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Pac Safes


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Why are you considering one? What is your concern? Just curious....

I traveled through close to 50 countries over the past 7 years. Initially as a backpacker, but now use a roller/convertible suitcase. I've been to Africa, all over Central and South America and all over Asia. All in public transportation.

Initially, I seriously considered one of these that goes over your entire pack. But ended up buying one that is small and holds only important stuff. Never used it. Never had an incident where I wish I had them. Same with other travelers I've met.

Your biggest problems will be with pickpockets and with having your bag stolen while you are being distracted. I've heard few stories of stuff being taken out of a LOCKED backpack. Rarely heard of one being opened with a razor blade. Though have heard numerous stories of backpackers having their pockets razored and stuff taken. And have heard many stories of backpackers having stuff taken out of their UNLOCKED day pack while they were walking around. Happened to me, but nothing was in the day pack they wanted! :rolleyes:

I bought a backpack that can be locked and is made of good quality material. Same with my day pack. One reason I did not go with a top loader pack is they are harder to secure...and dang hard to get stuff out of the bottom!

For (usually) good advise, try lonelyplanet.com. The Thorntree has a section specifically for gear.

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