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What Is A Fair Amount To Give Your Lady


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It's nice of you to think of her mama and poppa but you shouldn't forget about her Thai boyfriend or husband who needs to maintain and pay installments on his new motorbike, finance his drinking, smoking and yaa baa habits, as well as support his own mia noi. I suggest you up it by at least 100% to avoid her getting beaten up too badly when he drops by blind drunk and broke again in the middle of the night.

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This is so true, attractive Thai ladies want keeping, ugly Thai ladies want a boyfriend/husband.

As one Thai lady said to me

"You chase pretty girls and will always have trouble, pretty girls have many options and behave badly, you need girl like me."

(she was not at all pretty)

When someone boasts how he never gives his girl any money, I get an instant image of what they look like in my mind. Maybe you should post a photo of the lady, when you say how much/little you give.I've never noticed that an ugly man or old man pays more, seems entirely dependent on the looks of the lady.

I will have to disagree, it depends on the looks of the lady compared to the guy. If this was not true why is it that normal young Thais and normal young farang have super sexy gf's and they don't pay. The uglier or more handicapped (mentally and physically) you are the more you pay. But if you have an ugly girl then the difference gets smaller and you pay less. (the less the difference is the less chances there are for her to find better)

I think it depends on where they first met, what she does for a living, how old she is, if she has kids, etc etc.. If she is over 26 and worked the bar for a few years she may be ready to get out and look for a possible husband. Perhaps anyone who appears to offer some kind of support, money is only part of it, and a future is what she maybe looking for. I see this many times. If she is over 30, I think chances are if you are ok looking and under 60 she will stay...again ..looking for a future. The problem is with the young beautiful 19 to 23 year old girls. If an older man in his 50'sor 60's wants to have one of these for keepers he will have to offer something in the beginning to keep her interested. The relationship will last not due to money but if they are happy together. If they are not happy it will end no matter how much he pays. I know a few guys who are over 50 and have married very young beautiful girls. They offered support in the beginning but later fell in love, both, and married. The ones I know are very very happy ! Man over 50, ok looking, with young knockouts ...married and happy. The ones I know are either mothers now or are now working either in the husband business or outside of the house.

And I share all cost with the wife she pays 40% of electricity, mortgage, internet, car ect. I pay most of the food and the other 60%. Because i have a deal like that according to your theory my wife would be one of the ugliest ones around. Maybe she is ugly most people say she is not and she got a facebook full of people saying she is not. But it all depends what you like in a girl. Talking about beauty is kinda hard its just like talking about food one person likes this an other does not.

But i think we can all agree that an overweight guy with a belly and sagging body is not handsome compared to a guy in the prime of his life (early 20's).

I think it depends on where they first met, what she does for a living, how old she is, if she has kids, etc etc..every relationship is different. If she is over 26 and worked the bar for a few years, married before with kids or just ready to settle down I think they will stay with any decent guy no matter of age or how much money they get. Perhaps anyone who appears to offer some kind of support, money is only part of it, and a future is what most are really looking for. I see this many times. If she is over 30, I think chances are if you are a nice guy and under 60 she will stay...again ..looking for a future. The problem is not with the older Thai girls. The problem is with the young beautiful 19 to 24 year old girls. If an older man in his 50'sor 60's wants to have one of these for keepers he will have to offer something in the beginning to keep her interested. The relationship will last not due to money but if they are happy together. If they are not happy it will end no matter how much he pays. I know a few guys who are over 50 and have married very young beautiful girls. They offered support in the beginning but later fell in love and married. The ones I know are very very happy ! Man over 50, ok looking, with young knockouts ...married and happy. The ones I know are either mothers now or are now working either in the husband's business or outside of the house.

I see many young guys out there who fit your description of overweight with a belly and sagging body. I also see many young guys who are in great shape but are total losers.The poor girls with them think they got something but only because they don't know better. Some of these girls maybe good looking but, as you say, mentally handicapped !!

I think paying a girl to stay with you is just renting a girl. But that is my opinion, offering some kind of support is of course normal but not to start with. However i like my girls working (not in the sex industry) and with their own income. Its more of a conquest that way.

