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i have read a lot of visa stories but didn't find any about America. I had been living in Thailand for 4 years. Just bumming around and boxing and sometimes teaching. I met a girl and all that. She is still in the University but will finish in October. I am thinking about getting married with her in order for her to get a visa and that way we can go back to America and live there. I can't stand the thought of living in Thailand again. Now I am currently in Shanghai. I don't have any kind of future or anything. You know job lined up in America. But my parents are well off as they say and money will be no problem. ........How difficult is this going to be? I mean in my mind i figure it is going to be a huge problem and difficult. Will being married help with the process? I mean then we are family right? Didn't the Nazis seperate families in Cattle carts? What is the difference if these people at the embassy seperate families using papers? Can they do that? It makes me so mad to think that we have to beg to go to America. Being that they don't even have a welfare system. No health care no housing. Nothing.....Anybody have any visa stories from the USA?

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Bro....I'm here to save the day! I"ve done it twice and can help you every step of the way. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll take care of you guys.....Always willing to help, I'll save you a lot of trial and error...trust me I know.

i have read a lot of visa stories but didn't find any about America. I had been living in Thailand for 4 years. Just bumming around and boxing and sometimes teaching. I met a girl and all that. She is still in the University but will finish in October. I am thinking about getting married with her in order for her to get a visa and that way we can go back to America and live there. I can't stand the thought of living in Thailand again. Now I am currently in Shanghai. I don't have any kind of future or anything. You know job lined up in America. But my parents are well off as they say and money will be no problem. ........How difficult is this going to be? I mean in my mind i figure it is going to be a huge problem and difficult. Will being married help with the process? I mean then we are family right? Didn't the Nazis seperate families in Cattle carts? What is the difference if these people at the embassy seperate families using papers? Can they do that? It makes me so mad to think that we have to beg to go to America. Being that they don't even have a welfare system. No health care no housing. Nothing.....Anybody have any visa stories from the USA?

How old are you? How long have you known this woman? Are you prepared to bring her to America without a plan? Are you sure your parents are really supportive? Before I was born, my dad was married to a Filipino and Thai woman and has lots of horror stories. The Filipino woman brought her whole family over and they lived in my dad's house. My mom blocked my dad having a relationship with his Thai kids. I have never met my Thai brother and sister.

And remember, you can't take the Thai out of the girl. I was with a college student who was a virgin and one year older than me. She got straight A's but now she looks for any farang she can live off of. She disappeared when I wouldn't give her money.

There is a Thai girl in L.A. (I don't know how she got there) but she hooks up with guys instantly and they all think they are the only one.



Yeah, I have heard the stories and lived there for over 4 years!!! I have known this girl for about 3 years now. I always say you can take the thai out of the rice paddy feild but you can't take the rice paddy field out of the thai. I am aware of all the problems of bringing her back to the usa. I have kept her ignorant of the English language. I only speak thai with her. That will keep her in my control a little bit. I know how materialistic these girls can get. I have had many of thai girls break up with me because i won't buy them a phone. I am 29 years old and have been paying for her school for the past 2 years or so. Such a sick country where the people can't even go to school. She was working before really disgusting jobs. When we first got to know eachother she was trying to work to put herself to school. Awful job. She had a job in a Lotus Supermarket wearing a short skirt in the wine area pouring sample drinks of alchol to shoppers.(they even died her fingers purple with some kind of powder so they can see where she has touched to make sure she doesn' steal anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I went to visit her at work and ask her to eat downstairs for luch. (she had an hour luch) And her boss said NO. he said she had to stay and eat in the shop!! I said yeah right. Screw you! And she quit and I said I would pay for her school...But i was so sick of Thailand an the ignorance i decided to leave and get a job and continute to pay for her school until she graduated......And that time is here. She needs that higly saut after peice of paper that doesn't mean a thing. Oh well......I hope to get her out and not to lose her......



I have kept her ignorant of the English language. I only speak thai with her. That will keep her in my control a little bit.


