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Thai Court Extends Bail For Russian Pianist In Child Sex Abuse Case

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We (humans) have made our lives incredibly difficult with all the rules & regulations about everything.

A smart person will ask, "Why do we have all these idiotic rules & regulations"?

A smarter person will answer, "To satify all the control freaks who thinks that nobody is control of themselves & therefore, people MUST be controlled."

Pletnev, if innocent, may end up being another 'suicide' statistic...& we all know about the huge number of foreigners who 'purportedly' commit suicide in Pattaya, don't we!!!

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Innocent unless proven guilty. Therefore no money to pay to anyone.

He is following the instructions of the court so he is probably innocent.

I do wish foreigners would leave the children alone though.

Is this wish just about 'foreigners', or the locals too?

I agree with innocent until proven guilty...


"Proved," or "Proven," Not 'Proofed!' Honestly, folks! Please learn to write your own language!

You obviously understood what the post meant though, but as it seems you want to have a go at someones choice of word on the forum and correct them, why don't you learn to read English, a good place to start is the forum rules where it states....

However English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary.

Al spilling, grandma mistsatkes corrict at tim of psoting.


Read one report that it was his "B" Visa that was canceled.

Not sure he's all that wealthy. The two houses were described as being very ordinary back of Sukhumvit of the village kind, with one in dire need of repair. And who knows whose money is invested in his businesses. Given who he knows in Russia I wouldn't think he would have had much trouble obtaining investors.

He has a long term contract with Deutsche Grammophon but classical music recording sales have been dismal for years and now for pop music the days of CDs are done, never mind classical. I'd think his major source of income is concerts. But to live the life of an eminent musician in Russia is not cheap.


............ personally I believe he will pay the right people and get back in either here in Thailand or get a new passport in Russia with a different name. He has too much investment in Thailand to just walk away, just my thoughts

Think again - his photo has been published pretty widely. And what "investment" do you know of? His famed "sports stadium" and "mansions" may be worth US$100,000 at the most if he was very lucky.


Does sombody here really belive this guy came back to Thailand if he is guilty? AND they let him out on bail if they have any proof? Sorry but then you are on a level behind thinking or just in LOS for too long.

Like I said many times before. I will never understand people publishing bullshit like this with full name and a picture, BEFORE the suspect (the word says it all) is PROOFED guilty!

Cancel my membership in TV Forum but if one is not allowed to say what he is thinking anymore dark times begin!

Does sombody here really belive this guy came back to Thailand if he is guilty?

Whatever the truth is, guilty or not, it would have given him very bad press and people would think he did not come back because he is guilty and he would break bail rules (another problem)


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

70 year old guy with a 20 year old woman. You compare to a pedophile! Do give us the benefit of your wisdom. How old should his woman be? Or maybe you think the old guy should shoot himself to save you having to look at him?

Maybe a sliding scale for dating old guys is in order. 70 years old guy no younger than 60 year old girlfriend.

There is a Thai guy who lives in Chiang Mai. He is a big wheel in Chiang Mai. He is at all the local functions. He is 60 years old and keeps 6, 18 year old women. Yup you read that right 6. He puts them up in one of his hotels and helps them through university. Yes they are all university students.

Is he a pedophile?

Maybe you should read a little about Thai history. He is following in the footsteps of many famous and important people in Thailand.

Take your culture and narrow mind back to where you came from. This is Thailand.

Old Thai saying, “when in the land of the squinty eyed people it is best to squint.”

The question here is "is he a pedophile in his mind?" By law he is not.


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

70 year old guy with a 20 year old woman. You compare to a pedophile! Do give us the benefit of your wisdom. How old should his woman be? Or maybe you think the old guy should shoot himself to save you having to look at him?

Maybe a sliding scale for dating old guys is in order. 70 years old guy no younger than 60 year old girlfriend.

There is a Thai guy who lives in Chiang Mai. He is a big wheel in Chiang Mai. He is at all the local functions. He is 60 years old and keeps 6, 18 year old women. Yup you read that right 6. He puts them up in one of his hotels and helps them through university. Yes they are all university students.

Is he a pedophile?

Maybe you should read a little about Thai history. He is following in the footsteps of many famous and important people in Thailand.

Take your culture and narrow mind back to where you came from. This is Thailand.

Old Thai saying, when in the land of the squinty eyed people it is best to squint.

Actually this type of Poster wants to deny older men young female company,because they hate to see the woman they fancy not throwing themselves at them,its called: "good old fashioned Jealousy" or "you should have saved yourself for me syndrome"


A 70 year with an 18 year old is a happy old fool, having fun, with a willing free will ADULT partner. Such relationships don't belong anywhere near a discussion about pedophilia.


