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Prostitution : Is It Wrong To Pay For Sex ?


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Which again, has nothing to do with the topic.

The OP didn't ask "..if she has been tricked into the trade and you know it?".

So when rape was discussed mr member of the forum police, or are you really a mod in disguise, was that off topic, well for your info mr, a mod said it was ok and mentioned it was the way the thread had gone, so come on tell ?, who gives you the right to tell people what can be posted in a thread and what can't, infact by posting what you are, are you not off topic, and IMO trying to bait GH, trolls do that, or are you just trying to derail the thread or get it closed....<deleted> get a life some people and stop trying to be kings of the forum...

Feel free to use the report button... :rolleyes:

You read posts like the Devil reads the Bible.

I didn't say he broke any rules or was off-topic in the sense that his posts should be removed.

I am saying that demanding people that responded in this thread to answer his issue (imaginary or not) is in no place as most that have responded here have most likely done it in the fashion I outlined. I know I did. And yet several posters are meet with thinly veiled moral indignation for supporting something that is neither proven nor a part of the original question.

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This is the classic example of the flawed " excitement of the chase" thing guys bring up.

Whether you know it or not you are maybe just insecure with yourself in some way and the "excitement of the chase" is really just an "excitement of the approval". You want to do it the hard way to try and prove yourself. Your ego just does not sit well with the idea of paying for sex.

You are basically saying that you would not want to be some male superstar or celebrity because there would be no "thrill of the chase".

For male celebrities there is no chase, they can have any woman they want.

For Falangs in Pattaya there is no chase, they can buy any woman they want.

Being a male celebrity just makes the whole world a Pattaya for you. And yes, no different then the falang in Pattaya, it has to do with money and status.

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This is the classic example of the flawed " excitement of the chase" thing guys bring up.

Whether you know it or not you are maybe just insecure with yourself in some way and the "excitement of the chase" is really just an "excitement of the approval". You want to do it the hard way to try and prove yourself. Your ego just does not sit well with the idea of paying for sex.

You are basically saying that you would not want to be some male superstar or celebrity because there would be no "thrill of the chase".

For male celebrities there is no chase, they can have any woman they want.

For Falangs in Pattaya there is no chase, they can buy any woman they want.

No they can't buy any woman they want cardholder some are unobtainable for sex for payment, but I get your drift, you mean the one that are working and for sale.

You can get the same deal in Bangkok with those that are available and on sale, but some people prefer to label them as a "girlfreind"... :bah:

And if Wayne Rooney pulls up in his Lamborghini in New York and he meets some girl that puts out and wants to stay with him, is she a working girl ?

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It takes a more secure guy to actually tell the truth about a topic like this then it does to just pop in and lie about how much imaginary free sex you have had.

Imaginary free sex sounds better than nothing. :P

Sadly it seems that some people may have only ever had imaginary free sex, or have had to pay for it with a prostitute, but the prostitute isnt really a prostitute if you label her a girlfreind . Aah well never mind, Dear John, life go's on... :rolleyes:

oh ????

So no "free sex" ever happens in Thailand then ? You are being racist. Just because the girl I was with was Thai, you automatically label her a prostitute.

Even though age and looks wise, we where a legit couple, you still label her a prostitute.

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is it right to buy sex from people who may not be free to give their conscent

No it isn't, but as has been pointed out to you repeatedly, such people are almost non-existent in the sex industry that caters to Westerners in Thailand, so why do you keep harping on a mute point? :blink:

It's been pointed out to you that there is a serious disparity between reported abuse in Thailand and actual abuse in Thailand ..... "Police not having time to investigate" .. ring any bells?

So you are trying to support your puritanical views with imaginary statistics from one article that you have no way of confirming? Sounds about par for the course. Maybe you should throw in something more about being above personal attacks as long as you are equivocating.

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oh ????

So no "free sex" ever happens in Thailand then ? You are being racist. Just because the girl I was with was Thai, you automatically label her a prostitute.

Even though age and looks wise, we where a legit couple, you still label her a prostitute.

You asked the question in a post of your's , or did you not ?, you were given an answer from myself which was IMO, and other peoples opinion and posts said that "yes" she was a prostitute, because I give an opinion you now label me "racist".

