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Housebreaking By Sunnee Boys


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The young boys of Sunnee Plaza (Pattaya) are dangerous in several ways. As I know now they are organized with adult men in the background. If they find customers then the adults will follow to the home of the customer and blackmail him, becaus the boys are below 18. And in bad times with no customers, they go to the homes of known farangs and ask for money.

So with me on last Saturday. Two boys ring on the early morning.

But I didn't open the door. Then they was climbing over the fence and went around the house, looking in every window. Then I heard they working on my bedroom window, trying to open it. At this point I realized that it is no good idea to do nothing. I took my camera and went outside to take some pictures. Then the boys run away.

Unfortunarely the pictures are not good, but one of the boys is identifiable.

Two days later I left the house on the early afternoon, about 2 o'clock. At return two houres later I found my house broken in. The bedroom window was taken out and my McBook and other small electronics where stolen. Worth alltogether about 70.000 Baht.

I called the police. They seemed not to be very interested. As I showed the picture of one of the boys two days earlier, they called another group of two police officers. All the questions again, but no special actions. They took no fingerprints. I handed over a printout of the picture and later I had to go to Banglamung police station to draw up the minutes.

Now, thee days later, I've heard nothing from police. I was expecting they catch the boy quickly and ask me to identify him.

If they catch him, I'm prepared to be charged by him for sexual assault. But I never touched this boy - absolutely not!

Does anybody has experience in cases like this? And what can I do if they charge me? They can't have any evidence, only the statement of the boys as an act of revenge.

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The Boys know my home. One of the adult behind this boys has brought them to my home last year. The guys have offered me their services, but I have not been used. Never. Later they returned and brought other boys to my home. Therefore more boys know me than vice versa. Unfortunately, I have them sometimes given smaller amounts of money so they could buy something to eat.

Why the adult know my home? He must have followed me from Sunnee to my home. I don't know.

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How did they "know" to go to your home and what valuables you may possess inside? Did they just randomly pick your house of the street or......? That maybe why the police are acting so disinterested, but then again I can sympathize with your theft. Years ago, when i first moved to Thailand I was robbed as well. My first venture with renting a condo was not in the best neighborhood, and I came home from work one day to find the lock pried of and the door slightly ajar. I found my placed completely tossed and they had taken my new laptop my folks had bought for me just before the move. It is a terrible feeling and I'm sorry to hear about your loss. However, sadly...I wouldn't depend on the police to be of any help whatsoever! sad.gif

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Best advice is not to take anyone back to " your place " unless you know them well, dont forget these street types have no morals ,even more so than the women, the guys in this business are even more ruthless and a very high number of boys working in gay clubs have girlfriends/wives, they are stricly there for the money, a friend of mine has been robbed 3 times and wont come back to pattaya anymore,

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Please make no jokes or references about Micheal Jackson's Attorney looking for work...

Thats Bad , ! sorry,,,,,,:(

The nuns used to beat me senseless every time I took an opportunity like this. You would think I would learn...

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Obviously, the OP has left out some details. However, there have been reports for many years (on the gay boards) of all kinds of criminality coming from the Thais of Sunnee (as opposed to the criminal foreigners involved). For example,

Gangs (extorting sex workers for a cut or more of their earnings, pressuring the sex workers into criminality)

Common thievery (of course)

Yaba addiction which creates desperate people

Blackmail (with maybe police or fake police in on the games), for example a sex worker who looks old enough who lies about being of age, perhaps carries a fake ID, then baits the mark, and then real or fake police show up demanding massive payments

While I understand the lie down with dogs rebuff, on the other hand if a person is participating in that scene with a typical motivation (having sanuk with a legal age sex worker), and gets set up for all kinds of pain, well, they are human. Is it because they are gay? I know I have sympathy for the many straight Indians/Middle easterners who get drugged, robbed, sometimes even killed by the drugs by evil Pattaya prostitutes.

In other words, the OP may indeed be a real victim here through no fault of his own. It is entirely possible based on the well known history coming out of Sunnee. Yes, you can say he shouldn't have played with fire by even partying in that zone (which he may deny but a bit hard to believe), fair enough, but it seems cold.

And then there is the police. Notice the story of how they don't care. That should tell you something too.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just to be clear, my comment above was meant and would be applicable to hetero, homo or any other-sexual encounters where underage or criminal elements are involved...

To be clear, it wasn't my intention to single out any poster. I was wondering aloud if in general most people are less sympathetic to gay crime victims than straight ones. I realize people don't like hearing that, but people not in a minority group have a tendency to put them into an OTHER box and not see them as fully human as they are. I also suspect the local police are bent that way, to see gay crime victims more as potential SUSPECTS than victims.

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The Boys know my home. One of the adult behind this boys has brought them to my home last year. The guys have offered me their services, but I have not been used. Never. Later they returned and brought other boys to my home. Therefore more boys know me than vice versa. Unfortunately, I have them sometimes given smaller amounts of money so they could buy something to eat.

Why the adult know my home? He must have followed me from Sunnee to my home. I don't know.

What do you mean, the guys have offered me their services, but I have not been used? What sort of services?

In a way you have brought this problem on yourself. These boys sound like street urchins and getting into any involvement with them, in kindness or something dubious is only going to bring trouble to you, big trouble if you are not careful.