From what I recall without going back to verify details is he was brought to the attention of the BIB by a Thai guy who was taking care of one of his properties while he was away. This Thai guy was charged with pedophilia and had said something about a pedophile ring including the Russian guy which may or may not be true and could be for his own ass saving reasons. The only evidence shown to us was a photo of the Russian standing next to the boy in a normal no sexual pose which most of us have done over the years with many Thai people young and old.

Now they mention the charges against Pletnev were based on accounts provided by the boy's relatives, so is this a way for the BIB to save face?

As far as his house is concerned, it was a video of one room and a little bit of footage outside the front of his house which to me showed nothing really to gauge his financial status.

So about this the old guy young girl issue which has sprung up, the law of Thailand states that a person over the age of 16yrs old can have a relationship with someone of an age 16< but a person who pays for or prostitutes someone under the age of 18 can be liable for a 300,000 Bht fine and a 3yr stint in the Bkk Hilton. This is their law and it does not matter what your home country’s age of consent is as it does not apply here. If you feel it morally wrong don’t do it but do not try and make this out to be some kind of act of pedophilia.


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

70 year old guy with a 20 year old woman. You compare to a pedophile! Do give us the benefit of your wisdom. How old should his woman be? Or maybe you think the old guy should shoot himself to save you having to look at him?

Maybe a sliding scale for dating old guys is in order. 70 years old guy no younger than 60 year old girlfriend.

There is a Thai guy who lives in Chiang Mai. He is a big wheel in Chiang Mai. He is at all the local functions. He is 60 years old and keeps 6, 18 year old women. Yup you read that right 6. He puts them up in one of his hotels and helps them through university. Yes they are all university students.

Is he a pedophile?

Maybe you should read a little about Thai history. He is following in the footsteps of many famous and important people in Thailand.

Take your culture and narrow mind back to where you came from. This is Thailand.

Old Thai saying, “when in the land of the squinty eyed people it is best to squint.”

I should read a little bit about Thai history? You answerd your questions by yourself, HE IS THAI.

Thaihystory says nothing about apreciation for foreigners coming to Thailand and taking schoolgirls home for sex.

May be I better had written schoolgirl, instead of 18-20

I just can hope you are not one of the old fellas, running around and tell everybody how much your 18y.o. loves you, :D

But right, I remember when I was 20, I liked to make love to 60y.o, women, specially the kissing everywhere :lol:

You guys give us all the bad reputation and THAILAND the bad reputation in the world as a country where the pedos are home. Have you ever thought that

a normal foreigner who comes here as a tourist, can not guess how old the girls really are? For them most of them the girls are looking like kids anyway.

To answer another question here about what I think how old the girl of a 70 y.o. should be. Whats wrong with 30 up ? or is there maybe really some dark side inside you?

Back to TOPIC:

I dont think that the guy came back to Thailand just because he was scared about his good reputation. If he was here before he know Thailaw at least a bit. So better a bad reputation as 20 years in Bangkok Hilton.


"Proved," or "Proven," Not 'Proofed!' Honestly, folks! Please learn to write your own language!

You obviously understood what the post meant though, but as it seems you want to have a go at someones choice of word on the forum and correct them, why don't you learn to read English, a good place to start is the forum rules where it states....

However English is not always the first language of our members so don't waste space correcting other members' grammar and spelling where it isn't necessary.

Al spilling, grandma mistsatkes corrict at tim of psoting.


THANXxx MB1 anyway, I will tyr harder to improVEN my english


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

Well They may not be much better then pedo's ... but they are lucky - my wife won't allow it. :lol:

Age discrimination is easy when you are young.


From what I recall without going back to verify details is he was brought to the attention of the BIB by a Thai guy who was taking care of one of his properties while he was away. This Thai guy was charged with pedophilia and had said something about a pedophile ring including the Russian guy which may or may not be true and could be for his own ass saving reasons. The only evidence shown to us was a photo of the Russian standing next to the boy in a normal no sexual pose which most of us have done over the years with many Thai people young and old.

Now they mention the charges against Pletnev were based on accounts provided by the boy's relatives, so is this a way for the BIB to save face?

As far as his house is concerned, it was a video of one room and a little bit of footage outside the front of his house which to me showed nothing really to gauge his financial status.

Face saving? Quite possibly. Let's also remember that the Thai guy (the one who ran the internet cafe and allegedly the pedophile ring) has also admitted to police that he had sex with the Russian's accuser on at least 20 occasions - 20! So this 14-year old tells his relatives nothing about these 20 cases, nothing about the alleged offence by Pletnev in December, nothing about the alleged offence by Pletnev in February - and only tells them in April about the Russian. Presumably this was around the time that the police case against the internet cafe owner was heating up. So it's a legitimate question to ask once again: was the Russian's name offered up in some sort of deal to reduce his own punishment?


