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Who Watches The Thai Police?


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Who Watches the Watchmen?

BANGKOK: -- The first six months of 2010 saw a slew of new stories detailing the involvement of police in illicit activities. Highway Police 3 were found to be redistributing seized narcotics. Narcotics police were found to be embezzling money entrusted to them for sting operations. While Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Police engaged in illegal labor smuggling, other officers took the lives of ex-wives and lovers; the list goes on. One cannot deny the tragic irony in having those sworn to the protection of morality being devoid of it themselves.

It would be unfair to hold police, which are at the end of the day human beings, to a rigid and idealized code of ethics. At the same time, those who take on the mantle of police voluntarily admit themselves into an institution that requires a high moral consciousness. In all practicality, if a police officer cannot be purely white, they should be at the very least off-white gray, not a menacing black.

The Metropolitan Police Bureau is based in the Bangkok metropolis and is surrounded by big money and major influences, providing many a temptation and pressure for members of its ranks to stray. Provincial Police, despite being removed from the contexts of the city, are also faced with moral corruptions due to their own intimidating status. The National Police Office, which oversees all of the Kingdom's over 200 thousand policemen, has an array of internal divisions dealing with development and crime prevention, but does not have a single branch devoted to the monitoring and supervision of police ethics.

The closest mechanism Thai police have to moral control is the Office of the Inspector-General, which only investigates instances of criminal activity within the force after they have surfaced. If only seeking out offending officers after they have been corrupted sounds ineffective, it is even more so in practice as criminal acts amongst police can be seen continually repeated.

At its very basic, the decay of Thai police morality can be summed up in the now common sight of off duty officers with their uniforms haphazardly undone, encircled around alcoholic beverages, faces reddened by intoxication and laughing loudly with their firearms still at their sides. Illicit activity aside, is this an appropriate image to be giving the public?

Thailand will be receiving a new police chief this October, let us hope that he or she has the insight to create a moral supervision unit or at the very least keep a stringent lookout for failures that could further sully the name of the “protectors of the public”.

Kom Chad Luek Editorial, July 16 2010

Translated and Rewritten by Itiporn Lakarnchua

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.


-- Tan Network 2010-07-17


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Where there are few sanctions this behavior can be expected, and expected to grow. Yes it might be a difficult decision to not indulge in corrupt activities, but a deterrent would be consequences if/when caught. Thailand's (LOS) stands for lack of sanctions. Consider this: if there is no punishment there is no crime. When the punishment equals the crime then I suspect there will be big changes. Please Thailand clean your house. If not, many believe Thailand will continue in it's downward spiral.

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the biggest gang in the country. lazy, greedy, rotten to the core. I know that there are some good cops but do they stand a chance surrounded by gangsters? They literally get away with murder, sell drugs, run protection rackets, gambling dens and prostitutes or take pay offs to let these activities continue. Drunk driver sends his car into a tree? No problem, only arrest him if he can't come up with 20k. If people I know have a problem, the police are normally the last resort because everybody knows that their pockets will become lighter very quickly.

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the biggest gang in the country. lazy, greedy, rotten to the core. I know that there are some good cops but do they stand a chance surrounded by gangsters? They literally get away with murder, sell drugs, run protection rackets, gambling dens and prostitutes or take pay offs to let these activities continue. Drunk driver sends his car into a tree? No problem, only arrest him if he can't come up with 20k. If people I know have a problem, the police are normally the last resort because everybody knows that their pockets will become lighter very quickly.

I cannot say better.

Is the most important and damaging problem of the Kingdom and nobody want to do nothing to change it (Abhisit too)

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The delights of the thai system hey, lets face it thats why so many people come here.

Money talks in los after all the whole thai culture is based around wealth and capitalism right from the core up, you cant blame them after all they just want to have what we have without the conciqences.

My mate calls it the land of contridiction not the land of smiles maybe thats what it should be renamed.

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The delights of the thai system hey, lets face it thats why so many people come here.

Money talks in los after all the whole thai culture is based around wealth and capitalism right from the core up, you cant blame them after all they just want to have what we have without the conciqences.

My mate calls it the land of contridiction not the land of smiles maybe thats what it should be renamed.

You get what you pay for. You want honest policemen pay for them. If you want what you have continue to pay them housekeepers wages. I heard they even have to buy there own gun don't know if that is true or not.

As has been said many come here to get the benefits of cheap. They fail to understand they can not get quality and cheap in the same barrel.

