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Thai Colleges Get A Dressing Down Over Short Skirts


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As this issue is obviously very confusing I looked for advice from the highest moral authority in the western world - no, not the Pope but a group that takes Catholicism - and moral standards - to the extreme: the Society of St. Pius.

Its most vocal protagonist is "Bishop" Richard Nelson Williamson and this shining beacon of wisdom has written an elaborate statement on "Girls at University".


It was difficult to selected a few representative quotes, as the whole letter is highly hilarious.

[...] women going to university is part of the whole massive onslaught on God's Nature which characterizes our times. That girls should not be in universities flows from the nature of universities and from the nature of girls: true universities are for ideas, ideas are not for true girls, so true universities are not for true girls.
The three reasons he [Thomas Aquinius] gives in his Summa Theologiae (2a, 2ae, 177,2) why woman should not teach in Church in public can all be applied to why she should not teach or learn in a public university. Firstly, he says, teaching is for superiors, and women are- not to be superior, but subject, to their men (Gen III,16). Secondly, women stepping up to teach in public can easily inflame men's lust (Ecclus IX,11). Thirdly, "Women are not usually ("communiter") perfect in wisdom".
[...] if a girl devotes several years of her youth and much money of her parents to acquiring a university education, especially a decent one, how easily will she submit to her husband, especially if he has not had that education?
Girls at university are a double source of confusion, both doing what girls were not created to do, and distracting the boys from doing what the boys were created to do.

At any true university, the worthwhile students do not want to be distracted by girls. Those are exactly the potential husbands that the really intelligent girls will go after. That is why even really intelligent girls should not be at university.

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Can anyone explain to me why groups of university students wear their uniforms to the malls, even though the school is closed for the holiday. In the US the first thing a female getting home from school is dump the uniform. Someone suggested it was some kind of a status symbol to wear your school uniform when not attending classes. Any truth to this?

LOL......... their little school uniform is probably the sexiest thing they've got in their wardrobe!

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Can anyone explain to me why groups of university students wear their uniforms to the malls, even though the school is closed for the holiday. In the US the first thing a female getting home from school is dump the uniform. Someone suggested it was some kind of a status symbol to wear your school uniform when not attending classes. Any truth to this?

LOL......... their little school uniform is probably the sexiest thing they've got in their wardrobe!

Most likely this is the prdominant clothing ensemble that still fits them.

No doubt much of the tightness is because on a budget they must make it last,

but their bodies changinga, don't fit to momma's budget constraints.

as to ""Bishop" Richard Nelson Williamson"

What a dumb-ass moralist twit.

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Can anyone explain to me why groups of university students wear their uniforms to the malls, even though the school is closed for the holiday. In the US the first thing a female getting home from school is dump the uniform. Someone suggested it was some kind of a status symbol to wear your school uniform when not attending classes. Any truth to this?

I always used to think that it was cause traffic and travel was so bad that it wasn't worth going all the way back home, changing and then going out again as we'd do 'back home' after school.

Also, I think once you are out from school you can sometimes stay out with hassle from parents but once you're home, that's it. No more out so maybe it's in their interest to go to the mall right from school and not go home first. Parents calling 'yeah, with my friends, be home at x'o clock' rather than going home and saying you're going here or there

However, I am sure I see Uni kids out at weekends in their uniform!

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