A 70 year with an 18 year old is a happy old fool, having fun, with a willing free will ADULT partner. Such relationships don't belong anywhere near a discussion about pedophilia.

Absolutely right.


Curiouser and Curiouser!

1) Original reports said he was arrested, and when police searched his house they DID find evidence of child porn, but now they say no evidence was found.:whistling:

I never saw any reports that they found child porn at his house, from the first time I heard of this they said they searched his place with a search warrant and found nothing. If they would have found something then there would have been more charges added to his arrest.

As for this visa, guess you are not reading everything, he is out on bail and once everything is finalized then he will lose his visa and be blacklisted (however, personally I believe he will pay the right people and get back in either here in Thailand or get a new passport in Russia with a different name. He has too much investment in Thailand to just walk away, just my thoughts)

First report I saw and read was here on Thai Visa, have done a thread search and dug it out....

Opening post, a piece below...which states nothing suspicious was found...


posted 2010-07-07 08:34

Russian conductor bailed in Thai sex probe: consulate

MOSCOW (AFP) -- Famed Russian conductor Mihkail Pletnev has been released on bail after Thai police searched his home in Thailand as part of a probe into paedophilia, the Russian consulate said Tuesday.

Pletnev, artistic director of the acclaimed Russian National Orchestra, was released on bail after the search in the Thai resort of Pattaya, Russian consular official in Thailand Andrei Dvornikov told RIA Novosti.

police informed Pletnev that some Thai citizens who had been arrested for paedophilia and producing child porn had given evidence against him," Dvornikov said.

The police conducted a search together with Pletnev of his house, where nothing suspicious was found," he added, saying Pletnev was currently at his home in Thailand.

Just1Voice is actually perfectly correct. The initial report carried by the Pattaya Daily News states the following - "Using a warrant, officers proceeded to search the suspect's residence, allegedly finding several hundred files, photos and videos on his home computer of child pornography and images of indecent acts with underage children."


This was carried around the world, as evidenced by this article in Russia Today - "Pletnev was later escorted to his residence, where a search revealed a number of child pornography videos"


WIll a retraction be issued? Of course not. Too much loss of face!


Thanks, Wozzit.

I KNEW I had read that somewhere, but just couldn't remember where, and I'm not in the habit of posting things of that aren't factual in nature, unless I'm expressing a personal opinion about something.


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

I am 60+ and my lady 23. Are you jealous or annoyed? If so, why? It is really no concern of yours what age my wife has.

Also another point if I may make it, some of the people who look and see and older guy with a young girl 18-20 years old, could infact be a lot older than she looks, also the young girl could be his daughter..

its nasty to see nonetheless. thais call 'em "tao hua ngoo" ...old snakeheads.


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

I am 60+ and my lady 23. Are you jealous or annoyed? If so, why? It is really no concern of yours what age my wife has.

Also another point if I may make it, some of the people who look and see and older guy with a young girl 18-20 years old, could infact be a lot older than she looks, also the young girl could be his daughter..

its nasty to see nonetheless. thais call 'em "tao hua ngoo" ...old snakeheads.

So look away if you don't like to look at it. It's none of your business anyway and certainly of no interest to the law.

The clear, overall thesis of every one of these kinds of "child abuse" stories is not about who is guilty or not; nor even who has truly been abused or not. No; the clear, overall thesis of every one of these kinds of "child abuse" stories are how the law enforcement agencies (if one can truly recognize them as such) handle the situation from beginning to end.

That's right; the entire legal process is ludicrous at best.

How they discover a crime is being committed

How they handle the testimony of the said witness

How they investigate for possible truth behind the witnesses statement

How they perform an investigation into the alleged perpetrator

How they approach the alleged perpetrator

How they seal of a crime scene

How they manage a crime scene and keep it untainted

How they engage in the tedious and time consuming business of forensics

How they document and preserve the evidence gathered.

etc, etc. yada, yada! It is akin to a bunch of cows trampling through and crapping on their food that has been laid out nicely for them. I apologize for the bluntness of my observation, yet the seriousness of sending someone away for life cannot be lost here in light of the half-assed investigation techniques. How many innocents are rotting away in Thai jails because they were the fall-guy or girl, or dried-up sugar-daddy?

Swiftly on the heels of this charade is the complete and utter ineptness of the media. They are like Jonah Jameson and his white whale vendetta against Spiderman. No matter what the cost, the order of the day is misconstrue, tangle and confuse the story in order to sell subscriptions.

Who cares if the child was abused? That is a sincere and honest question that galls me; because so far I have seen absolutely no evidence of the children seeing any results towards getting a fair representation in these cases. Better yet; who cares about the ones who have yet to be abused. I still see no evidence. Sure; there are splinter groups and individuals out to do their very best; but they do not even make a dent in this human market.

