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American Killer Tells Phuket Police 'It Was A Terrible Accident'


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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

Edited by leemac
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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

What you said is spot on, except his excuse was that he wasnt rich enough to afford his internet connection anymore, which was his only way to make money..

As far as people asking if he killed people while in the army.. he sure did. That shit turns a lot of people into psychos

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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

What you said is spot on, except his excuse was that he wasnt rich enough to afford his internet connection anymore, which was his only way to make money..

As far as people asking if he killed people while in the army.. he sure did. That shit turns a lot of people into psychos

He was in the Navy... And the USS Nevada is a ballistic missile sub. Not likely a lot of killing in his military past.

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What you said is spot on, except his excuse was that he wasnt rich enough to afford his internet connection anymore, which was his only way to make money..

As far as people asking if he killed people while in the army.. he sure did. That shit turns a lot of people into psychos

Ah yeah, that'll have more to do with it.

And as for the internet, he'll be seeing that like someone who uses a vehicle to drive long distances to work, or a farmer with his machines. It's a tool to do his job.

He was probably playing online poker. You'd be surprised how many people call up to their ISP complaining that they lost an online tournament due to a disconnect, demanding compensation of whatever the value of the pot was because "they were going to win for sure". Internet disconnects, and the ISPs know this, so they put in clauses and T&C's that broadband is supposed to do that- which is true.

Or people will say that they make things online and sell them, in video-games, and due to a single disconnection, they want to hold the ISP liable for three months of rent payments...

The internet makes people insane.

For this guy, he was apparently already on a downward spiral. His world was caving in around him and he felt like a cornered animal. He was drunk, stressed, angry and emotional. His head was screwed up from his military service, and violence was part of who he had become. He lashed out and took a life.

They should have let him keep his internet.

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Even after committing crime, he remained in the Kingdom. shows how intelligent is this man.

and these very guys are deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan....

Speaking of intelligence ..... why do some people insist on using threads of tragic substance to take cheap shots at troops deployed abroad in service of their countries?

The guy confessed to the murder and will get what is coming to him, in this life and the next. Other than that, what else is there to opine about ... except perhaps all of the unrepentant uncaught murderers still walking the streets of our guest nation?

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What you said is spot on, except his excuse was that he wasnt rich enough to afford his internet connection anymore, which was his only way to make money..

As far as people asking if he killed people while in the army.. he sure did. That shit turns a lot of people into psychos

Ah yeah, that'll have more to do with it.

And as for the internet, he'll be seeing that like someone who uses a vehicle to drive long distances to work, or a farmer with his machines. It's a tool to do his job.

He was probably playing online poker. You'd be surprised how many people call up to their ISP complaining that they lost an online tournament due to a disconnect, demanding compensation of whatever the value of the pot was because "they were going to win for sure". Internet disconnects, and the ISPs know this, so they put in clauses and T&C's that broadband is supposed to do that- which is true.

Or people will say that they make things online and sell them, in video-games, and due to a single disconnection, they want to hold the ISP liable for three months of rent payments...

The internet makes people insane.

For this guy, he was apparently already on a downward spiral. His world was caving in around him and he felt like a cornered animal. He was drunk, stressed, angry and emotional. His head was screwed up from his military service, and violence was part of who he had become. He lashed out and took a life.

They should have let him keep his internet.

George and crew should contact their lawyers now, it's only a question of time before some looney on Thai Visa cites in his defence, 'My connection to Thai Visa was too slow and sometimes broke down'!

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he was a trained killer...

trained to kill innocents.

what else is there to say?


how many more of these psycopathic gents are roaming the streets? LOTS!

after watchin the video above he seems quite 'normal' for a gambler.

but as has been mentioned, alcohol WAS involved AS USUAL..


edit - the troops are NOT in service of their country! wake up kid, they serve parasitic billionairres ONLY!!


Edited by edgarfriendly
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<BR>What a crazy story.<BR><BR>I googled his name and found this interview with him back when he played poker. A bit irrelevant but some people might be interested:<BR><BR>

<BR><BR>Actually, just watched all of it. It is relevant, the guys mad!<BR>
<BR><BR>I watched the Youtube video. Seems rationale to me but full of himself. A legend in his own lunchtime but come to mind. However, watch America's toughest jails on TV...most killers seem normal. How can we tell? Beats me. Nothing can excuse this guys actions. Drunk...hey i have been drunk lots of times. Kill anyone...nope. Fight anyone...nope. I've lost my internet loads too. Just switched on the tv and settled down with a snack. Mitegation...forget it. Guilty so lock away the key andperhaps he can start a poker school for jail high stakes. A few smokies, perhaps some extra food or a nice space in thge corner of a 60 man cell. ope he enjoys his new life.<BR><BR><BR>
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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

Everyone has a breaking point? Well, I'm not sure, anyway it's not about the breaking point. A guy can commit suicide if he gets to that "breaking point", but to stab a 40 kgs poor girl it takes a meany bastard. Also booze and military service (let alone the internet connection thing) have nothing to do with stabbing defensless ladybars and breaking their bones into a suitcase. The thing is: there are good people and bad people, this individual is a bad person. Period. The fact that at this poor girl funeral attended just "about ten of her friends" it's one of the saddest things in the story.

