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Time For Thailand To Deal With Hun Sen Based On His True Colours

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Beloved Thais. Stop your squabbling. Don't you see that Hun Sen (who incidentally has swine flu, according to the International Herald Tribune)is a Thaksin lackey?! God's speed to the border!! Unite and fight the common foe!!!

Save our land!!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry reading this.

I presume you personally hope to be up the rear urging your countrymen on.

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" has not been to any real war for over 100 years"

You might be interested to know,that Thai forces fought the Japanese for a number of days before they were ordered to lay down there arms. At an airfield in the South, two battalions of Japanese regulars tried unsuccessfully for 3 days to to take there objective.......Japanese casualties 230 (KIA)...........Thai air force.........38 casualties (KIA).......!!!

Hmmm thats interesting, because according to history, Thailand was going to join with Hitler but was warned by USA

Could you please provide a link to where its written about the battle and what took place?

As strangely enough, when asking a Thai about WW2, they do not seem to have any idea


I have located the site,my figures were out a little................ 38 dead and 27 wounded,Thai forces.................Japanese losses were put at 217 dead and more than 300 wounded.

Thanks for that, did not know this information.

But that battle, i do not think could be called a real war comparing to Cambodia.

Also i guess things in Thai Military have changed since those days.

yup, theres a huge battalion named "inactive post" now :whistling:


An article like this made me temporarily reconsider my plight to put a stop to all censorship.


The Nation has lost a casual reader.

So, you don't like and therefore don't read any media outlet that publishes opinion pieces you don't agree with?

Yep, you are true believer.



An article like this made me temporarily reconsider my plight to put a stop to all censorship.


The Nation has lost a casual reader.

So, you don't like and therefore don't read any media outlet that publishes opinion pieces you don't agree with?

Yep, you are true believer.


Sorry, but ultra-nationalistic, radical, warmongering diatribe far from any facts or insights is considered "opinion" now?

Have missed on that.


Thailand has always had the ability to talk, but does Thailand have the "balls" to act?

I really do not think so.

1 very important thing to keep in mind that Thai military is way over fed, over "generalled" and has not been to any real war for over 100 years, while Cambodia has been in war or part of it for half of the century.

Not to mention that during BKK riots, just civilians were able to take away weapons from the soldiers, so what would be the outcome if Thai soldiers are confronted by Cambodian soldiers?

Perhaps Thai Government need to find a soft spot with Hun Sen, as you catch more fly's with honey.

" has not been to any real war for over 100 years"

You might be interested to know,that Thai forces fought the Japanese for a number of days before they were ordered to lay down there arms. At an airfield in the South, two battalions of Japanese regulars tried unsuccessfully for 3 days to to take there objective.......Japanese casualties 230 (KIA)...........Thai air force.........38 casualties (KIA).......!!!

Hmmm thats interesting, because according to history, Thailand was going to join with Hitler but was warned by USA

Could you please provide a link to where its written about the battle and what took place?

As strangely enough, when asking a Thai about WW2, they do not seem to have any idea

The part about siding with Hitler aside, if you ask Thais about most anything and they have no clue. This isn't odd by any means.


An article like this made me temporarily reconsider my plight to put a stop to all censorship.


The Nation has lost a casual reader.

So, you don't like and therefore don't read any media outlet that publishes opinion pieces you don't agree with?

Yep, you are true believer.


Sorry, but ultra-nationalistic, radical, warmongering diatribe far from any facts or insights is considered "opinion" now?

Have missed on that.

The article in the Nation is clearly marked as an opinion piece, one among many, expressing a variety of views on the issues of today.

I don’t agree with a number of things in the article, but nevertheless, the author has the right to express them, don’t you agree?

Or are only views you agree with considered freedom of the press?



If you are talking about Preah Vihear that is VERY OLD NEWS :( .

Sadly for the thais it was decided LONG AGO that Cambodia was the rightful owner and had ALL rights to the temple grounds. :) In the years since, thailand has not offered up a single fact to back up their 'claim' to the land :o .

Yes thailand is still quibbling about 4.6 kilometers of bullshit ground :huh: . As in bullshit ground I mean; having been there and seen it (it's scrub that you couldn't raise a single cow, or in thailand; a single 'buffalo' on). Actually it's land perfectly suited for fighting over; as it holds neither strategic nor economic value (something you look for if you're gonna fight over nothing) ;) .