The clear problem to the answer; and answer to the problem are the law enforcement agencies. I believe they are the ones responsible for this disease.

If the cure isn't working; fire the doctor, and get another cure; because it usually means the doctor is treating the symptoms instead of seeking a cure. And one begs to ask the question, "Why is that?".

Just my two bits.

Moskito, your comment, suggesting that old men with 18 year old women being wrong, is prudish and ignorant at best. How do you feel about seeing a Catholic nun, or an aged woman walking down the Soi with a boy? It seems to me that you have been getting too much of the wrong information pumped into your gourd. These things are never -at first - what they appear to be; yet all it takes are people indoctrinated with some feeble-minded belief to open their head-hole and start an unnecessary row.


Moskito, your comment, suggesting that old men with 18 year old women being wrong, is prudish and ignorant at best . . These things are never -at first - what they appear to be; yet all it takes are people indoctrinated with some feeble-minded belief to open their head-hole and start an unnecessary row.

How very true! I have often walked with a teenage relative by my side, and no-one pays the slightest attention. If I walk here in Thailand with the teenage son or daughter of Thai friends, again no-one pays any attention. But Moskito would immediately label me as a pedophile. Yes, Moskito, cup-O-coffee is absolutely spot on. In my view, such instant judgements are prudish, ignorant and feeble-minded.


Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

The old fellas that you refer to are probably getting their libido fired up one last time, thus fulfilling a lifelong dream.

The 18-20 y.o. that you refer to is probably getting a fair chance of inheriting a fortune when the old geezer dies, thus fulfilling a lifelong dream.

No laws are being broken.

Therefore, I'm curious to know, moskito, what exactly is the basis of your annoyance? Do I detect just a wee bit of jealousy here?


I take no sides here and I hate foreigners coming to Thailand just for the small girls or even underaged girls or boys. I just hate the kind of false reports where Newspapers, Magazines and internet Forums make a guy guilty before he is proofed guilty. In my ten years here in Phuket I have never seen child abuse, except we are talking about some underaged 16 y.o. girls in Thai Karaoke Bars.

Btw, I find it annoying to see old fellas about 60-70 years of age walking around with a 18-20y.o. too in my opinion they are not much better as the pädophiles we talk often here in TV Forum

I am 60+ and my lady 23. Are you jealous or annoyed? If so, why? It is really no concern of yours what age my wife has.

Also another point if I may make it, some of the people who look and see and older guy with a young girl 18-20 years old, could infact be a lot older than she looks, also the young girl could be his daughter..

its nasty to see nonetheless. thais call 'em "tao hua ngoo" ...old snakeheads.

Did you ever wonder why Thais have a word for it? Because it is so common in Thailand among Thais. Go back a few years and look at the photos of important people in Thailand. Thai history is full of VIP's who could be called snakeheads. Snakeheads are an old, old tradition in Thailand. The only people it really upsets are the Falang who come here with their culture on their backs like a turtle.


So, what is happening to the accused? Is he still going to attend court? Is he still banned from Thailand, even though he is purportedly here?

According to media reports, he arrived back from Moscow and attended the Court at the end of last week. He is due to report again 12 days thereafter. As other posters have mentioned, the Immigration ban only takes effect after the outcome of the trial or the withdrawal of charges. Mr. Pletnev is obviously playing by the rules.


The only evidence shown to us was a photo of the Russian standing next to the boy in a normal no sexual pose which most of us have done over the years with many Thai people young and old.

If that is the picture they were showing all over the news, the 'boy' looked between 22-25 years old. Don't know about you, but I consider a 25 year old a man.


The only evidence shown to us was a photo of the Russian standing next to the boy in a normal no sexual pose which most of us have done over the years with many Thai people young and old.

If that is the picture they were showing all over the news, the 'boy' looked between 22-25 years old. Don't know about you, but I consider a 25 year old a man.

I agree the 'boy' in that photo looked around mid-20s. But that is not the accuser. It was a framed photo in Mr Pletnev's house which the media, following the police into the house, seized on with their accustomed glee. It clearly showed the two wrapped up to the nines, so was certainly taken in a cold climate. I don't know who that young man is, but I feel sorry he has been dragged into this case.


If that is the picture they were showing all over the news, the 'boy' looked between 22-25 years old. Don't know about you, but I consider a 25 year old a man.

I agree the 'boy' in that photo looked around mid-20s. But that is not the accuser. It was a framed photo in Mr Pletnev's house which the media, following the police into the house, seized on with their accustomed glee. It clearly showed the two wrapped up to the nines, so was certainly taken in a cold climate. I don't know who that young man is, but I feel sorry he has been dragged into this case.

Yeah, that's the only guy I had seen in a photograph with him, I did not know they had one of him and the accuser.

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