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Bangkok To Stay Under Emergency Rule After Blast: PM

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I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.

I think the same way. If some of these people are in Thailand why are they here? I have not been impacted at all by the SoE, other than minor inconvenience when there was a curfew (necessary at the time and now long gone). And I was happy to accept that inconvenience for order to be restored. I'm happy in Thailand, no other country would have put up with the the redshirt shenanigans the way Thailand did. As long as there is a need for the SoE, it should be maintained - and used to prevent the redshirts from engaging in more violence...

you don't even know why they were demonstrating do you?

Oh and if you think Thaksin was corrupt. Get this. They're all at it. Get your head around the idea that the wealthy just get wealthier. 1 billion dollars. What's the interest?

They had to invent a new law called "Policy corruption."

This only applied to the prime minister. In other words should the PM get wealthier whilst in office he is guilty.

How the money is used is another matter. I believe we will see a lot more Mercedes cars on our streets as this is how the democrats will use Thaksin's money, heaven forbid they try to buy votes. It didn't work before.

Yes I know why they were demonstrating and they had some legitimate issues, but not justification for economic blackmail, extortion from residents of the area they seized, beating people who refused to copperate with them, firing grenades not only at military and government targets but counter-demonstrators. And I know that the reason the bulk of them were there was Thaksin and money. One lady standing next to me as they marched one day kept telling me she loved Thaksin, and Thaksin's image was everywhere in t their encampments and marches. A redshirt friend of mine told me they were paid, she said cut off the money and shoot some of them and the rally would be over. And she was a redshirt supporter. In the end they were a private army engaging in terrorist activities against the government of the Kingdom of Thailand, essentially paid mercenaries, the committed murder of counter demonstrators, police, and soldiers... And despite the nice rhetoric there was always really only one issue: Thaksin! No matter how many flowers you cover the crap with it still stinks.

Frankly I don't care if the SoE continues indefinitely as long as it keeps Thaksin's stormtroopers reined in.

Spot on.

We also know that the Thaksin Gang would just love to have another go at attacking the workers of Bangkok for their failure to support Thaksin.

The message is clear: Give me Thailand or I will destroy you. Arisman gave directions. Burn down Bangkok.

For the reds the job is unfinished.


<quote name='Robby nz' timestamp='1280283679' post='3778247'>

I shake my head in wonder when I read the comments of the Thailand haters on this site.

It is beyond belief that any of you can actually live in this country.

The SOE only impacts those who want to make trouble everyone else goes about their business as usual.

It is tragic that some idiots plant bonbs or throw grenades without care as to who they injure or kill.

Whatever the perceived motives in their twisted minds they must never be allowed to gain by these cowardly acts.

Lets hope they get the ones who planted the big C bomb and they receive their just deserts.</quote>

I think the same way. If some of these people are in Thailand why are they here? I have not been impacted at all by the SoE, other than minor inconvenience when there was a curfew (necessary at the time and now long gone). And I was happy to accept that inconvenience for order to be restored. I'm happy in Thailand, no other country would have put up with the the redshirt shenanigans the way Thailand did. As long as there is a need for the SoE, it should be maintained - and used to prevent the redshirts from engaging in more violence...

you don't even know why they were demonstrating do you?

Oh and if you think Thaksin was corrupt. Get this. They're all at it. Get your head around the idea that the wealthy just get wealthier. 1 billion dollars. What's the interest?

They had to invent a new law called "Policy corruption."

This only applied to the prime minister. In other words should the PM get wealthier whilst in office he is guilty.

How the money is used is another matter. I believe we will see a lot more Mercedes cars on our streets as this is how the democrats will use Thaksin's money, heaven forbid they try to buy votes. It didn't work before.

Yes I know why they were demonstrating and they had some legitimate issues, but not justification for economic blackmail, extortion from residents of the area they seized, beating people who refused to copperate with them, firing grenades not only at military and government targets but counter-demonstrators. And I know that the reason the bulk of them were there was Thaksin and money. One lady standing next to me as they marched one day kept telling me she loved Thaksin, and Thaksin's image was everywhere in t their encampments and marches. A redshirt friend of mine told me they were paid, she said cut off the money and shoot some of them and the rally would be over. And she was a redshirt supporter. In the end they were a private army engaging in terrorist activities against the government of the Kingdom of Thailand, essentially paid mercenaries, the committed murder of counter demonstrators, police, and soldiers... And despite the nice rhetoric there was always really only one issue: Thaksin! No matter how many flowers you cover the crap with it still stinks.

Frankly I don't care if the SoE continues indefinitely as long as it keeps Thaksin's stormtroopers reined in.

Spot on.

We also know that the Thaksin Gang would just love to have another go at attacking the workers of Bangkok for their failure to support Thaksin.

