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What Is A Fair Amount To Give Your Lady


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A lot of posters insisting that this girl needs to get a job.

Well, good luck to her in finding a job where she can work one month on and one month off (to coincide with the OP's work pattern) so she can spend time with her b/f when he gets off the rig.

I can only think of one occupation which would make that possible - but, unlike other posters, I don't believe that every girl you meet in Pattaya is a prostitute.

OP - It's your money, you work hard to get it, spend it on things that give you pleasure. If it pleases you to have your g/f available to spend time with you when you're on leave, then you will need to give her money to live on. If it pleases you to give her a lifestyle she may not have had without you, then give her that lifestyle.

Regarding the amount - 20,000 seems like a decent (but not overly generous) amount for a single girl, it won't buy her a Benz or a new condo, but it will give her the lifestyle of a girl who has a b/f on the rigs.

However, the lifestyle of a a girl who has a husband on the rigs is much more expensive - so take care. :whistling:

Thank you for your reply. It is basically how I felt prior to posting. I was just wondering what other did. All the warning are also helpful as sometimes we get lost in love and can't see the path ahead. Hopefully this will turn into something wonderful but who knows...if it fails I will try to remember the good moments and forget the bad. Cheers !

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I don't give my Thai Lady (my wife of 15 + a few more years) any money, as she has access to OUR joint account and can take when she requires money! ;) ;)

That's how we approach it. All funds and monies are ours. As we have a number of income diversities - business, work, farms, etc. Actually, I comfortable with having her look after all daily expenses and what whatnot......if I'm of the need for some pocket change, I just ask the boss:rolleyes:. I believe that you'll find that this type of arrangement is more common than not. Situations differ, of course. Makes good sense to approach this manner above if one is an absent-tee or part-time resident. But other lifestyles are real and solid as year-round everyday living and residency.

That's exactly what we do. This also reverses the roles when it comes to hiding funds. :) Now I'm the one having to get creative in finding non-traceable sources of money, or de-laundering legit money into hidden funds. :D Oh let me count the ways. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Be fair - how can she tell everyone she meets that she has met her meal ticket for the rest of her life if you only pay her 20,000 baht a month?

Yes, she would earn half of that if she had to work - but that is not the point.

You have to give her enough to PROVE to her friends that she has ripped off some farang who was too witless to realise. Her friends won't be impressed otherwise.....

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I don't give my Thai Lady (my wife of 15 + a few more years) any money, as she has access to OUR joint account and can take when she requires money! ;) ;)

That's how we approach it. All funds and monies are ours. As we have a number of income diversities - business, work, farms, etc. Actually, I comfortable with having her look after all daily expenses and what whatnot......if I'm of the need for some pocket change, I just ask the boss:rolleyes:. I believe that you'll find that this type of arrangement is more common than not. Situations differ, of course. Makes good sense to approach this manner above if one is an absent-tee or part-time resident. But other lifestyles are real and solid as year-round everyday living and residency.

That's exactly what we do. This also reverses the roles when it comes to hiding funds. :) Now I'm the one having to get creative in finding non-traceable sources of money, or de-laundering legit money into hidden funds. :D Oh let me count the ways. :)

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<snip> 20,000 seems like a decent (but not overly generous) amount for a single girl, it won't buy her a Benz or a new condo,<snip>

It would if she had a bunch of guys sending her money.

But otherwise you're right, 20k isn't much for Pattaya. It has to be remembered that people not working tend to spend more out of boredom, and simply because they have more time.

The OP seems to know the score. He might as well spend a bit of money to see where this leads.

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I don't give my Thai Lady (my wife of 15 + a few more years) any money, as she has access to OUR joint account and can take when she requires money! ;) ;)

That's how we approach it. All funds and monies are ours. As we have a number of income diversities - business, work, farms, etc. Actually, I comfortable with having her look after all daily expenses and what whatnot......if I'm of the need for some pocket change, I just ask the boss:rolleyes:. I believe that you'll find that this type of arrangement is more common than not. Situations differ, of course. Makes good sense to approach this manner above if one is an absent-tee or part-time resident. But other lifestyles are real and solid as year-round everyday living and residency.

That's exactly what we do. This also reverses the roles when it comes to hiding funds. :) Now I'm the one having to get creative in finding non-traceable sources of money, or de-laundering legit money into hidden funds. :D Oh let me count the ways. :)

I'm sooo impressed. Yet another farang who thinks cheating is acceptable.

No wonder we have such a bad name here.