I have to agree that it also depends on the girl like you said every situation is different. Also your right you got complete asshol_e's who are in shape but better an asshol_e who looks good and is in shape then one who is not as a bf. But for me i rather have a girl who is a bit less of a looker but has a good character and a brain. I think some girls rather have a guy who looks not that good but is nice then a guy in shape. But if he is nice and in shape its better still. It all depends.

Anyway we all have our different views about this and if your happy paying then just pay. Who am i to say what is right for for someone.

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Now to find a bar that hires farang girls hahaah tongue.gif

but seriously...a lot of my Thai girl friends have all their things paid for by their boyfriends and they either A. don't work, or B. have a really low paying job but they have every possible thing they could ever desire (the best phone, clothes, jewelry, tons of cash to go out with...), i'm somewhat jealous actually......and one of my friends he is like 19 and has a 23 yr old girlfriend..he has paid off all her debts from her credit cards (over 200,000 baht)...and pays for everything for her.... i just seriously wanna know what kind of manipulation goes into this lol....

p.s. I would consider myself pretty good-looking and I'm in my mid-twenties so don't think this comment is coming from some old/fat/ugly bitter farang girl - i just don't see how they can do it!!

Well Hunnibee.. if you really are mid-twenties, slim and good looking you can come and live with me.. I'll take care of you just like your Thai friends guys.. You look after me and I'll look after you.. No biggie to me.. no different to any previous GF I have had.. Whether they worked or not.. I still paid the bills and tried to provide for them as best I could.. It's old fashioned maybe but good enough for my parents and grand parents generation..

BTW I'm 45 next Month but still have all my own hair/teeth and get called 'sexy man' everywhere I go in Pattaya... :whistling:

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The illusion I'd like to keep alive is that there's some hope of 'normalcy' in a place with so much potential- yet so morally compromised- as Thailand. No one in this forum cops to hiring a prostitute to be their 'lady' and anyone who does should have his head- and many other body parts- well examined. Yet there are many shades of gray here, and giving your partner an allowance is not equivalent to hiring her. It's simply a convenient way to take care of details... like people and their needs. Furthermore, any bloke who lives the high life whoring and drinking while his partner's parents are living in poverty is a cruel heartless bastard who deserves whatever calamities may eventually befall him.

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The illusion I'd like to keep alive is that there's some hope of 'normalcy' in a place with so much potential- yet so morally compromised- as Thailand. No one in this forum cops to hiring a prostitute to be their 'lady' and anyone who does should have his head- and many other body parts- well examined. Yet there are many shades of gray here, and giving your partner an allowance is not equivalent to hiring her. It's simply a convenient way to take care of details... like people and their needs. Furthermore, any bloke who lives the high life whoring and drinking while his partner's parents are living in poverty is a cruel heartless bastard who deserves whatever calamities may eventually befall him.

I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money - It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you? That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs. Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Edited by bonobo
removed flame against a nationality
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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money -   It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you?  That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs.  Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ? Did you pay your gf in your home country too to stay at home and do nothing ? If you so be free to do it here too. Since when is a relation a service and since when do you need to pay for it. (never paid for a relation always shared costs in relations here and in the home country) If your good for your gf love her she can do the same back for free. Its not that hard, but just keep kidding yourself that she loves you and not your $. Also when she calls you hansum just believe that its not your $ there that talks.

To the guy who said its heartless not to give the parents of the gf.. ask yourself how would they survive without you. Some guys just love to be milked by Thais just to have a girl they normally could not have because of their looks and character.

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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money - It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you? That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs. Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ? Did you pay your gf in your home country too to stay at home and do nothing ? If you so be free to do it here too. Since when is a relation a service and since when do you need to pay for it. (never paid for a relation always shared costs in relations here and in the home country) If your good for your gf love her she can do the same back for free. Its not that hard, but just keep kidding yourself that she loves you and not your $. Also when she calls you hansum just believe that its not your $ there that talks.

