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True Again


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When I went to the True office to sign up for HD service,the guy behind the desk simply kept repeating...cant do...cant do,only telephone your request.

Thought this was a bit strange,what was the office for??...OH Well,this is Thailand and True.

Yesterday,I went to their office to record my new address.....cant do,,,cant do, need copy of passport and copy of house lease....Why I asked, you have passport details on your files and why a copy of the lease...need them,he replied.

I was getting irrate...not a good thing in Thailand ,I know,but this guy was getting to me.....so in an attempt to rile the guy I said that I also wanted to cancell the HD agreement so would they come and replace the HD reciever....for which they would need my new address.

Cant Do...cant do !!!!

Now I would have thought that they would want to know where their valuable reciever was but......

I left.

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I am fairly confident that if there was a Thai Visa survey on the worst company to deal with here in Thailand True would win by a country mile. Apart from their poor programming they stonewall on the simplest requests and when you cancel it takes 2 months to get your deposit back and in the form of a cheque which the banks take days to clear.Just wonderful if you happen to be returning to your home country.

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Now don't get me wrong here as I have had several run ins with these clowns but I can remember the hassle I have had in the past from SKY back in the UK. Hours on hold on the phone and bumped from one department to another where English is only the 3rd or 4th language spoken. The same goes for the internet companies back home. Telling me my broadband would be installed on a certain day which meant losing a days pay at 150 -200 POUNDS and then not turning up on 3 occasions. Customer service seems to be poor everywhere these days not just here in LOS :D

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I am fairly confident that if there was a Thai Visa survey on the worst company to deal with here in Thailand True would win by a country mile. Apart from their poor programming they stonewall on the simplest requests and when you cancel it takes 2 months to get your deposit back and in the form of a cheque which the banks take days to clear.Just wonderful if you happen to be returning to your home country.

Cancelled my TrueVisions as there were to many repeats and vey little choice of channels.The only new ones they introduce are all Thai and the lack of commentry in English for the World Cup finished me. Took me nearly 3 months to get my deposit back and then it was in cheque form and the bank charged me 10 baht to put it into my account

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Yeah, it's frustrating. In Thailand you keep dealing with people who can't help you, while in the west we have on-line support that can't help you and automatic phone service "press 1 if...., press 2 if...." that can't help you. In fact it's practically impossible to deal with a person when you have a problem with a big business in the west; now that's progress!

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I am fairly confident that if there was a Thai Visa survey on the worst company to deal with here in Thailand True would win by a country mile. Apart from their poor programming they stonewall on the simplest requests and when you cancel it takes 2 months to get your deposit back and in the form of a cheque which the banks take days to clear.Just wonderful if you happen to be returning to your home country.

The saga continues.......... thinking I could circumvent the guy at True CM I emailed 'TrueCare' to advise them of the change. Recieved a nice reply thanking me for the info and wanting to know if the equipment was at the new address....replied that it was and was was working OK.......AH Ah!! success.

WRONG.....now recieved an email saying that they can change the billing address but not the location address.

Wanted to know the new location(( already given of course) so that the local tech can come and ensure a propper installation....and during his visit he will need to inspect....1 passport.......2 house registration...3.copy of landlords identy card. 4 some utility bill.

:annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed: :annoyed:

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I am fairly confident that if there was a Thai Visa survey on the worst company to deal with here in Thailand True would win by a country mile. Apart from their poor programming they stonewall on the simplest requests and when you cancel it takes 2 months to get your deposit back and in the form of a cheque which the banks take days to clear.Just wonderful if you happen to be returning to your home country.

Now would that make a "country mile" longer in the West or here in Thailand? I always wondered how long is a "country mile"? ;)

I do get a kick out of some of their signs here giving short distances like 1,3, 5 Km and and they become like 3x to -5x that in reality!


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