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Where To Buy Good Product To Eliminate Cat Pee Odor

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I will be staying in Bangkok for a few days next week, but live in Kathmandu. I'm in desperate need of a good product that eliminates cat pee odor. Does anyone know if this kind of product--usually enzyme based--is available in Bangkok and, if so, where?


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This worked wonders on our daughter's rug that was sprayed by a skunk: one quart hydrogen peroxide 3%, one pound or so of baking soda. Test a hidden area first to be sure the peroxide doesn't bleach your carpet. I did a quick search on google for cat urine peroxide and baking soda. Might be worth looking into.

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This works well for me - we have seven cats who don't get on so there's lots of spraying going on. Very cheap too!

Get an old spray bottle, tip in about 2 Tbsp of sodium bicarbonate, fill the bottle with warm water and tip upside down a few times to dissolve the SB. Then add a tiny amount (maybe about 1/2 teaspoon) of laundry/washing powder which has enzymes in it. We use Breeze excel, the one in the gold bag, but you can use any as long as it is 'biological'. Then slowly tip upside down again (to avoid frothing). The less powder you use, the less rinsing you need to do. Quantities for both don't need to be exact.

I spray the area that's been soiled until it's saturated, then rinse with water. If it's fabric, I spray the solution, soak it up with a cloth and then spray again with water.

There are commercial products out there, most of them liquid - one by a local company called 'Bearing' is good and available at the petfood departments in most supermarkets in Bangkok but the problem is you'll have to carry liquids back with you in your checked luggage. The other thing is they leave a sort of residue - the best thing about the sodium bicarbonate and laundry powder mix is that the soiled area is clean and smells clean afterwards.

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Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions.

I've been through just about all of them in the past, but haven't tried Dettol, which is locally available. So it's off to our local supermarket, first.

I'll let everyone know how it goes. To those who say the home solutions with baking soda, etc work, try shining a black light on the spot. I think you'll probably find traces of that special cat magic.

Speaking of black lights... where can I buy one when in Bangkok?



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Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions.

I've been through just about all of them in the past, but haven't tried Dettol, which is locally available. So it's off to our local supermarket, first.

I'll let everyone know how it goes. To those who say the home solutions with baking soda, etc work, try shining a black light on the spot. I think you'll probably find traces of that special cat magic.

Speaking of black lights... where can I buy one when in Bangkok?



.ammonia works very well and is a good deterrent as well..

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I've read that the last thing in the world one should use is ammonia. It attracts the cats. Can't remember where.

What I'm looking for is a place to buy commercial products as the home remedy ones have not, in my case, worked sufficiently well.

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I'm so excited! Liquid Dettol, spread liberally on horribly smelly duffel bags, worked like a dream. The bags smell fresh, clean, wonderful. Trying on a tiny corner of Tibetan carpet now. Hope it doesn't wash out the oils.

Thanks so much, Rimmer.

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I'm so excited! Liquid Dettol, spread liberally on horribly smelly duffel bags, worked like a dream. The bags smell fresh, clean, wonderful. Trying on a tiny corner of Tibetan carpet now. Hope it doesn't wash out the oils.

Thanks so much, Rimmer.

Well thank you for the nice reply kind young sir, my pleasure :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have 4 cats and 2 of them have very bad toilet habits--including spraying. I have tried everything over the years, including commercial products brought from the US. The only thing that I have found that will neutralize the smell is vinegar. A lot of times it is actually a problem of finding out what has been sprayed. Use a good strong solution 25% to 50% in a spray bottle.

Cat urine is caustic and it takes an acid solution to neutralize it. A lot of products will get rid of some of the smell and mask the rest--for people, but the cats know it and either decide it needs their scent as well, or it's a litter box in disguise.

There was a compound that helped to prevent them from spraying on certain places (I got it in the states, but can't remember what it was called). It didn't stop spraying, but they didn't spray where the stuff was sprayed. It was odorless (for people)--I think some sort of friendly hormones that acted as deterrent.

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  • 8 years later...

you can try Micro-Blaze septic. it works like miracle. you can use it for other purposes such as in the septic systems of the home, clean surfaces at home, toilets, stove, carpets, smell on pets etc. 
you can order it from Rayong and it will be delivered by kerry to you.


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