To the guy who said its heartless not to give the parents of the gf.. ask yourself how would they survive without you. Some guys just love to be milked by Thais just to have a girl they normally could not have because of their looks and character.

And they say the Scots are tight...

For all that we can tend to a bit frugal, I've always found the English and the Dutch mean (lacking in generosity) rather than spartan (lacking in extravagance)

Its probably a racial thing - nordic v anglian; we could ask a man of different culture but Scots heritage (bit of a speculative punt there...) What do you think, Mr Forbes?


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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money - It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you? That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs. Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ? Did you pay your gf in your home country too to stay at home and do nothing ? If you so be free to do it here too. Since when is a relation a service and since when do you need to pay for it. (never paid for a relation always shared costs in relations here and in the home country) If your good for your gf love her she can do the same back for free. Its not that hard, but just keep kidding yourself that she loves you and not your $. Also when she calls you hansum just believe that its not your $ there that talks.

To the guy who said its heartless not to give the parents of the gf.. ask yourself how would they survive without you. Some guys just love to be milked by Thais just to have a girl they normally could not have because of their looks and character.

And they say the Scots are tight...

For all that we can tend to a bit frugal, I've always found the English and the Dutch mean (lacking in generosity) rather than spartan (lacking in extravagance)

Its probably a racial thing - nordic v anglian; we could ask a man of different culture but Scots heritage (bit of a speculative punt there...) What do you think, Mr Forbes?


Could you please supply arguments instead of broad statements ?

Give me an argument why you would have to pay for a relation. Why would you have to pay for a girl to stay with you. I can understand if your old fat ugly handicapped.. a total ass. Then yes girls would not voluntarily stay with you.

Now give me an argument why you would pay a girl that is in the same age bracket and in the same looks department as you. Also tell me why its impossible for her to work.

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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money -   It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you?  That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs.  Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ?

If the girl is much more poor than me then I think it’s normal for me to contribute monetary wise more to our well being than she would. The reverse would happen if she would be more wealthy than me.

Way of the world I guess. Or maybe I'm just romantic :)

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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money -   It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you?  That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs.  Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ?

If the girl is much more poor than me then I think it’s normal for me to contribute monetary wise more to our well being than she would. The reverse would happen if she would be more wealthy than me.

Way of the world I guess. Or maybe I'm just romantic :)

I still would not pay her a salary and make her dependent on me. I would offer to pay her education or help to set up a business. With my current gf i make more then she does so i pay a bigger share of the costs then she does. But i wont give her a salary. I am helping her to be more successful in what she does. I just think that many of the guys paying their gf do it to keep them and to get them. Pay them off like bar girls because its all they know.

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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money - It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you? That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs. Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ? Did you pay your gf in your home country too to stay at home and do nothing ? If you so be free to do it here too. Since when is a relation a service and since when do you need to pay for it. (never paid for a relation always shared costs in relations here and in the home country) If your good for your gf love her she can do the same back for free. Its not that hard, but just keep kidding yourself that she loves you and not your $. Also when she calls you hansum just believe that its not your $ there that talks.

To the guy who said its heartless not to give the parents of the gf.. ask yourself how would they survive without you. Some guys just love to be milked by Thais just to have a girl they normally could not have because of their looks and character.

And they say the Scots are tight...

For all that we can tend to a bit frugal, I've always found the English and the Dutch mean (lacking in generosity) rather than spartan (lacking in extravagance)

Its probably a racial thing - nordic v anglian; we could ask a man of different culture but Scots heritage (bit of a speculative punt there...) What do you think, Mr Forbes?


I am glad to see you got the correct spelling of Scots this time (Scotch is the drink):)

I do not think it is a case of being mean or tight. Just different ways of doing things and different life experience's.

The wife and I have talked about this in the past, she knows that if we did not live together then I would not be supporting her, however we do live together and have a joint account, she can use whatever money she needs. I see it as my duty to provide for her. As I work away I do not want her working as we like to be together when I am at home and also as a hairdresser she would be earning only about 9000-12000 per month (with tips, if she was lucky) and to be honest if she was working when I was at home I would be spending more than what she earns just to amuse myself if she was not at home.


