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2 New Funny Rumours


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The latest rumour!

Within 10 years the capitol city will move from Bangkok to Chiang-Mai, because BKK will sink into the gulf.;)

Great, isn´t it? But the person, who told us this, is normaly not one, whose talking bullshit. But do we believe it? Not realy.

2. is more in the reality and important for us.

A new international borderpoint to Burma at Khun Yuam (Mae Hong Son Province) will be open very soon. Visarun and more very easy close to CNX over a new highway build from a Thai/Italian company. Has anybody else heart something about this or is today the first of april.

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The airport was talked about for a long time, but built in a really decent amount of time if you remember. Only 2 gripes left:

* The A pier at domestic does not have moving walkways going back from the gates to the main terminal

* When you connect internationally (the CIQ thing) you go through security 3 times total.. Once in Chinag Mai ( a breeze) then when going up to the departures areas (bastards), then you have a 780m walk to internatioinal (needs a train or other people mover like Hong Kong), then after getting your boarding passes you AGAIN go through security (also bastards). Major hike, major secuirity hassle.

As for the pie-in-the-sky projects for a new road to MHS: forget it. Would prefer that money to be spent on better roads between Chiang Mai and Bangkok or Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.

I do like Bangkok sinking in the sea though, keeping my fingers crossed for that one. Would love to visit Lampang Beach on weekends. (Provided that the entire Pattaya scene moves to Lampang)

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One suspects that they would move the capital a little closer to home... and certainly not place it in the Thaksin stronghold.

One also suspects that it wouldn't be some huge state secret, especially since they'd have to start building pretty furiously in already congested, heavily polluted Chiang Mai.

But is Bangkok sinking? Absolutely. And though there are protective measures that can be taken, by the time the govt and civil service divided up the spoils of such a megaproject, the place would already be under six feet of water.

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Yes I had heard about a border crossing in Ma Hong Son. When we were visiting my brother in law up there he took us to a little village supposed to have great tea. Any how I saw a sign pointing to Burma. Dirt road though . Should have followed it.

As for a new Capital talk to the military leaders in Burma they have a lot of experience in that area.LOL

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Actually, I heard about the Bangkok sinking / Chiang Mai new capital rumor over a year ago from my then 12 year old niece. She was reading something and looked very upset. When I asked her what was wrong she replied she was reading a copy of a very old Buddhist text which predicted that in 2553 there would be a major disaster that would cause Bangkok to sink into the ocean and be "lost forever", and that the city that was once capital of the ancient northern kingdom would become the new capital once again. Ancient Northern Kingdom? The Lanna Kingdom. Capital - Chiang Mai.

From what she told me, this would not be something that happens gradually, like the current situation of BKK slowing sinking, but something that would happen "overnight" from a "great catastrophe". Her English is very good, and I had her read parts of it and translate it, and what came out is that there will be a major earthquake, followed by a massive tsunami. The combination of the two will basically wipe BKK and much of that part of Thailand off the map.

Now, I know there are a lot of jokes that could be formulated from this - I can think of quite a few myself - but if it SHOULD happen, think of the countless deaths that would result from it. Perhaps as much as 10% of the population could/would be lost if that were to come true.

Not to mention the resulting chaos that would overtake the rest of the country with the complete loss of the central government. It would be a nightmare that would take many years to "wake up" from.

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If there were to be a new capitol, my guess is it would be moved to Nonthaburi, as that's where most of the government offices are now anyway. Would love to see a new, shorter, straigter road to Mae Hong Son, but I'd prefer the gondola ride to MHS which has been previously proposed. Hopefully it will connect to the water slide to Phitsanulok.

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I don't think such rumors are funny (and nobody wants any kind of tragedies) - but speculation can be amusing:

Who among us wants Chiang Mai to become another Bangkok? Who among us imagines that urban planning would make a new capital, wherever built, better? How delightful to see highrise apartments and condominiums running up to the top of Doi Suthep, The Pei covered over, and the valley free of farms. And whence the funds? Sheesh!

And unless it means a connection to great profit, who thinks that there will be a new road (to Myanmar?)? What huge commercial future profitability could be claimed for a road not more directly connecting to China? - Note that high-speed train connections are presently contemplated merely connect BKK to a nearby industrial port. Also, are the present leadership and its supporters known for pouring huge project funds into the North?

'Course, I'm only fresh in Chiang Mai and have everything to learn.

Edited by CMX
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I think Pattaya should become the capital inthat case; it's already the spiritual capital of Thailand in most ways.

have you heard the chanting of "oh my god" thru yr condo walls at night in Pattaya too? :D

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In the 20 years I have been living in Chiang Mai I've read about outdoor ski resorts on a mountain near Chiang Mai, an underground railway system to criss-cross Chiang Mai, an overland railway route from Bangkok via Chiang Mai to London, the moving of the airport to Doi Saket, and direct flights from Chiang Mai to Europe, so I guess this one doesn't seem so way out after all.

