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“Farang’ Behavior On A Thai Golf Course.


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Oh and one more thing THAIGOLFER could you tell me why you don't use the caddies at Gasson Lakes or would you like ME to tell the forum?

I'd like you to tell the forum, Thai Visa aint the place for secrets...So come on Skills, spill the beans....And lets hope the OP don't spit his :passifier: out....

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Holy H, I don't believe this thread.

First of all let me clear a few things up.

I have been golfing [badly] off and on for quite a few years now [for the pedants probably about 45.7231 years]

and am quite familiar with the rules and etiquette of golf.

I don't post here much but do read occasionally and the reason I replied to this post [indeed found] it was that it was pointed out to me by another member of our group[who was not present but guessed it was us because no one else played Gasson Lakes then].

When we started playing the first time we were the only ones on the course and had no qualms about playing a fivesome.

Now Thaigolfer once I found out that you had been called through, which had no problem with, I then had to get out of your way because by some stroke of fortune my ball was on the fairway. I was in the process of doing that and you walked off. You had to wait 20 seconds? Good heavens man I hope you didn't expect me to run for you [maybe I would have if I had known your importance].If waiting 20 secs was the cause of your game being ruined then I'm concerned for you. This does conflict a little with what I posted before but I'm sure that you can understand that my previous post was made late at night and upon reflection I can assure you that this is an accurate account of events.

The reason I am posting is not that I care because I don't, but because you have a trigger finger that has caused you to misunderstand the situation.

You see in the first instance all 5 of us understood your predicament and to allow you to play through was just plain common sense seeing we were the only players on the course.Your mistake was that you did not give me time to find safety.

You have a very short fuse my friend and then to get teed off because we wouldn't let you join us? Would you if the boot was on the other foot?

We will let you through again if the situation ever happens again but please understand that I am an old man and give me time to get out of your way.

Your apologies are accepted and we will consider the matter closed.


I'm lovin' all this golf trash talk!

To interject with a non-golfing term, the ball's on your side of the court, Thaigolfer.

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This is the first time I've ever seen a golf topic go this long. It's reviving my enthusiasm for the game.

Yes. American golfers, at least some of them, are totally obnoxious. I have made life-long friends on the golf course with people of all nationalities. Even Brits. Sorry for the shot. This wasn't the place to do it.

I was riding with an Irishman, and, also, playing with the Englishman who ran the golf outtings from his bar. I had a great time with the Irishman. Lots of laughs, and a who-gives-a fuc_k-anyway attitude. He said to me that he doesn't like p[aying with the Englishman because he's short-tempered, and very unforgiving. It became readily apparent to me what he was talking about. I liked the guy, anyway. I won a few bets from him, and he didn't like throwing money around either. I have many good memories from those days. Unfortunately, it was in Pattaya, and I won't go back there even for golf.

The air-horn thing was too funny. When we were kids, we lived near a golf course. There was one par three where you couldn't see the green from the tee. After the golfers would tee off, we would run on the green (if one of them was fortunate enough to hit the green) and either steal the ball, or put it in the hole. I know how wrong that is, but I haven't changed that much.

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Oh and one more thing THAIGOLFER could you tell me why you don't use the caddies at Gasson Lakes or would you like ME to tell the forum?

Is it because on Mondays and Thursdays you only have to pay a caddie fee and Tip? So is he not even paying to play???

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@ skills32


Oh and one more thing THAIGOLFER could you tell me why you don't use the caddies at Gasson Lakes or would you like ME to tell the forum?


Yes please, YOU tell the forum. We all waiting for it. However don't wait too long as people might think you need time to find another excuse.

BTW; when you notice I am ready to hit and all of your 5 ball waived me to play, YOU NOT START CROSSING THE FAIRWAY ANYMORE. You just wait on the left side where you were, until I finish my shot. Capito? 

Not at me to apologize my friend, I am still waiting for it despite you closed "the matter already". 