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Could you please supply arguments instead of broad statements ?

Give me an argument why you would have to pay for a relation. Why would you have to pay for a girl to stay with you. I can understand if your old fat ugly handicapped.. a total ass. Then yes girls would not voluntarily stay with you.

Now give me an argument why you would pay a girl that is in the same age bracket and in the same looks department as you. Also tell me why its impossible for her to work.

We're not really talking about "paying" - as in contracted services or a salary, but rather voluntarily giving money. My point is - it is meanness not to give a lady money simply because you don't need to; for example, my wife and I have a joint bank account, all of my salary goes into it, and she helps herself to whatever she requires. I could choose to pay my salary into a different account, and pass her some miserly stipend, but I choose not to - because I am a generous chap, and value money less highly than my wife's ease of living.

And similarly if I was in a casual relationship, I would feel it appropriate to help out a friend with money towards their children's support, for example, regardless of whether it was requested. Obviously, if one was oneself living from hand to mouth, with the bailiffs at the door, then one might not be able to exercise such generosity, but if a man has not a shilling to spare then he should be looking to tighten his belt


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I'm often appalled by the blokes who brag that they don't give their girlfriends any money -   It is generally accepted here, I think, that one pays a tart a fair price for a fair service - so why would you pay her less because she wasn't a tart and had genuine affection for you?  That seems to be taking advantage in the worst possible way.

Anyway, to answer the OP's original question, what is a fair amount... All of it, if that's what she needs.  Or if you want to agree a fixed sum, then whatever the market dictates - ask her to call me and we can sort out a fair mid-market price...


Why the hel_l would you pay if she loves you ?

If the girl is much more poor than me then I think it’s normal for me to contribute monetary wise more to our well being than she would. The reverse would happen if she would be more wealthy than me.

Way of the world I guess. Or maybe I'm just romantic :)

I still would not pay her a salary and make her dependent on me. I would offer to pay her education or help to set up a business. With my current gf i make more then she does so i pay a bigger share of the costs then she does. But i wont give her a salary. I am helping her to be more successful in what she does. I just think that many of the guys paying their gf do it to keep them and to get them. Pay them off like bar girls because its all they know.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I would not call it a salary though.

For example let’s say your income is 50 thou a month and hers is 10 thou a month so you got 60 thou together. Take out 15 thou for rent, household bills, food etc. and you’re left with 45 thou. So out of that amount how much would you suggest she can spent on herself?

In my case I like to spent 10 thou on drinking beer with my friends so she can have also 10 thou to do with as she pleases.

You think that’s too generous?

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Paying for services rendered. As long as the services are worth it, and you are aware that that is what it is, then go for it. Sex, house duties, cute cuddles and egos-troking, good cooking, these are all services to enjoy.

Being a sugar daddy is fine here. If you're happy being a sugar daddy, then it's all good. Have fun.

But just a word of advice, try not to bring your black & white western minded emotions in to it. Enjoy this part of Eastern culture for what it is.

Edited by thomo
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Could you please supply arguments instead of broad statements ?

Give me an argument why you would have to pay for a relation. Why would you have to pay for a girl to stay with you. I can understand if your old fat ugly handicapped.. a total ass. Then yes girls would not voluntarily stay with you.

Now give me an argument why you would pay a girl that is in the same age bracket and in the same looks department as you. Also tell me why its impossible for her to work.

We're not really talking about "paying" - as in contracted services or a salary, but rather voluntarily giving money. My point is - it is meanness not to give a lady money simply because you don't need to; for example, my wife and I have a joint bank account, all of my salary goes into it, and she helps herself to whatever she requires. I could choose to pay my salary into a different account, and pass her some miserly stipend, but I choose not to - because I am a generous chap, and value money less highly than my wife's ease of living.