Yeah nice way to have a relationship,controlling her i am sure she REALLY appreciates you for this :o


Dont get put of by all the scaremongering about visa difficulties. There are many who will bark on that visas are difficult, but there are also many who will say that they are trivial to obtain.You just dont hear about the latter groups' experiences as much.

If your partner meets the visa requirements , then there is no reason to be worried. Does she fully meet the requirements for the visa she intends to obtain ?



If your partner meets the visa requirements , then there is no reason to be worried.
That is exactly the problem. They only let the rich get visas. And not the poor. They need to keep the poor in their crap country to work the crap jobs. Maintain the Status Quo built off of ingnorance and nationalism. Shamland is a slaughterhouse of reason. And a prison of filth and disgust. My girlfriend dosen't have any opportunities there. And may not have them in America either. Not much difference. I hope it is easy to get her in. I have sacraficed myself for over 2 years working in China. I stayed in a place about 2 hours from Beijing that Dante wouldn't even consider staying for even a second. And Im worried after ally my sacrafice and "hard work" the facists in the Embassy will deny it because she doesn't meet the "qualifications". That is what they call them? Bastards. We are all vicims of their laws. Any ways that people can share to beat them let me know.........I just want me and my GF as they say to have freeedom.......From them....
If your partner meets the visa requirements , then there is no reason to be worried.
That is exactly the problem. They only let the rich get visas. And not the poor. They need to keep the poor in their crap country to work the crap jobs. Maintain the Status Quo built off of ingnorance and nationalism. Shamland is a slaughterhouse of reason. And a prison of filth and disgust. My girlfriend dosen't have any opportunities there. And may not have them in America either. Not much difference. I hope it is easy to get her in. I have sacraficed myself for over 2 years working in China. I stayed in a place about 2 hours from Beijing that Dante wouldn't even consider staying for even a second. And Im worried after ally my sacrafice and "hard work" the facists in the Embassy will deny it because she doesn't meet the "qualifications". That is what they call them? Bastards. We are all vicims of their laws. Any ways that people can share to beat them let me know.........I just want me and my GF as they say to have freeedom.......From them....

That was a very emotional response. As a word of advice , you have to have a more objective and disciplined approach to the visa process.

What visa category does she intend to apply for ? Do you know this yet ? If so, do you know the requirements for this category ? If so, does she meet those requirements ? You seem to think there is an issue with wealth.I dont know the USA immigration system..which particular requirement of her intended Visa category is constrained by her personal financial situation ?


My wife applied for a tourist visa to visit US for a holiday last year - she went alone to the embassy and was given a 10 year multi-entry visa. I have a British passport and she a Thai.

In her case there was no problem but I have heard of several Thai g/fs of Americans being refused visas. I guess it would be easier if married.


I think this is probably a two fold answer but from the way I was told by my State Senators office was this....

The reason the States have such tough requirments is due to the fact that America already has more than it's fair share of immigrants! They need to make sure that the person applying for the visa will not require any govt assistance during their stay, they do not want your te-rak becoming a burden on their society. They also want to make sure that they are coming here with good intentions and not just a career move, and last but not least jepordize the security of this nation.....And it also doesn't hurt is she would consider becoming either a mayor (like Los Angeles) or senator like umm...California!

Looks like now days the burden of proof is on you....Love does not conquer all!

Appears to me that the Thai outlook on this whole issue is that if all their country men keep leaving Thailand for greener pastures who's gonna turn out the lights! I mean think about it.....If you don't have any employee's......Why would you need a boss?

Keep in mind that it is the 4th of Juluy here and well.......I've been celebrating all day!

The reason the States have such tough requirments is due to the fact that America already has more than it's fair share of immigrants! They need to make sure that the person applying for the visa will not require any govt assistance during their stay, they do not want your te-rak becoming a burden on their society. They also want to make sure that they are coming here with good intentions and not just a career move, and last but not least jepordize the security of this nation.....And it also doesn't hurt is she would consider becoming either a mayor (like Los Angeles) or senator like umm...California!

