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Honda Scooter Service/Dealer In Chiang Mai


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So, as mentioned the other day. We took a dive on our Scoopy the other day. Scoopy bashed up.

Insurance turned out not to cover it, so we are paying for it ourselves.

We loaded the bike onto a Songtau, and took it to Nat Honda (Where we bought it), to ask them for a quote to fix the various bits.

Its basically, a few plastic panels on the one side, and a twisted front fork.

We asked them for prices of the forks for example, and they were very reluctant to give us a price before they had taken it all apart and had a look. We explained that we just wanted a rough idea of the cost of replacement forks, so that we could sort out our finances. It took a lot of negotiation for them to give us some prices. Obviously, I understand that they want to check it all out before they do the job, but their reluctance concerned me. They seemed very keen to just shove us out the door - worlds apart from the king-like treatment on our Bike Purchase visit!!!

I actually had the need to replace the Left Hand Brake lever about a month ago (Wife forgot to put the stand down, and dropped it). I went to a spare parts dealer just down a little soi off Chiang Moi road, and that was a genuine Honda part, and was 90baht. I asked the price at Nat Honda, and they said 120baht. If they have that sort of markup of 35% on all the parts we are asking them to sort out for us, then we will be paying way too much. Of course, it may be that they just add 30 baht to each part.

Anyway, their price on the stock Honda Scoopy i shocks was 3,300 baht, just for the part, not the labour. Is this too much? Total amount of the plastics and the Forks was 6000 baht, and thats without labour, or anything else they find when they take it apart.

Does anyone have a number for a different Honda dealer that we can call to find out their part prices. I worry that we could end up being overcharged a good couple of thousand baht, and with a wedding coming up, we need to avoid that if possible.

I should add that we pointed out that we bought the bike off them, and they said they should be able to sort out some sort of discount. So it may not be so bad when they call today (We left it with them on Saturday), with a price. I just want to be prepared, should I need to tell them not to bother, and take it elsewhere.

Any advice on prices I should be paying, or phone numbers for other Honda Bike Dealers in CM? Any help would be appreciated.



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Ah, panic over. Seems Nat Honda have finally let their customer service kick in, and its total 4900 all in to fix.

However, they said we can have extra discount if we show our Nat Honda card that we were meant to receive when we bought the bike. They didn't give us one, so I will have fun when we go in to collect it:-

(1) I will wear my very fetching Nat Honda jacket

(2) I will point out the fetching Nat Honda sticker on the bike

(3) I will show them the fetching Nat Honda stamp in the service book from the day we bought the bike

(4) I will show them all the receipts they gave us when we bought it.

How could they think we are not entitled to the discount - showing a card or not. As a customer of theirs, we are entitled to the card/discount, so I will have fun arguing that one with them.

Anyone know the name of the manager? I can imagine given our last visit there, that trying to get the discount card be are entitled to, may be fun!

I still would like to find an alternative Honda dealer to fix it at. I was still less than impressed with their after sales service. Just didn't seem interested unless they are selling you the bike.


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the honda dealers tend to be fairly pricey when your out of warranty.

I took my bike in to get a spare key and the only key I had left didn't have a serial #. They said it could not be copied because it would take to long to match the key blank blah blah. The swore up and down that was the case. They wanted to replace my ignition and seat lock for 3000 baht. Special order from bangkok for the parts.

I went down the street and got a perfect copy with the magnetic security feature for 150 baht from a locksmith. Took about 10 minutes. Savings 2850 baht. Not bad.

Dealers.... caveat emptor

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Thanks for the reply.

They've actually worked out not too bad, considering its a Honda Dealer. The prices they were giving us at first were cheeky, but we pointed out certain flaws in their pricing, and reminded them that we bought the bike there, and they've come in with an ok price now.

Certainly food for thought for those going there for repairs, that did not buy their bike there.

I managed to track down numbers for a Honda dealer or two, and called them asking how much for the full set of front forks/shocks.

