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American Killer Tells Phuket Police 'It Was A Terrible Accident'


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It is my understanding that;

- In September 1999, LTJG Ronald Fanelli at the age of 26 qualified for duty aboard the USS Nevada, a trident class submarine.(Blue Crew in case anyone wants to doublecheck)

- He remained with the vessel until June 2000, age 27.

- Given command of a Destroyer (2 Squadron) and served in the Gulf from June 2000 until August 2001. Age 28

- Reassigned to shore duty in London, England and was Commander of Naval Activities from September 2001 to August 2004, at which time he "left" the USN. Age 31. He was apparently still a Lt.

- Apparently he never made it to the next rank.

Well, let's clarify a bit.

His blog indicates that he is a nuclear engineer, which in Navy terms given his boomer service, implies that he completed thorough pre-screening and background investigation for becoming a nuclear officer, officer candidate training, Naval Nuclear Power School (NPS) as well as Prototype training for the specific reactor type used on SSBN's, and submarine training. (I'm a NPS graduate so I know a little about it.) Nuclear officer candidates generally begin training as an O-1 (Ensign) and go to the fleet as an O-2 (LtJG) after completing training. This means the Navy sent him to about 16 months of highly specialized training valued at somehwere between $500k-$1M, to specifically prepare him for a submarine officer career path.

The Navy doesn't pull highly specialized, highly trained submarine officers from trained duties and put them aboard surface warfare vessels as typical practice. If they did, it would be to another nuke such as an aircraft carrier. If he was moved from submarine to non-nuke surface duty, it would clearly be indicative of something seriously wrong. Further, a destroyer command is typically an O-4 (LtCDR) or O-5 (CDR) rank. There is no way an O-2 (LtJG) or O-3 (Lt) rank would have command or even XO (executive officer) duties on a destroyer crew more than twice the size of a submarine crew.

Same goes for anything in London, which at the time it was open, the (now long since closed) North Audley Street location was prized duty (been there also), given the choice location in Mayfair directly across from the US Embassy. Given the previous track record, it would seem unlikely that he would have had any commmand responsibility there either. For senior officers, their career is more or less finished when they have been "passed over" for promotion for the second time. For junior officers, their career is more or less finished at the first pass over.

None of this is going to bring back the murder victim, or absolve this person of this misdeed. But I think it goes a long way to indicating this person has had problems in the past, and is an intelligent calculating individual, who is capable of cold cruel despicable acts (note the post-mortem disfigurement of the victim). As someone else suggested earlier, it would not seem to be beyond reason for authorities in other countries to trace his past footsteps to look for similar MO.

Edited by Spee
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It is my understanding that;

- In September 1999, LTJG Ronald Fanelli at the age of 26 qualified for duty aboard the USS Nevada, a trident class submarine.(Blue Crew in case anyone wants to doublecheck)

- He remained with the vessel until June 2000, age 27.

- Given command of a Destroyer (2 Squadron) and served in the Gulf from June 2000 until August 2001. Age 28

- Reassigned to shore duty in London, England and was Commander of Naval Activities from September 2001 to August 2004, at which time he "left" the USN. Age 31. He was apparently still a Lt.

- Apparently he never made it to the next rank.

Well, let's clarify a bit.

His blog indicates that he is a nuclear engineer, which in Navy terms given his boomer service, implies that he completed thorough pre-screening and background investigation for becoming a nuclear officer, officer candidate training, Naval Nuclear Power School (NPS) as well as Prototype training for the specific reactor type used on SSBN's, and submarine training. (I'm a NPS graduate so I know a little about it.) Nuclear officer candidates generally begin training as an O-1 (Ensign) and go to the fleet as an O-2 (LtJG) after completing training. This means the Navy sent him to about 16 months of highly specialized training valued at somehwere between $500k-$1M, to specifically prepare him for a submarine officer career path.

The Navy doesn't pull highly specialized, highly trained submarine officers from trained duties and put them aboard surface warfare vessels as typical practice. If they did, it would be to another nuke such as an aircraft carrier. If he was moved from submarine to non-nuke surface duty, it would clearly be indicative of something seriously wrong. Further, a destroyer command is typically an O-4 (LtCDR) or O-5 (CDR) rank. There is no way an O-2 (LtJG) or O-3 (Lt) rank would have command or even XO (executive officer) duties on a destroyer crew more than twice the size of a submarine crew.