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It would be unfair to hold police, which are at the end of the day human beings, to a rigid and idealized code of ethics.

As someone else pulled this line up. I'll repeat it.

This is EXACTLY the standard police should be held up to nothing less, including the 'idealized' code.

Yes they are humans and will not meet the ideal, but if it is not there, then they will NEVER BOTHER TO TRY.

If there are no punishments for ignoring these standards, then there is no incentive to NOT ignore them.

This is top down rotten and MUST be repaired if this country is to ever move ahead.

When the symbol of legal authority completely ignores legal rights and process, except for show,

then no one else will have respect for the laws, and their nagging need to be upwardly mobile for Kow Tow reasons

will just keep on itching and getting scratched.

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I donot see any probelm with the thai police. I find them to be very helpful. I meet them at social events all the time they give me their phone number,invite me to go socialize with them etc.

I have only been stopped once on my motorcycle at a road check they were polite and they checked my drivers license and let me go. They offer to assist with anything and everything I do. I am a single guy and it appears they cannot do enough for me, which is great I will never need a thai wife do the things for me the police do. I think people who have problems with the police here will have problems everywhere they go. It isnot the police who are the problem.

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I donot see any probelm with the thai police. I find them to be very helpful. I meet them at social events all the time they give me their phone number,invite me to go socialize with them etc.

I have only been stopped once on my motorcycle at a road check they were polite and they checked my drivers license and let me go. They offer to assist with anything and everything I do. I am a single guy and it appears they cannot do enough for me, which is great I will never need a thai wife do the things for me the police do. I think people who have problems with the police here will have problems everywhere they go. It isnot the police who are the problem.

Well said officer.

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You will never reform any part of this government until you make them understand and play their parts as public service, but in Thailand everyone wants to be the authority and we know where that lead. Corruption It 90% mind set.

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When I moved to Thailand I was told by long term expat, if you have a problem never go to the police, because they are the problem - in the years I have been here I have seen nothing to prove him wrong.

I was the victim of a fraud, I went to a lawyer (who advertises on this forum) and was advised that whilst I had a clear cut case the police would not be interested unless I paid them a substantial amount of money, so it seems that lawyers are aware of the corrupt police but are unwilling or unable to do anything about it.

I see the police regularly shaking down motorcyclists on Sukhumvit, I also see money being passed over and put in the Officers pocket, with no paper passing hands, how can that be anything other than corrupt.

I personally think that the Police force is rotten to the core, and the government seem unwilling to address the issue - I speak with a background of 40 years of law enforcement.

Edited by theoldgit
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Without huge sums of money, these police officers cannot move up through the ranks to the top positions<BR><BR>Their salaries are much to small to allow this so they look for money in other illegal activities already mentioned<BR><BR>There is no such thing as a merit system for the good honest police doing a good honest job<BR><BR>They are swept aside when the reshuffles come up for those officers with lots of money<BR><BR>Money is power in Thailand<BR><BR>Not just the police, in any field<BR><BR>Why is every single politician in Thailand a multi-millionaire?<BR><BR>Same reason<BR><BR>Without money you are nothing and have no chance at honest success.<BR><BR>To make money you have to have the power to control illegal activities which it seems is where these people get the bulk of their wealth

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I donot see any probelm with the thai police. I find them to be very helpful.

Yes, indeed they are helpful, they take people's money, they throw people in jail on false charges, they can "eliminate" unwanted people for you, they will protect you for a price even though you don't need that protection, they are professional and very understanding business people. What I wrote makes them sound like the mafia.

Edited by Hawk
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<BR>I donot see any probelm with the thai police. I find them to be very helpful. I meet them at social events all the time they give me their phone number,invite me to go socialize with them etc. <BR>I have only been stopped once on my motorcycle at a road check they were polite and they checked my drivers license and let me go. They offer to assist with anything and everything I do. I am a single guy and it appears they cannot do enough for me, which is great I will never need a thai wife do the things for me the police do. I think people who have problems with the police here will have problems everywhere they go. It isnot the police who are the problem.<BR>
<BR><BR><BR>A wind up?<BR>or your smokin some really good crack ( most likey supplied by your police friends..)
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I donot see any probelm with the thai police. I find them to be very helpful. I meet them at social events all the time they give me their phone number,invite me to go socialize with them etc.

I have only been stopped once on my motorcycle at a road check they were polite and they checked my drivers license and let me go. They offer to assist with anything and everything I do. I am a single guy and it appears they cannot do enough for me, which is great I will never need a thai wife do the things for me the police do. I think people who have problems with the police here will have problems everywhere they go. It isnot the police who are the problem.

