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Perhaps Things Would Be So Much Easier For Farang


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The reality it many cases is that her "uncle" is playing tummy sticks with her when they leave the mall

:lol::lol: What a fantastic way with word you have. Your post makes sense by the way. Being a black guy you must have had some very interesting experiences here in Thailand. I expect the people in no way treat you different to anyone else, right. :jap: :whistling:

Thank you Richb...,

Yes I have seen some things. Just last night the very dark family living in a corrugated lean-too hut found telling me their daughter was scared of the Nico ( nigga ) was hilarious. I was a paying customer as the dad was fixing my bike (at least he charged me for giving it back less than half fixed!) That these near itinerant folk think this is just plain harlmess fun shows a distinct lack of understand of the developments in "tollerance" that the developed world has come to enjoy over the last 60+ years in particular. But I don't won't to get into that right now...

Oh yes, they are such wonderful folk in this way. We from the west could learn so much from their ignorant and backward ways, or so the rose tinted glasses brigade would have us believe. :ermm:

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I know it's easy to say, but hard to deal with day to day: Who cares what ignorant, uneducated people say or think? These are the same folk full of superstitious, if sometimes charming, beliefs and who are willing to kotow their way through life in some sort of feudal system that never developed beyond that. Remember, many of these same folks are willing to sell their daughters, or at least turn a blind eye, so the brother can get a motorcycle and dad can keep drinking the whiskey. All quite sad really, so best not to take what they say too seriously.

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Mr. Chunky, you haven' tseen Thais with prostitutes because;

1. Most Thai males will go to the whore house. These brothels do not usually welcome farangs.

2. Older, wealthier Thai males keep their whores sequestered in another location. They dine at that residence and they copulate quietly at that location. When these Thais take the mistress somewhere, it is usually to a special club that caters to such people.

3. You do not see Thais and their young boys or girls because they would not live around someone like you.

Keep in mind that a great many of the people you see misbehaving are here on a 2 week package junket. Do not confuse them with the people that are locals. Unfortunately, the same behaviours are on display in resort towns around the world, whether it is the Black Sea, China, Japan, Brighton, South Miami Beach, Greece or Spain.

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The real stupidity of the OP's topic is the fact that chunky has failed to grasp that there are both inappropriately dressed people walking around, bot Thai and foreign. Secondly, there are perfectly polite, well mannered people be they Thai or foreign as well as ignorant and rude. Level headed people are always aware of this.

I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant.

Now, I am not saying that that farang who do these are wrong, I am saying that this type of behavior is not socially acceptable in Thailand. Doing any of the above will instantly cause the Thais around you to lose all respect for you.

Now, of course many of you don't care what Thais think about your actions. That is exactly the point. Like I said, this is just something to think about the next time a Thai treats you with less than the amount of respect that you believe you deserve.

Where have you been living? I see Thai men everyday eating in restaurants with their 'working girl on the side' before returning home to their wife or GF. What you have missed here is that the prostitutes Thai men visit are not from the same bars the farang frequent. If you do business at the high end in Thailand you will soon see that there is an equal amount of Thai men spending an equal amount of money and time on prostitutes as farang. Sure, they don't marry them but they visit them frequently, eat out with them, go away with them and give them money. You have no idea believe me. I went along on a few social outings here with a friend who does business with some hi so thai-chinese...I was absolutely gobsmacked at the places they went to, and the women were regular girls they had been seeing for years and "taking care of" on the side. The actions are slightly different but the input is effectively the same.

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Perhaps the Op is drawing attention to the fact that unlike us Westerners Thai's tend not to crap on their own doorstep.

Many of the Neighboring Orientals have their own style of Karaoke bars and clubs but we don't see these men parading their 'bit of fluff' up and down Sukhumvit road.

The concept of 'correct time and place' is perhaps lost on many Westerners or as some posters have alluded to some Westerners simply don't care what others think.

I hate to be 'tarred by the same brush', and it was certainly a worry for my Father in Law when I started dating his daughter, his initial concern was that many Westerners have such a poor reputation in Thailand. I believe the Op maybe sympathetic to my FIL's view point, as indeed am I.