Nat Honda - 3,300

Alternative Honda Dealers (Couldn't find numbers for any in CM, but these were Honda Dealers) - BOTH dealers quoted 2,200 for the full set, including fitting, and a 15% discount if we bought our bike from them....

So, I would say, avoid Nat Honda if you want repairs done. Their parts pricing is, shall we say, creative. :)

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Thanks for the reply.

They've actually worked out not too bad, considering its a Honda Dealer. The prices they were giving us at first were cheeky, but we pointed out certain flaws in their pricing, and reminded them that we bought the bike there, and they've come in with an ok price now.

Certainly food for thought for those going there for repairs, that did not buy their bike there.

I managed to track down numbers for a Honda dealer or two, and called them asking how much for the full set of front forks/shocks.

Nat Honda - 3,300

Alternative Honda Dealers (Couldn't find numbers for any in CM, but these were Honda Dealers) - BOTH dealers quoted 2,200 for the full set, including fitting, and a 15% discount if we bought our bike from them....

So, I would say, avoid Nat Honda if you want repairs done. Their parts pricing is, shall we say, creative. :)

So happy to hear this as i just bought a new honda air blade from them for 59,500bht.........hope i didn't get taken too badly. Anybody care to chime in on new scooter costs at Nat vs other dealers. Nothing like a little buyers remorse to mess with my sabai sabai.......K

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The Honda dealer on the Huay Kaew road has always given me very good prices.

Two new front forks was my most expensive quote at 2,400bht. I didn't get them replaced.

Full service, remove clean-out and re-install front forks, new front tyre, replace both oils, spark plug, air filter ....... parts 1,200bht labour was 200bht

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Well we went to pick it up and basically this is what happened. I need help! :-

(1) They had put the price up to 6,300 baht. I asked what for, and they said once they had put everything on it, they took it for a test drive, and at 60kmph it had a wobble, so they say they fixed the frame!

(2) I argued that they did not contact me to speak about that, or ask if they could do it, so I brought them back down to the 5,000.

(3) As they presented the bill, I asked my wife to show me where the front shocks are on the bill, so I can check the price they finally charged for them. She pointed to a 350 baht line. I asked why it is so cheap, and it turns out they had just straigthened the severely bent shock. I had explicitly asked them to change the front shocks, because fixing them is dangerous. The metal is now weak.

(4) I went nuts at them, and told them the only reason we agreed to the 5,000 baht when they called, was because we thought that included the NEW shocks, that we had explicitly asked for. (They even have the piece of paper saying clearly that we asked for NEW front shocks.

(5) They finally agreed to order the new front shocks (They will be there next Wednesday), and we reluctantly agreed after much bartering to pay 6,000 in total, once they had put the new shocks on.

(6) I came home, and spoke to a Scooter loving friend, and he pointed out that the reason the bike probably had a wobble at 60, is because they bodged the front forks. So now, we believe that they have unnecesarily messed with the frame, which will of course now be wrong when they put the NEW shocks on it.

So.... in summary...

(a) They have compromised the integrity of the frame without asking, and very possibly with no need.

(B) They tried to give us a dangerous bike back (First pot hole we hit, and the fork could easily have bent, and we'd have been off)

© Now, we are to get a bike back with correct NEW shocks on the front, but with a frame that is likely bent, because they tried to compensate for their bodge job.

What do I do???

Any help, advice, contacts at Honda Thailand Customer relations?

I think this all is absolutely disgusting. We cannot afford to write it off and buy another bike, but I do not want my wife on a bike that is anything less than safe, especially when we entrusted it to a Honda dealer!!

Please help.



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If it makes you feel any better - I purchased a new Phantom from the same place a couple of years ago.

After a few seconds from riding off on it noticed the handlebars were skewed way to the right whilst the bike was ridden in a straight line. Took it straight back and asked what kind of service they give to new customers - do they not even pre ride / test or even check the new bike prior to hand over?