Like I said, your posts keep getting better.

But more to the point IMO, if you can't handle the replies you recieve and take it like a man, why ask the question in the first place, did you really think that all posts would say she was not a prostitute....

If ya can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen....

Oh by the way, point me to a post where I have said no "free sex" ever happens in Thailand, if you can do that and prove that I have said no " free sex" ever happens in Thailand, I'll gladly pay for your next liason with a prostitute, AKA girlfreind...Up to you, you choose....

Have a read/recap of the posts you have made in this thread, I think IMO it's you that denies that free sex occurs...

And one more thing before I retire from the forum for the time being (peekaboo tommorow), if you think I'm being racist, you have at your disposable a report button, please feel free to use it, bottom left of this post, if you want to use the racist card, then back it up or shut up..


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Let me make some comparisons and tell me if I didn't pay for a woman's company when I was married.

When Maria came into my life it was second marriage for both of us. She had a job when we first met, but the government shut it down a short time later. After that she did not work except for a dozen small businesses that I financed for her. Before any of the businesses became successful she quit and started another. They varied from hair stylist, to doing nails, to selling jewelry, to selling Amway goods, and then running a day care for children. In each case I paid for the start up costs and kept things going, including doing the accounting. I know what the costs were. I put up with the constant career changes because I understand that not all careers suit everyong equally. One of her friends had a successful day care business and Maria though she would like that. It looked like a smart idea because I knew her friend was making a good income from her day care business. But, we needed a larger home than the nice little one I already owned and that was perfect for just two people.

So, I sold the small home and took out a big morthgage for a larger home in a better location, specifically so she could run the day care. The business was a success from the start and the location was great. But, Just before the day care started making money she turned it over to her daughter who only lasted another year with it before she also quit. Then, I was stuck with a big house we didn't need with a mortgage I didn't want and no income to pay for it. The whole thing cost me a lot of money. During that time, I also helped out her two adult children in trying to get them careers. I also bought Maria two new cars that her son prompted destroyed. Fortunately, the insurance (which I paid for) covered most of the damage costs.

When her adult son got into the drug scene I was naive in thinking I could help. I had to buy him out of a rental home that he destroyed, and he moved in with us. !0 months after he moved in she moved out and left her son with me. A short time after that I had to get the police to get her son out of my home because he was smashing it in fits of rage. A couple months after that she filed for divorce and wanted half of everything. Over the 7 years we were together she had contributed nothing other than her body and her company. When we finally parted she walked away with half of what I had worked all my life for. We probably had sex about 3 or 4 times a week... about what I get now when I'm in Thailand. I don't want to hear all the usual feminazi claptrap about looking after the home for me. I did all the cooking and the clean up afterwards when we were together, and I did all the yard work. She contributed by doing the laundry and the lnterior house cleaning. I could have paid Molly-Maid house cleaning for that.

I put up with all that because I truly was in love with the lady and would have done anything for her. Ienjoyed her company and we had some great times together, but If I were to divide all the times we made love together into what it cost me financially it would come to far more than I've ever paid for prostitutes. Yes, the sex was mostly better (but not always) and for the good times we had together it was worth it to me. But, don't tell me I didn't pay for her company. And, it wasn't a lot different than the few special ladies that visit me now on a regular basis.

Very sobering and thought provoking message.

Had an experience along similar grounds.

Met a divorcee who lived in a single room, her work was putting sliced bacon into plastic bags.

Sold my house in Edinburgh (Scotland) and bought one in joint names in Bristol, England. She to work, Work HA! 2 hours a day, 3 days a week. To "work" needed her own car. Cost of petrol, insurance etc were greater tahan her wage, but it was the image she wanted.

After 12 years managed to secure an exceptionaly high paid post. Then the demands for all the trappings for success came in. Cost me a fortune. One night when drunk she attacked me while I were sleeping, ambulance was called and I stayed in hospital for 3 days. arriving back home told her she now had what she wanted ...Divorce?

