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How Does She Sleep


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Ok Mark you are a gentleman aged 65 and you are in bed with your 65 year old wife. You both sleep on seperate sides of the bed because thats how you are both comfortable.

Ok Mark you are a gentleman aged 65 and you are in bed with your 45 year old wife. She hugs you until old age or alcohol sends you to sleep because she knows who pays for her and her family.

Ok Mark you are a gentleman aged 65 and you are in bed with your 25 year old wife. She hugs the corner of the bed because she is repulsed by you and knows she will be paid in the morning anyway.

I have never slept with a 65 year old woman. 51 is my record and that wasn’t all night long. So I don’t have any experience there.

Current GF is 35.

I have never had a 25 year old wife. They were all older than that when we married.

I have answered you truthfully so answer me. I don’t care how old your wife is or if you are married because I don’t have an axe to grind. I was only posting to inquire about sleeping habits.

Do the women you sleep with sleep close to you with physical contact or sleep on the other side of the bed? And do you find it true that when a woman has no contact with you when she sleeps that the relationship is not going well?

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This belongs in the "ridiculous threads" thread.

Yep the honest replies from mark45y are surely bringing out some responses which clearly could carry the label 'ridiculous'.......often not even mentioning if their wife sleeps in the same room!..............:D ...............does the response from SBK mean she could have been one of the 2000?.....:whistling:

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This belongs in the "ridiculous threads" thread.

Yep the honest replies from mark45y are surely bringing out some responses which clearly could carry the label 'ridiculous'.......often not even mentioning if their wife sleeps in the same room!..............:D ...............does the response from SBK mean she could have been one of the 2000?.....:whistling:

Highly unlikely. I have self respect, but cheers for the giggle anyway.

I have to agree with elkangorito. While it may have started off semi sort of interestingish it has quickly degenerated.

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A week goes by and topic of conversation remains - Mark45y's sex life.

On the specifics of the observation that a woman's sleeping posture betrays her motives in any ongoing relationship. - Why not, there's been enough such crack pot theories in the past, one more won't hurt any.

Though I'm at a loss to understand how any kind of meaningful results have been obtained, since it seems that only three of the women ever stuck around long enough to provide any meaningful empirical evidence.

The longevity of the other thousands of relationships seems to have been a tad too brief to extrapolate short term behavior into the longer term.

But hey, we get to discuss Mark45y's adventures.... again!

Edited by GuestHouse
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This belongs in the "ridiculous threads" thread.

I think you are the fourth poster not to respond to the question. Of course that is your right. You think it is a ridiculous topic.

I am probably the only man posting on TV who does not completely understand women especially Thai women.

I am sure you know exactly how your Thai partner feels about you 100% of the time.

But for you and the other four posters that chose to belittle me or poke fun at me instead of responding to the topic I raise the question.


A couple were trying to make a joke and don’t sleep with women.

A couple don’t personally like me and chime in with something negative every time I post anything.

Maybe you have no experience to post. Maybe you have never slept with a woman.

Maybe you have extrasensory perception and don’t need physical verification of your feelings.

I went to school and studied Thai not so I could order food in a restaurant. I studied Thai not so I could tell the taxi driver where to go.

I studied Thai so I could speak to Thai women.

I live and work in Thailand full time. I am not a tourist. I live in Thailand because I like Thai women. That’s the only reason. I get a pension and free medical care in the US. I don’t have to live here. I challenge anyone to name anything else in Thailand that you can’t get better somewhere else.

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This belongs in the "ridiculous threads" thread.

I think you are the fourth poster not to respond to the question. Of course that is your right. You think it is a ridiculous topic.

I am probably the only man posting on TV who does not completely understand women especially Thai women.

I am sure you know exactly how your Thai partner feels about you 100% of the time.

But for you and the other four posters that chose to belittle me or poke fun at me instead of responding to the topic I raise the question.


A couple were trying to make a joke and don't sleep with women.

A couple don't personally like me and chime in with something negative every time I post anything.

Maybe you have no experience to post. Maybe you have never slept with a woman.

Maybe you have extrasensory perception and don't need physical verification of your feelings.

I went to school and studied Thai not so I could order food in a restaurant. I studied Thai not so I could tell the taxi driver where to go.

I studied Thai so I could speak to Thai women.

I live and work in Thailand full time. I am not a tourist. I live in Thailand because I like Thai women. That's the only reason. I get a pension and free medical care in the US. I don't have to live here. I challenge anyone to name anything else in Thailand that you can't get better somewhere else.

