plot of land on Ratchada Road, a slew of crimes against national security, corruption and most recently, terrorism. The deposed premier has reasoned that due to the incriminations and hostilities against him amongst the nation's political leaders, he has been unable to safely return to Thailand.

Constitutionally, Thaksin has always held the right to enter to the Kingdom and seek justice from within its borders. The once national-leader's self imposed exile, however, began after his sentencing to two years in prison.

Examining Thaksin's claims of unfair treatment and hostility closer, it can be seen that following his ousting in 2006, general elections, under a political atmosphere Thaksin deemed undemocratic, appointed the People's Power Party to power. The PPP, known today as Pheu Thai, successfully moved two of its members into the prime minister post during its time in office. During the PPPs rule, Thaksin freely came and went as he pleased and even stated that democracy was alive and well in Thailand. The booted premier also affirmed his faith in the Thai justice system, promising to face all of the cases against him head on.

Skipping ahead, history notes the discovery of two controversial “cookie” bags filled with two million baht in cash delivered to authorities of the Supreme Court. Whether the bribe attempt was initiated by Thaksin has never been clearly proven, but the effectiveness of the payoff bears no question as he was sentenced to jail time soon after; bringing this recollection to present day with Thaksin’s countrymen hoping to avoid making good on his conviction.

Thaksin's fleeing of his trusted justice system is only one example of his selective memories for promises with others including his declaration to take to the streets of Thailand alongside the red shirt group if state action resulted in their deaths. At this point, even his most avid antagonists must concede that it is time for Thaksin to come back, but maybe pick up some honesty on the way. If Thaksin truly believes in his innocence and that democracy has a chance in Thailand, he should have no fears about returning home.

From TAN



What does that actually mean "to think like a westerner"?


I would say he thinks like Abhisit who comes from an influential family, his grandfather was minister in the cabinet of military dictator Field Marshal Sarit Dhanarajata 1959-63 and minister in the cabinet of military dictator Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn 1963-69, his father served as minister in the 1991/92 Junta Cabinets. 1

Of course he was also send by his parents to Eton and Oxford. Does that make one "to think like a westener"? King Mongkut (Rama IV)to Christian missionaries he hired as teacher: "What you teach us to do is admirable, but what you teach us to believe is foolish." :thumbsup:


^ 1. Don't look in a narrow minded western way of think at all this junta, military and dictator stuff. These governments were on a peacekeeping and doing-good for Thailand mission and nothing else.

So his grandfather happened to be a minister under 2 junta goverments...? :rolleyes: THATS EXPLAINS why he feel so comfortable now,he inherited apparently the genes for it :annoyed:

Is not a genes thing. And in a non-western way of thinking nothing to complain about.

Look back, it was the time to protect Thailand from communism and also economic development great infrastructure projects and roads were build. Bring the country forward was the mission and it was successful. Sarit made a new definition of democracy, the "Thai democracy". Thanoms favorite slogan "do good, do good, do good" and no question they did. In this tradition, partly, we can see also the future governments and political powers that came, including Thaksin and of course also Abhisit.

Abhist "thinks like a westerner". is a wrong conclusion and a very silly statements and can come only from a Farang who knows and understand not much about Thailand.

The question what does that actually mean "to think like a westerner"? is still unanswered.

In a Thai context many would argue that can not be much do for the benefit of Thailand. Te opposite is true, "Abhisit thinks like a westener "(aka. don't understand the Thai way) would mean that as Thai PM he is a miserable failure.

Maybe i missed the irony, but in don't think that is in the mind of the Farangs who came up with the 'think like a westerner' statement.


None of this answers my question.

I never asked if he was Thai, I already knew that he is, DUH. My question is does he have British Citenzship? ALSO

[You can have only one Thai parent, be born in another country, never even in live in Thailand, and still get a Thai birth certificate]



Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner.

Ive just heard him speak on AlJazeera and he certainly doesnt speak perfect English.

After spending that kind of money on an education im sure his parents were hoping he'd be as good a public speaker as what Eton is renowned for creating .... someone like David Cameron who'd have been at the exact same schools Eton/Oxford at possibly the same time .... Though as English obviously is not his first language despite spending most his early years there maybe he is more confident and comes across better whilst speaking in Thai.

PS i didnt vote for Cameron.

Agreed - his English is heavily accented and is colloquial but far from "perfect".


Abhisit is a Thai citizen, born in the U.K. of Thai parents. Thus, since he was educated at the finest schools in England, he speaks perfect English and thinks like a westerner.

Ive just heard him speak on AlJazeera and he certainly doesnt speak perfect English.

After spending that kind of money on an education im sure his parents were hoping he'd be as good a public speaker as what Eton is renowned for creating .... someone like David Cameron who'd have been at the exact same schools Eton/Oxford at possibly the same time .... Though as English obviously is not his first language despite spending most his early years there maybe he is more confident and comes across better whilst speaking in Thai.

PS i didnt vote for Cameron.

Agreed - his English is heavily accented and is colloquial but far from "perfect".

well he speaks english alot clearly than many farang from english speaking countries that ive met :D

ive spoken to a few brits/scots/irish in my time and some i could never understand as their accents were so heavy


Just because Abhisit comes from "the elite rich minority" is rather irrelevant, since Thaksin himself originates from similar background.

Absolute rubbish.

Abhisit's family have been members of the royal court for over two centuries and his wealth is inherited (his only employmet has been as an MP).

Thaksin's lineage is distinctly middle class and his wealth stems primarily from his telecom business.

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