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I don't give my Thai Lady (my wife of 15 + a few more years) any money, as she has access to OUR joint account and can take when she requires money! ;) ;)

That's how we approach it. All funds and monies are ours. As we have a number of income diversities - business, work, farms, etc. Actually, I comfortable with having her look after all daily expenses and what whatnot......if I'm of the need for some pocket change, I just ask the boss:rolleyes:. I believe that you'll find that this type of arrangement is more common than not. Situations differ, of course. Makes good sense to approach this manner above if one is an absent-tee or part-time resident. But other lifestyles are real and solid as year-round everyday living and residency.

That's exactly what we do. This also reverses the roles when it comes to hiding funds. :) Now I'm the one having to get creative in finding non-traceable sources of money, or de-laundering legit money into hidden funds. :D Oh let me count the ways. :)

I'm sooo impressed. Yet another farang who thinks cheating is acceptable.

No wonder we have such a bad name here.

Who's talking about cheating?

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I usually send my girl 30k to 50k baht a month

I can afford it and it makes her friends at the massage parlour jealous, which is the main thing.

Thats where she works ?:)

Yeah, I liked his post too. (+1). I like posts that get other posters Depend's all twisted up.

And to be honest, I send my wife about 80K baht a month. Then she takes care of everything.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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"How much should you give your Thai Lady each month. I spend 50% or more of my time working out of the country. When I am in Thailand I pay for everything, food, rent and everything else. I currently give her 20,000 baht a month. When I am not there she needs to pay her rent and internet,, about 3600 baht..."

I'm sure that when you're not here, she has other guys supporting her. I hope that isn't a surprise.

"I know this issue has had to be discussed before but I could not find."

Strangely, it seems as though there is a "rule" of how much money a guy gives a woman. There is no rule.

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I usually send my girl 30k to 50k baht a month

I can afford it and it makes her friends at the massage parlour jealous, which is the main thing.

Thats where she works ?:)

She used to. Now I think she just goes there for a massage, a bit of a chat - and to show off her gold to her ex-colleagues.

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The word ' Lady ' in the topic title really is a bit confusing. IFFFF, your woman was retrieved from a bar, then the term lady really doesn't belong. Should read ' What is a fair amount to give your GIRL ' Why, because whether farang or Thai point of view they are totally different animals, forgive the word.

(+1) Excellent. ;)

However, girl mostly relates to children, teenagers and possibly young adults. As this tends to be an area in Thailand where it's best not to leave any doubt whatsoever, something denoting adulthood I think is a good route to take. How about 'woman'? That's descriptive, and doesn't imply classiness? More of a biological definition of the female half of the species? Comments?

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The way some guys are spending money is what is creating the problems we later see when many pretty girls start demanding it - since they know that there are so many guys out there that will do it...

You guys have lost the plot. Because you all get carried away with the bg thing you don't really understand the question.

Let's say it is your wife... If you leave the country , say to work or long visit to home country, how much would you give you WIFE each month to live on ?

Now ..the second question is, If you are in country how much spending money would you give he each month. ( lets say for now she does not work)

I do not think people have lost the plot

They are offering there opinions on a thread you started

requesting others opinions.

If you are ok with giving her 20K a month then that is fine

If it means you go with less then that is not fine

Feed and clothe yourself first.

If you asked her to stop working, then you should in fact

keep paying her an allowance. I asked my wife to stop working

so she could be around more as I do online work, so I give her

a weekly allowance. Some weeks more than others depending

on cash on hand. If she ever says "not enough" the next week

she gets less ... she now never says not enough and always

says thank you.

Bottom line, up yo you .... not "well me friends BG friend gives more"

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I usually send my girl 30k to 50k baht a month

I can afford it and it makes her friends at the massage parlour jealous, which is the main thing.

So is she still working there ? ;)

As I mentioned earlier I think she just goes there for a massage and to boast about how generous I am to her friends.

After she finished work at another place where I met her, I sent her on a massage course at Wat Po. She is pretty good at it now and even knows a thing or two about the prostate!

I guess she may do the odd massage every now and then just to keep her hand in.

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What is a fair amount to give a lady? Answer, nothing.

If she is your live in partner, then you share and share alike. Just a girlfriend that you date, then you pay and perhaps she will pay sometimes if the girl really likes fancies you, enjoys your company and is sincere.

If she is only with you as long as you pay, then you are hiring the services of a hooker and she cannot be described as your lady.

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This is a familiar Post which seems to pop up about every 3 months.

However, If you had a lovely girlfriend back in your own Country,who was madly in love with you,and you both had no children (as now)then how much per month would you pay her to sit on her A**?