Interestingly stated and observed, Marky-Mark. I'm growing to appreciated your truer observations and punditry with growing threads and posts. At least it's lively, if not redundant.

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A week goes by and topic of conversation remains - Mark45y's sex life.

On the specifics of the observation that a woman's sleeping posture betrays her motives in any ongoing relationship. - Why not, there's been enough such crack pot theories in the past, one more won't hurt any.

Though I'm at a loss to understand how any kind of meaningful results have been obtained, since it seems that only three of the women ever stuck around long enough to provide any meaningful empirical evidence.

The longevity of the other thousands of relationships seems to have been a tad too brief to extrapolate short term behavior into the longer term.

But hey, we get to discuss Mark45y's adventures.... again!

Nice to see you of course. I have noticed the sleeping behavior is not limited to long term relationships. It seems to also apply to one night stands.

I have also noted that it is not connected with sex. I slept with a woman for a while that I was not having sex with. I would not have sex with her and she did not have sex with me. We were friends. We were very close as friends and still are. I correspond with her weekly about life, loves, health and things in general.

I don’t think it is a crackpot theory. After sleep takes over when the conscious mind is asleep either a person gravitates toward the other or does not. There must be a reason for this behavior.

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If you can't understand simple 'body language', you are either 20 years old or a twit.

How on earth do you expect to successfully proceed through life with your eyes shut?

I taught a course in body language during job interviews on a college level in the US.

I think I have an awareness of body language.

Body language during sleep is even more valid because the conscious mind is not functioning to throw in adverse moves.

The question remains unless you are reading the thread with your eyes closed.

Where does your woman sleep if she loves you?

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A week goes by and topic of conversation remains - Mark45y's sex life.

On the specifics of the observation that a woman's sleeping posture betrays her motives in any ongoing relationship. - Why not, there's been enough such crack pot theories in the past, one more won't hurt any.

Though I'm at a loss to understand how any kind of meaningful results have been obtained, since it seems that only three of the women ever stuck around long enough to provide any meaningful empirical evidence.

The longevity of the other thousands of relationships seems to have been a tad too brief to extrapolate short term behavior into the longer term.

But hey, we get to discuss Mark45y's adventures.... again!

Nice to see you of course. I have noticed the sleeping behavior is not limited to long term relationships. It seems to also apply to one night stands.

I have also noted that it is not connected with sex. I slept with a woman for a while that I was not having sex with. I would not have sex with her and she did not have sex with me. We were friends. We were very close as friends and still are. I correspond with her weekly about life, loves, health and things in general.

I don't think it is a crackpot theory. After sleep takes over when the conscious mind is asleep either a person gravitates toward the other or does not. There must be a reason for this behavior.

Your 'theory' is about a million years old. Most people (except you) seem to 'get the picture' pretty quickly.

The 'picture' is simple...if someone doesn't like you or something about you, they will distance themselves accordingly. Don't you do the same?

My god...1 plus 1 equals 2, does it not?

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I have noticed the sleeping behavior is not limited to long term relationships. It seems to also apply to one night stands. ........

I don’t think it is a crackpot theory.

It has all the makings of a crack pot theory - Unless you are suggesting that a one night stand is time enough to determine a woman's long term motives.

But please, don't let me distract you from talking about your sex life, I'd hate you to think that the rest of us are viewing you as not performing on that front, or worse still aren't at all interested.

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This belongs in the "ridiculous threads" thread.

Yep the honest replies from mark45y are surely bringing out some responses which clearly could carry the label 'ridiculous'.......often not even mentioning if their wife sleeps in the same room!..............:D ...............does the response from SBK mean she could have been one of the 2000?.....:whistling:

Highly unlikely. I have self respect, but cheers for the giggle anyway.

I have to agree with elkangorito. While it may have started off semi sort of interestingish it has quickly degenerated.

I visited a bar one time on an island in 2005. There were four lovely western ladies having a party.

No, I’m sure it wasn’t you. I don’t think.

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I have noticed the sleeping behavior is not limited to long term relationships. It seems to also apply to one night stands. ........

I don’t think it is a crackpot theory.

It has all the makings of a crack pot theory - Unless you are suggesting that a one night stand is time enough to determine a woman's long term motives.

But please, don't let me distract you from talking about your sex life, I'd hate you to think that the rest of us are viewing you as not performing on that front, or worse still aren't at all interested.