Edited by delboy
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I think Pattaya should become the capital inthat case; it's already the spiritual capital of Thailand in most ways.

:lol: bullshit !!

Ah, I caught one. (Though there was some truth in it, depending on what key characteristics you acknowledge in Thai culture. ;) )

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One suspects that they would move the capital a little closer to home... and certainly not place it in the Thaksin stronghold.

One also suspects that it wouldn't be some huge state secret, especially since they'd have to start building pretty furiously in already congested, heavily polluted Chiang Mai.

But is Bangkok sinking? Absolutely. And though there are protective measures that can be taken, by the time the govt and civil service divided up the spoils of such a megaproject, the place would already be under six feet of water.

Just get the Burmese to build it, they built their new Capital City pretty smartish.

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Actually, I heard about the Bangkok sinking / Chiang Mai new capital rumor over a year ago from my then 12 year old niece. She was reading something and looked very upset. When I asked her what was wrong she replied she was reading a copy of a very old Buddhist text which predicted that in 2553 there would be a major disaster that would cause Bangkok to sink into the ocean and be "lost forever", and that the city that was once capital of the ancient northern kingdom would become the new capital once again. Ancient Northern Kingdom? The Lanna Kingdom. Capital - Chiang Mai.

Meanwhile Mayan chronicles say the whole world ends in 2012 -- 2555 -- so guess the new capital won't be around long ;)

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Actually, I heard about the Bangkok sinking / Chiang Mai new capital rumor over a year ago from my then 12 year old niece. She was reading something and looked very upset. When I asked her what was wrong she replied she was reading a copy of a very old Buddhist text which predicted that in 2553 there would be a major disaster that would cause Bangkok to sink into the ocean and be "lost forever", and that the city that was once capital of the ancient northern kingdom would become the new capital once again. Ancient Northern Kingdom? The Lanna Kingdom. Capital - Chiang Mai.

Meanwhile Mayan chronicles say the whole world ends in 2012 -- 2555 -- so guess the new capital won't be around long ;)

The way i heard it is that is when their calender ends, but then it just starts over again. :unsure:

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I read an article months ago that Bangkok was sinking.

It will be time and it will happen.

Will be interesting to see when the alarms bells ring and everyone wants to leave Bangkok.

Bangkok is indeed sinking, albeit very slowly.It is after all built on paddy fields.Once know as the Venice of the East the number of Klongs (canals) that criss- cross the city is quite amazing.Many old buildings you can see quite clearly where the bottom step,leading up to the foyer. has broken away from the rest. A massive king tide together with flooding or heaven forbid a tsunami would make things very interesting

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About 18 months ago, I was reading in one of those local rags that Chiang Mai is set to become the business capital, and perhaps that's where the rumours sprang from.

By business, it talked of manufacturing and distributions. The infrastructure is in place with road, rail, and an international airport, so moving goods in and out is easy enough. Land is cheaper that greater Bkk, and so is labour, so for mass manufacturing and call centres etc, it makes perfect sense for CM to become the business hub of Thailand.


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Seems that Bangkok is indeed sinking and will be completely submerged....standing orders

We/I am have to arrange to move everything up from Samut Prakan to our house in Mae-on (Height 600 mts above sea level) by 12th November 2012.. :o .

(just bought a new Samsung flat TV from Homebase on last trip)so got to take it seriously.

Hopefully will get a chance to watch the Olympic games before we leave.... :unsure:

err...where the best place to buy some life jackers....with the lights and whistles.....Chat-a-chuk ...I suppose.

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I retract my earlier representations that the two ideas are unlikely.

Somehow I had not considered that the rumors/suggestions might be based on sophisticated political prognostications by ThVi members. Now I realize that the two ideas - 1) Chiang Mai as THE new center of industry, commerce, and government AND 2) new gargantuan governmental investment in Northern infrastructure (a fast road to a Mae Hong Song/Burmese connection just as an early example) - are based upon an underlying assumption of future election results.

I'm going out immediately to see if I can find red shirts in my size at a reasonable price, though it may be a bit early. If only I could buy property, I'd be in investment heaven!

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Actually, I heard about the Bangkok sinking / Chiang Mai new capital rumor over a year ago from my then 12 year old niece. She was reading something and looked very upset. When I asked her what was wrong she replied she was reading a copy of a very old Buddhist text which predicted that in 2553 there would be a major disaster that would cause Bangkok to sink into the ocean and be "lost forever", and that the city that was once capital of the ancient northern kingdom would become the new capital once again. Ancient Northern Kingdom? The Lanna Kingdom. Capital - Chiang Mai.

Meanwhile Mayan chronicles say the whole world ends in 2012 -- 2555 -- so guess the new capital won't be around long ;)

The way i heard it is that is when their calender ends, but then it just starts over again. :unsure:

Yep, the Mayan apocalypse scenario falls in the same millennial category as the 'Bangkok drops into the sea' rumour.

By the way did anyone feel the Pai-centred earthquake on 27 July?

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