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Your Favorite Caddy May Be Available


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Yesterday, the wife and I had lunch at Green Valley in CM. Afterwards, I went to get the car, while the wife waited at the 'bag drop' area. A farang drives up, drops his bag, and says he wants caddy number 310, "Noi," then drives off to park. The in-charge guy is told by the caddies milling about that, yes, Noi is here and available. However, the in-charge dude says to get the next caddy in line.

The wife, no shrinking violet, queries the i-cg about this, and is told that you have to phone ahead to reserve a caddy, otherwise you get the next in the queue. And the head caddy in the milling-about group confirms this. "But what will you tell the farang....?" He says he'll just say that Noi is not available today. I drive up, she hops in, and, unfortunately, we don't get to witness the caddy situation being explained to the farang.

I don't play enough golf to have established a cadre of favorite caddies. However, I hope to some day -- to at least be able to ask for one amongst several alternatives, without making a phone reservation. But, based on Green Valley, I'll get the next in the queue (but, would be interesting to see how they explain away that all four of my choices are not available.....).

Anyway, is this standard practice in Thailand? If so, I guess phoning ahead makes sense if you really want a particular caddy -- or to at least narrow your choices to known quantities.

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I am a longtime member at GVCC. I used to reserve a certain caddy but always did so over the phone directly with her. We agreed on a meeting time and I would meet her in the parking lot. If you try to drive up to the bag drop area and get a special caddy, then that is not generally going to work, because a queue of caddies has formed, all waiting on the chance to get some work. It is simply not fair to them.

But a pre-arranged relationship is tolerated by all. Just don't rub their noses in it.

I later found that as you start to reply on one certain caddie to handle your bag, you also get the baggage that comes along with that girl and any quirks she may have...some tend to become mother hens, dictating which club to use. I actually had lady of this ilk refuse to hand me the club I wanted (a 60-degree wedge for a high-lofted bunker shot). Some girls start expecting little extras, such as an increase in their tip over time. And if you wake up late and miss your tee-time, and fail to pre-notify the lady, you generally owe some compensation to her. All in all, I decided a couple of years ago to simply grab the next girl in the queue. Life became a lot simpler.

The other thing we golfers have to remember is that the caddie is not responsible if you hit a bad shot, hit over or short of the green, or make an off-line putt or read the speed wrong. Hers is advice only and you have to be the final arbitrator of that advice. Most caddies also cannot differentiate distances to various pin locations on the greens, or factor in elevation changes. She simply parrots off the yardage shown on the nearest marker...which at GVCC is measured to the center of the green. As we all know, most greens can be 3 clubs deep...so knowing the correct yardage is a key factor. Use GPS, interpolate the caddie's information...whatever.

Endeth the sermon on caddies....enjoy the game!

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This extortion was started at Phoenix a rew years ago as well, take the caddy next up on the list, no private bookings between golfer and caddy, only way you can get your caddy is to book thru the office, and pay the office a 100 baht fee, the caddy gets no part of this, and you must book a day ahead, cannot phone in the morning to book for the afternoon, not too popular with golfers or caddies.

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For the last 2 years my wife and I have always booked our favourite 2 caddies at Springfield. We've encountered no problems in doing this. We call the caddies a couple of days beforehand and also mention this to the golf desk when booking our tee off time (no additional charge).

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I have never found this to be a problem. If I drive up to the bag drop and I spot a good caddie I've played with before amongst the waiting ones I simply ask for her. A good caddie is worth her weight in gold. Obviously, making an appointment on the phone with her directly is even better.

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I have my own caddy when playing at Windsor but during a recent game with a friend, he took the next caddy in the queue. It turned out that she had been at the golf course since 3.30 am to be at the front of the queue and to give herself the best chance of having work for that day. Thus, before any talk of extortion, kindly consider that the club is only trying to be fair to the less fortunate (or less pretty) caddies.....

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I have my own caddy when playing at Windsor but during a recent game with a friend, he took the next caddy in the queue. It turned out that she had been at the golf course since 3.30 am to be at the front of the queue and to give herself the best chance of having work for that day. Thus, before any talk of extortion, kindly consider that the club is only trying to be fair to the less fortunate (or less pretty) caddies.....

I think the 'extortion' claim was to Phoenix charging the golfer an incremental 100 Baht to pre-order a caddy by phone the day before (or earlier). I noticed this sign when playing there last week on a golfing trip to the Eastern Sin-board.

I use a regular caddy in Chiang Mai and always book in advance, both with her and the pro-shop. For another 100 Baht, on top of the fee + tip, I'd question the value in booking and thus this girl who is good (or pretty or good company etc) would lose work to (potentially) lesser caddies through no fault of her own. Yes I know it's only 100 Baht, but the caddy cost is already roughly three times the cost of the green fees (when taking into account a long term membership & playing 3 or 4 times a week).

I think 'extortion' is the wrong term but I don't like Phoenix' policy and would too be frustrated if they implemented at my club.

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  • 3 weeks later...

...kindly consider that the club is only trying to be fair to the less fortunate (or less pretty) caddies.....

Yeah, some people play golf to exercise, some for the fresh air, and I guess others for the "socializing" (especially Pinehurst night golf, in which case golf is only beginning).

Myself, I play to better my game, I don't care what the caddy looks like as long as he/she is able to give some guidance on my next shot.

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...kindly consider that the club is only trying to be fair to the less fortunate (or less pretty) caddies.....

Yeah, some people play golf to exercise, some for the fresh air, and I guess others for the "socializing" (especially Pinehurst night golf, in which case golf is only beginning).

Myself, I play to better my game, I don't care what the caddy looks like as long as he/she is able to give some guidance on my next shot.

I keep hearing about this Pinehurst night golf.... might check it out once when I can round up a few buddies for a game.

As to a Thai caddy giving guidance on golf shots.......??? Try Spring City Kunming. They will even tell you which side of the green to land your ball on.

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  • 2 months later...

in 2008 I came across caddy 305 @ Burapha booked her a couple of times and again in 2009 so of course when 2010 rolled around I booked 305 time comes to lob at the course, expecting 305 to be ready to roll low and behold no 305 ..... explanation from starter and desk no 305 no 305 I was like yeah ok thats fine but why no 305??

Only when the caddy I had told me she was towelled up on the motorcycle did the picture come clear just quietly I miss her quirks too!!

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in 2008 I came across caddy 305 @ Burapha booked her a couple of times and again in 2009 so of course when 2010 rolled around I booked 305 time comes to lob at the course, expecting 305 to be ready to roll low and behold no 305 ..... explanation from starter and desk no 305 no 305 I was like yeah ok thats fine but why no 305??

Only when the caddy I had told me she was towelled up on the motorcycle did the picture come clear just quietly I miss her quirks too!!

I'm probably being a bit thick here :), but what an earth does "toweled up on the motorcycle" mean ?

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Sometimes even a booking doesn't work.

I played at Loch Palm (Phuket) recently with a group of friends using a tour company (there were 6 of us, playing at 3 different courses over the weekend). The tour company made a caddie booking for us (5 specific caddies), and I even called myself the week before we played to confirm the booking.

Then, we show up, they say there is no booking and we have to take the next caddies in line. I protest saying I personally made the booking. Two of the booked caddies do finally join us, off we go to play.

The following week, these two caddies are suspended for two weeks.

I guess this fits the stories earlier in the year about some rather interesting changes to caddie management at this course. You may recall at one point the caddies organized to shut down the road leading to th course (maybe not a good idea, but it shows how frustrated they were).

Not sure who is benefiting from these changes......does not seem to be the paying customers.

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