The message is clear: Give me Thailand or I will destroy you. Arisman gave directions. Burn down Bangkok.

For the reds the job is unfinished.

Excellent summary of granuaile.

I agree with - "Frankly I don't care if the SoE continues indefinitely" too actually, the SoE is only annoying for those planning to commit crime and I don't plan to do that. Thinking of it, perhaps I should bring my daughter along and burn a shopping mall :)

A better solution than keeing it would be to announce very stiff sentences on anyone encouraging rioting and burning, 10 years non-suspended for the foot soldiers is a good start, and follow through on it - and cut the funding. Everybody knows that many red shirt supporters were paid except some westerners who post here and don't understand any Thai and believe it is so because BBC hasn't reported the magnitude of it :) My wife has several friends believing in the red message put forward, they all got paid to go to the rallies of course, and stopped going there when they didn't get money or it got too dangerous. As will most taxi driver answer you if you ask in quick Thai with good pronunciation. Cutting the funding will really matter

Then there was Babcock not understanding that although most (most, it is not all) politicians are corrupt, it is really detrimental for the country when those who get into politics to get power and for personal economical gain rule. They inflate corruption considerably more than those who base their actions more on belief and they take decisions on the base of being able to pay back investors billions and billions of bath, not decisions in the best interest of the country or the poor. Thaksin was smart, and he was better than most of his predecessors at hiding corruption but it was rampant behind the scene. That some western posters here don't know and western media of course did not find enough evidence to be able to report it didn't mean that it wasn't more than what most of his predecessors did. There were so many reporting that corruption went up steeply when Thaksin came to power. Can I prove it? No. Can anyone prove it? Probably not and no one would be stupid enough to try, not if they value a long and healthy life anyway. I am appalled that some people are so slow that they actually think that the magnitude of corruption doesn't matter and yet they post publically


Bangkok To Stay Under Emergency Rule After Blast: PM. This is the sole reason why there will be more blast in Bangkok.

Writing that preposterous stuff Samrit, I don't suppose that you on your way to and from work every day see the burn damage from the rioters last time in 5 different places...


Bangkok To Stay Under Emergency Rule After Blast: PM. This is the sole reason why there will be more blast in Bangkok.

Writing that preposterous stuff Samrit, I don't suppose that you on your way to and from work every day see the burn damage from the rioters last time in 5 different places...

and and the mayhem of which has continued to occur with the recent series of bombs at Bhum Jai party headquarters, Ram Intra Road, and the PM's house today.


Bangkok To Stay Under Emergency Rule After Blast: PM. This is the sole reason why there will be more blast in Bangkok.

Writing that preposterous stuff Samrit, I don't suppose that you on your way to and from work every day see the burn damage from the rioters last time in 5 different places...

and and the mayhem of which has continued to occur with the recent series of bombs at Bhum Jai party headquarters, Ram Intra Road, and the PM's house today.


Thanks for that link - The intimidation is succeeding pretty well. I bet that the strategy is to keep this up, on and off, until the election next year. And that we as a result will see the reds wearing red in the run-up to because they dare to wear it and those who support pink and yellow won't dare to show / wear it - just like it was during the Chonburi election just a week ago - majority voted pink / yellow but there was much more red than pink / yellow to be seen.

I am back at this again, intimidation, I think it is very important - and un-democratic


Nobels Piece Price to Abbeshiit and to Thailands Goverment, when they can controll and kill people who do not support them.

Why USA, Russian, China does not say something?


Nobels Piece Price to Abbeshiit and to Thailands Goverment, when they can controll and kill people who do not support them.

Why USA, Russian, China does not say something?

Because they are too smart and see through the red shirt strategy, unlike you?


Nobels Piece Price to Abbeshiit and to Thailands Goverment, when they can controll and kill people who do not support them.

Why USA, Russian, China does not say something?

Because they are too smart and see through the red shirt strategy, unlike you?


p.s. to charlie: Don't wish to slow down your ranting, but spell checkers are available for free.


What SOE? PAD will have a big protest this Saturday at Govt house on the temple issue. Army will, as usual claim it is a national interest & no arrest, just like the protest in UNESCO office last week.


What SOE? PAD will have a big protest this Saturday at Govt house on the temple issue. Army will, as usual claim it is a national interest & no arrest, just like the protest in UNESCO office last week.

I think it is OK to protest in PM office.

The prosecution today again deferred, until Oct 7, its decision on whether to indict nine leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for the 193-day seizure of the Government House compound in 2008. If I am not mistaken, it is the 12th deferment over the last 2 years.


How many delays and deferments have there been over the last 3 years with the Red Shirt Leaders violent riot injuring hundreds at Prem's house the year before, in 2007?

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