She tried to cripple me with debts. I agreed to let her keep everything in the UK. 4 bed house with ensuite. 43 miles from Terminal 1 Heathrow. Sex, poor and cold for all those years. Will never marry again. All her friends are divorced seperated and see themselves as victims not to blame for the braek up.

iving in Thailand 6 years now. never been happier. Pay for sex, sure a small price to pay for female company. Ex took £450,000 in house, assets, cars and shares. Now moaning since it takes a lot of money to maintain that style, money she does not have.

The company of women is a lot cheaper here. Feel a lot better.

Pom song satang

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And the other question since I have got your attention, if sexual abuse is as common as you say it is and I think we all know who owns the sex industry in Thailand how can you support such people by living in Thailand? Living here and contributing to the economy makes you part of the problem? Yes?

Urhmmmm .... No!

Unless you are telling me the multinational I work for owns Thailand's sex industry.

But you have suggested that you might know who owns Thailand's sex industry...... can you please enlighten the rest of us, or are do the arguments you present rely upon information that you have and that is denied to the rest of us?

Thailand’s pay for play industry goes back a long time. 500 years ago there were large brothels to cater to foreigners and well to do locals. They were owned by (I can’t say on the forum) but I think you get my meaning.

Bringing it more up to date. Who do you think arranged for the GI’s to come to Bangkok in the late 60’s and early 70’s? Who arranged for Bangkok to become an R&R site?

There were 50,000 US troops stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam war. At U Tapao who do you think changed the brothel traffic from Kilo Sip to Newtown?

Guesthouse you are good at searching the internet. You can find out. But I wouldn’t post the answer.

Even more recently there have been well known figures in Thailand that have achieved prominence in politics and other areas who’s finances were fueled by soapys.

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Aw come on Guest house. What about the Russians. You have something in common with the Russians. You both live in Thailand and don’t do whores? Why.

I have a Russian neighbor who over the past year or so has brought back dozens of Thai prostitutes to his apartment. The apparition of him leaning on his latest 'carry-out' is a common sight in the lift.

Are you saying that NO Russians pay for sex with Thai prostitutes ...... Or is this another one of your Myths?!

I too know a few Russian ex pats and I know what you mean. No, I am referring to the Russian tourists that frequent and at times seem to overwhelm Pattaya. They don’t do hookers they bring their own women.

Sure there is the exception. For example Brit tourists in Pattaya 10% don’t do hookers 90% do. Russians 90% don’t and 10% do.

Why the disparity?

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Let me make some comparisons and tell me if I didn't pay for a woman's company when I was married.

When Maria came into my life it was second marriage for both of us. She had a job when we first met, but the government shut it down a short time later. After that she did not work except for a dozen small businesses that I financed for her. Before any of the businesses became successful she quit and started another. They varied from hair stylist, to doing nails, to selling jewelry, to selling Amway goods, and then running a day care for children. In each case I paid for the start up costs and kept things going, including doing the accounting. I know what the costs were. I put up with the constant career changes because I understand that not all careers suit everyong equally. One of her friends had a successful day care business and Maria though she would like that. It looked like a smart idea because I knew her friend was making a good income from her day care business. But, we needed a larger home than the nice little one I already owned and that was perfect for just two people.

So, I sold the small home and took out a big morthgage for a larger home in a better location, specifically so she could run the day care. The business was a success from the start and the location was great. But, Just before the day care started making money she turned it over to her daughter who only lasted another year with it before she also quit. Then, I was stuck with a big house we didn't need with a mortgage I didn't want and no income to pay for it. The whole thing cost me a lot of money. During that time, I also helped out her two adult children in trying to get them careers. I also bought Maria two new cars that her son prompted destroyed. Fortunately, the insurance (which I paid for) covered most of the damage costs.

When her adult son got into the drug scene I was naive in thinking I could help. I had to buy him out of a rental home that he destroyed, and he moved in with us. !0 months after he moved in she moved out and left her son with me. A short time after that I had to get the police to get her son out of my home because he was smashing it in fits of rage. A couple months after that she filed for divorce and wanted half of everything. Over the 7 years we were together she had contributed nothing other than her body and her company. When we finally parted she walked away with half of what I had worked all my life for. We probably had sex about 3 or 4 times a week... about what I get now when I'm in Thailand. I don't want to hear all the usual feminazi claptrap about looking after the home for me. I did all the cooking and the clean up afterwards when we were together, and I did all the yard work. She contributed by doing the laundry and the lnterior house cleaning. I could have paid Molly-Maid house cleaning for that.