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You know what i do when people play slowly ? I pray god for them to play slowly more so i can play 20 balls per hole and only pay 1 time for the course. I do this EVERYTIME, and as i play very fast and i have a long game i normally play arround 10 to 15 balls on each hole, i try to slow more than them and i really enjoy it.

Sometimes i play so slowly that people who started 2 hours later come to join me and then i say them that people are playing very slowly so we all play 2 or 3 balls, sometimes they refuse to play so many balls but i ask them to play my 3 balls anyway, they normally never refuse as they don't like to wait too.

Take it easy next time, bring a lot of balls.

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@ skills32


Oh and one more thing THAIGOLFER could you tell me why you don't use the caddies at Gasson Lakes or would you like ME to tell the forum?


Yes please, YOU tell the forum. We all waiting for it. However don't wait too long as people might think you need time to find another excuse.

BTW; when you notice I am ready to hit and all of your 5 ball waived me to play, YOU NOT START CROSSING THE FAIRWAY ANYMORE. You just wait on the left side where you were, until I finish my shot. Capito? 

Not at me to apologize my friend, I am still waiting for it despite you closed "the matter already". 

Well if I were incensed enough to write and whinge to a forum then certainly I would have laid a complaint with the course management, unless I had a prior history of unsubstantiated whinging to the same establishment.

And seeing as how I had already paid the caddy fee I would certainly have used their services unless they wouldn't work for me.

Enough is enough, you are causing yourself grief and wasting my time. All you are doing is providing the whole of Thailand with an amusing diversion.If you are happy to do that fine but don't drag me into your perverse pleasures.

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This is fun. But makes me feel dirty.

Better than Last of the summer wine, Compo and Cleggy going head to head, I was hoping for some real juicy gossip, I wonder if the editor of the Chang mai mail was hoping to get a headline scoop of the year...

It is a bit pathetic, but it has given me a laugh or two, thanks you guys, round three seconds out... :fight:

Enough is enough, you are causing yourself grief and wasting my time. All you are doing is providing the whole of Thailand with an amusing diversion.If you are happy to do that fine but don't drag me into your perverse pleasures.

Well you did reply, so thanks for hanging your dirty washing out on Thai Visa, by the way how old are you 2 guys... :cheesy::cheesy:

Edited by MB1
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Amazing really, this whole thread.

I would never have thought (as a non-golfer) that such passions could be aroused by a game treated as holy ritual by some, and as exciting as watching paint dry on a barn wall by others.

Not being hip to the rules and etiquette, I would venture that if the 5 group wouldn't let the single play through, maybe he could:

1) practice with some nice snappy low flight zingers (after shouting "Fore!" of course)

2) fire up a boom box, with an emphasis on Eminem and Limp Bizkit

3) try a few practice flights with that new radio controlled helicopter purchased in Mae Sai

Or just resign himself to the fact that 5 outnumbers 1, and that they will beat the living tar out of him if he tries any of the above.

Praise be to Allah that we never had any of these problems with civility and violations of the "rules" on the high power rifle ranges where I shot.

Everyone was amazingly polite and friendly and forgiving and helpful.

Probably has something to do with handling deadly weapons, eh? :jap:

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Golf etiquette is largely about safety. For example

The player firthest from the green always plays first.

Never advance in front of that player. (in some cases even at a right angle can be dangerous!)

The golf ball is potentially lethal.

Playing through a group should always be done with caution.

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I wasnt in this group, nor have I played golf for a few weeks, but I must admit that I find golfers playing on their own very annoying. I am not sure of the etiquette in Thailand, but in the UK you would have no 'standing' on the course. Most of us will let single golfers through, but some days when you get 3 or 4 of them one after the other you just dont.

A license to play golf is only required in a few continental Europen countries as far as I am aware.

You come across from your post as an agressive person, hence maybe why you find yourself playing alone and not having people welcome you into their group.

Just my thoughts.


Some countries have a license to play golf? ? Does one also need a license to play tennis? ping pong? Hopscotch? What countries would these be?