Above is the myth.....I is propoganda from the state....and their media lckeys. America tax money goes to wars and welfare for corporations. If you look at actual numbers about the economy and immigrants flowing into the country it acutally shows the years where more immingrants come in the bettr the economy is. The problem happens when corportaions move out of Ameria to find cheaper labor and communities are destroyed and left to rot away in prison..And America's welfare state is for the rich not the poor. Most of white collar crime such as the saving and loans disasters cost tax payers much more than government assitance for the poor. And America has no health care for it's citiizens. Nothing. One of the few industrialized countires. Of course it is because they privitaize everything and make money for the insurance gangsters.......The thing that "jepordized" society is the media which just repeats the propaganda line from the Pentagon and washington....While the war makers and their friends make money from death and destruction. Just look at the lies in the media. The ######ing shit media calls it Social Security "reform" when in reality it is destroying social security.........So much for being a burden..............

  • 2 weeks later...


I completely feel for you on this situation brother.

I too have contemplated on one day bringing back the Thai gal back to the states. However, I'm always discouraged by reading forums and policies of the US embassy here in Bkk. I kind of posted on the subject in another recent thread but I'll restate it here too as it's relevant.

I just don't see it about the Bank account qouta bs. If it applied to anyone entering US soil period, most Americans wouldn't be allowed to enter their own country!! So why is it that foreign visitors to the 'land of opportunity' have to meet a financial quoto? They're concerened about the welfare of the foreign traveller? That's a pile of Kwai poop. They certainly don't check on me as a citizen going back if I have sufficient funds to make it all the way home and find the next meal, so why would they give a fud about the next immigrant.

Like you suggested, they just want the rich and their potential investment dollars in. This shames our founding fathers (and mothers) and everything they fought for a few hundred years ago, you know all that talk about equality for all men (and women).


Speaking of Arnold, I recently was watching one of those enlightening Alex Jones documentaries and it came to my attention that Arnold and his supporters are trying to repel/ammend the US constitutional law that forbids andy foreign born naturalized from becoming president. They want that son of an SS officer who admitted to taking steroids to become president.

All part of Bush's clan. You know that GW. is part of Skull and Bones from his days at Yale up to his partakings at whatchamakalit Bohemian groves in N. California. Skull and Bones symbol (a skull with two crossing bones) was the same symbol worn on Hitler's SS officers cap. Not to mention GW's grandfather, Prescott Bush used to launder money for a Pro natzee org.. Go figure. Sometimes, there's some truth in all this conspiracy theory. Those who think I'm full of sh*t are the sames one who actually believe that some Arab looking terrorist are responsible for 9/11 and the latest London bombings. Suckers!! Really, you can research all this and you'll be amazed. Most people only know of Farunheit 9/11 but actually, Alex Jone's material is a lot better and fact-backed if you ask me.


Yeah the hypocrisy in America is insulting and horrible and everywhere. I am scared to death that my girlfriend will be rejected. And I don’t even want talk to some State Senator. My dad married a Vietnamese girl and he had to talk on the phone to some State Senator to as permission for his wife to come to the USA. Why the ###### does he need his permission? Who is he and what does he know? Nothing. I can’t believe the things we have to do because of their laws. It would be much better if we got rid of all these borders. ###### back in the days of the Ottoman Empire you could go all over Europe without any passports or documents. It is good that some places I in Europe are opening up. They should get rid of all borders. All barbed wire making the borders and all symbols of countries. Let anybody who wants to go in go in. Or more importantly OUT! I mean In America the rich Americans go to Mexico for cheap dental work and sun tans. While the Mexicans have to sneak by vigilante minutemen snipers just to find some work. We should organize actually. Get all those people who were rejected for not having money in the bank. Let’s all march over to the embassy with our forms and fill them out! Millions of them. And drown them in all that paper they love so much. The can put stamps on the paper for all eternity. All I want to do is bring somebody I love home. Why can’t I do that? Why do we accept this? RULES? Get rid of them. LAWS? Who writes these things? Not me and probably not you. All these laws do is protect the rich and the state. Really horrible. I can’t even make myself read the requirements because it depresses me. I have already made plans to go back into Thailand in September to start this nightmare of paper work and torture. But I hope things run smoothly and I thank anybody who can give me advice to make me from losing my mind. Aaaaahhhhhhhh! I once tried to get a Chinese visa and the person at the hospital stamped the paper about 2 inhces from the exact spot that the stamp was supposed to be. So they made me go back to the hospital and get another stamp!!!! I mean why do I have to go to the hospital in the first place? They even took my blood out of me and tested me for AIDS! MY BLOOD! They took it right out and stole it! I WANT IT BACK! Anyway of course by the time I got to the hospital and back to the embassy. (you know what the traffic is like in BKK) of course it was closed. So I had to go back and start all over again the next day. I felt like smashing the glass and stamping the freak right in the middle of her forehead. No wonder they have them behind glass…………like some trolls…..green awful trolls……..damm I am never going to get this visa. And my almost 2 years of sacrafice will be lost and my life ruined…….Seriously…..That is all I want is to be with my GF and to go home…….