Same goes for anything in London, which at the time it was open, the (now long since closed) North Audley Street location was prized duty (been there also), given the choice location in Mayfair directly across from the US Embassy. Given the previous track record, it would seem unlikely that he would have had any commmand responsibility there either. For senior officers, their career is more or less finished when they have been "passed over" for promotion for the second time. For junior officers, their career is more or less finished at the first pass over.

None of this is going to bring back the murder victim, or absolve this person of this misdeed. But I think it goes a long way to indicating this person has had problems in the past, and is an intelligent calculating individual, who is capable of cold cruel despicable acts (note the post-mortem disfigurement of the victim). As someone else suggested earlier, it would not seem to be beyond reason for authorities in other countries to trace his past footsteps to look for similar MO.

Why in world would a guy that seemed to have it all together and an officer in the military on the video go and do something like this. I never liked officers when I was in the military but this is beyond me, just does not compute.

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It is my understanding that;

- In September 1999, LTJG Ronald Fanelli at the age of 26 qualified for duty aboard the USS Nevada, a trident class submarine.(Blue Crew in case anyone wants to doublecheck)

- He remained with the vessel until June 2000, age 27.

- Given command of a Destroyer (2 Squadron) and served in the Gulf from June 2000 until August 2001. Age 28

- Reassigned to shore duty in London, England and was Commander of Naval Activities from September 2001 to August 2004, at which time he "left" the USN. Age 31. He was apparently still a Lt.

- Apparently he never made it to the next rank.

Well, let's clarify a bit.

His blog indicates that he is a nuclear engineer, which in Navy terms given his boomer service, implies that he completed thorough pre-screening and background investigation for becoming a nuclear officer, officer candidate training, Naval Nuclear Power School (NPS) as well as Prototype training for the specific reactor type used on SSBN's, and submarine training. (I'm a NPS graduate so I know a little about it.) Nuclear officer candidates generally begin training as an O-1 (Ensign) and go to the fleet as an O-2 (LtJG) after completing training. This means the Navy sent him to about 16 months of highly specialized training valued at somehwere between $500k-$1M, to specifically prepare him for a submarine officer career path.

The Navy doesn't pull highly specialized, highly trained submarine officers from trained duties and put them aboard surface warfare vessels as typical practice. If they did, it would be to another nuke such as an aircraft carrier. If he was moved from submarine to non-nuke surface duty, it would clearly be indicative of something seriously wrong. Further, a destroyer command is typically an O-4 (LtCDR) or O-5 (CDR) rank. There is no way an O-2 (LtJG) or O-3 (Lt) rank would have command or even XO (executive officer) duties on a destroyer crew more than twice the size of a submarine crew.

Same goes for anything in London, which at the time it was open, the (now long since closed) North Audley Street location was prized duty (been there also), given the choice location in Mayfair directly across from the US Embassy. Given the previous track record, it would seem unlikely that he would have had any commmand responsibility there either. For senior officers, their career is more or less finished when they have been "passed over" for promotion for the second time. For junior officers, their career is more or less finished at the first pass over.

None of this is going to bring back the murder victim, or absolve this person of this misdeed. But I think it goes a long way to indicating this person has had problems in the past, and is an intelligent calculating individual, who is capable of cold cruel despicable acts (note the post-mortem disfigurement of the victim). As someone else suggested earlier, it would not seem to be beyond reason for authorities in other countries to trace his past footsteps to look for similar MO.

I think his blog indicates he's a liar. About the "intelligent calculating individual", are you sure? He killed a girl picked up in a bar (bar-fined too). so; plenty of witnesses (ok, maybe not premeditated, so it could fit). but then, after stabbing her, he drove with a corpse for miles on a scooter, kept the knife (!!!) and left the current house without telling anything or taking his money back (this thing would ring a bell to anyone), instead of (if not premeditated):

1) put the corpse in suitcase and say the landlord he had problems back at home and need to fly immediately (taking his upfront money back)

2) rent a car and dig a big hole where to hide the body forever.

3) give the car back, go straight to BKK and take the first flight to the u.s. before the girls were even considered "missing" (2 days job).

I don't see any intelligence in this guy, just a wannabe professional poker player confused about his sexual taste and mean enough to send to hel_l the first poor human being defenseless enough to be the victim of his rotten brain.

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Why do the Thai Police pity this self confessed murderer?

He has committed murder and should be treated the same as any Thai that commits the same crime at home. Using the intoxication and stress excuses really don't wash - he was ex military and as such should have known his own limits both physically (in terms of consumption, presumably having ample time to drink in the service) and mentally.