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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

Just go to a f_kcing 24 hour internet cafe and then you dont need to kill someone- what a sick world :bah:

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

Edited by midas
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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

Just go to a f_kcing 24 hour internet cafe and then you dont need to kill someone- what a sick world :bah:

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

But they are addicts. Junkies wanting the instant satisfaction of entertainment or information right here, right now, on the screen.

If they can get to an internet cafe, they can get to a 711 and buy the newspaper, or make a cellphone call, or go rent a DVD. They want it NOW and if they don't get it, the brain flips out, just like junkies do when they don't get their meth. The similarities are bloody scary. I think the internet aspect of this has been blown out of proportion though. He was in a room drunk, trained to be aggressive, and went into a rage. I don't think the internet was really a factor at this stage, except for maybe being another brink in the wall surrounding him.

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Look.. the poor guy had lost his internet, for God's sake!! And just when he's off his head, commiserating as we all would and trying to piece together a plan of how to reconnect, the woman comes bothering him for sex... what else what she expecting, if not to be 'accidentally' brutally stabbed and murdered with a knife he just happened to have hanging around for just such occasions...? :whistling:

... sounds like the wife had a lucky escape to me!!!

ps: as for those coming out with being 'hooked' on the internet is some kind of a reasonable excuse for going ape with a blade, er what?????...... (was this posted by someone in the real world or Tron?????)

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... By all accounts, he owed lots of people $ and was living on 10k baht a month. Perhaps he couldn't afford a tuk-tuk to the airport, let alone an international flight. morans.


Edited by nikster
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<BR>If part of the defence is that his internet connection had been lost, that gives so many people so much leeway!<br><br>Clearly the Thai police etc. do things totally differently to the UK.&nbsp; Bringing the accused before the press for a press conference and letting them read his statement??&nbsp; How bizarre!<br><br>And quite how you accidentally get a knife in the bedroom and stab someone is quite beyond me!<br><BR>
<BR><BR><BR>Usually tey have them re enact the crime in front of the press, suspect it is all down to ensuring a conviction at trial.
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A lot of people are saying that losing your internet connection is a poor defence. It is.

But think about when you lose your internet connection and how it makes you react. It shouldn't upset you as much as it does, should it?

Just go to a f_kcing 24 hour internet cafe and then you dont need to kill someone- what a sick world :bah:

I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

People get the sum of the world's information and entertainment at their fingertips almost instantly, and they become addicted to it.

What happens when you withhold something addictive? Violent withdrawals.

I'm not saying what this guy did was right, but I can certainly believe it. You take a person who's had a string of bad luck and high stress, liquor him up, take away his addictive source of instant gratification and add another stressful failure to his life, and it's easy to see how he could snap. Everyone has a breaking point. This seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm just glad they got him off the streets and I feel very sorry for his victim, her family, and his own family who will have to live with this in their family history.

EDIT: wow I should have read all three pages of posts before replying. It looks like a lot of people have already said what I just did :P

Hope you do not practice your craft in Thailand with Thais?

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I'm confused, how the heck do you accidentally stab someone to death? :blink:

I'd like some more explanation, too. The normal definition of an accident does not include stabbing someone. Let alone stabbing someone twice.

R.I.P. Wanphen.

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"It was a terrible accident" yeah right, in a rage he stabbed this poor girl to death, what he accidentally lost his mind? What's wrong with people? After living in Thailand for several years do these men they loose touch with reality and all common sense, I think many do. Look at the suicide rate in Pattaya and the UK guy 3 years ago that tried a blackmail plot by sending threating emails to Tesco; Police say he has confessed that he tried to blackmail the superstore giant Tesco by threatening to poison food in Tesco's British stores unless he was paid 2 million pounds (about 138 million baht, $4 million). And the list goes on... RIP, my condolences to the girl's family and friends.

What is the connection?

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What you said is spot on, except his excuse was that he wasnt rich enough to afford his internet connection anymore, which was his only way to make money..

As far as people asking if he killed people while in the army.. he sure did. That shit turns a lot of people into psychos

Ah yeah, that'll have more to do with it.

And as for the internet, he'll be seeing that like someone who uses a vehicle to drive long distances to work, or a farmer with his machines. It's a tool to do his job.

He was probably playing online poker. You'd be surprised how many people call up to their ISP complaining that they lost an online tournament due to a disconnect, demanding compensation of whatever the value of the pot was because "they were going to win for sure". Internet disconnects, and the ISPs know this, so they put in clauses and T&C's that broadband is supposed to do that- which is true.

Or people will say that they make things online and sell them, in video-games, and due to a single disconnection, they want to hold the ISP liable for three months of rent payments...

The internet makes people insane.

For this guy, he was apparently already on a downward spiral. His world was caving in around him and he felt like a cornered animal. He was drunk, stressed, angry and emotional. His head was screwed up from his military service, and violence was part of who he had become. He lashed out and took a life.