And similarly if I was in a casual relationship, I would feel it appropriate to help out a friend with money towards their children's support, for example, regardless of whether it was requested. Obviously, if one was oneself living from hand to mouth, with the bailiffs at the door, then one might not be able to exercise such generosity, but if a man has not a shilling to spare then he should be looking to tighten his belt


Wife is a different story IMHO, although that still does not mean id like to pay a wife off. Same with sin sod. I think we just see things differently and maybe date a different class of woman. I try to get them educated who can provide for themselves. I make enough money to be able to pay a girl but would feel like im hiring a pro.

This way i just know they are with me and not for my money. My wife and me keep separate accounts and are both happy this way. We share in cost and i pay a larger portion because i make more money as her. This way we are both independent and have no control over the other (equal relationship). I offered her to pay for even further education and will help her with other plans to make more money. This way she stays in control and im sure she stays with me for me, not for money. I think others just like giving money so they can keep in control.

(Thais Visa member meeting a girl)

Guy older and not handsome, girl real pretty.

Girl ignores the guy because he is her fathers age and doesn't have his own teeth

Guy splashing around his money knowing his body and character wont do the trick

Girl and guy talk.. and end up agreeing for a salary for the girl.

Both happy girl with money guy with the illusion of a gf

This is how i envision what is happening.

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If the girl is much more poor than me then I think it’s normal for me to contribute monetary wise more to our well being than she would. The reverse would happen if she would be more wealthy than me.

Way of the world I guess. Or maybe I'm just romantic :)

I still would not pay her a salary and make her dependent on me. I would offer to pay her education or help to set up a business. With my current gf i make more then she does so i pay a bigger share of the costs then she does. But i wont give her a salary. I am helping her to be more successful in what she does. I just think that many of the guys paying their gf do it to keep them and to get them. Pay them off like bar girls because its all they know.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I would not call it a salary though.

For example let’s say your income is 50 thou a month and hers is 10 thou a month so you got 60 thou together. Take out 15 thou for rent, household bills, food etc. and you’re left with 45 thou. So out of that amount how much would you suggest she can spent on herself?

In my case I like to spent 10 thou on drinking beer with my friends so she can have also 10 thou to do with as she pleases.

You think that’s too generous?

That is a choice you make not mine. I would say by paying all costs you gave her enough already. Also i would try to get her to go to school or start her a business up because 10thou is nothing. My gf makes around 30k (still not much money but ok for a Thai)

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Paying for services rendered. As long as the services are worth it, and you are aware that that is what it is, then go for it. Sex, house duties, cute cuddles and egos-troking, good cooking, these are all services to enjoy.

Being a sugar daddy is fine here. If you're happy being a sugar daddy, then it's all good. Have fun.

But just a word of advice, try not to bring your black & white western minded emotions in to it. Enjoy this part of Eastern culture for what it is.

Some of us are young enough to have grown up in colour, and black and white emotions are as out of date for us as gentlemen's hats. Tbhough I do sometimes hanker nostalgically for a time when everything seemed so much simpler, and also for a two tier licence system, but that is betraying my national prejudices.

Anyway, in the spirit of political correctness, I prefer to refer to my emotions as monochrome, rather than B & W - besides, it's all shades of grey in any case.

And to take your post in a just -slightly serious vein, surely it would be outrageous not to bring one's emotions into such a topic, regardless of where your emotions came from or their chromacity (sorry, I just made that up). I have only one set of emotions (there I am, monochrome to the bitter end) and I carry them wherever I wander


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Could you please supply arguments instead of broad statements ?

Give me an argument why you would have to pay for a relation. Why would you have to pay for a girl to stay with you. I can understand if your old fat ugly handicapped.. a total ass. Then yes girls would not voluntarily stay with you.

Now give me an argument why you would pay a girl that is in the same age bracket and in the same looks department as you. Also tell me why its impossible for her to work.

We're not really talking about "paying" - as in contracted services or a salary, but rather voluntarily giving money. My point is - it is meanness not to give a lady money simply because you don't need to; for example, my wife and I have a joint bank account, all of my salary goes into it, and she helps herself to whatever she requires. I could choose to pay my salary into a different account, and pass her some miserly stipend, but I choose not to - because I am a generous chap, and value money less highly than my wife's ease of living.