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I sense a PDN front page story in the making, right down to someone having a finger pointed at his face.

Take the theft as a warning. Stay away from the sexual deviancy that is Sunnapee Plaza. It destroys all that it touches.

One of the advantages of a permanent partner is no longer having to worry about waking up with a dog.

Whoa. There is nothing wrong with a dog. I spent a great deal of my youth under the care of various canines and I can assure you that I was both happy and well protected. Perhaps, you may wish to substitute the word dog out for the more specific term cheap hooker. My dog may have had a habit of eating garbage, or sometimes puking and always had a knack of passing wind an an inappropriate time, but she never ever stole or brought shame to me, except maybe the time she came home with the neighbour's laundy.

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It looks like there is more to this story and OP is not being completely honest. I hope the police investigate the OP about why underage male prostitutes know where he lives.

Is that the most important question for you? And the police should not investigate the housebreaking unless this question is answered?

I never took underage boys to my house! Somebody followed me from Sunnee to my home. And then he brought the boys to my house. After that, the boys came together with other boys, because they got a few Baht for a meal. Is this not a comprehensible expanation for the question, why underage boys know where I live?

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It looks like there is more to this story and OP is not being completely honest. I hope the police investigate the OP about why underage male prostitutes know where he lives.

Is that the most important question for you? And the police should not investigate the housebreaking unless this question is answered?

I never took underage boys to my house! Somebody followed me from Sunnee to my home. And then he brought the boys to my house. After that, the boys came together with other boys, because they got a few Baht for a meal. Is this not a comprehensible expanation for the question, why underage boys know where I live?

Well then how exactly is it that you know that they are prostitutes? Why are you giving underage male prostitutes money for meals? Why did they think that it was OK to knock on your door? I have no idea what Sunnee Plaza is. Are you saying that there is an area in Pattaya where underage males are being offered to farang men? If so, that is absolutely disgusting.

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Sunnee Plaza is a deservedly notorious mostly gay nightlife area of Pattaya. Yes, underage males are available there, but the vast majority of the scene is the usual legal aged type thing. It is popular with expats because there are more social type beer bars there, the prices are lower, and it is less touristy, less pushy, more relaxed etc. than the more high profile tourist areas. I can't speak for other people but I would love to see all of the illegality wiped from that area, the gangs, the underage trade, the drug addiction, etc. Alas, that ain't going to happen for reasons I can't fully explain, but suspect strong Thai powers want to keep it that way.

BTW, I don't think there is anything wrong with giving desperate young people begging on the street money for rice. However, the sad reality is, in an environment like Sunnee Plaza, that may indeed be asking for trouble.

As far as the OP's account, I don't think he owes us his life story of sexual partners. Generalizing the issue, for people that do socialize in the gay circles of Pattaya, and do so with legal aged people, that doesn't mean those people don't have friends who are not of age. Talk about disgusting? People are insinuating the OP was involved in illegal activity based on nothing.

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in the encyclopedia of choice lifestyle, i dont think it is morally wrong to visit sunni plaza for any reason of choice, not to be prejudiced until immorality prohibited by law is violated and proven guilty in court.

the break-in is inevitable since you choice to associate yourself with these establishments, so reorganise the security of your home or just relocate

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You may not find any helpful comments from this bunch. The only advice I can offer would be for you to consult with a lawyer or a police officer if you don't have any influencial Thai friends that could be of assistance.

I would also look into having a security system installed in your home. If you don't want to install a security system they do sale portable security units.

Best of luck!

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Sunee plaza is a cesspit with many examples of crime, drug use and underage sex workers. Pattaya would be best served with the whole area being demolished. Anyone goes to that area is imo asking for trouble.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Sunee plaza is a cesspit with many examples of crime, drug use and underage sex workers. Pattaya would be best served with the whole area being demolished. Anyone goes to that area is imo asking for trouble.

A lot of people do feel that way. It is an understandable way to feel. However, I feel it is absurdly unrealistic and comes off as a bunch of hot air. Like I said before, it is clear there are strong Thai money interest forces that LIKE the way it is now, with a high degree of criminality, because they are making money off it. So not only will the criminal elements not really be cleaned up the whole area is most certainly not going to be raised. So you can talk macho and make big pronouncements, but it is meaningless. Also be clear that though nobody can deny there is a lot of crime in the area, on any given night, the vast majority of the activity in the area is legal. Would you also raise the more visible Pattaya nightlife sois, gay and straight, because of some criminality (because it exists there too) or would it be more rational to try to go after the actual criminal behavior rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater, which I acknowledge is an ironic analogy in this context.

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in the encyclopedia of choice lifestyle, i dont think it is morally wrong to visit sunni plaza for any reason of choice, not to be prejudiced until immorality prohibited by law is violated and proven guilty in court.

the break-in is inevitable since you choice to associate yourself with these establishments, so reorganise the security of your home or just relocate

Of what 'lifestyle' do you speak?

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Why would you spend time at a place where there are gangs pushing underage prostitutes?... I can't wait to hear the rationalization.

What? Are you talking about Thailand? I go to Thailand for the culture.

No, i am talking about this sunnee plaza. Apparently, it is well known what goes on there but farang are still showing up. Sick.

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