As one poster has correctly pointed out, many educated Thai's will recognise that it is only a certain demographic which tarnishes the reputation of Westerners in Thailand and thus we should judged individually.

So it's okay to sleep with a prostitute but not okay to walk down the street with her, is she not deserved of human kindness? A meal, a walk, a laugh, some fun? If it is considered fine for men to use prostitutes for their own primitive, ego driven release then why does it give a man a bad reputation to be seen with one? Furthermore why does the girl gain a bad reputation?

Your father in law is talking crap, how many minor wives does he have? How many karaoke bars does he frequent or if he has money how many hi so massage parlours? "Going to the golf course dear..." "Again?" "yes must practice my swinging a bit more!" Okay he might be a good husband..but Thais have no right to point the finger...read up your Thai history, I can't speak on certain things on TV because I might end up in the slammer, but my word what goes on and has gone on for years is shameful.

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Its not the same though, is it?

If you had someone pee on your toilet seat at home you wouldn't invite them back. If someone peed on your floor, they would leave through the first floor window with a carpet cleaning bill following shortly.

The doors slamming in your face thing is something I find really hard to fathom. How can a society with such exacting etiquette for something as superficial as the "Wai" find it acceptable to let doors slam in peoples faces. It is quite the juxtaposition!

Totally agree Loz. I find it laughable the so called "polite" Thai way of doing things and look around at all the hypocritical crap that goes on that is far far removed from "polite" . In ten years I haven't been fooled by it and never will. Only the feeble minded, those who don't live here, or live in a state of denial would be blinded by the facade that is presented by most Thais .

I think you need to look at yourself. Like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together etc... The longer I live here (2 years thus far) the more great Thais I meet and the negative stereotyping forced upon me by resentful farangs when I first arrived is all but vanished. 2 of my best friends are now Thai. Hard working, honest people who believe in human kindness. I don't know where you are hanging around or why you are attracting the negative types..but i would suggest getting away from tourist areas and farang concentrated areas to meet better people. Walking around with a negative attitude will only bring you more of the same...

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Chunky, you have seen "thousands" of farang with prostitutes in shopping mall. Is that 3,000 or maybe 10,000? Please clarify. If you have never seen a Thai man with a prostitute then you haven't been looking. I also have to wonder what neighborhood you live in with thousands of prostitute loving farangs. As for proper dress, I have seen many Thai women dressed in very short dresses and very high heels in Bangkok's malls. They are hanging out with their friends, shopping and going to restaurants. Maybe you should show a picture of your girlfriend and yourself so we can all see what the correct dress and appearance should be.

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<br>Interesting post.  I suspect you either haven't been in Thailand long or you haven't traveled extensively here.  Polite?  Well-dressed?  Fact is that most Thais don't have the money to dress well.  Polite has regional and social variations.  What is polite behavior at a wedding in Issan would be decidedly unpolite at a wedding in the Oriental.  Frankly I disagree with most of the content of your post as it points to only a very small subset of the population within very limited social circles.<br>
<br><br>A perfect reply,nothing to add.<br>
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I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant.

Now, I am not saying that that farang who do these are wrong, I am saying that this type of behavior is not socially acceptable in Thailand. Doing any of the above will instantly cause the Thais around you to lose all respect for you.

Now, of course many of you don't care what Thais think about your actions. That is exactly the point. Like I said, this is just something to think about the next time a Thai treats you with less than the amount of respect that you believe you deserve.

have you ever driven a car on the roads of Thailand? I find that Thai drivers are the most rude, selfish, uncaring, and just plain stupid I have ever encountered, and I have driven in many countries. You haven't lived until you have been cut off or tailgated while going 90k on the expressway. I don't find most Thai's to be very polite when they are not face to face with you!

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It's amazing that so many could have read the OP and come to the conclusion that I was implying that Thai men do not partake in prostitution. Parading around your obvious hookers in public family places is not socially acceptable in Thailand.

This type of behavior might be more common if you live in a LoSo area (as many related some of their village experiences). As someone else eloquently put it "Thais don't shit where they eat".