Some men do get violent when they are under extreme stress and drunk, but the smart ones know not to drink more than a few small bottles when this is the case.

I sincerely hope that this man does life, and suffers for what he has done. This man saw the bar girl as something less than he was, and the murder was a show of power - let the hand of justice now show its full power in return.

she may have provoked him.Many women(especially in thailand)think they can get away with murder and this time she got murdered. I'm not saying what the man did was ok but the woman may have just pushed him too far.It sounds like he was ready to snap.

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Strange story :blink: If I would have killed someone when I lost my internet connection, there would be very few people left in Thailand! How can you use that as an excuse?!!!!!? :ermm:

We all know there is NO prostitution in Thailand, just a lot of friendly ladies :whistling:

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It's still possible that this guy is innocent.  Anyone read hel_l on Earth?  When RTP want a confession they'll get a confession, CCTV of them leaving a bar is just circumstantial, having a knife hidden, was there traces of her blood in the knife, if so why would they get him to confess with "we have CCTV evidence" surely they would say, "we found the murder weapon, with your finger prints and her blood, a clever guy would have hidden the body better, this doesn't sound like the doing of a clever guy. 

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incredible what a terrible man. because his internet was not working and he has quarreled with his wife he murdered another woman! And even then, some people feel sorry for him I do not understand this at all sorry. This man should just be locked up in prison for ever and enjoy his time in the Bangkok hilton :whistling:

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He wasn't as good a killer as he was a poker player.

Who in their right mind would gut some hooker with a knife and then hide the knife at your place of residence? Especially when he had the ocean to throw it in!!! Then he kept the same clothes and everything else AND was caught on CCTV!!!!. Poor planning. At the very least they should lock him up a few more years for just being dumb.

Whores. They'll ruin your life if you let them.

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so sad to see a Navy Officer come to this . And now his kid lost his chance to be reunited with dad some day .

Strange he didn't dispose of the knife and clothes properly . But I fail to see an accident in this story .

you clearly dont know him.

his kid will have a better life living on a rice farm with an ex-prostitute in issan.

and he will probably be richer from rice farming than with this low-life(yes i know him and yes hes a crazy guy that should of been put behind bars about 2years ago)

I was too short in my comment; I fully agree with you especially about the kid raised on t he farm ; I understand the poor wife was scared and sick and tired of her alcoholic,short tempered , probably violent ladyboy lover of a husband; she did the best for the child's sake and must now say " I knew something terrible was going to happen" . What I meant is it's a pity he didn't come to his sense when she left him and didn't do everything to become a decent dad in spite of his mental problems.

Edited by souvenirdeparis
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He wasn't as good a killer as he was a poker player.

Who in their right mind would gut some hooker with a knife and then hide the knife at your place of residence? Especially when he had the ocean to throw it in!!! Then he kept the same clothes and everything else AND was caught on CCTV!!!!. Poor planning. At the very least they should lock him up a few more years for just being dumb.

Whores. They'll ruin your life if you let them.

Yes, blame it on the whores, especially when one of them was stabbed to death and put in a suitcase for days. What a stupid comment...

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Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli's rented home, also in Wichit.

That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


Remedial English 101 for you mate I'm afraid...."...a foam mattress and the motorbike..." are two objects i.e. plural, therefore the operative verb "was" clearly indicates the only singular word left, which is the body. Minor points I guess but please don't try to teach English if you are not a native speaker yourself (which I suspect is the case).

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He wasn't as good a killer as he was a poker player.

Who in their right mind would gut some hooker with a knife and then hide the knife at your place of residence? Especially when he had the ocean to throw it in!!! Then he kept the same clothes and everything else AND was caught on CCTV!!!!. Poor planning. At the very least they should lock him up a few more years for just being dumb.

Whores. They'll ruin your life if you let them.

Did you really need to insult somebody in their grave?

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Geez Tokay! That's a bit strong don't you think?

And to our newbie English teacher, SurfingLife, the phrase 'included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase' actually has to refer to the motorbike in correct English i.e. only the bike was stuffed into the suitcase. There might be a comma missing but that's hardly CosmicSurfer's fault.. If you want to be pedantic he was wrong to say the mattress. However this is hardly the forum for picking on people's English language skills. It's about a murdered young woman and her killer being caught.

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Not sure why this video shows that the guy is mad, to me he makes a lot of sense...poker talk.