Owner told one of the mechanics to fix it, problem was solved by swinging the handlebars and banging the front tire against a cement post in the workshop to straighten it..

I was of course not impressed and told the manager - he simply walked away and refused to listen to my discussion ( he speaks ok English when he feels like it). Triple clamps/head stem should have been loosened, adjust the bars/wheel & tighten all back up. Must have been too tough to do for a Honda dealership.

1st service - took the bike back thinking they must at least know how to do a basic 1st service - got about 1km down the road and had to stop due to the severe load on the engine which wasn't there before the service.

Drive chain was newly adjusted so tight not even 1mm slack - so straight back there again and asked for the new problem to be fixed. Whilst there also asked them clean the oil/grease off the hand grips & engine covers that someone decided to add. Went to see the manager and whilst trying to discuss the matter he simply walked away! Walked off while I was in mid sentence..

Had a Wave serviced there too and won't bother you with those problems AFTER the "service"..

Totally useless I will not return there ever again. Good luck with your story, perhaps send a few emails to Honda Thailand & Japan HQ?

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between Canal and Nimm on Huaw Haug Rd (spelling) the road that runs from the N.W. corner of moat to the Doi Supet, Zoo and other attractions Nat is on the Left side as you head towards the CMU.

edit: Huay Kaew Rd.

Nat Honda, where is it ? unsure.gif

Yes please, where is Nat Honda ?


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Thank you Pat. I must have read that thread becuase there was a reason why I went to this dealer to make my purchase. I just can't remember what it was......:blink:

Its not making me feel any better.........anybody have anything good to say about Nat Honda.


In a previous thread on Honda dealers, several of us gave Nat excellent reviews. YMMV, I guess.

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  • 11 months later...

There is a big Honda dealer called Sang Chai at 104/4 Nawarat road next to Kaeo Narawat Soi2 and their number is 053 306 225.

This is the best dealer in chiang mai although a little slow sometimes the guy with glasses behind the desk is the owner and speaks english if you ever get stuck.

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Personally having been in Chiang Mai 6 or 8 years now, and having many motorbikes, and tried many dealer over the years. I like Nat Motors and drive by many others to get there. The owner, Graying middle aged man, and a older lady, speak English as well as a few others. At several larger dealers near the Airport, It seems like I am invisible. Nat motors always is very helpful to me. Pricing on new bikes is inline or lower than other dealer and usually clearly marked, and I have been able to make a few even better deals now and then.

As for service work, They seem to have better knowledge than some other shops and have been able to quickly get me anything I have ever needed and followed up when the part or item I needed arrived. Yes, the local man at the little mom and pop shop is usually less, but Nat is trained and has factory backing, as well as a large parts invantory. All my work was done quickly and spot on the first time.

The only negitive thing I could say about them was 1 time both my head lights on my PCX burned out and I thought it should be warranty work. I paid 120 baht for both bulbs to be installed.

My time is worth something, I am sure I could spend hours or days looking for a slightly better, or lower price, but the wonderful service and quality has kept me coming back time and time again

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I know it's a personal thing…..buying new, but I just went too, (another) car/bike auction in Chiangmai and bikes, lots of them, less than 2 months old, I saw a new 'Blade' 520 Km on the clock mint con……….7 weeks old……list selling price; 32000Baht, sold for 35000. Warranty, please, these things don't go wrong save stuffing it into the moat, or send them down the road on their side.

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I just had a new pcx delivered from Nat (brought 60km from another of their shops apparently as they didn't have my colour in stock). Somehow the throttle only worked if you twisted it the wrong way. But fair play, the delivery guy went back to bring a technician and he fixed it in about 5 minutes at my house in Mae Jo.

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I just had a new pcx delivered from Nat (brought 60km from another of their shops apparently as they didn't have my colour in stock). Somehow the throttle only worked if you twisted it the wrong way. But fair play, the delivery guy went back to bring a technician and he fixed it in about 5 minutes at my house in Mae Jo.

sorry...miss post!

