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I have a three year old Rottweiler. Until last week he was OK but now his black coat of hair has turned white on his head and back, his nose is pink and he has an eye infection. He is lively enough and is still eating his food. Obviously he has a serious problem . I can't get the Vet until tomorrow.

Can any of you give me an idea of what could be wrong with him and give me the name of an ointment for his eyes please?

Wee Jimmy.


check out this link don't know if it will help. http://vitiligocover.com/rare-case-of-vitiligo-in-rottweiler-rommel/

I had a chow at 2 years old, that was all black, have his face turn light gray and his nose pink-but he had parvo (he almost died). At first I said, this is not my dog, I couldn't recognize him. The vet tried everything to get him to eat. Then his assistant walked in with her lunch-McDonalds hamburger, he lifted up his head-was interested so I rushed out and bought 2 plain burgers. Although I won't eat them--they saved my dog's life so I am forever grateful to them. His color returned to normal after he got over the disease and after I had spent about $1,500 but it was worth it to have my dog home-happy and healthy again. He lived 12 years after that and never had a reoccurance.<br><br>But you say your dog is eating fine so maybe like the article says the supplements mentioned are needed.--but I would show the article to a vet first don't try it on your own.<br>

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