Hey Som Tam I feel for you Man and I have to do it as well but whining is not going to help. Follow the rules and take your chances. Your posts don't sound realistic at all. Let anybody who wants to come in, come in!!? Are you nuts? I'm American as well and I see the many hypocracies and contradictions of our Country but let's not forget all the other good things as well. And take care to remember, other immigrants who made the cut and made it in and made a life for themselves. Just cause you and your GF and can't come and go a you please doesn't make it a fascist country Focus on getting the paperwork in and make plans in case she doesn't get in. If yuo are truly in love it shouldn't matter where you are going to live. You seem to hate it there so much, a country full of fascists, with no welfare for the poor, where the rich only get richer . . . . why would you want to bring the love of your life back there. My best wishes for you if you decide to go ahead and fill in out the paperwork.

It is good that some places I in Europe are opening up. They should get rid of all borders. All barbed wire making the borders and all symbols of countries. Let anybody who wants to go in go in.

'Let anybody who wants to go in go in.'

hmmmm.....okay Osama; welcome to the United States. The Red Carpet is out, would you like some help with those large suitcases? Why is the geiger counter going off.......? :o

It is good that some places I in Europe are opening up. They should get rid of all borders. All barbed wire making the borders and all symbols of countries. Let anybody who wants to go in go in.

'Let anybody who wants to go in go in.'

hmmmm.....okay Osama; welcome to the United States. The Red Carpet is out, would you like some help with those large suitcases? Why is the geiger counter going off.......? :o

You guys are being too pragmatic. Som Tam stresses good reconstructionist viewpoints...It comes back down to the basic philosophical questions...what is and what should be? Sometimes the what should be might be referenced to what was....history does repeat itself, but the future isn't in that sense the past, nor will it ever be. It is a cycle.

As far as our young and powerful country, I think of that snotty girl in Willy Wonka's factory eating all those candy and sweets. Eventually she gets full of herself and becomes a blueberry. Remember, Rome didn't last forever remember, nor will the next empire, the one after that, and on and on.

I'm grateful to be born part of a minority percentage of the human population with privilige and opportunity...but that's no excuse to indulge in an ignorant and blissful binge of convenience and pride.

These comments about Bin Laden...I think you should research Al Queda and the Bin Laden's thouroughly beyond BBC and CNN.. If you aren't an efficient researcher, you ought to start by watching Alex Jone's "Rise to a Police State" There are three parts to this particularly documentary. Most of you are familliar with Moore's junk like Farenheit 911 but perhaps the powers that be want you to be. After all, Bush is made to look like a humorous mad/genious with his works---Kinda Reverse Pscychology if you ask me. Anyhow, there is no conspiracy about GW Bush/ Sr. Bush's family/business ties with Bin Laden family...it's fact and in your face, all you have to do is research. Bin Laden's family escort out of the United States was the only permitted aircraft by the government (executive branch) immediately following the hault of air traffic during Sep 11/12.

How many times, do you think this administration mentioned/instilled the word 'terror' to the American people before bombing Baghdad (and still quite effective)? Don't you remember, everything from Anthrax to Patriot Act one/two--- checking out the balances of our constitution in favor of the executive branch who happens to be heading a war.