I think you sexpats are really deluding yourselves if you think that parading around your dinner for the night hasn't caused the people around you to lose respect for you.

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Sure, I have seen young girls walking with older Thai men in Emporium. The girls are very attractive, tall and white, and usually sporting a 40,000-400,000 baht brand name hand bag. Who is too say if that girl is their daughter or wife, if they are divorced or single? I see no reason to imply that this girl is a prostitute.

Now, when it comes to the tattooed, dressed in less than 500b worth of skank attire, dark skinned gals wrapped on the arm of a farang and starring at every single farang who walks by, while they speak pigeon english to each other... it is a bit more, shall we say, obvious. :)

Edited by Chunky1
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have you ever driven a car on the roads of Thailand? I find that Thai drivers are the most rude, selfish, uncaring, and just plain stupid I have ever encountered, and I have driven in many countries. You haven't lived until you have been cut off or tailgated while going 90k on the expressway. I don't find most Thai's to be very polite when they are not face to face with you!

Yes, I drive here and I have experienced this. I don't see what it has to do with the OP.

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It's amazing that so many could have read the OP and come to the conclusion that I was implying that Thai men do not partake in prostitution. Parading around your obvious hookers in public family places is not socially acceptable in Thailand.

This type of behavior might be more common if you live in a LoSo area (as many related some of their village experiences). As someone else eloquently put it "Thais don't shit where they eat".

I think you sexpats are really deluding yourselves if you think that parading around your dinner for the night hasn't caused the people around you to lose respect for you.

Where do you draw the conclusion there are sexpats on this thread? There arn't any. Mainly a collection of good posts and a twisted OP. The subject matter of your threads are purile and pathetic.

I'd find your stupid posts very annoying if i did'nt know you are a blatent troll. Starting threads that are basically a sucession of put downs to foreigners.

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Come on people. The OP may be wide of the mark but there is some truth in what he says. Free speech and expression are limited here, especially for foreigners. This website is even restricted. So although he may have expressed it a little strongly he is in essence correct. I think that to some extent he is right about the prostitute situation. The problem may be that he is getting his opinion based on experience in Pattaya, where it is very common to see truly incredible sites, by anyone's standard. Western men wandering around or sat in restaurants with girls that may be wearing quite literally next to nothing. This goes on and must create a bad impression, and not only with Thais. However this is the minority in most other areas. But I don't think we can dismiss his point as total nonsense, you can only debate the extent to it's accuracy and how far it extends.

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The real stupidity of the OP's topic is the fact that chunky has failed to grasp that there are both inappropriately dressed people walking around, bot Thai and foreign. Secondly, there are perfectly polite, well mannered people be they Thai or foreign as well as ignorant and rude. Level headed people are always aware of this.

I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant.

Now, I am not saying that that farang who do these are wrong, I am saying that this type of behavior is not socially acceptable in Thailand. Doing any of the above will instantly cause the Thais around you to lose all respect for you.

Now, of course many of you don't care what Thais think about your actions. That is exactly the point. Like I said, this is just something to think about the next time a Thai treats you with less than the amount of respect that you believe you deserve.

You don't get around much, do you? You have "seen thousands of farangs walking the shopping malls with obvious prostitutes" and you have "seen dozens of farangs taking obvious prostitutes home". I wonder what kind of condo block you lodge in. Either you are stupid or your are ignorant. You claim to be able to pinpoint a prostitute just by looking at a lady. Yeah right, wake up boy! You are insulting the ladies, both those who are prostitutes and those who are not. Thai men do not take their prostitutes home that is why you have not been able to see them with " prostitutes". Nor will he take them to a restaurant. It also depends on location. It is different if you are in Pattaya or Bangkok or in a village in Isaan or upcountry.

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Thai men do not take their prostitutes home that is why you have not been able to see them with " prostitutes". Nor will he take them to a restaurant.

Well done, Sherlock.

Edited by Chunky1
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Its not the same though, is it?

If you had someone pee on your toilet seat at home you wouldn't invite them back. If someone peed on your floor, they would leave through the first floor window with a carpet cleaning bill following shortly.