I put up with all that because I truly was in love with the lady and would have done anything for her. Ienjoyed her company and we had some great times together, but If I were to divide all the times we made love together into what it cost me financially it would come to far more than I've ever paid for prostitutes. Yes, the sex was mostly better (but not always) and for the good times we had together it was worth it to me. But, don't tell me I didn't pay for her company. And, it wasn't a lot different than the few special ladies that visit me now on a regular basis.

Very sobering and thought provoking message.

Had an experience along similar grounds.

Met a divorcee who lived in a single room, her work was putting sliced bacon into plastic bags.

Sold my house in Edinburgh (Scotland) and bought one in joint names in Bristol, England. She to work, Work HA! 2 hours a day, 3 days a week. To "work" needed her own car. Cost of petrol, insurance etc were greater tahan her wage, but it was the image she wanted.

After 12 years managed to secure an exceptionaly high paid post. Then the demands for all the trappings for success came in. Cost me a fortune. One night when drunk she attacked me while I were sleeping, ambulance was called and I stayed in hospital for 3 days. arriving back home told her she now had what she wanted ...Divorce?

She tried to cripple me with debts. I agreed to let her keep everything in the UK. 4 bed house with ensuite. 43 miles from Terminal 1 Heathrow. Sex, poor and cold for all those years. Will never marry again. All her friends are divorced seperated and see themselves as victims not to blame for the braek up.

iving in Thailand 6 years now. never been happier. Pay for sex, sure a small price to pay for female company. Ex took £450,000 in house, assets, cars and shares. Now moaning since it takes a lot of money to maintain that style, money she does not have.

The company of women is a lot cheaper here. Feel a lot better.

Pom song satang

The lady judge asked my wife at our divorce hearing, “honey, is there anything else you want.” My wife, “No, I think I got everything. I want to make sure he never has another good day for the rest of his life.”

Needless to say they didn’t know about Thailand.

I don’t want to imply I have a good day every day but the good certainly outweigh the bad.

As long as people like guesthouse aren’t running Thailand life will remain close to ideal.

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10 years with a Thai cost me about 250K USD, lost my boys, my job, my residence, and Im on the road to being homeless.

The sex for the first 4 years was fairly good, then the last 6 was about 3 - 6 times a year. After I bought the house she asked me to buy and I placed 100K USD down on it, and bought her a couple mounds of silicone, she told me about her boy friend. I have to say, she was very very smart to get me to buy the house before hitting me with the news, because most of the money was over seas, and she could not access it. Now, most of it, is all hers, along with my children...

Did sex cost me?

Folks, she was not a bar girl, I met her in the states while she was working on her Masters degree, which I paid for that too.

I must say it is hard not to get jaded from this experience and just go on a "pay as u go" type plan.

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Why do Thai women pay for sex?

Something no one has mentioned. There are at least 200 brothels in Pattaya that specialize in providing men for Thai women.

Did you ever listen to two Thai women talk about their short time lovers?

It is interesting. The men are paid large amounts of cash, gold and other things like motorcycles and trips and so on.

This fact would seem to fly in the face of the posters who think Thai women don’t like sex for free. Not only do they like it for free but are willing to pay for it.

I was involved in an altercation between two of the woman players one night in Pattaya. The Thai man was handsome, I’ll admit. The two ladies went at it tooth and nail and high heeled shoes.

I took the loser to Pattaya memorial hospital at 4 AM. X-rays and cast and minor sutures to patch her up.

The winner was a middle aged Thai woman who worked offshore.

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Aw come on Guest house. What about the Russians. You have something in common with the Russians. You both live in Thailand and don't do whores? Why.

I have a Russian neighbor who over the past year or so has brought back dozens of Thai prostitutes to his apartment. The apparition of him leaning on his latest 'carry-out' is a common sight in the lift.

Are you saying that NO Russians pay for sex with Thai prostitutes ...... Or is this another one of your Myths?!