Don't be such suckers? You think Al Queda bombed London??? And Lee Harvey Oswell killed Kenedy all byhimself too right?

And now as the violence is escalating in the south of Thailand, this Toxic political plate of rice tastes very similar to other orderbs of war/power hungry driven FAcists of the last century. This recipe that Hitler used in the reichsdag incident pointing the finger at the dirty comunists ultimately gaining him votes into power, and what much evidence suggests was possible likely, and certainly full of motive with the Bush administration and 9/11

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet, especially if it involves giving up your freedom and right to peace!!

Sorry, to get off topic, but you asked for it...Oh know, muslims, Bin Laden!!! :D:D Give me a break! Don't be such a robot. Borders and imaginary lines of territory is animalistic and will only lead to our downfall.


I didn't 'ask' for anything. At this point in time anyone who advocates 'open borders' into the USA is a complete fool given the current state of affairs; regardless of how we have arrived at this state. I voted AGAINST Bush by the way.

Your nick is perfect. You are 'green' and a 'wanderer'.

BTW, I'm in the same boat as the OP. I want my Thai GF to be with me here in the states right now. But because of the USA immigration policy that will not happen anytime soon. I still support the policy because I see the big picture; not just my selfish little world.

I suppose if I agreed with your points of view then I would cease being a robot........ :o

Bro....I'm here to save the day! I"ve done it twice and can help you every step of the way. Send me a PM with your email address and I'll take care of you guys.....Always willing to help, I'll save you a lot of trial and error...trust me I know.

I am trying to obtain a visa for a woman I have made friends with in Bangkok. The woman is a massuse and has been for the past 10 years. She and I have an interest in starting a business in the USA for Thai massage. The thing is I want to see first if she adjusts to how life would be in the US and then if it is ok for her I would then open the business. So, first off, does she apply for a tourist visa and if so is this very very difficult to obtain. I would supply documents for her of support and all paid for trip. If this is not a viable option then try to obtain a work visa. I have no idea how to go about this and do not know if this is the more difficult option or not. Can you tell me if you have any experience in either of these visas and how I should go about it. I want to do everyting above board and not have a red flag pop up. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Alice from Virginia


Alice, I don't mean to be rude but you'll have to get in the back of the line. We've all been waiting in this thing for 5 years. Same old story same old song and dance my friend


All visa applicants are considered to be intending immigrants by the govt. For a tourist visa, the applicant must demonstrate a reasonable likeliness of returning to Thailand.

If you are in love with a Thai, apply for a fiancee visa. It is not difficult to do. If you are serious about your relationship, you will just do it - without whining like a baby.

i have read a lot of visa stories but didn't find any about America. I had been living in Thailand for 4 years. Just bumming around and boxing and sometimes teaching. I met a girl and all that. She is still in the University but will finish in October. I am thinking about getting married with her in order for her to get a visa and that way we can go back to America and live there. I can't stand the thought of living in Thailand again. Now I am currently in Shanghai. I don't have any kind of future or anything. You know job lined up in America. But my parents are well off as they say and money will be no problem. ........How difficult is this going to be? I mean in my mind i figure it is going to be a huge problem and difficult. Will being married help with the process? I mean then we are family right? Didn't the Nazis seperate families in Cattle carts? What is the difference if these people at the embassy seperate families using papers? Can they do that? It makes me so mad to think that we have to beg to go to America. Being that they don't even have a welfare system. No health care no housing. Nothing.....Anybody have any visa stories from the USA?