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@ skills32


Oh and one more thing THAIGOLFER could you tell me why you don't use the caddies at Gasson Lakes or would you like ME to tell the forum?


Yes please, YOU tell the forum. We all waiting for it. However don't wait too long as people might think you need time to find another excuse.

BTW; when you notice I am ready to hit and all of your 5 ball waived me to play, YOU NOT START CROSSING THE FAIRWAY ANYMORE. You just wait on the left side where you were, until I finish my shot. Capito? 

Not at me to apologize my friend, I am still waiting for it despite you closed "the matter already". 

Well if I were incensed enough to write and whinge to a forum then certainly I would have laid a complaint with the course management, unless I had a prior history of unsubstantiated whinging to the same establishment.

And seeing as how I had already paid the caddy fee I would certainly have used their services unless they wouldn't work for me.

Enough is enough, you are causing yourself grief and wasting my time. All you are doing is providing the whole of Thailand with an amusing diversion.If you are happy to do that fine but don't drag me into your perverse pleasures.


This is disgusting man. Of course I knew you would come up with something like this as, on the course, you showed us your characters in detail already.Apparently your age did not bring you wisdom. I can stand many things and I am patient but a continual reversed attitude like this, is too far over the imaginary" line".

Yet, it was very simple; the caddies were all gone (caddy MOT)! Recently many caddies left Gassan. If you would be interested a bit in the world around you, you would know that the caddies are having a hard time at Gassan. From the 200 Baht you have to pay, 150 Baht only goes to them. This fee has not been paid out for months, some caddies waiting for almost a year. They are blocked between hammer and anvil; if they leave, they will never see their money. I suggested a few times to pay the caddy-fee to the lady directly but that has been refused.

Did you go to Gassan Marina lately? They even have no caddies anymore. If a customer shows up, they have to drive over the Gassan Lake caddies. 

It seems that no apologizes are coming anymore. You had the chance on the course and I gave you chances on the net to do it. It just confirms your"spirit" and incorrect behavior on the course.

3 flights like yours on the course and it ruins the pleasure and game of dozen other golfers!

I thank all people whom send a personal message to me and support my case. If all would be like you, golf would be much more fun in Thailand(Chiang Mai). Unfortunately, there will be always unruly people around, whether it being on Thaivisa, the course or somewhere else.

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Something similar happened to my wife and I at the supermarket checkout.

She was shocked when a bald man cut in front of us, commenting that it was her impression bald people were always polite.

I suggested she enroll in a logic class, since by automatically assuming that this man's baldness was the cause of his rudeness she had exhibited not only poor logic but blatant baldism.

She gave me a blank look of incomprehension. So I shot her.

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@ skills32


Oh and one more thing THAIGOLFER could you tell me why you don't use the caddies at Gasson Lakes or would you like ME to tell the forum?


Yes please, YOU tell the forum. We all waiting for it. However don't wait too long as people might think you need time to find another excuse.

BTW; when you notice I am ready to hit and all of your 5 ball waived me to play, YOU NOT START CROSSING THE FAIRWAY ANYMORE. You just wait on the left side where you were, until I finish my shot. Capito? 

Not at me to apologize my friend, I am still waiting for it despite you closed "the matter already". 

Well if I were incensed enough to write and whinge to a forum then certainly I would have laid a complaint with the course management, unless I had a prior history of unsubstantiated whinging to the same establishment.

And seeing as how I had already paid the caddy fee I would certainly have used their services unless they wouldn't work for me.

Enough is enough, you are causing yourself grief and wasting my time. All you are doing is providing the whole of Thailand with an amusing diversion.If you are happy to do that fine but don't drag me into your perverse pleasures.


This is disgusting man. Of course I knew you would come up with something like this as, on the course, you showed us your characters in detail already.Apparently your age did not bring you wisdom. I can stand many things and I am patient but a continual reversed attitude like this, is too far over the imaginary" line".

