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Help With Translation Of A ‘Voice Over’.

Tod Daniels

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While I am loathe to post shortcomings concerning my understanding of the thai language here on the T/V Thai Language Forum :o ; I freely admit I have more than my share of difficulties understanding spoken thai :( . Even thai which is enunciated clearly and I already know the subject of what we're talkin' about can and is sometimes difficult for me to understand given my penchant for back translating it into english :huh: .

The video below of a song by เสก โลโซ (Sek Loso) called เหงาคิดถึงรอ (Lonely, Missing You, Waiting), has an intro where it seems he explains the creative process behind writing it. Sadly (for me), it's got the some of the song overlaid on the voice over making it less than understandable for me. Add in, that (at least to me) he speaks quite fast and it makes my comprehension quite the tough row to hoe. :ermm:

I'd really like to know the gist of what he said (if not the play by play translation), versus my catching a phrase or word here and there. Any and ALL help is greatly appreciated.

FWIW: I do believe Sek is speaking quite clear thai :) . I'm also pretty sure ANY thai would understand it 'right outta the proverbial gate'; I just don't have a 'spare thai' hanging around my house today to help me out on this.

Thanx in advance for you patience, your understanding and more importantly your english translation. B)

EDIT: I already know and understand the vocab and the lyrics to the song! It's just the beginning voice over I'm not quite sure on.

Edited by tod-daniels
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Hopefully one of the more advanced members can help you with this. I can pick out bits and pieces of it to get you started:

talking about the lyrics, the song is very important, in my life. The first song...I think you've changed (?), don't have to worry about me, I didn't deceive you. Love happened, that's all. The lyrics talk about a man who got dumped. Also, about what to do to let someone know we love them. When writing the song...had feeling...broken heart. When I'm broken hearted I can't write songs. (can't get the last sentence around 1:10).

I want her to know I really love her, and when we're apart I'm lonely and I miss her. I miss her and I'll wait.

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Mr Daniels,

You posted this already a while back. Here's what i gave you back then. The translation above has got the gist of the speech, i'll let you do the rest.

Here's what i can make out from what he's saying, apologies for any errors.

คือทุกเพลงนี้ผมว่าเป็นเพลงสำคัญมากในชีวิดผม เพลงแรกเฉลิมเธอเปลียนไปไม่ต้องห่วงฉันไม่ไปหลอกเธอนี้มันเกิดหลังที่นี่นะ ลือเพลงนี้มันค่อยจะบอกถึง การคลังพี่ชายทุกที่พี่ชายคนหนึ่งทุกที่ แปปจะทำยังไงให้เขารู้เขารักเรา ตอน(or)ก่อนที่แปลงมันชอบเต็ม เป็นอารมณ์แปปว่าคนอกหักคนอกหัก แปลงเพลงไม่เป็นแล้วก็อยากไป เป็นคนที่เรา...เรารักที่จริงออกไป

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Sorry about that 'bhoydy'. .. ... :(

I tried to search for it in my posting history but I am far from 'computer savvy' so didn't see it. I certainly didn't mean to double post it. ;)

Thanx for the translation again; :D I'll try to keep better tabs on what I post and when. .. ...

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See the thread.

Uppalux had translated the voice over part on the comment #18 already.

This is what he said;

คือเรื่องพูดถึงเพลง ๆ นี้ ผมว่ามันเป็นเพลงที่สำคัญมากในชีวิตของผมนะ เพลงแรกฉันหรือเธอที่เปลี่ยนไป ไม่ต้องห่วงฉัน ไม่ตายหรอกเธอ นี่มันเกิดหลังเพลงนี้นะ เนื้อเพลงมันก็จะบอกถึงการที่ผู้ชายถูกทิ้ง ผู้ชายคนหนึ่งถูกทิ้ง แบบ..จะทำยังไงให้เขารู้ว่าเรารักเขาอะ.. ตอนที่แต่งมันก็เป็นอารมณ์แบบว่า คนอกหักอะ.. คนอกหักแต่งเพลงไม่เป็น แล้วก็อยากแต่งเพลงให้คนที่เรารักอะ.. ที่ทิ้งเราไป

แล้วก็อยากให้เขารู้ว่าเราอะ.. รักเขาจริง แล้วก็เวลาที่เค้าจากไปมันก็เหงา เหงาแล้วก็คิดถึง คิดถึงเสร็จแล้วก็รอ

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Thanx again. .

Sorry about the re-post :( .

While I can understand the written thai, my comprehension on the spoken voice over is abysmal.

Even following along with the ‘script’; that’s some fast cadenced thai for my ears to try to keep up with. Then again, I could just be cursed with extremely 'slow' ears. .. :whistling:

ฟังไม่ทัน ไม่รู้เรื่องเลย :o

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While I can understand the written thai, my comprehension on the spoken voice over is abysmal.


I have the same problem, mainly because in the past I read far more than I listened. I've heard people say that with a vocabulary of 3000 words you should be able to understand about 80-90% of input. My vocabulary was around 7000 words and if I watched a TV show or movie I felt like I only understood about 30-40% of it. I figured I must have learned a lot of really obscure words and that there were hundreds of common words I didn't know.

As a test, I watched a Thai movie with the Thai subtitles on and paused and read every line of the movie (since I can't read fast enough to keep up). I typed in every unknown word into thai2english and kept a running vocab list through the movie. At the end I was stunned to find there was only 55 unknown words! When I read a line then listened I could usually hear each word fairly clearly, but when I listened first then read it, I would often not understand what I heard only to find that I knew all the words and could read it easily.

I've since done this with about 15 movies, with a range of 35-155 unknown words. After I finish I learn the vocab list then re-watch it and I can understand most of the movie. My listening comprehension is really improving with TV and conversations as well.

You might want to give it a try.

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Thanks Kikenyoy, that is a really useful tip.

I have noted a simllar phenomenon with 'the Gheting reader', where I typically can get less than half of the meaning when I listen to each chapter, even after repeated attempts, but find as soon as I turn to read the text I can get about 95% of it at the first pass. Alas, I do this far too infrequently to make progress.

Through the many informative posts on this forum I am (re-)learning that the only thing wrong with my Thai learning strategy is a simple lack of - and frequency of - practice that involves the sort of dedicated effort you describe.

Thanks for the reminder!


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