Unless they have a great job, kid to come back to, own a house or have some other unbreakable ties they won't get a tourist visa. Work or student visas are possible but difficult to obtain. The only sure way to get your TGF into the U.S. is with a fiancee or marriage visa. I'm in the process of obtaining a k1 fiancee visa for my TGF. After 2 tries for a tourist visa. She is 38 and is learning English. I think she is old enough not to be easily influenced by the American lifestyle and become overly materialistic, however were she young I would be very apprehensive. I'm older -56-but if you are young what do you have to lose? If she becomes a material girl well you're just back where you started with most young guys in the U.S. Marriages don't last anyway. BTW on the fiancee visa she has to stay 2 years to get permanaent residency so you know she'll be good at least that long and if you don't have any assets or alimony to worry about-what the hey? 4-6 mos. wait for fiancee visa-make sure you fill out the paperwork completely and accurately. The only real criteria-as long as she is not a criminal or terrorist, or have the bird flu- is that you really can and do intend to marry her within 90 days of arriving. There is no financial requirement on her end. YOU may have to show where/how you are going to live in the U.S. Good luck.


Kool with a "k". yeah that is my plan. Arrive in the Evil Durian. Choke on some exhaust fumes. Get my Black And White From the University and marry her. For legal reasons of course. I don't even belive in marriage!! But I don't want to have to do any of that so called "traditional" stuff. Bending my knees on the floor wearing some thai silk costume.###### no!! Of course I am going to play by the "rules" like some little servant. KRAP POM NA KRAP POM KRAP POM! ARRRHHHHHH! Yeah, I should be okay because my parents have a place for us to stay and I haven't blow up any towers recently with high powered explosives.......arrrrhrhhhhh!

PAPER PAPER PAPER!!!! Is more important then the individual!!! YEAH!!!! WHERE IS MY STAMP??

Alice, I don't mean to be rude but you'll have to get in the back of the line. We've all been waiting in this thing for 5 years. Same old story same old song and dance my friend

I hear you loud and clear. Just thought if anyone had any experiences good or bad they would share so we know what we are up against. I know this is very difficuly to obtain but I will try anyway. Do you think it would be better if I was there in Thailand to go with her to the embassy or not?


"I am thinking about getting married with her in order for her to get a visa"

Therein lies the problem. Most people get married becuase they are in love. You're going to get married so she can leave Thailand. Before you sit down with the US immigration folks, perhaps you ought to find a better choice of words. If this is the best way that you can articulate your relationship, she's going to stay in Thailand.


Som Tam dude, you seem preety wise but you are currently having unwise plans. There is another poster here who made a thread about having his GF in America now she's homesick and can't speak English to do any job. He didn't plan things right.

I don't recommend marriage for your reasons. Lots of men here in LOS rushed into marriage just for the visa privileges (sp?) and now they are TRAPPED! I know you plan on living in America.

You need a better plan and of coarse, more money.

My TGF (who we both know we won't get married) just came from France. She can't speak French so she stayed in the same village for three months bitching about the cold and being homesick (same old story). and she thought the people stank!

Listen to everybody's advice and SEARCH some stories.

I support my country's immi policies. the OP should consider another country. the US will not accomodate IMO

I'd have to agree,

e.g. Russians, which most are well educated though cash poor, still can breeze thru because they have a net effect,

Chinese, with cash and assets also will not have much trouble,

But if your coming over uneducated and poor, good luck.

In addition, since 9/11, reams of new criteria, considerations and other have been put in place. It's a different time and a different world.


Yeah, I imagine my girlfriend will get bored in america. But luckily she is Thai. You know how them thais are.....They can stare at the wall for hours and enjoy it. They say thay are sit playing. Or lie down playing. When really they are sitting there doing absolutly noting.......

I have no choice but to get married because of their "laws" . Which are nothing but tools to keep the poor in their place. Maintain the Status Quo. Once again.. yeah yeah...I mean I have no choice because all the other type of visa's seem more difficlut to get. If it was easy to get a tourist visa I would just do that. And she can go there as a "tourist" first then see if she likes and if not she can come back. But they don't give you any real choice.........

Pretty sad world we live in............

If it was easy to get a tourist visa I would just do that. And she can go there as a "tourist" first then see if she likes and if not she can come back. But they don't give you any real choice.........

Pretty sad world we live in............

I know countless thais who go to america as tourists and get a visa purely on their own merits. I think your greatest obstacle is your negative,winging moaning,generalising attitude. Be objective, deal with the facts.How much closer are you today than when you first started winging ? Any progress made yet ?

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