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Why Gal Like To Have Farang Bf?


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Hi All,

I would like to say that there is something come to my mind. I am so curious why a lot of gals want to get Farang boyfreinds. Is it because Farang is richer? more handsome? ( this depends on each preference for physical apprearance??) more nicer? etc.... :o:D For income/salary, please correct me whether my comment is right or wrong. If farang lives in his country, his income would be just average? Because of low living cost in TH & exchange rate, so he becomes richer in TH eyes' people. I ever talked with gals who has got farang BF ( she used to work normally like other gal before. After she 's got this BF, she doesn't need to work cause he would support all financial stuffs: this depended whether she asked him to support or he offered by himself?). I don't against because that's normal for gentleman to do /provide good care to the lover. However, farang ever thinks that it will be the way to spoil gal. When she gets money easily without working, she does nothing except waiting to get money from her lover, and spend money day by day! Dress up nicely and wait for her BF comes to see her, or even take her to his home. In the case of bargals also, if she 's got lucky in finding good supporter then she showed off what he gave to her friends. So her friends tried hard in order to get lucky same her , that meant farangs becomes VIP guests instead of Thai customers. B)B) It is kind of Stereo Typing ?

My opinion is not aimed to against anyone. Some gal may not be like I mentioned above. It was just my opinions .

Perhaps, I think society becomes more materialistic. But that's real life happending especially in BKK , isn't it?

Other opinions would be highly appreciated. Please share how you think.

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It's not money..it's depend what kind of girl that you meet.

When I met my wife I had no money and no prospect of money, infact I had just been cleaned out by a girl in Australia.

My wife had never met a farang before ( a fact her lack on english proved to be true) and she was a hard nut to crack.

She thought all farangs were (in her own words) Pattaya farangs, and she really didn't like us.

My charm, wit and body size won through and now she says she wouldn't have it any other way (should hope not, she is a married lady).

She was surprised that we aren't all 'butterflies'.

The thing she liked most about me in the beginning is my size, I am 6 foot 3.

She loves my farang nose and she hopes our as yet unborn little girl will become 'Miss Thailand Universe 2020'.

But then there are the thai ladies who love for money... :o

and the 'Pattaya Farangs' :DB)B)

no offense to anyone living in Pattaya.

But she did believe in the stereotype.

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Ajetapple & Tukyleith , I already said " My opinion is not aimed to against anyone. Some gal may not be like I

mentioned above". :o:D Good luck for your relationships cause they are based on LOVE.

I am Th gal who married to Farang, so I don't intend to against anyone. My husband wanted me to stay still at home and he would support me all expenses. He didn't want me to work in exporting company. However, I wanted to work and we had fight about this matter. I learnt for several yrs in schools. After being his wife and I need to stay home only??. I prefered working and asked him to understand. Finally, I won ( so I still work now), but promised him that I would quit if we have baby. I have been working in marketing department (in charged of foreign markets), so my work is quite busy and I need to go aboard quite often. That could be one reason that he wanted me to be home more.

However, I was curioused so I asked him for a reason why he wanted me stay home.. yeah!! he gave me all real & good reasons He said " his salary is Ok for living here, he loves me and doesn't want to see me working busily in the office" and many more.... etc. Deep down, I think he had got something in his mind about Th gal from his colleagues' opinion (both negative & negative points), either farang or Thai. What he saw and got information from friends are similar to what I wrote before. He just didn't want to speak out in details to hurt my feeling. I have little fight about our different cultures&thoughts sometimes, however , we have tried to balance anyway.

I admitted that there are both good , bad, average people in every countries. No matter what people do for living & No matter where you live on this round world!.

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If they are LOOKING FOR a "farang" husband, surely most of them do to have a better life.

Mind I don't mean money, I mean a better life. Then it depends if they keep living in Thailand or go to live in husband's country. Most of the girls that go to live in their husband's country start to work because they see that life is not so easy. If they remain in Thailand on the contrary many depend on their husbands finances.

On the physical side, my wife likes my hairs on chest , and I noticed that my successes (now quite outdated) were based on this


Then most also had bad experience with thai husbands, often drunk and "butterfly men" and hope to find something better in farangs.


Often they are disappointed on this, as also most farang husbands are "butterfly" expecially if they live in Thailand.


This is my experience on thai-farang couples I know.

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whats the question? my girl only asks for 200 baht a day for food and she is really happy, can't stand her food though it stinks like sewage. issaan girls eat really bad stuff all raw meat and rats and stinking fish and horrible rice like glue, i give her the 200 baht a day just to escape from the stink of this stuff surely somebody out there will agree with me please be honest, it really smells bad, why don't they get sick it is rotting food and weeds they eat!!!!??? :o

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...can't stand her food though it stinks like sewage. issaan girls eat really bad stuff all raw meat and rats and stinking fish and horrible rice like glue, ... it really smells bad, why don't they get sick it is rotting food and weeds they eat!!!!??? :

Syd, maybe you are right, may be wrong.