The easy access to the temple ruins are thru thailand (who already charged foreigners, at least, a price to drive up the road because it is a 'national park', maybe it's free for thais who knows, but more importantly, who cares?) B) .

If the two countries could work together, maybe they could find a way to squeeze money outta the tourists who wanna see it. Who knows, not me... ?? :P


Why all of the trumpet blowing about Hun Sen ? He does his thing his way because he was elected to do just that , he may be corrupt and many other things you are not aligned with , but Cambodia is working and also plowing ahead into a better country , Thai have thier own problems to deal with , but are finding it difficult to deal even with a small group of protesters , they are even showing a fear of this unruly mob , partialy because there are too many bosses and no one truly knows who is actually in charge . Having lived in both countries for a considerable time , I can honestly say I prefer Cambodia for many reasons , most of all because I live a trouble free life without any of the hastles I lived with in Thailand , I am treated with respect by the locals who happen to be a mostly happy and contented group of people . When thai can display thier own country as a safe and friendly country to live in , free of a multitude of of absolute rediculous restraints and start to treat people in a decent human manner , maybe , just maybe , you will be able to stand up and point a finger or two at Cambodias inadiquate abilities , if by that time they are still there to get your knickers in a knot over something that does not concern you , or most of all , can do nothing about .


Let us also not forget that every temple in Thailand >300yrs old, is almost without exception is Khmer in ethnicity and origin -as is Preah Vihear.

That is just wrong. The Ayutthaya kingdom from 1351 to 1767 was not Khmer but Thai and produced hundreds of temples which were not Khmer.

How exactly did you become so ignorant?

Siam was never ruled by the Khmer.

Siam ruled Khmer until recently when they were stolen by the French using weapon of mess destruction (gun boat at Chanthaburi).

This is what I was taught to recite in School.


Hun Sen has more than his share of blood on his hands. He's no angel. That being said, he is the leader, and Thailand will deal with him as long as he is in power. If he tries to encroach on boundaries confirmed, then they take it to the World Court. Not a topic worth discussing really.


Let us also not forget that every temple in Thailand >300yrs old, is almost without exception is Khmer in ethnicity and origin -as is Preah Vihear.

That is just wrong. The Ayutthaya kingdom from 1351 to 1767 was not Khmer but Thai and produced hundreds of temples which were not Khmer.

How exactly did you become so ignorant?

Siam was never ruled by the Khmer.

Siam ruled Khmer until recently when they were stolen by the French using weapon of mess destruction (gun boat at Chanthaburi).

This is what I was taught to recite in School.

You might try reading "A Short History of Thailand" by David Wyeth. It would be good to know more about your own country.


Siam was never ruled by the Khmer.

Siam ruled Khmer until recently when they were stolen by the French using weapon of mess destruction (gun boat at Chanthaburi).

This is what I was taught to recite in School.

You might try reading "A Short History of Thailand" by David Wyeth. It would be good to know more about your own country.

So what is wrong with what Rucharee wrote?


Articles like this are extremely dangerous. I am sure there are right wing warmongers in Cambodia as well and this article plays right into their hands, providing an excellent propaganda tool for those in Cambodia hoping for war as well.

I am sure you meant to say 'left wing warmongers in Cambodia'...


Let us also not forget that every temple in Thailand >300yrs old, is almost without exception is Khmer in ethnicity and origin -as is Preah Vihear.

That is just wrong. The Ayutthaya kingdom from 1351 to 1767 was not Khmer but Thai and produced hundreds of temples which were not Khmer.

How exactly did you become so ignorant?

In the usual manner of not being better informed,

because it didn't really seem to matter at the time.


Siam was never ruled by the Khmer.

Siam ruled Khmer until recently when they were stolen by the French using weapon of mess destruction (gun boat at Chanthaburi).

This is what I was taught to recite in School.

You might try reading "A Short History of Thailand" by David Wyeth. It would be good to know more about your own country.

So what is wrong with what Rucharee wrote?

Well not to dispute Rucharee too hard,

but Som tum's suggestion is well worth effort to read.