The doors slamming in your face thing is something I find really hard to fathom. How can a society with such exacting etiquette for something as superficial as the "Wai" find it acceptable to let doors slam in peoples faces. It is quite the juxtaposition!

Totally agree Loz. I find it laughable the so called "polite" Thai way of doing things and look around at all the hypocritical crap that goes on that is far far removed from "polite" . In ten years I haven't been fooled by it and never will. Only the feeble minded, those who don't live here, or live in a state of denial would be blinded by the facade that is presented by most Thais .

I think you need to look at yourself. Like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together etc... The longer I live here (2 years thus far) the more great Thais I meet and the negative stereotyping forced upon me by resentful farangs when I first arrived is all but vanished. 2 of my best friends are now Thai. Hard working, honest people who believe in human kindness. I don't know where you are hanging around or why you are attracting the negative types..but i would suggest getting away from tourist areas and farang concentrated areas to meet better people. Walking around with a negative attitude will only bring you more of the same...

You sir, write like a fool!

U don't know where I live (rural thailand, NOT a tourist area) You assume the people who behave like this are people I hang around with. Nothing could be further from the truth these are random strangers that could be anywhere. You remind me of the kind of TWUNT back in ENgland who 20 years ago might have said, " two of my best friends are black". Frankly you come across as a foolish person who lives in a bubble divorced from most peoples reality.

I wonder what ward you are writing from and when your started cheeking your meds?

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This is turning into a slagfest.

Anymore blatant name-calling and attacks will result in warnings given and could result in the thread being closed.

Agree or disagree with any post as you want, but please keep it civil.

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Straying back to the original topic for a moment -

I don't really think things could be any easier for Farangs in Thailand.

There are some aspects of bureaucracy that can be frustrating, and some people seem to attract more con-men than they can afford, but I've never been to a country where that wasn't the case

And I've never had a problem getting service good with a smile anywhere that I've gone, on my own or with a short-time or long-time girlfriend of any nationality

Obviously, my opinion would differ if I was paranoid too...


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The real stupidity of the OP's topic is the fact that chunky has failed to grasp that there are both inappropriately dressed people walking around, bot Thai and foreign. Secondly, there are perfectly polite, well mannered people be they Thai or foreign as well as ignorant and rude. Level headed people are always aware of this.

I have never seen a Thai man walking around a shopping mall with an obvious prostitute but I have seen thousands of farang doing so. I have never seen a Thai male in the various upscale apartment buildings that I have lived in, bring home an obvious prostitute but I have seen dozens of farang do so. I have never seen a Thai man take an obvious prostitute to a nice restaurant.

Now, I am not saying that that farang who do these are wrong, I am saying that this type of behavior is not socially acceptable in Thailand. Doing any of the above will instantly cause the Thais around you to lose all respect for you.

Now, of course many of you don't care what Thais think about your actions. That is exactly the point. Like I said, this is just something to think about the next time a Thai treats you with less than the amount of respect that you believe you deserve.

Interesting ideas! Yes the Thais are very good at superficial appearances of being very good. Everything is hidden. Men here are far from perfect. Check the statistics. Bar girls that deal with the Farang that you elude to only constitute 4.7% of prostitution in Thailand (especially Bangkok)!:ermm: The whopping 95.3% is Thai on Thai but it is all hidden. The Tesco girl that picks up a little extra, the black and white "sponsored" uni girl, the salon hairdresser (that's a common one for some unknown reason) are all prepared to quietly pick-up extra cash.

Yes they don't make anything obvious here, it is just that most men from the "developed" world tend not to care if people see it, as it is not cultural. BUT please don't suggest that these people don't do the same. This whole society is about saving face, even though the underlying actions are often completely against what their society teaches. Have you read Mahidol University's recent study on Thai prostitution? There are several other links that you can research about this important topic on the Net. This will help overcome any doubts that the great bulk of Thai prostitution is not the obvious type but rather their OWN hidden activities! :whistling:

My question is now should we respect these men (who are in the majority, again check the research) who hide their "girlfriends" because really they are the hypocrites! :shock1:

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