Think of the poor nose of a girl who has to smell cheese, herring, kippers or whatever...

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Col.Kurtz : Thanks for comment. It was funny thought.. Hahahah, if I want to cheat on him, I don't need to do far away. ??? there are a lot of farangs here, as well as TH guys.

One more, I am too tried while working aboard and I have no time to cheat anyone. I don't need to do so & surelly I am satisfy in what I have now . :D:o

Buasaard : I believe that work will make life valuable. If gal works to get money for living by herself, she will know money 's value & how hard her BF has to work to give her money for shopping.

One thing, there are many news about farang was killed in TH ( Th GF is often suspected to involve in the killing plan). Most of these happended, maybe because she just stayed home, no work. Her BF worked outside, or in his homeland. She had nothing to do, so she has got TH Bf while he was away. Then, when farang got back & 2 mans can't be in the same house , so sad story!!!??? It was just my opinion somehow. Maybe it is true , maybe not...

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Hey Sid

Give me a break, when I was a kid, someone like you was there complaining about the scool lunch, I go into the Marines and there you are again complaining about high quality food, and all you want. I go into the hospital and there you are again, whinning, I refuse to eat this garbage. perfectly good food. But not Mr. Happymeal. Now I am adult, on the internet and here you are again. IT'S NOT THE FOOD IT'S YOU. Go to McDonald's get your happy meal and shut up.

All food is wonderful and part of the celebration of life. I feel bad for you, not knowing what you are missing. Do you want to make the lady happy? or just pork her? Why not try sharing her culture, her way of life, her very being. You are like the person on tour bus, with a blindfold on, you are missing most of the trip. Come on man try you can do it. :o


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MONEY!!! It's definatley because of the money folks, don't kid yourselfs. Thai girls 'preffer' Thai men, because the first and most obvious reason is the Language barrier, and cultural differences, and secondly 'most' Thai parents dissaprove of the thai/farang relationship. To qoute 'Buasaard' who said its because they want a better life, well a better life translates into MONEY.

Its all about the money people, don't belive the c**p :o

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To qoute 'Buasaard' who said its because they want a better life, well a better life translates into MONEY.

Not necessarily. Of course you can't hardly have a better life with less money, but better life implies attention, care, stability and many other things. Most of thai girl's husbands are not wealthy (at least the ones I know), a couple of them even mantain their husbands (do not understand wrong, working hard not being pronstitutes).

I must stress that I know couples that live abroad not in Thailand, from other people's tales it seems different for most couples living in Thailand.

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svd,I will agree with you,I don't know how they eat that shit,and my wife is from central and not an issaan girl,but some thing she eats makes her breath smell like something dead,all Thai eat it tho,what ever it is,but i just about have her broke of eating it,but she teaches school in upcountry at nong maena and eats lunch at a food shop. and the issaan is even worse than that,I had a girl from N.E. and I couldnt stand it. and that jjrbus cat must have has some very vital parts shot off of his olfactory and visual systems while in the marines to say any different.

and back to the thread,,my wife says that farang is much more steady and dependabl,more considerate than a Thai,and her Exhusband layed on his ass drunk for the last 10 years of their marrage and let her support him and his 2 kids and she was still supporting the 21 year old boy when her and I got married,and the only thing I changed was to throw the new motorbike she had bought the boy so he could find a job,out the door and his stuff right behind it and he hit the bricks and did find a job. But he has never even said THANK YOU for the help I gave him in getting his life together.

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I think each have their own reasons...

For some it's money.

For some it's the 'better life'.

For some it's physical attraction.

And for some, it's simply because the man they fall in love with happens to be a foreigner.

I belong to the last group. I don't know if I 'like' having a farang partner... I just like having 'this' particular partner who happens to be a farang.

So, that's my reason.

Oh, BTW about the food, I can understand that people who are not used to certain smell or taste will find certain things inedible or disgusting. Some Thais feel the same way about 'farang food'. If you think about it, yogurt, cheese, butter... they are fermented/rotten dairy product as well.

However, I have to say there had been so many health warning in the past about eating raw meat & fish in Issan. So, in some ways, it's true that some of the food some people eat there is not very good for one's health. That's just nothing new in the world though. In the UK, we used to get loads of food made from animal's innards/brain/bones the lot! As time goes by and more diseases are discovered in connection to the food and the fact that the economy progresses over the year, these types of food slowly die out. Even with cheese, there had been bans put on by the EU concerning the ways certain types of cheese are made (mostly goat cheese) since they've discovered that eating cheese that has been made in those ways are bad for your health. France was hit pretty hard by this.