"A Short History of Thailand" by David Wyeth

And you can get some goods english practice at the same time. :)

Should be able to find it in Bookazine or one of the bigger book stores.

"This is what I was taught to recite in School."

One of the issues with Thai school system 'for many outside of it' is

that it is too much of a political control mechanism, partly by just what they tell you to recite in school.

Regardless of love of country, it will NOT hurt you to read from outside sources,

with potentially less intrinsic biases in what they publish and promote.


Siam was never ruled by the Khmer.

Siam ruled Khmer until recently when they were stolen by the French using weapon of mess destruction (gun boat at Chanthaburi).

This is what I was taught to recite in School.

You might try reading "A Short History of Thailand" by David Wyeth. It would be good to know more about your own country.

So what is wrong with what Rucharee wrote?

Well not to dispute Rucharee too hard,

but Som tum's suggestion is well worth effort to read.

"A Short History of Thailand" by David Wyeth

And you can get some goods english practice at the same time. :)

Should be able to find it in Bookazine or one of the bigger book stores.

"This is what I was taught to recite in School."

One of the issues with Thai school system 'for many outside of it' is

that it is too much of a political control mechanism, partly by just what they tell you to recite in school.

Regardless of love of country, it will NOT hurt you to read from outside sources,

with potentially less intrinsic biases in what they publish and promote.

How about to start with spelling the author name right? :whistling:

That should be some basics before starting with lecturing others. :P


Rukaree is not correct in what she says and believes , having been taught by rote , she tends to repeat things like a parrot , nothing better to do I guess , but all of this ancient history should be put aside at this time .

Whilst the parents are arguing over the garden fence about whos child did what to whos , the children are playing together quite happily as usual .


Rukaree is not correct in what she says and believes , having been taught by rote , she tends to repeat things like a parrot , nothing better to do I guess , but all of this ancient history should be put aside at this time .

Whilst the parents are arguing over the garden fence about whos child did what to whos , the children are playing together quite happily as usual .

Just a note: you must be dumber than Rucharee. Claiming that someone not correct without the ability to say what is exactly wrong and not to bring the right version is not a sign of great intelligence or better education.


Ayutthaya is the only major temple complex in Thailand that can be claimed to be truly "Thai". It is not that special. The construction of the temples, poor and the site is small at best, an interesting walk in a park; hardly a gift to humanity -and its the best Thai's have to offer. Unlike the Khmer, Burman and Indic peoples, the Thai are not builders. Ayutthaya pales in comparison to her neighbors efforts. In fact, Ayutthaya is so un-special, I always tell people to see all the Thai temples before you go to Cambodia and Burma because Ayutthaya, Lopburi and certainly CM will be a total let down. There are no (Thai) temples of any significance in the peninsula, none in Issarn, none in Cambodia or past the Mekong in Lao.

Hence my comment - no significant "temple"

A closer look at Thai temples...Doi Suthep is pretty special and old but this also I think is only about circa 1400 at best . Phra Buddha Chinnarat is a Buddha image of huge import but the temple is marginal, Buddha dating from Ayutthaya kingdom.

Ayutthaya while certainly "Thai", arguably, the one and only true Thai kingdom save for Bangkok - it is not of any stupendous historic significance in Buddhist historic record, certainly any individual temple within. Ayutthaya was the golden age for the formation of what was to be later known as Thailand, but this also came with the waning power of the Burman and Khmer kingdoms.

So, you have Ayutthaya circa 1400 - bunch of smallish broken temples, only important to historic relates as it relates to Thailand.

Loburi - Indic and Khmer roots

Chaing Mai - Very new kingdom and vassal state

Bangkok - new city

From visiting nearly every major temple from India (from the South to Ladakh/Spiti) to Indonesia including a tiny 600ad temple in S.Korea. Thai's are (were) simply not builders and there is not one really ancient WOW temple in the country - and certainly outside it's borders as the Burmese and Khmer can claim.

Some years ago I saw a special by Micheal Palin (Monty Python). He did a tour of the world looking at the most special things. There was a horse treasure from Ayutthaya he was enthralled with - but the temples, barely a mention.

What temple(s) have I missed?

Sorry to hijack the thread, wanted to clarify.

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