I too know a few Russian ex pats and I know what you mean. No, I am referring to the Russian tourists that frequent and at times seem to overwhelm Pattaya. They don't do hookers they bring their own women.

Sure there is the exception. For example Brit tourists in Pattaya 10% don't do hookers 90% do. Russians 90% don't and 10% do.

Why the disparity?

They don't do hookers, they bring their own hookers.

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Why do Thai women pay for sex?

Something no one has mentioned. There are at least 200 brothels in Pattaya that specialize in providing men for Thai women.

Did you ever listen to two Thai women talk about their short time lovers?

It is interesting. The men are paid large amounts of cash, gold and other things like motorcycles and trips and so on.

This fact would seem to fly in the face of the posters who think Thai women don't like sex for free. Not only do they like it for free but are willing to pay for it.

I was involved in an altercation between two of the woman players one night in Pattaya. The Thai man was handsome, I'll admit. The two ladies went at it tooth and nail and high heeled shoes.

I took the loser to Pattaya memorial hospital at 4 AM. X-rays and cast and minor sutures to patch her up.

The winner was a middle aged Thai woman who worked offshore.

Show me 5 pictures of brothels for women in Pattaya. 200, I don't believe it.

Nobody ever said that Thai women did not like sex for free. Why would they engage in sex for free when they know they can also get kickbacks and extras for the sex ?

I turned the tables on an older lady in Thailand before.(the one in that video I posted a while ago) We stayed together for about 2 weeks. We didn't get along very well because I refused to pay for the hotel every night, I figured we should take turns paying and that is what we did. She had her own business and her own land and car and I knew this.

I still remember the arguments, she would say "if you where with a bargirl you would have to pay for everything and now you wont blah blah blah" I knew she wanted to have sex with me more then I wanted to have sex with her so I took advantage of it and saved some money.

Does that make me a prostitute ?

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Why do Thai women pay for sex?

Something no one has mentioned. There are at least 200 brothels in Pattaya that specialize in providing men for Thai women.

Did you ever listen to two Thai women talk about their short time lovers?

It is interesting. The men are paid large amounts of cash, gold and other things like motorcycles and trips and so on.

This fact would seem to fly in the face of the posters who think Thai women don't like sex for free. Not only do they like it for free but are willing to pay for it.

I was involved in an altercation between two of the woman players one night in Pattaya. The Thai man was handsome, I'll admit. The two ladies went at it tooth and nail and high heeled shoes.

I took the loser to Pattaya memorial hospital at 4 AM. X-rays and cast and minor sutures to patch her up.

The winner was a middle aged Thai woman who worked offshore.

Show me 5 pictures of brothels for women in Pattaya. 200, I don't believe it.

Nobody ever said that Thai women did not like sex for free. Why would they engage in sex for free when they know they can also get kickbacks and extras for the sex ?

I turned the tables on an older lady in Thailand before.(the one in that video I posted a while ago) We stayed together for about 2 weeks. We didn't get along very well because I refused to pay for the hotel every night, I figured we should take turns paying and that is what we did. She had her own business and her own land and car and I knew this.

I still remember the arguments, she would say "if you where with a bargirl you would have to pay for everything and now you wont blah blah blah" I knew she wanted to have sex with me more then I wanted to have sex with her so I took advantage of it and saved some money.

Does that make me a prostitute ?

I don’t think I should mention names of clubs on this forum. But after the Thai women hookers get off work they go to Thai clubs and buy Thai men. There are large clubs and small clubs. Try looking for clubs with live bands that have Issan in the name. Nothing happens till after midnight and most of the action after 2AM.

A lot of smaller clubs around the South Pattaya road area. Another group between Jomtien and Pattaya.

They aren’t too safe but not too dangerous. You can go. Best to have a few Thai women with you.

The guys will stop by your table and ask for drinks. Buy a bottle of Thai whiskey and share freely. Everybody will get along that way.

Most of the guys also sing and dance. The ladies pick them up from the stage with those garland things made of baht notes. Or the guys approach the table and ask the ladies to dance.

The guys aren’t cheap either.

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Aw come on Guest house. What about the Russians. You have something in common with the Russians. You both live in Thailand and don't do whores? Why.