And similarly if I was in a casual relationship, I would feel it appropriate to help out a friend with money towards their children's support, for example, regardless of whether it was requested. Obviously, if one was oneself living from hand to mouth, with the bailiffs at the door, then one might not be able to exercise such generosity, but if a man has not a shilling to spare then he should be looking to tighten his belt


Wife is a different story IMHO, although that still does not mean id like to pay a wife off. Same with sin sod. I think we just see things differently and maybe date a different class of woman. I try to get them educated who can provide for themselves. I make enough money to be able to pay a girl but would feel like im hiring a pro.

This way i just know they are with me and not for my money. My wife and me keep separate accounts and are both happy this way. We share in cost and i pay a larger portion because i make more money as her. This way we are both independent and have no control over the other (equal relationship). I offered her to pay for even further education and will help her with other plans to make more money. This way she stays in control and im sure she stays with me for me, not for money. I think others just like giving money so they can keep in control.

(Thais Visa member meeting a girl)

Guy older and not handsome, girl real pretty.

Girl ignores the guy because he is her fathers age and doesn't have his own teeth

Guy splashing around his money knowing his body and character wont do the trick

Girl and guy talk.. and end up agreeing for a salary for the girl.

Both happy girl with money guy with the illusion of a gf

This is how i envision what is happening.

I should be saving for when I lose my teeth then (could be soon, given the discussions in a different thread...)


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I should be saving for when I lose my teeth then (could be soon, given the discussions in a different thread...)


Ah some internet warrior is threatening to bash your teeth in (doubt it as the mods would close it down). Some people are idiots however and would turn violent over such a trivial thing as an forum. Usually its a lot wind nothing more.

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Some of us are young enough to have grown up in colour

Yup, I'm 30 myself and moved here at 25.

surely it would be outrageous not to bring one's emotions into such a topic,

Well as per the culture of such relationships, emotions don't enter the fray all that much as both know what the relationship is - Sugar Daddy, service provider. Everybody's happy, and free to enjoy the fruits of their investment - money/services.

Until serious emotions are brought into it that is. Usually when a westerner is involved in the sugar daddy/service provider relationship, but is blinded by the cultural ignorance and emotions his western upbringing produce, and incorrectly view the relationship as something else entirely.

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Whilst I agree that some people can use money as a form of control it doesn't have to be used like that. It all depends on the people. if there's a huge difference between the earnings of a couple then it stands to reason that the higher earner pays more of the costs. Equality in a relationship is about more than money. Money can be regarded as the property or income of the couple rather than either individual, indeed it is regarded as such in court during divorces. If you do earn more, then, in my opinion, it's very important that you don't assume that that gives you the right to make all the decisions. Which is what you are doing if, because you earn more money, you decide that your partner should do something like go to college so she can earn more money and be more like you. Putting yourself up as someone she should aspire to be more like. You are still making money the most important factor.

You earn less than me, I'll help you earn more so you can be equal to me.

Your income does not define your value as a person or your contribution to a relationship.

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If the girl is much more poor than me then I think it’s normal for me to contribute monetary wise more to our well being than she would. The reverse would happen if she would be more wealthy than me.

Way of the world I guess. Or maybe I'm just romantic :)

I still would not pay her a salary and make her dependent on me. I would offer to pay her education or help to set up a business. With my current gf i make more then she does so i pay a bigger share of the costs then she does. But i wont give her a salary. I am helping her to be more successful in what she does. I just think that many of the guys paying their gf do it to keep them and to get them. Pay them off like bar girls because its all they know.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I would not call it a salary though.

For example let’s say your income is 50 thou a month and hers is 10 thou a month so you got 60 thou together. Take out 15 thou for rent, household bills, food etc. and you’re left with 45 thou. So out of that amount how much would you suggest she can spent on herself?

In my case I like to spent 10 thou on drinking beer with my friends so she can have also 10 thou to do with as she pleases.

You think that’s too generous?