Poker talk? She's asking him about his *upcoming* attempt to stay awake for a long time. Basically he's completely and totally insane and anyone should be able to see that from this video. The entire thing is a ridiculous and pathetic scream for attention. There is no [non-idiotic] poker talk in this video. Just a rambling mad-man!!

Please don't call him a poker player or make generalisations about poker players based on this insane animal. It's as silly as making generalisations about moped drivers because some guy loved mopeds, tried to ride one but kept crashing it...and then killed a girl. There are a lot of dick poker players, but very few of them would kill an innocent woman! This guy is just an animal who tried to play poker and failed. This guy is a terrible liar. His insanity comes out every time he opens his mouth. Frankly, I'm interested to know how his friends never detected this bubbling insanity....

Also, why does everyone keep buying his stories about being in submarines, being a Navy Officer, being in Iraq, being in Afghanistan, etc. The guy is a compulsive liar. In the other thread, someone ran his name and said no one with that name served in the military. Seriously <deleted>?

so sad to see a Navy Officer come to this . And now his kid lost his chance to be reunited with dad some day

He was never a Navy Officer. zomg

And it somehow feels distasteful to say this, but that kid is like the only winner out of all this tragedy. In the sense that the alternative [being reunited with that guy] is WHOA.

Why do the Thai Police pity this self confessed murderer?

I sincerely hope that this man does life, and suffers for what he has done. This man saw the bar girl as something less than he was, and the murder was a show of power - let the hand of justice now show its full power in return.

100% this was my read as well. And to the people who are saying "speculation isn't right" - <deleted>? His excuse was that he was under stress. People are trying to find answers and the above is probably the huge favourite in terms of likelihood for motive. This guy was pure scum, a lifelong loser, criminal even - Google on - his wife and kid had enough of his insanity they left him. He was feeling as low as someone in his position should be expected to feel. But instead of doing what they would be expected to do [yes...there is no shame in the honourable tradition of seppaku], he is too gutless. So he kills an innocent girl so he can feel big and powerful for a moment.

Like, that might not have been the motive. But until a better one is presented, anyone who believes otherwise is kidding themselves.


1. Retired Navy Lieutenant: Not true. Born in 1973. Listed in 2000 (age 27) as LTJG on the crew of USS Nevada SSBN 733. From 2002 through 2005 a regular on the World Poker Tour. Check out Mad Yank's picture. This is not a Naval officer on leave. Of course that could have been the reporter's error. Came to Thailand three years ago. and stayed. Either he enlisted at age 14 and got into OCS immediately OR the Navy is now giving retirement pensions after only 15 years.

Finally some sanity. fwiw I was a RAN Officer a decade ago and a poker player up until 2 yrs ago [successful in both]. This guy could not have been successful in either the Navy [maybe he could scrape under the radar in the non-commissioned ranks, but not as an officer imo] or in poker for long. This is just a rank-and-file insane nut who leeches off those around him, preys on peoples gullibility, and then kills innocent helpless girls to feel....tough? To feel...relevant? Something fuc_ked up like that.

[Edit: I see geriatrickid made a quality post about his shortcomings but surprised me in that he would even make it out of Annapolis. Nah, I'm not buying it. It's too ridiculous. I've visited and stayed at Annapolis for like 3 weeks. I have some decent idea as to the level of training / professionalism that is involved. I'm just not buying it....although I can confirm that if he somehow miraculously made it through Annapolis, his career record as described is 100% the sign of a complete failboat {non-promotion, almost his entire 'career' spent assigned to shore duty, then discharge under unknown circumstances - sounds pretty textbook psych discharge to me}]

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I have dealt with many thousands of people who have internet problems (for a job), and while most of them would never dream of harming a person over something so trivial, when it happens to them, they change in ways you wouldn't believe possible.

I've had people break down in tears several times, call me a "fuc_king asshol_e, (insert my name here and repeat 5-10 times over one minute)", smash their computers, put holes in the wall, set their dogs on techs who came out to fix faulty wiring, belt their kids or partners, call the cops on us, turn up at the door of the office threatening us, multiple threats to go to the media or to sue us, and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of.

How in god's name can someone sane....lump all those reactions together? I'm not sure you're sane!!

"[sobbing]..[beating wives / children]....and many many other things you just wouldn't believe a rational human being to be capable of" - You are not capable of determining what is 'sane' and what isn't. Not only that, you're apparently not capable of determining what is 'legal' and what isn't.