I have a Russian neighbor who over the past year or so has brought back dozens of Thai prostitutes to his apartment. The apparition of him leaning on his latest 'carry-out' is a common sight in the lift.

Are you saying that NO Russians pay for sex with Thai prostitutes ...... Or is this another one of your Myths?!

I too know a few Russian ex pats and I know what you mean. No, I am referring to the Russian tourists that frequent and at times seem to overwhelm Pattaya. They don't do hookers they bring their own women.

Sure there is the exception. For example Brit tourists in Pattaya 10% don't do hookers 90% do. Russians 90% don't and 10% do.

Why the disparity?

They don't do hookers, they bring their own hookers.

I think you meant wives or sweethearts didn't you?

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Even marriage is a 'Pay for sex' event...the thing is,...we pay once for a lifetime of sex

its a bloody expensive lifetime

Find a hobby. I like the garden. Getting quite horny at the moment thinking about a slender little Reel Mower, you know the type you push, no engine. That and a new spring rake and I might need to change underwear.

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So you are trying to support your puritanical views with imaginary statistics from one article that you have no way of confirming? Sounds about par for the course. Maybe you should throw in something more about being above personal attacks as long as you are equivocating.

Firstly, I challenge you to find anything puritanical in anything I've said. I've neither mentioned morals or religion.

As long as people like guesthouse aren’t running Thailand life will remain close to ideal.

And in a similar vein, I've not suggested banning anything, closing anything, making anything illegal, execution, flogging or imprisonment. - In fact I've not mentioned or suggested that anyone here should be under any external controls - I've not mentioned controls.

I have discussed the negative sides and impacts of prostitution and using prostitutes.

Abuse in Thailand's sex trade

The impact of using prostitutes on the user

Alternative views to the 'every thing's rosy in the garden' view that others have posted

Raised a few questions regarding very negative views of women expressed here in this thread.

Challenged the view that marriage is prostitution

Challenged the view that the existence of prostitution reduces the incidence of rape

I think all of that is well within the topic of discussion and non of it is proscribing the behavior or choices others make.

Commenting on - yes, drawing my own conclusions - yes.

Proscribing - No.

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So you are trying to support your puritanical views with imaginary statistics from one article that you have no way of confirming? Sounds about par for the course. Maybe you should throw in something more about being above personal attacks as long as you are equivocating.

Firstly, I challenge you to find anything puritanical in anything I've said. I've neither mentioned morals or religion.

Why bother? No matter what evidence is presented you just spin, ignore or deny it anyway. You have also falsely claimed that you do not make personal attacks while condemning another poster for the exact same thing.

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Let me make some comparisons and tell me if I didn't pay for a woman's company when I was married.

When Maria came into my life it was second marriage for both of us. She had a job when we first met, but the government shut it down a short time later. After that she did not work except for a dozen small businesses that I financed for her. Before any of the businesses became successful she quit and started another. They varied from hair stylist, to doing nails, to selling jewelry, to selling Amway goods, and then running a day care for children. In each case I paid for the start up costs and kept things going, including doing the accounting. I know what the costs were. I put up with the constant career changes because I understand that not all careers suit everyong equally. One of her friends had a successful day care business and Maria though she would like that. It looked like a smart idea because I knew her friend was making a good income from her day care business. But, we needed a larger home than the nice little one I already owned and that was perfect for just two people.

So, I sold the small home and took out a big morthgage for a larger home in a better location, specifically so she could run the day care. The business was a success from the start and the location was great. But, Just before the day care started making money she turned it over to her daughter who only lasted another year with it before she also quit. Then, I was stuck with a big house we didn't need with a mortgage I didn't want and no income to pay for it.  The whole thing cost me a lot of money. During that time, I also helped out her two adult children in trying to get them careers. I also bought Maria two new cars that her son prompted destroyed. Fortunately, the insurance (which I paid for) covered most of the damage costs.