They should have let him keep his internet.

this is completely false.. only people who lose money act this way.

Anyways, the internet has nothing to do with the killings.. he didnt lose it.. he stopped paying for it.

He was crazy.. he kept spammming almost every week about those 'dam_n katoey's on forums.. turns out he loved dem lady with penises. hidden penis love turns to hatred and rage very very often

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I wanted to sit back and watch this thing unravel before commenting. This is one sloppy investigation. The various journalists have not done their job, nor have the police done the required digging. However, I must commend some of the people in here that have an incredible amount of common sense and street smarts to have picked up alot of the cues. The accused's USN discharge papers and personnel file will provide a revealing portrait. It is my understanding that;

- In September 1999, LTJG Ronald Fanelli at the age of 26 qualified for duty aboard the USS Nevada, a trident class submarine.(Blue Crew in case anyone wants to doublecheck)

- He remained with the vessel until June 2000, age 27.

- Given command of a Destroyer (2 Squadron) and served in the Gulf from June 2000 until August 2001. Age 28

- Reassigned to shore duty in London, England and was Commander of Naval Activities from September 2001 to August 2004, at which time he "left" the USN. Age 31. He was apparently still a Lt.

- Apparently he never made it to the next rank. If a naval officer cannot get promoted to a more senior rank by age 30, it is usually an indication that either the assessments were not positive or he just didn't have what it took to be a higher rank.

- The suspect made his way to Thailand in approximately 2007, where he took up with a companion with the presumed sex of female named Puk. Her whereabouts are unknown at this time.

- Mr. Fanelli had some views on the Iraq war that were not violent. The views that he shared in his blog were coherent. However, in reading what he has written, I have an uncomfortable feeling. The word creepy sums it up. The man would not inspire me if I was on his submarine and we hit a mine.

According to his listed earnings, in November 2002 at the age of 29 he started participating in poker tournements, gambling. This career ended in December 2006 at the age of 33. The winnings amassed were not significant. My understanding of USN regulations is that such gambling activity is not permitted particularly when one is employed as a naval officer. Getting into debt opens one up to blackmail and manipulation by enemy agents. Did the accused's military career take a nosedive and promotions stopped? Or is it because there were other more specific notations registered in the personnel file?

If the RTP and prosecutor want to know about this man, then local authorities must be briefed on the accuseds' dossier.They must be told the reasons for accused leaving the USN. Only the US government can authorize this. The files must be shared. The police in London must open unsolved murders involving dismembered transvestites and females.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I don't understand how he could have been in financial difficulty. If he was a big-time poker player in the past, wouldn't he have had quite a bit of cash (e.g. millions)? To get to such high levels, such poker players would practice good money management strategies such that they would not lose a lot so quickly. Winning high stakes poker is not purely based on luck; knowing the optimal amounts to bet at any time during the game, such that the risk vs reward ratio is good, would be second nature for professional players. The risks taken are all calculated.

So what happened to his money?

Did the wife leave him because he had no money? (or thought he had no money?)

Edited by hyperdimension
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An Lt as Commander of Naval Activities on shore duty in London, what sort of "activities" are these. Isn't "Commander" a higher rank in the USN? Was he on some sort of temporary promotion? He still had time to play poker apparently. I think often these shore assignments in between sea duty and training assignments are not real jobs at all. However I wouldn't have thought they would give such an easy job in England to someone they had passed over already. RIP to the lady.

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... By all accounts, he owed lots of people $ and was living on 10k baht a month. Perhaps he couldn't afford a tuk-tuk to the airport, let alone an international flight. morans.


Thats funny the MORAN yank can't even spell MORON :whistling:

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... By all accounts, he owed lots of people $ and was living on 10k baht a month. Perhaps he couldn't afford a tuk-tuk to the airport, let alone an international flight. morans.


How unfortunate that this poor soul should be holding up a sign extolling whoever to "get a brain" when he can't even spell "moron". How ironic!!

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I don't understand how he could have been in financial difficulty. If he was a big-time poker player in the past, wouldn't he have had quite a bit of cash (e.g. millions)? To get to such high levels, such poker players would practice good money management strategies such that they would not lose a lot so quickly. Winning high stakes poker is not purely based on luck; knowing the optimal amounts to bet at any time during the game, such that the risk vs reward ratio is good, would be second nature for professional players. The risks taken are all calculated.

So what happened to his money?

Did the wife leave him because he had no money? (or thought he had no money?)

he never was a big shot, he affiliated himself with a site that backs people.. he lost them money and they dumped him.

his fame was quite small and very short...

you could see him in patong wearing his tshirt from that company, remembering the good old few months where he had a future.

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... By all accounts, he owed lots of people $ and was living on 10k baht a month. Perhaps he couldn't afford a tuk-tuk to the airport, let alone an international flight. morans.


How unfortunate that this poor soul should be holding up a sign extolling whoever to "get a brain" when he can't even spell "moron". How ironic!!

He bears a remarkable resemblance to Mr Gumby,(doctor, my brain hurts), from the Monty Python sketch.

Perhaps he's Mr Gumby's American cousin.

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