Watched the video. I had always the suspicion that for playing poker at high levels you don't need to be a genius. Looks like to be a nutter helps a lot too.

I'm a F1 driver. Well, I'm going to be. Once I drove in an F1 car. Well, I watched a guy drive in one.

You people are starting to impact my Zen. You are right about one thing iko - that video PROVES his insanity. And it's just an annoyance to me that most people can't see Insane when it's staring right at them crying for attention talking about an upcoming attempt to play poker for 72 hours.

Come on, yall. Be *better* than this. I've gone on for WAY too long and want to go on for a lot longer sorry. But thank god there is *some* sanity here. geriatrickid is incredibly astute to mention that a comprehensive investigation would be looking into this guy's past for some sick stuff - and Spee saves my sanity for today. Too generous on the "intelligence" aspect, but considering some of the posts in this thread....this raving loon appears positively Hawking-like. ohmy.gif

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Other evidence seized by police, but not presented today, included a foam mattress and the motorbike used to dispose of Wanphen's body, which was stuffed into a large suitcase and dumped in a remote part of Wichit, several kilometers from Mr Fanelli's rented home, also in Wichit.

That must of been a really BIG suitcase to fit both the motorbike and (I think) a mattress inside it... and then he was still able to see around it to drive another motorbike to dispose of it... That one must have been a real HUGE HOG !!!

And later they say that the body was in the suitcase as well.... Hmmmm.... Me thinks someone needs to head back to "Remedial English 101."

Or it's just "The Nation" setting another example on how to write clearly so as to confuse people.


Remedial English 101 for you mate I'm afraid...."...a foam mattress and the motorbike..." are two objects i.e. plural, therefore the operative verb "was" clearly indicates the only singular word left, which is the body. Minor points I guess but please don't try to teach English if you are not a native speaker yourself (which I suspect is the case).

Here I go being "pedantic" again as SLIP pointed out above... I realize that I was overly generous by adding the mattress to the Motorbike in that gigantic suitcase, but I sort of figured that it was the original author's intent.

As to my qualifications as an English critic.... As a refugee from the "2" Northern countries of North America, born and raised, I think that qualifies me as a "Certified" Native Speaker... I won't drag in the 8 years I've spent as an English Teacher here in the land of "English??? Why for?? I live in Thai! English only for Farang... and Bar Girls!!!!"

And now a quick lesson for you.... "was" was used twice in my post.. First refering to the verb "to be" pronoun "I"... the second time refering to the singular noun, the body. The motorbike and mattress are both part of the object, as you correctly point out... NO verb necessary... Verbs relate to Subjects only, as they carry any action.

As for the Dolt driving said Motorbike.... What can possibly be said that is positive, comforting and reassuring??? This is a situation that is a classic example of the need for counciling... Alcohol Abuse... Anger Managerment, Couples Therapy... You name it.. He needs it.

'nough said!


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He was never a Navy Officer. zomg


Please tell me you understand that he filled that out himself. Look a bit closer if you don't understand...then if you're still confused...sigh

This is a Google hit which he's unlikely to have filled out himself:

Charged in burglaries, handyman due back in court today

Published: Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Staten Island

A 36-year-old Staten Island handyman suspected of breaking into homes on the North Shore is expected to appear in state Supreme Court, St. George later today.

Ronald Fanelli, of Husson Street, burglarized six North Shore homes and businesses after taking out an ad in a local publication touting himself as a handyman, according the 21-count indictment.

He allegedly hit six homes in Concord, Rosebank, West Brighton, Grant City and Westerleigh in May and June, but prosecutors have stopped short of saying that they've nabbed the elusive North Shore Burglar, who struck at least 15 times in Westerleigh and West Brighton, beginning in mid-January.

"We are not officially calling (Fanelli) the North Shore Burglar," said William J. Smith, spokesman for the Staten Island district attorney's office told the Advance in an interview earlier this month.

Fanelli is charged with five counts of second-degree burglary, four counts each of criminal mischief and petit larceny, two counts of grand larceny, one count each of burglary in the third degree, criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of stolen property, possession of burglar's tools, issuing a bad check and operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license.

He was arrested June 30, when police pulled his car over for a defective tail light and a check revealed that his driver's license had been revoked. Cops also seized a gravity knife during a search of the vehicle.

Authorities linked Fanelli to the burglaries through the advertisement he placed in the Marketeer.