When her adult son got into the drug scene I was naive in thinking I could help. I had to buy him out of a rental home that he destroyed, and he moved in with us. !0 months after he moved in she moved out and left her son with me. A short time after that I had to get the police to get her son out of my home because he was smashing it in fits of rage. A couple months after that she filed for divorce and wanted half of everything. Over the 7 years we were together she had contributed nothing other than her body and her company. When we finally parted  she walked away with half of what I had worked all my life for. We probably had sex about 3 or 4 times a week... about what I get now when I'm in Thailand. I don't want to hear all the usual feminazi claptrap about looking after the home for me. I did all the cooking and the clean up afterwards when we were together, and I did all the yard work. She contributed by doing the laundry and the lnterior house cleaning. I could have paid Molly-Maid house cleaning for that.

I put up with all that because I truly was in love with the lady and would have done anything for her. Ienjoyed her company and we had some great times together, but  If I were to divide all the times we made love together into what it cost me financially it would come to far more than I've ever paid for prostitutes. Yes, the sex was mostly better (but not always) and for the good times we had together it was worth it to me. But, don't tell me I didn't pay for her company. And, it wasn't a lot different than the few special ladies that visit me now on a regular basis.

Very sobering and thought provoking message.

Had an experience along similar grounds.

Met a divorcee who lived in a single room, her work was putting sliced bacon into plastic bags.  

Sold my house in Edinburgh (Scotland) and bought one in joint names in Bristol, England.  She to work, Work HA! 2 hours a day, 3 days a week.  To "work" needed her own car.  Cost of petrol, insurance etc were greater tahan her wage, but it was the image she wanted.

After 12 years managed to secure an exceptionaly high paid post.  Then the demands for all the trappings for success came in.  Cost me a fortune.  One night when drunk she attacked me while I were sleeping, ambulance was called and I stayed in hospital for 3 days.  arriving back home told her she now had what she wanted ...Divorce?

She tried to cripple me with debts.  I agreed to let her keep everything in the UK.  4 bed house with ensuite. 43 miles from Terminal 1 Heathrow.  Sex, poor and cold for all those years.  Will never marry again.  All her friends are divorced seperated and see themselves as victims not to blame for the braek up.

iving in Thailand 6 years now.  never been happier.  Pay for sex, sure a small price to pay for female company.  Ex took £450,000 in house, assets, cars and shares.  Now moaning since it takes a lot of money to maintain that style, money she does not have.

The company of women is a lot cheaper here.  Feel a lot better.

Pom song satang

I hear this so often from so many Western guys who are just nice people but attract evil partners.

Another friend that has endured the same (left him destroyed) recommends Dr Tara. She's very cool.

Dr Tara Shrink for Men

Might help you to understand some issues to prevent this ever happening again, which it can.

On the money side, mens financial losses in Western divorces are simply mind boggling. Add to that it can ruin hard fought and established careers, also affecting mental health and consequently physical health dreadfully.

It happened to me out here in Thailand, although I must say I was EXTREMELY lucky. Minor damage done and have managed to achieve complete stability over the past 18 months, but it's been tough. Some of you old boys here helped me through the worst, a special mention for my dear friend Ron Thompson, a wonder guy and the Jock in Bangkok (Gordy you know who you are!)

However, our lives are now ours. We learn from mistakes (hopefully). From now on do what is in YOUR BEST INTERESTS. Have fun, but filling any imagined void with ladies of the night is not for me (a truck load of the blue pills wouldn't raise the thing anyway so it's not as though I'm missing much).

I'm an expat from W-s-M by the way. You know, some old donkeys hobbling round the burnt remain of a pier. 

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So you are trying to support your puritanical views with imaginary statistics from one article that you have no way of confirming? Sounds about par for the course. Maybe you should throw in something more about being above personal attacks as long as you are equivocating.

Firstly, I challenge you to find anything puritanical in anything I've said. I've neither mentioned morals or religion.

As long as people like guesthouse aren't running Thailand life will remain close to ideal.

And in a similar vein, I've not suggested banning anything, closing anything, making anything illegal, execution, flogging or imprisonment. - In fact I've not mentioned or suggested that anyone here should be under any external controls - I've not mentioned controls.

I have discussed the negative sides and impacts of prostitution and using prostitutes.

Abuse in Thailand's sex trade

The impact of using prostitutes on the user

Alternative views to the 'every thing's rosy in the garden' view that others have posted

Raised a few questions regarding very negative views of women expressed here in this thread.