First, I thought you were blind, but you mention driving a motorcycle, you meet the police at social events, Will not ask. Give you phone no., what are you selling/buying? Offer to assist with everything you do, I won't volunteer that with my wife/kids, much less ask for police assistance. If police can replace a wife's activities, another tale best left unsaid. I agree, in your case, it is not the police who are the problem.

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It would be unfair to hold police, which are at the end of the day human beings, to a rigid and idealized code of ethics.

Huh? They supposedly enforce the law. Why is it "unfair" to expect them to follow it? :blink:

Where I come from the Police ARE held to a higher standard and that is part and parcel with the position.

Here is an excerpt from the Law Enforcement Code of Conduct which all recruits are required to memorize.......

"I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty."

Of course it is not a perfect world and this is not always always lived up to 100% of the time anywhere. I certainly don't believe it is "unfair" to ask or to instill in the majority of police officers.

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It would be unfair to hold police, which are at the end of the day human beings, to a rigid and idealized code of ethics.

Huh? They supposedly enforce the law. Why is it "unfair" to expect them to follow it? :blink:

I judge the police on the fact that I can walk the streets in Bangkok and nobody bothers me,I don't count the foreigners,I take care of them myself.I don't pay high taxes like in Western countries,but I hear people complain about tea money.How do you pay tea money ,I would like to contribute. I think they do a fantastic job,are you aware that a red light ticket in LA costs $460.00 dollars,then your insurance uses it as an excuse to raise your rates for three years.I have never been stopped while driving in Thailand,it could be your driving.I like the Thai system!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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The whole system needs to be trashed. The corruption is too deep to even attempt to save it. The police force should be paid more and there has to be a select unit that strictly monitors all police actives regarding all level of corruption.

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New Chief, Old Chief it will not change anything.

If Thailand really wants to change it police force. perhaps starting from scratch is the only way to go.

Establish proper police academy

Pay very decent wages

Select candidates based on their ability not who they know.

But i am just dreaming, as this will never happened and if it does, i am afraid it might create the biggest "unofficial" mafia in the world-most of not all ex police

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the biggest gang in the country. lazy, greedy, rotten to the core. I know that there are some good cops but do they stand a chance surrounded by gangsters? They literally get away with murder, sell drugs, run protection rackets, gambling dens and prostitutes or take pay offs to let these activities continue. Drunk driver sends his car into a tree? No problem, only arrest him if he can't come up with 20k. If people I know have a problem, the police are normally the last resort because everybody knows that their pockets will become lighter very quickly.

I cannot say better.

Is the most important and damaging problem of the Kingdom and nobody want to do nothing to change it (Abhisit too)

Oh; how come you know?

Did he tell you this in person or are you using your psychic abilities?

I would think as how the state of affairs are in Thailand, one might be surprised how many would love to see this being changed to the better BUT as it is deeply rooted and widely accepted ind all circles of society, it will prove very, very difficult to find people to be ready to tackle the problem all along the whole 9 yards... and rid Thailand of this menace as it is the base of income, power and influence for many....

But then, look at Italy's Berluscony and it's Governments.... Greece, Party-Donations in Germany.. rotten people are everywhere, not only in Thailand guy's - get real!

It's a question of ethics and character, not of one certain nation or it's nationals...no corruption in the US, in China, in the UK? :rolleyes:

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There will always be bent cops, but when the whole national force is bent,

it totally defeats the purpose of having them...

and undermines any efforts to create a better society.

The UK police force were set up by John Peel (hence original slang name 'the peelers) initially to protect the rich from the poor.

Why were the Thai police force set up, and by whom?

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New Chief, Old Chief it will not change anything.

If Thailand really wants to change it police force. perhaps starting from scratch is the only way to go.

Establish proper police academy

Pay very decent wages

Select candidates based on their ability not who they know.

But i am just dreaming, as this will never happened and if it does, i am afraid it might create the biggest "unofficial" mafia in the world-most of not all ex police

I still love the Police Moto “There is Nothing We Can Not Do”. 55555555 Maybe they can reinvent it for 2554 to “There is Nothing You Can Do to Stop Us”… Sad but true.

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One cannot deny the tragic irony in having those sworn to the protection of morality being devoid of it themselves.

Here lies the problem...they are only "sworn to the protection of morality".

So...they are not cops at all. They are some sort of 'moral watchdog'.

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