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Thai Colleges Get A Dressing Down Over Short Skirts


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<br>"Quote" "Students who overly expose their flesh could become the victims of crime, he said, and urged parents to watch what their children were wearing."<BR>Is this charnwit's words or&nbsp; a bit of Thai journalism. Seems someone is trying to encourage people to commit crimes.&nbsp; The girls skirts in the picture are a lot longer than what is seen on television and the newspapers everyday including Bangkok streets. Funny enough in the north they are a lot longer than in Bangkok, usually below the knees.<br>
<br><br><br>  Finally the people in power are beginning to attend to the important issues.  When I am sitting on the street enjoying my morning coffee I have to look at beautiful women parading by in short skirts.  I am an old man. Is this what I am supposed to look at?<br><br>  I see no reason why the skirts cannot be ankle-length.  Then maybe I will be able to focus on my coffee and old-man memories. I can also concentrate on my deep philosophical conversations with my brilliant Thai associates. <br><br>  To me a short skirt is a fine symbol of authoritative coercion and limited freedom and that is exactly what people need, especially young people.<br><br>  And yes these free, young, spirits are indeed responsible for the behavior of the antisocial, monsters that commit crimes against them.  Perhaps the victim should be imprisoned? Who can honestly hold the criminal responsible for the choices he makes?<br><br>
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I recently taught management in an international university and one instructor, not me, told a young lady to leave his classroom because her short skirt bothered him and he could not teach. She sat in the front row. This has been going on a long time and it seems no one cares if they learn anything, only how long their skirt is. We were told by our superiors that we should discipline students on their uniforms rather than worry about teaching our subjects. I refused to be their parents and told the higher ups that it should not be our job to tell students older than 19 years old how to dress. I guess this falls under the TIT motto.

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Education - Education - Education!

To get us moving forward here we need better education, teachers and professors that know their subjects well and are passionate for teaching young people. The need for short skirts or the concern for them should not even be on the table, the article is a waste of news print. As a member of a company that hires many college graduates each year, lets focus on the education and the skills the students have rather than what they wear. Government should stay out of the students closets and let them learn to be better citizens and change Thai society for the better for those that are less fortunate and cannot afford the same privilege they have of going to school!



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i work in a university and i find it completely disgusting that the skirts are so short, it distracts me from teaching, well ok, let me put that in a different way,

i work in a university and i get distracted by

no that's not it, erm, yes, well, i am with swfty 5x5 "Up with skirts down with pants.:rolleyes: "

yes focus on education rather than dress code.

we have posters in the uni of hot chicks in short skirts and tight tops, then a message underneath saying that short skirts are not good. kind of like showing a fat person some cake and telling them not to eat it.

i want to work for opec (well maybe not work but sit in their office not thinking like they do)

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<BR>How about the focus on education for a while and actually teach them something for a change. Don't worry about their clothes.<BR>
<BR><BR>I agree with you Tokay, The yongesters education lack a lot of essentials, <BR>
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Its hot in Thailand, whats wrong with wearing temperature appropriate clothing. Maybe a Burka would appease the skin police.

Besides I like looking at short skirts :rolleyes:

Is that a quote about the " crackdown" statement...

Seems like there is a pun pun there somewhere........" crackdown on the short skirts '

Fashion comes and fashion goes..... aren't there a lot more important problems in the world to worry about other than are the college girls skirt an inch or two, to short.????/

The crackdown comment , cracks me up :D

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I am a student at one of these big international schools here. They have people literally stopping you from taking finals, midterms, or just going to class because of the skirts, how tight shirts are, if they are tucked in or not, the color and type of shoe you wear and other things that do not mater at all. Meanwhile students are openly plagiarizing, copying papers, and writing others papers (its a well known fact that as a native speaker I can make 50,000 baht writing someones thesis). If you ask me they need to focus more on how the students learn and teach them things like critical thinking or just proper reading. Or focus on the open cheating problems. Who gives a rats stinky but what color shoes I wear or if a woman wears pants instead of a skirt or a skirt that is a mini? Stop trying to control them and start teaching them.