Challenged the view that marriage is prostitution

Challenged the view that the existence of prostitution reduces the incidence of rape

I think all of that is well within the topic of discussion and non of it is proscribing the behavior or choices others make.

Commenting on - yes, drawing my own conclusions - yes.

Proscribing - No.

I wouldn't debate there are male underage prostitutes in Pattaya. There are lots of them. I saw much the same in Chiang Mai although smaller numbers. Were they forced by some evil person or financial circumstances or love of money I don't know. I have never talked to them.

I wouldn't debate there are underage female prostitutes in Pattaya. Lots of them. Were they forced by some evil person or financial circumstances or love of money? All of the above.

When I say underage I don't mean children but post pubescent young people.

When the cops raid the bars there is a signal given and all of sudden half of the staff disappears.

You see I am a reasonable man. I won't debate things that are fact.

Are there women kept in slavery, in chains, locked up in brothels in Thailand? I have never seen it nor have I spoken to anyone who has seen it. Nor have I heard from anyone who I know to be without bias who has seen or heard of it recently (10 years give or take a couple of years).

When you imply that it is widespread in Thailand it gives the wrong signals to people who perhaps don't have any on the ground experience in Thailand.

When you tell people that men who frequent prostitutes are harmed it sends the wrong signals to people who have never frequented prostitutes.

If you were the big boss here would you change the availability of prostitutes in Thailand? It is my thought that you would because you think it harms both the buyer and seller.

That is why I am happy in Thailand now because you or people like you are not in charge.

The only reason I voice an opinion contrary to yours is because your opinions might corrupt people who have less experience and are gullible. Both sides of the question should be heard.

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I wouldn't debate there are underage female prostitutes in Pattaya. Lots of them. Were they forced by some evil person or financial circumstances or love of money? All of the above.

When I say underage I don't mean children but post pubescent young people.

When the cops raid the bars there is a signal given and all of sudden half of the staff disappears.

The girls that disappear are often hilltribe, Laos or Burmese. They disappear so they are not deported or returned to their tribal lands.

Unlikely they are underage.

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And if Wayne Rooney pulls up in his Lamborghini in New York and he meets some girl that puts out and wants to stay with him, is she a working girl ?

no, she is an idiot.

After Rooney's world cup showing, he would have to cross the pond to get any.

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If I didn’t have whores I might not get out of bed today. I’m tired. If I didn’t have whores I might not shave and do my laundry today.

If I didn’t have whores I might stay home and eat noodles. If I didn’t have whores I might feel sorry for myself and notice that my back hurts. I might not clip my toenails or brush my teeth. The dog don’t care. He’s a good old dog.

But I got up. Did the laundry and put it out on the balcony to dry. I shaved and made myself look as handsome as one can at my age.

I walked down a street lined with sleepy bars at 11:00 AM. I was going to stop for coffee at a little pastry shop when I heard my name from the open door of one of the closed bars. The owner was in the toilet brushing his beard and cracking the first beer of the day.

I said, Nut, why did you call me? No customers?” Nut is in her late 40’s. Nut said, “no customers, yes. My boyfriend he to work in China.” Nut, I said, “what do you want?” “C oh” she said, “C oh.”

So Nut and I had a little talk and she told me about her daughter in her first year of medical school. She explained to me about the government loan and how her daughter would pay it back after she graduated by service in a government hospital. She told me about her second daughter who studied computer science and helped out her first daughter.

I left Nut and her bar after a couple of hours. She kissed me on the cheek at the door and we were both smiling as I walked out into the afternoon sunshine. I walked back home and penned this little piece. It is 3:29 PM Thailand time, do any of you really think I am an emasculated man?

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I wouldn't debate there are underage female prostitutes in Pattaya. Lots of them. Were they forced by some evil person or financial circumstances or love of money? All of the above.

When I say underage I don't mean children but post pubescent young people.

When the cops raid the bars there is a signal given and all of sudden half of the staff disappears.

The girls that disappear are often hilltribe, Laos or Burmese. They disappear so they are not deported or returned to their tribal lands.

Unlikely they are underage.

Perhaps you misunderstood me. I didn’t mean they disappear as in never come back. I meant they disappear till the cops leave and then come back to work.

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