Yet, it was very simple; the caddies were all gone (caddy MOT)! Recently many caddies left Gassan. If you would be interested a bit in the world around you, you would know that the caddies are having a hard time at Gassan. From the 200 Baht you have to pay, 150 Baht only goes to them. This fee has not been paid out for months, some caddies waiting for almost a year. They are blocked between hammer and anvil; if they leave, they will never see their money. I suggested a few times to pay the caddy-fee to the lady directly but that has been refused.

Did you go to Gassan Marina lately? They even have no caddies anymore. If a customer shows up, they have to drive over the Gassan Lake caddies. 

It seems that no apologizes are coming anymore. You had the chance on the course and I gave you chances on the net to do it. It just confirms your"spirit" and incorrect behavior on the course.

3 flights like yours on the course and it ruins the pleasure and game of dozen other golfers!

I thank all people whom send a personal message to me and support my case. If all would be like you, golf would be much more fun in Thailand(Chiang Mai). Unfortunately, there will be always unruly people around, whether it being on Thaivisa, the course or somewhere else.

Caddy MOT?? - what is it? a training day? Like the car Test?

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I am one of the many regular golfers in Chiang Mai, sometimes playing with one of the two large organised mainly foreigner groups which play organised competitions in and around Chiang Mai, but more often these days playing with a small group of personal friends. Never in all my six years in Chiang Mai have I seen or heard such nonsense as spouted by the original poster. No wonder you play golf on your own, my friend, it seems no one else would have you!!

OK, there are occasional issues on a course, but without sounding disrespectful to any other nation, these occur almost exclusively when we have visiting golfers from the likes of Korea, Malaysia etc...and also on occasions when groups of Thai golfers insist on playing five or six balls, very slowly!!

Please, original poster, chill out, or join a group where politeness is a pre requirement of playing.

Incidentally, can anyone answer the oft asked question as to why Asian golfers always want to play as a five ball when the international standard across all the rest of the world is four??

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As a golfer I would like to respond to all of this none sense with a couple of points to this thread. And yes I do not try to put up my count but do receive all emails alerts and read everyday!

Golf is supposed to be played “in the spirit of the game” (R & A 2008 – 2011 Rules of Golf – section 1 page 26 ) The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and abide by the rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be.

Safety – Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.

No disturbance or distraction – Players should always show consideration for other players on the course and should not disturb their play by moving, talking or making unnecessary noise.

Priority on the course – Unless otherwise determined by the committee, priority on the course is determined by a group’s pace of play. Any group playing a whole round is entitled to pass a group playing a shorter round. The “term” group includes a single player.

Slow play – It is the responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If it losers a clear hole and it is delaying the group behind, it should invite the group behind to play through irrespective of the number of the players in that group.

1. Firstly Mr golfer I feel you are not telling the whole truth – are you?

2. Why do try to infer you are Thai – when you are clearly NOT – what nationality are you? Heck it must be catching I sound like you now – asking questions!

3. If you have been playing for 30 years you should show more consideration

4. The group on the first occasion did recognize you URGENCY to proceed and did invite you to play through

5. The man walking across the fairway was attempting to get out of the way and I don’t understand why a player has to stand on the left hand side of the fairway, even if that is where his ball is. He has admitted he is an older gentleman and I do not feel that it took 20 seconds for anyone playing golf to walk 70 yds – statistically he would he to be using a zimmer frame and each pace of over 3 seconds – ha ha ha – ridiculous!

6. If that was your first bad shot of the day – well done you exceed us all and some of the professionals and we should be watching you on the television – NOT!

7. Who really cares what tee you were playing off!!

8. Why did you walk up to the group on the 17th tee – whilst they were teeing off and started to speak – of course there was no comment they were teeing off!!

9. You asked if you could finish the last two holes together and the answer was NO – what is wrong with that??? - they were clearly playing a game together – DO YOU ALWAYS GET YOUR OWN WAY – I WONDER?