Thai Girlfriend now x Girlfriend back home = Answer

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This is a familiar Post which seems to pop up about every 3 months.

However, If you had a lovely girlfriend back in your own Country,who was madly in love with you,and you both had no children (as now)then how much per month would you pay her to sit on her A**?

Thai Girlfriend now x Girlfriend back home = Answer

If I had girlfriend in my own country, Thai or otherwise, and I was the number one in her life, then we would be as a happy couple. No girl that loves you would expect to be kept and not put into the relationship. In this case the question of how much would you pay her to do nothing is immaterial unless she’s a hooker.

Unless we had kids together I would not pay an ex girlfriend anything, for what purpose?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Back home you would not let your gf sit on her ass and do nothing. At least 90% of the guys would expect the girl to work. Here guys need to offer the girl something to stay with them. If they don't they cant have the sexy / beautiful girl they have now. Unless they themselves are desirable too (that is the main problem usually)

Guys want girls that are out of their class, younger, stunners ect. They cant get those girls by looks and behavior alone. So they have to sweeten the pot and offer her money to stay home and do nothing. And of course take care of her and her extended family.

There are exceptions here like guys working on rigs, i can imagine them wanting to see their gf more in their off time. Guys that are retired maybe too.. me.. i would go stark raving mad if i was with my wife / gf 24/7

But everyone is different.

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10k a month is enough for a lady to live and support her family from anywhere in Thailand.

Any more and you are giving her a luxury lifestyle, but that's up to you.


I completely support my MIL with all her needs, she has her own house in a village, I give her 3k a month for everything else.

If she didn't have her own home, one could be rented for 1k a month.

There are strings attached, the MIL signs the house and land over to my wife.

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The way some guys are spending money is what is creating the problems we later see when many pretty girls start demanding it - since they know that there are so many guys out there that will do it...

You guys have lost the plot. Because you all get carried away with the bg thing you don't really understand the question.

Let's say it is your wife... If you leave the country , say to work or long visit to home country, how much would you give you WIFE each month to live on ?

Now ..the second question is, If you are in country how much spending money would you give he each month. ( lets say for now she does not work)

When I go away my wife gets the same allowance as when we're separated by her visiting the village; nothing.

Not being righteous and I am aware of the dangers of trusting a live-in with the life savings, but wifey knows where the mother lode is buried and the only time I can recall squabbling over her extravagance was when she got carried away and lashed out in a fit of unbridled merit with 500 instead of my expected 100 at some monk fest. Anyway I hope that 500 is paid back x-fold in the next life as the desperados promised, but I doubt it will.

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Sometimes when I break a thousand baht note I will give my wife a couple of hundreds (mad money I guess). If I ask her if she wants more she generally says "no, if you give it to me I will spend it". I also give her money to pay the bills (she really nags about bills).

If she wants something I buy it for her, usually we shop together. We seem to be happy.

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Sometimes when I break a thousand baht note I will give my wife a couple of hundreds (mad money I guess). If I ask her if she wants more she generally says "no, if you give it to me I will spend it". I also give her money to pay the bills (she really nags about bills).

If she wants something I buy it for her, usually we shop together. We seem to be happy.

Don't you know for sure? :)

With quite a lot of couples in East Asia, and in Thailand, it's common for the husband to give his salary to the wife and keep an allowance for himself. In my family, we don't even have separate accounts. We both make money and we both spend sensibly, withdrawing money as needed. For big ticket items, we consult each other and make a joint decision.

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Sometimes when I break a thousand baht note I will give my wife a couple of hundreds (mad money I guess). If I ask her if she wants more she generally says "no, if you give it to me I will spend it". I also give her money to pay the bills (she really nags about bills).

If she wants something I buy it for her, usually we shop together. We seem to be happy.

Don't you know for sure? :)

With quite a lot of couples in East Asia, and in Thailand, it's common for the husband to give his salary to the wife and keep an allowance for himself. In my family, we don't even have separate accounts. We both make money and we both spend sensibly, withdrawing money as needed. For big ticket items, we consult each other and make a joint decision.

I know for sure ;)

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20,000 Baht is about twice what somebody might in earn in a store or a basic office job, and they would need to pay for all their food, rent, travel and other expenses out of that.

Depends where she is. It could be four times as much if she is up country.

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What is a fair amount to give your lady?

The amount she needs to buy the basics of life if she is somehow out of work. If she is not looking for work, or doesn't want to work. Wave her goodbye.

Unless of course ye are married and have a family and her duty is to be a housewife and mother.

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