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Very Strange Happening

Gonzo the Face

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This morning , the 29th, 10:20AM. Reading, or trying to, the internet Nation current edition the following kept happening repeatedly.

Opening the sub heading " Breaking News "

There are 8 items or articles made reference to.

7 of these breaking news stories will open repeatedly

1 of those breaking news stories will not open and responds with the prompt that it has been blocked by the ICT.

I tried all of them several times each..

The one that will not open is the one that says "Bangkok voted "world's best" - before the riots

is someone ashamed of this story , do they think it is just too much for a realistic person to swallow ????

Any thoughts ?

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It's a simple technical error. If you go to the section on the right ("Today's big stories"), you'll be able to pull up that same story without a problem. As for your comment ("is someone ashamed of this story , do they think it is just too much for a realistic person to swallow")...how do you guys come up with such bizarre explanations for a simple website glitch?

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It's a simple technical error. If you go to the section on the right ("Today's big stories"), you'll be able to pull up that same story without a problem. As for your comment ("is someone ashamed of this story , do they think it is just too much for a realistic person to swallow")...how do you guys come up with such bizarre explanations for a simple website glitch?

who is talking about the website..... I'm talking about Bangkok being the worlds best city..... thats what is bizarre. And as much as I love Chiang Mai, it is voted Number 2, worlds Best >>>>>> com'on on already

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It's a simple technical error. If you go to the section on the right ("Today's big stories"), you'll be able to pull up that same story without a problem. As for your comment ("is someone ashamed of this story , do they think it is just too much for a realistic person to swallow")...how do you guys come up with such bizarre explanations for a simple website glitch?

who is talking about the website..... I'm talking about Bangkok being the worlds best city..... thats what is bizarre. And as much as I love Chiang Mai, it is voted Number 2, worlds Best >>>>>> com'on on already

Got it. Sorry about that. Maybe I was a tad annoyed, having just posted on the "farang" controversy thread (again).

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