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I Just Bought A Gun


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I'm in the process of buying a gun ..................a real one, 0.38 revolver.

I'm all for guns, this being the first place I've lived in decades where I didn't have a number of them in my home (but not for cats, dogs or even rats - there are more humane ways of dealing with them). But the first defense is just that - physical means of keeping intruders off your property and out of your house. I do not understand how so many people here can complain about the rising crime rate yet do nothing to make their homes secure. And if you are going to keep a gun, be sure you practice with it, both target shooting for accuracy (so you don't shoot a loved one by accident) and scenarios for getting attuned to reacting properly in bad situations.

Edited by MrE
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Dont for heavens sake use the gun!

I did IPSC with airsoft before. And we had events called Guns & Bikes as well as scenerios shoot using a real vehicle car and van into the compund to simulate driving, firing and taking cover.

After the shoots, there was dents all over! And the motorcycles was not even involved, but because its parked nearby.....we had dents and some pellets lodged here and there at the engines.

We have plenty of such cats problem in Singapore too so we either use mothballs kept under the seats or just dust on white pepper powder on even the floor or window ledges that stop the animals getting near our properties.

The cheap white pepper powder works well enough, but needs to be re dusted after every wash or rainy season.

Edited by viciouskitty74
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C'mon. Just I don't like guns, real or toys. Nothing personal. (and I don't buy to my son)

Neither do I, but, whenyou are woken up in your house with a masked man sitting on your chest with a machete held to your throat, then you might just change your mind.

Hmmm. Just picturing that scenario, you going to sleep with your gun under your pillow. Tazer smaller lighter, much cheaper, and just as effective. Only no one ends up dead.

And to the OP, just do what I do and cover the bloody seat with a rug or something.

Edited by evanson
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I'm all for guns, this being the first place I've lived in decades where I didn't have a number of them in my home (but not for cats, dogs or even rats - there are more humane ways of dealing with them). But the first defense is just that - physical means of keeping intruders off your property and out of your house. I do not understand how so many people here can complain about the rising crime rate yet do nothing to make their homes secure. And if you are going to keep a gun, be sure you practice with it, both target shooting for accuracy (so you don't shoot a loved one by accident) and scenarios for getting attuned to reacting properly in bad situations.

And the leading cause of death in the US is shooting, where guns are freely available.

Edited by evanson
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Why I say that?

Because I have seen golfers at the driving range. Aiming their shots at whatever moves on the fields. And sometimes, those golf balls hit the person driving those balls pick up machines or just another worker trying to walk down the fields to help retrieve a fallen off putter head. And the injuries can be severe.

And who does that? The males.

Therefore, the logic that if you paint or draw a fly at the edge of the water in the loo bowl. You find that there is less spills or messy spurts of urine anyway outside of the bowl.

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