Edited by hpwheelman
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Does the civil service have these "crackdowns" in their outlook calendars for yearly repeat or something?

Releasing these stupid stories year after year serves nothing but to show how utterly ineffectual Thai authorities/ministries are at enforcing rules, regs and laws. They can't even get schoolgirls to wear the correct uniform, what hope a rampaging mob?

Why is this the government's business anyway? The colleges have rules about dress codes, enforce them.

Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result does come to mind. :crazy:

You seem to forget my friend that this is Thailand, nothing makes sense here, and why should it as there job as is everyones in authority is to enrich them selves, how can they have time to engage brain before mouth, enrichment is hard work enough and a full time job.

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Let's see.

We need more babies was yesterday's news.

Student response? Shorter skirts and higher pregnancy rates.

Sounds like a problem and solution situation.

By the way, the illustrative photo doesn't seem to show really short skirts. Let me know if you'd like some better examples.

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Let's see.

We need more babies was yesterday's news.

Student response? Shorter skirts and higher pregnancy rates.

Sounds like a problem and solution situation.

By the way, the illustrative photo doesn't seem to show really short skirts. Let me know if you'd like some better examples.

more examples please

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I am a student at one of these big international schools here. They have people literally stopping you from taking finals, midterms, or just going to class because of the skirts, how tight shirts are, if they are tucked in or not, the color and type of shoe you wear and other things that do not mater at all. Meanwhile students are openly plagiarizing, copying papers, and writing others papers (its a well known fact that as a native speaker I can make 50,000 baht writing someones thesis). If you ask me they need to focus more on how the students learn and teach them things like critical thinking or just proper reading. Or focus on the open cheating problems. Who gives a rats stinky but what color shoes I wear or if a woman wears pants instead of a skirt or a skirt that is a mini? Stop trying to control them and start teaching them.

Well, it does really beg the question how smart the students are. Stop breaking the bloody rules about uniforms and then no issue.

The handbook for my kids school is full of the basics for uniforms and the elder high school kids dress like complete slobs. The sad thing is that they only started to do something about it when a kid who was wearing a school tie knotted somewhere around his navel and it got caught (inside the knotted length) when he was running around like a bloody idiot and nearly broke his neck So now they have to do the knots up as they always should have done.

The debate is not about whether uniforms should be in schools and uni's or not, it is about whether kids should obey rules. For me schools should have uniforms, universities you should be able to wear what you like, within reason.

As for the other issues of corruption, all very valid and very sad.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I recall reading an article a couple of years or so ago in the Malaysian press about a similar exhortation by the KL authorities .

Students and young ladies were accused of dressing immodestly and were warned of the consequences .

Barely two days later another newspaper article gave notice of a warning by the same authorities to young ladies who dressed inappropriately .to wit ..those who sported military style haircuts ,wore checked long sleeved shirts ,mens' trousers and shoes and behaved in a manly fashon .

Perhaps this is a case of falling between two tools ?

Leave the poor girls alone !

Show a leg there !

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I suggest tackling one of the main causes of the matter, namely, the clothes worn by actresses and other "daras" on television, who wear such short skirts and dresses that they cannot sit down without putting items on their lap or their hands on their legs. Even some interviewers. Students copy them. The evening plays nearly always show the actresses in very short skirts and dresses. I watched a play last night, and you could see one actresses's black underwear a few times. I'm not complaining, but I suggest that the Complainers deal with one of the influential causes first before shutting down colleges.

Edited by renaissanc
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If Mr Nitwit is worried about CRIME against these girls maybe he should get the BIB to wear shorts instead of long wool pants so they could get off their assses in the heat and go fight CRIME!

The morons in charge are always making the most outragous statements.

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