If you don't like the food, then don't eat it. But out of respect for my partner, I wouldn't diss it either. The only time I would say anything is when the stuff she/he eats or drink is definitely bad for her/his health (like really raw piece of meat). When westerners eat garlic or cheese, their breath smells too, just like when Thais eat certain food. That's one of the reasons why we have toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash! hehehehe :D:o

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Why TG's going with farang? So easy...TG like every human have a needs-Financial Security/Personal Relation....so first they looking for mature farang with money,they'll become a GF or wife(bad case) of this "walking ATM". After they have enough money for shoping,sending their family,do whatever they need-it becomes more and more boring...then they're looking for young farang that will provide something that old farang cant give them-good look and good sex. I have seen this scenario many many many times,and have been involved in few of them...Sad but true..

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My wife recently pointed out an article in a local Thai paper here in San Diego that talked about how the top/most famous models and movie starlets all had farang boy friends.

She also said Thai people like to see people who are mixed, Thai/Caucasian.

Just look at media, advertising movies etc.

Same is true here in Mexico. Just about all of the prominent TV and movie models are tall blonde hair and blue eyes!

My wife says Thai people like white skin?

It's interesting. I completely lost interest in chicks with white skin along time ago.

Physically theres no attraction compared to a Siam beauty. :o

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Not all TGs are bad. But i'd carefully inspect anything you are considering

throwing a ring on. Get a girl from the countryside - City/resort girls are mosltly

gold diggers.

I married a thai girl from way out in the sticks. I am here in the US now

working and plan on moving over when my job runs out. So last week I

am looking at CDs / Annuities to park my $$ and just live off the interest in Thai.

Right now the rates are really low but some Annuites are running 6% for my

age. I was moaning to my thai wife about this and the next day she says "dont worry

about you not have too much $$ come live thai". I said "ya I know its cheap there". She

said "no me give you my $$ so you feel good come thai". I was shocked as

she was saving this $$ to open a business or something. So this week we

are heading to her bank and she will give me her $57,000US. I am still

scratching my head....

BTW does anyone know where i could get something better than 6% and still

sleep at night? Please PM me! Thanks!

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jingjai, in addition to what I said, a certain part of him wants to exert some "control" over you. You see, Western women are always exerting their "rights" to do anything they want and jusitfying it with their feminist attitudes. He simply doesn't want you to work and thus wind up acting like a "tough white women trying to survive in todays tough anti-women world" (that's what they probably think). He wants you to be a good little T-girl; to stay home, cook, clean and be availible for him whenever and where-ever he wants........Good man! hehehe........ :o

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Someone once told me that what a Thai lady is looking for in a relationship is "security" (maybe we all are). From the relationships I have had here in LOS that seems to make sense; and it is as much to do with emotional security as with evidence of providing material security.

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She also said Thai people like to see people who are mixed, Thai/Caucasian.

Just look at media, advertising movies etc.

My wife says Thai people like white skin?

I'd say it's about the equivalent of having a large number of blacks in the media and athletics in the US. It's a form of entertainment.

You'll note that while we push luk krungs into movies and music careers, we nearly completely shut them out of every other industry. (it's either we shut them out, or they can't cut it...) Entertainment is hardly a stable business to be in considering the high attrition rates and short shelf life of the average "celebrity." Many turn to the darker side of the entertainment industry (prostitution) or get adopted as mia nois or pua nois.


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This is what I think.

When a Farang becomes the "HEAD" of the House, it is easy for her to be the 'NECK' of the house.

Asian Nationalities coming from Male dominated societies, the Man will be the "Head" and the "Neck" both and consider woman to be the ............

This is worse in Thailand and I do not need to write much about the Family life of a Thai Man. [in general]

The other comments like the advantages of having Eurasian kids, Money, status of having a farang husband, Opportunities to go out from Thailand and sometimes to get dual citizenship also among some of the other reasons.

Also it is sad to see that some Farang taking an upperhand of this situation.

Finally "True Love" is the most valid reason that will not fall into any of above generalistions.

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Careful now! :o

Unless you're talking from personal experience of course.

Favoritism is customary in indigenous LoS society - I'll certainly give you that. Unfortunately this is rarely based on skill, qualifications or experience. But rather the Baht count Thai parents have in the bank. “Luk-krung” also have a distinct disadvantage because of the many medieval “laws” prevalent in LoS, regardless of skin tone.

Apologies to the rest, for going off-thread.

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