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Policeman Kills 2 Over Red Light


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Well, once again, you all guys are complaining about the politics or the culture or the way of thinking or, or, or ... then I really wonder why you're still living here ?

By the way, did anyone of you mentioned that 2 ( or maybe 4 ) people died ?

Who cares about the cop , he deserves to die ! :o . The girl is who i am most concerned about , shooting her in cold blood like that after she pleaded for her life . That cop goes straight to ###### ! :D

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Being a nation of Buddhists it seems surprising that they often react like this, although storing pent up anger and all the mai pen rais may be a precursor.

Youre shocked by this ?????? Give me a break :o Yeah being so religious i cant believe there are so many bar girls either , duh . I have never seen so many people hold religon so high and yet do so many sinful things not that im an angel but i dont sit there and praise my religon either. thats what i dont get about thai's

There are bargirls and bargirls---just as there are (religion approved) marriages and marriages. There is a school of thought that thinks that a proportion of marriages are but legalised prostitution

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i can not believe that i waited till the third page to see anyone with a really good suggestion... rather than slaggin people or countries or politicians or thais

Disarm the traffic police... give them pepper spray instead.

Only in America where highway patrol and traffic duty can be deadly should a traffic policeman have a gun....


Unbelievable! If having a gun is a bad idea over here, then it's equally a bad idea in the USA.

In what way is it any more deadly in the USA? Do you think that no-one here in Thailand carries guns?

Or perhaps I am missing some sarcasm in your post? Please enlighten me.

Youre dumb ! :o

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FWIW, it was about 20 years ago when the police, actually a unit out of Bangkok and not the locals, shot and killed a 16 year old kid on a little scooter for running a road block in Mae Ai .

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If the verbal attack the Thai officer received broke any of the laws of this country, the party should have been put under arrest.  Plain and simple. 

To summarily execute 3 unarmed individuals, including the poor hapless employee who pleaded for her life, erases any possible justification for the one wearing the badge and gun in this case.  The officer likely needed psychiatric help as do some of the repliers to this post.

I do agree with you, but when you were a policeman did you:

Have to use your own motorcycle for work, or did you have a proper police car?

Have a radio to call for immediate backup if you needed it?

Buy you own gun and bullets?

Have superiors who were on the t*ke?

I just can understand how a guy can snap when asked to do the impossible -- uphold the law with people who are used to breaking it and little support when you need it quickly.

And those who say policemen come under verbal abuse all the time -- that is certainly not the case in Thailand. Thais with any common sense (or lacking that, fear and a sense of self-preservation) smile alot, do what the policeman says and get away as soon as they are fee to go.

To answer the questions, I worked in a small town and at times was the only one on duty other than the dispatcher. Even though the town was small we still had weekly domestic disputes, assaults, motor vehicle accidents and the occasional homicide. It was not unusual to get into situations that were physical as well as verbal but as a law enforcement officer, you still had to use restraint and not overreact by using excessive force.

To tie in the vehicle, gun or superiors he had as somehow being responsible for what lead up to this, is lame to say the least. You can have the best equipment and support and still be a bad cop, or the worst equipment and support and still be a good cop.

The real kicker is the statement of understanding how this guy could snap when asked to do the "impossible". I'm sure as a police officer, first and foremost, he was asked to uphold and obey the law like everyone else. Nothing more, nothing less. End of story.

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The police anywhere should simply be given better training, when faced with over whelming anger and the need to off innocent civs. before they then turn the gun around and ty to kill themselves, they should be trained to go into reverse mode syndrome, thus shooting themselves first and allowing the innocemts to go on with their lives!

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Getting 'facts' here is very difficult.  Perhaps because of that rumors abound. 

I've wagged my finger at <deleted> who think it's ok to turn left in front of me when the light turns green and been told by Thai passengers not to do that.  They told me  "person follow you home and shoot you." 

Doubt anyone will find a lesson to learn about the Fang incident.

"Policeman goes Postal when pushed over edge by Idiot".   

I'm sure there's lots more to this tragic story than we will ever know.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones". the copper lost "IT" and happened to be in possession of the weaponry to back up his rage,.Many in the police services are fine upstanding officers,but there are many cowboys among them as well,just look at the paratrooper boots,the swaggering walk,the elephant guns on the hip and its easy to ascertain the mentallity of some of them.

Underpaid,nah, just watch them buying 1000,s of baht worth of lottery tickets in one go,or paying off a 4 mill baht home.

It all comes down to that important 6inches between the ears,

Thousands of dead ,"alleged" drug dealers is testimony of the shoot em up culture thats prevails among the cowboy element.