10. As pointed out and you have not disagreed – they were following a 5 ball and were keeping up with the pace of play in front – THEY DO NOT have to invite you to play through – however you didn’t want to play through you wanted to join

11. Who are you to approach anyone and ask for names?????? – was there an accident?

12. “Those big courageous farangs” – very aggressive talk! Do you think that by not entertaining your stupid questions they were being REAL GENTLEMEN and diffusing the situation?

13. Did you really speak to the caddies – TELL THE TRUTH! Ha ha ha I think ridiculous – if there was such a big problem to you why didn’t you talk to the MANAGEMENT or the starter! I wonder???? The caddies cannot do anything!

14. It was your pride that was hurt because of YOUR attitude that they didn’t want you to play with them.

15. BTW; when you notice I am ready to hit and all of your 5 ball waived me to play, YOU NOT START CROSSING THE FAIRWAY ANYMORE. You just wait on the left side where you were, until I finish my shot. Capito? - Heck! are you shouting here - YOU NOT START CROSSING THE FAIRWAY ANYMORE – sounds like a threat and to tell someone to stand in any spot – again I wonder if you are the police, or just an aggressive, arrogant person who has to have his own way?

16. If you are a real calm stand up pillar of the community who is caring and considerate to others and just had a BAD DAY! We all have them.

17. Sounds like – someone has spat their dummy out! – had their toy taken off them – dropped their teddy out of the pram!

18. The 19th hole is open to everyone – there is no problem with anyone having a beer after a round of golf! THOUSANDS DO!

19. To the very stupid uploaded comments re: send a zinger over their heads – just play through them – just hit the ball – what absolute stupidity!!!!! Safety at all times

20. Really loved the youtube video – made me laugh!

Further observation to all the threads I read daily – WHAT difference does it make to anyone if they have only 1 post as long as it benefits all who read it – there is NO POINT in posting one or two word idiotic comments just to put up your count, who really cares if you want to be a super super super grandfather member (must be a face thing) – benefit us all with some intelligent comments!

Have a good day – Gentlemen!!

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On second thoughts, seems people can get irritated with others @ just about every opportunity. Pity, I've never had a problem on the golf course, unless of course you are talking about me getting the ball into the hole, under par :lol:

Edited by neverdie
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Incidentally, can anyone answer the oft asked question as to why Asian golfers always want to play as a five ball when the international standard across all the rest of the world is four??

I can't say for sure, but could it be because in many East Asian countries four is an unlucky number?

I think that in parts of India, when people leave the house they leave in three's or other odd numbers because of the superstition that if you leave in even numbers, one of you will not return.

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On second thoughts, seems people can get irritated with others @ just about every opportunity. Pity, I've never had a problem on the golf course, unless of course you are talking about me getting the ball into the hole, under par :lol:

Yea, I have the same problem, :whistling:

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Something similar happened to my wife and I at the supermarket checkout.

She was shocked when a bald man cut in front of us, commenting that it was her impression bald people were always polite.

I suggested she enroll in a logic class, since by automatically assuming that this man's baldness was the cause of his rudeness she had exhibited not only poor logic but blatant baldism.

She gave me a blank look of incomprehension. So I shot her.

I have to agree, it was probably the most gentlemanly thing to do.

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Further to this thread – when thanking ALL the people who you say have sided with you - read their comments again most of which obviously DO NOT play the wonderful frustrating game of golf

There you go I have another post must be up to 3 now! WOW

got to start looking on youtube a bit more great vids

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Something similar happened to my wife and I at the supermarket checkout.

She was shocked when a bald man cut in front of us, commenting that it was her impression bald people were always polite.

I suggested she enroll in a logic class, since by automatically assuming that this man's baldness was the cause of his rudeness she had exhibited not only poor logic but blatant baldism.

She gave me a blank look of incomprehension. So I shot her.

Shooting is a bit over the top for a minor baldism transgression, surely a simple beating to near death would have been more appropriate?

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