He faces up to 15 years in prison, if convicted of second-degree burglary, the top count against him, and has been held on $20,000 bail since his arraignment July 1 in Stapleton Criminal Court .


I swear people are so gullible that any rank-and-file idiot can appear genius with a tiny fraction of effort.

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He was never a Navy Officer. zomg


Please tell me you understand that he filled that out himself. Look a bit closer if you don't understand...then if you're still confused...sigh

This is a Google hit which he's unlikely to have filled out himself:

Charged in burglaries, handyman due back in court today

Published: Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Staten Island

A 36-year-old Staten Island handyman suspected of breaking into homes on the North Shore is expected to appear in state Supreme Court, St. George later today.

Ronald Fanelli, of Husson Street, burglarized six North Shore homes and businesses after taking out an ad in a local publication touting himself as a handyman, according the 21-count indictment.

He allegedly hit six homes in Concord, Rosebank, West Brighton, Grant City and Westerleigh in May and June, but prosecutors have stopped short of saying that they've nabbed the elusive North Shore Burglar, who struck at least 15 times in Westerleigh and West Brighton, beginning in mid-January.

"We are not officially calling (Fanelli) the North Shore Burglar," said William J. Smith, spokesman for the Staten Island district attorney's office told the Advance in an interview earlier this month.

Fanelli is charged with five counts of second-degree burglary, four counts each of criminal mischief and petit larceny, two counts of grand larceny, one count each of burglary in the third degree, criminal possession of a weapon, criminal possession of stolen property, possession of burglar's tools, issuing a bad check and operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license.

He was arrested June 30, when police pulled his car over for a defective tail light and a check revealed that his driver's license had been revoked. Cops also seized a gravity knife during a search of the vehicle.

Authorities linked Fanelli to the burglaries through the advertisement he placed in the Marketeer.

He faces up to 15 years in prison, if convicted of second-degree burglary, the top count against him, and has been held on $20,000 bail since his arraignment July 1 in Stapleton Criminal Court .


I swear people are so gullible that any rank-and-file idiot can appear genius with a tiny fraction of effort.

uhh.. you do realize that on that exact date he was in thailand?

and had been for many months before as well?

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Looks like this TheyCallmescooter guy is on some sort of mission

the news say he(the ronald fanelli who was caught in thailand) is 37 when they caught him

that news story you linked says someone with the same name was 36 in 2007

did he only age 1 year in 3 years?

Edited by wtk
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I want to rehash your post, because it puts everything in perspective. My position is that the accused's personnel file must be reviewed as it will provide alot of clues as to the mental stability of the fellow.

I offer the following observations to your points;

The Navy doesn't pull highly specialized, highly trained submarine officers from trained duties and put them aboard surface warfare vessels as typical practice. If they did, it would be to another nuke such as an aircraft carrier. If he was moved from submarine to non-nuke surface duty, it would clearly be indicative of something seriously wrong. Further, a destroyer command is typically an O-4 (LtCDR) or O-5 (CDR) rank. There is no way an O-2 (LtJG) or O-3 (Lt) rank would have command or even XO (executive officer) duties on a destroyer crew more than twice the size of a submarine crew.

I agree with you. However, according to the service record, he didn't get promoted past Lt., which is why I am emphasizing the need to access the accused jacket. As an aside, the current CO of the USS Nevada is a Commander With all due respect, a trident class submarine is a complicated piece of machinery and the old standbys of vessel size being associated with rank in an environment of personnel shortages were pushed aside. As you probably recall, all branches of the US service at the time of the accused's service were facing a critical manpower shortage. People that should not have been in positions were put there, because that was all that was available. One of my old workmates is a real estate lawyer and remained in the reserves. Nice guy, and more given to being a paper clerk than anything else. He was called up in 2000 put in an XO role aboard a frigate. He was in disbelief as he hadn't been to sea in eons and he said that he should never have been assigned to that role. That's how desperate the USN was. I do however, defer to your position as you are senior in knowledge and experience to me on this.

Same goes for anything in London, which at the time it was open, the (now long since closed) North Audley Street location was prized duty (been there also), given the choice location in Mayfair directly across from the US Embassy. Given the previous track record, it would seem unlikely that he would have had any commmand responsibility there either. For senior officers, their career is more or less finished when they have been "passed over" for promotion for the second time. For junior officers, their career is more or less finished at the first pass over.

Well, we are again in agreement, except that you have made my statement clearer and provided a better explanation.

Bottom line: The man's got a secret in his file.

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