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Did you make a mistake. Looks like you said the list price of the bike was 32,000 baht, and it sold at auction for 35,000 baht.

Sorry ‘jimmym04’just saw what I wrote, I meant to say the minimum auction selling price,(bottom line price the bike will go for) 32000Baht, going to a bid of35000Baht.

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Well we went to pick it up and basically this is what happened. I need help! :-

(1) They had put the price up to 6,300 baht. I asked what for, and they said once they had put everything on it, they took it for a test drive, and at 60kmph it had a wobble, so they say they fixed the frame!

(2) I argued that they did not contact me to speak about that, or ask if they could do it, so I brought them back down to the 5,000.

(3) As they presented the bill, I asked my wife to show me where the front shocks are on the bill, so I can check the price they finally charged for them. She pointed to a 350 baht line. I asked why it is so cheap, and it turns out they had just straigthened the severely bent shock. I had explicitly asked them to change the front shocks, because fixing them is dangerous. The metal is now weak.

(4) I went nuts at them, and told them the only reason we agreed to the 5,000 baht when they called, was because we thought that included the NEW shocks, that we had explicitly asked for. (They even have the piece of paper saying clearly that we asked for NEW front shocks.

(5) They finally agreed to order the new front shocks (They will be there next Wednesday), and we reluctantly agreed after much bartering to pay 6,000 in total, once they had put the new shocks on.

(6) I came home, and spoke to a Scooter loving friend, and he pointed out that the reason the bike probably had a wobble at 60, is because they bodged the front forks. So now, we believe that they have unnecesarily messed with the frame, which will of course now be wrong when they put the NEW shocks on it.

So.... in summary...

(a) They have compromised the integrity of the frame without asking, and very possibly with no need.

(B) They tried to give us a dangerous bike back (First pot hole we hit, and the fork could easily have bent, and we'd have been off)

© Now, we are to get a bike back with correct NEW shocks on the front, but with a frame that is likely bent, because they tried to compensate for their bodge job.

What do I do???

Any help, advice, contacts at Honda Thailand Customer relations?

I think this all is absolutely disgusting. We cannot afford to write it off and buy another bike, but I do not want my wife on a bike that is anything less than safe, especially when we entrusted it to a Honda dealer!!

Please help.



I sympathise with you. You are obviously a good guy with your wife's safety being your primary concern.

I view "dealers" of automobiles/motorbikes like hospitals. Some people say "go to Chiang Mai Ram" but to me this is useless. It is not the dealer/hospital that matters but the doctor/mechanic that does the work!

I tend to think it is better to find a quality mechanic who has his own one man workshop because then you know who will be working on your bike every time.

Maybe you could start a thread to find such an operation and get a highly recommended mechanic to thoroughly check over your bike so you know that your wife is going to be safe riding it?

All the best.

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I sympathise with you. You are obviously a good guy with your wife's safety being your primary concern.

Well its now several months since the OP's original incident. Is she driving round on that potential death-trap or did you manage to find her something more safety-conscious to get from A to B ?

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I sympathise with you. You are obviously a good guy with your wife's safety being your primary concern.

Well its now several months since the OP's original incident. Is she driving round on that potential death-trap or did you manage to find her something more safety-conscious to get from A to B ?

And who was the one who brought this 1 year old topic up again? :whistling:

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And who was the one who brought this 1 year old topic up again? :whistling:

moi :)

But only because it took me about 10 times longer than it should have to find the details of that Changpuak Honda place. Next time I search Thaivisa... voila! (ps they only had one pcx in stock whereas Nat had 7, all different, including some with custom bits that were 9000 baht extra)

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I got it all checked out. Got proper shocks on it, and its been incident free since then.

I do not trust Nat Honda at all.

Not least because the guy that brought up this old thread bought a PCX there the other day, and then nearly rode into the back of a truck due to the way they had set the new bike up with the throttle twisting the wrong way!!

Sure, great service ..... when you are buying....

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