That is a choice you make not mine. I would say by paying all costs you gave her enough already. Also i would try to get her to go to school or start her a business up because 10thou is nothing. My gf makes around 30k (still not much money but ok for a Thai)

I suppose it depends how you calculate. Taking into consideration both our incomes than 15 thou common household expenses would in theory equate to 12.5 thou on my part and 2.5 thou on her part. The 2x10 thou private money would equate to 16687 on my part and 3313 on her part.

Altogether so far we have each contributed 58% of our income so I don’t really see how I pay all.

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I should be saving for when I lose my teeth then (could be soon, given the discussions in a different thread...)


Ah some internet warrior is threatening to bash your teeth in (doubt it as the mods would close it down). Some people are idiots however and would turn violent over such a trivial thing as an forum. Usually its a lot wind nothing more.

Funnily enough, it was a pedantic post on wind (or wined, or whined, or wound)

that seemed to upset a chap.

I'm not sure we should be relying on the mods to close threads down - this is not Brighton, you know, and those days are long gone, though a friend recently passed me some bootleg Who MP3s.

As I said elsewhere, I'm really more two-tone anyway. That takes me back...


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Different strokes for different folks I guess. I would not call it a salary though.

For example let’s say your income is 50 thou a month and hers is 10 thou a month so you got 60 thou together. Take out 15 thou for rent, household bills, food etc. and you’re left with 45 thou. So out of that amount how much would you suggest she can spent on herself?

In my case I like to spent 10 thou on drinking beer with my friends so she can have also 10 thou to do with as she pleases.

You think that’s too generous?

That is a choice you make not mine. I would say by paying all costs you gave her enough already. Also i would try to get her to go to school or start her a business up because 10thou is nothing. My gf makes around 30k (still not much money but ok for a Thai)

I suppose it depends how you calculate. Taking into consideration both our incomes than 15 thou common household expenses would in theory equate to 12.5 thou on my part and 2.5 thou on her part. The 2x10 thou private money would equate to 16687 on my part and 3313 on her part.

Altogether so far we have each contributed 58% of our income so I don’t really see how I pay all.

I dont get it and im an accountant. But then again i was busy working so i might not have focussed.

This is how i read it:

60K combined 50 you 10 her

You pay all costs for living 15 K.

leaves you with 35k and her with 10k

As there are no other mutual costs it looks like you paid them all and she has paid nothing of the mutual costs.

If you then give her an other 10K or so that means she pays no costs AND gets 10k leaves her with 20k and you with 25 K.

I probably misread somewhere. But in the end its not what i think is fair but what you think is fair.. I have an opinion about it but you are the one paying.

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Some of us are young enough to have grown up in colour

Yup, I'm 30 myself and moved here at 25.

surely it would be outrageous not to bring one's emotions into such a topic,

Well as per the culture of such relationships, emotions don't enter the fray all that much as both know what the relationship is - Sugar Daddy, service provider. Everybody's happy, and free to enjoy the fruits of their investment - money/services.

Until serious emotions are brought into it that is. Usually when a westerner is involved in the sugar daddy/service provider relationship, but is blinded by the cultural ignorance and emotions his western upbringing produce, and incorrectly view the relationship as something else entirely.

Those of us with our own teeth (over there, in the glass, bleaching) are lucky that some of our relationships are based on mutual affection rather than commercial gain (honestly...). And my point was, that even in that case you ought to be happy to put your hand in your pocket to provide financial support


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I should be saving for when I lose my teeth then (could be soon, given the discussions in a different thread...)


Ah some internet warrior is threatening to bash your teeth in (doubt it as the mods would close it down). Some people are idiots however and would turn violent over such a trivial thing as an forum. Usually its a lot wind nothing more.

Funnily enough, it was a pedantic post on wind (or wined, or whined, or wound)

that seemed to upset a chap.

I'm not sure we should be relying on the mods to close threads down - this is not Brighton, you know, and those days are long gone, though a friend recently passed me some bootleg Who MP3s.

As I said elsewhere, I'm really more two-tone anyway. That takes me back...


I would not worry too much about someone really turning violent. To be honest my English isn't good enough to understand what you mean with two-tone.

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