Good example recently in Bangkok Post,Detective boasting how he personally had shot and killed over 100 miscreants.

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How come this story hasn't made it into the Bangkok Post today? 1/7'05

Very strange! I thought this was the kind of thing newspapers lived for! :o

Unless there is a cover up or this kind of thing happens so often, it isn't newsworthy!!!

Beanster1 :D

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How come this story hasn't made it into the Bangkok Post today? 1/7'05

Very strange! I thought this was the kind of thing newspapers lived for!

I take it you are a new reader of the Bangkok Post, if you are looking for any relevent news look elsewhere.

However if you want the latest on the Thaxsin family and there new ventures you won't be disapointed its all there.

On a lighter note some investigating journalists get bumped off for getting too near the truth not so at the Bangkok Post the hacks there will live long, full if somewhat empty lives.

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I am certainly not saying the cops actions were justified.  But cut the guy a little slack there is plenty of blame to go around.  These bone heads were running a red light – were school children were crossing no less.  Then they choose to pick a fight with an armed policeman. 

On the other hand the story indicates he shot the two in the cab three times each, and then shot the one in the back of the truck twice.  Eight shots?  Do the Thai standard issue’s hold eight rounds or did this guy actually reload?

Yeah this pick-up guy should know better than hurling insults at policeman!

Some do if they purchase there own automatic firearm but theres been no confirmation in this case.

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I once saw a policeman trying to stop a Benz cutting through the wrong lane. He waived and whistled, and even stood in the car's way - all for nothing - the Benz just drove around him and the poor guy was visibly frustrated.

The sad part is that some fifty year old sergeant is a nobody and nobody will stand up for him. He can't arrest people. They'd just ignore him. Back up? Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? The gun is the only authority he has. Period.

I would have snapped myself, so I can't judge the guy.

In my friend's neighbourhood a policemen once hang himself. He found out his superiors were involved with drugs, he informed the "authorities", and, as a result, was promptly discharged and lost his rank and benefits.

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I once saw a policeman trying to stop a Benz cutting through the wrong lane. He waived and whistled, and even stood in the car's way - all for nothing - the Benz just drove around him and the poor guy was visibly frustrated.

The sad part is that some fifty year old sergeant is a nobody and nobody will stand up for him. He can't arrest people. They'd just ignore him. Back up? Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? The gun is the only authority he has. Period.

I would have snapped myself, so I can't judge the guy.

In my friend's neighbourhood a policemen once hang himself. He found out his superiors were involved with drugs, he informed the "authorities", and, as a result, was promptly discharged and lost his rank and benefits.

The truth is they haven't made that machine that turns out good cops yet. So we till have to use humans, some are good some are bad. Some have good lives some don't. Some can take the stress better then others. Some have the stresses build over a period of time and are walking time bombs. Just waiting for the fue to be set on fire.

Getting cops anywhere to admit that things are so bad they are on the edge is hard anywhere. But add the saving face aspect and you have a real problem, how is he going to look to bad in front of his co-workers adn what about the brass how are they going to look at him. So he sucks it up goes out when he shouldn't and then something as stupid as this puts him over the edge

In the states they developed peer groups where guys could go talk to people of the same rank, it was confidential and the guy could get help quietly. I saw many many cops go over that edge, not on this level except for a few suicides that I know of.

This is not unique to Thailand, it is hazzard of the profession, it was the right day and the right ignitor to put the guy over that edge. The problem may have been there for years just not addresed.

This is pure and simple a tradgedy, that has effected many more people then the four people who were shot. I will not allow myself to fall in the trap of thinking every Thai cop I meet is going to shoot me, because this guy lost it. I however I will offer do respect to the uniform he wears, he is a representative of the government.

My exposure to Thai Policeman has not been negative as of yet, that does not mean that I won't run into a bad apple. When I do I won't respect him, but I will offer respect to the uniform.

You can't find a reasonable justice in this anymore then you can in road rage.

As to driving here, it's simple whoever has the biggest vehicle is right. This wouldn't happen in L.A. I assure everyone that eventually somebody would get these people attention very quickly. Fortuantely in most instances that is the cops, with tickets, heavy fines loss of driving privilage all kind of nasty things that make people want to stop at red lights. Somtimes that driver that has had a bad day and enough, right place right time.

Wish there were answers but I doubt that there really are any that will stop this from ever happening agian.

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i push my button for the cop

however he shouldnt have capped himself

oooops no i pushed the wrong button i meant to obstain

###### it Janet i pushed the wrong button again - the guy in the pick up was right

should i resign now


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