I was thinking more about pheromones and their effect on female behavior when asleep. I would submit the longevity has little to do with subconscious behavior.

I would argue that the pheromones influence the actions and it takes a strong negative reaction to counteract that physical tendency.

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Marky. You, like all the other newbies that arrived here due to the blatant & unfettered invitation to the world during the 'war' in Bangkok, are simply repeating old & finished threads.

Not only this & as Guesthouse has indicated, you happily expose your sexlife here for the world to see.

Not only this but you then tell us about 2 failed marriages & then tell us that you 'taught' a course in 'body language'.

It appears that you didn't heed your own advice.

For christ's sake, what will it take for you to be able to be 'you'?

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What do people do with their other bedmates? A "good" friend of mine had this girlfriend who had a dog that insisted, his place was between the 2 of them.

What happens if there is a cat in the picture? When one's legs are used as pillows or if someone decides he prefers to sleep horizontally when you are positioned vertically, it doesn't leave much room for stuff.

Some people snore. I have it from a reliable source that the snoring compels the bedmate to seek shelter elsewhere. (She also said, that if she gets arrested for smothering the guy, no one will convict based upon years of suffering. Meanwhile she talks in her sleep, like sleeping with a crazy lady. Probably discussing ways to murder the poor guy. :lol: )

What difference does it make anyway? Some people's bedmates are wearing pajamas + sweater + bathrobe. As if no has heard, the "You make this room like an icebox, this is Thailand, not North Pole. Just because you look like Santa Claus does not mean I have to live like him"

Hey, want to know a fun fact? The more sexual encounters one has, the more likely one is going to be a carrier of various STIs and other beasties like warts. Just what every woman wants to hear; "Yo lady, I just got done screwing with 9,999 women of various backgrounds and you will be number 10,000. As a recognition of this event, I am giving you a nice wart, some herpes and a chance to say you fornicated with a guy with psychological problems." Just what every lady wants.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Mrs T and I are not much with the cuddling unless we're watching a movie at home, and she's the only woman I've been with in the last eighteen+ years. I didn't move here for the women.

Even when I was dating, I was always a one woman man, not because I didn't want loads of women (assuming they'd have me), but I couldn't imagine coping with the drama of juggling several women. When it's just one woman at a time, it's not juggling, it's a relationship. And I like relationships. When I wasn't dating, I didn't hesitate to buy what I wanted.

I haven't regretted my choices. But now, reading Mark's posts, I feel like a right twit. Short of cheating on my wife, my only choice is to live vicariously through Mark. So Mark, please go on, you have my attention...

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This theory just confirms to me what I already know about my wife. She cares for me. Many's the time I wake up in the night, short of breath, to find her clinging to me, hands around my throat. And then there's the times I awaken to find her concerned for my comfort and giving me her pillow, although I don't know why she feels she has to hold it over my face, just one of the little quirks I like about her I suppose. She really does care. Just last night I was lying in bed and she brought me a glass of water. Unfortunately I knocked it over and for some reason it burnt a hole through the bed side table, and when the cat licked up a drop it exploded for no apparent reason. The wife was really upset. What a woman. Right now she's running me a bath. She must be cold, the poor thing, why else would she balance that 3 bar heater on the edge of it?

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What do people do with their other bedmates? A "good" friend of mine had this girlfriend who had a dog that insisted, his place was between the 2 of them.

What happens if there is a cat in the picture? When one's legs are used as pillows or if someone decides he prefers to sleep horizontally when you are positioned vertically, it doesn't leave much room for stuff.

Some people snore. I have it from a reliable source that the snoring compels the bedmate to seek shelter elsewhere. (She also said, that if she gets arrested for smothering the guy, no one will convict based upon years of suffering. Meanwhile she talks in her sleep, like sleeping with a crazy lady. Probably discussing ways to murder the poor guy. :lol: )

What difference does it make anyway? Some people's bedmates are wearing pajamas + sweater + bathrobe. As if no has heard, the "You make this room like an icebox, this is Thailand, not North Pole. Just because you look like Santa Claus does not mean I have to live like him"

Hey, want to know a fun fact? The more sexual encounters one has, the more likely one is going to be a carrier of various STIs and other beasties like warts. Just what every woman wants to hear; "Yo lady, I just got done screwing with 9,999 women of various backgrounds and you will be number 10,000. As a recognition of this event, I am giving you a nice wart, some herpes and a chance to say you fornicated with a guy with psychological problems." Just what every lady wants.

So the posters on the pay for sex thread who passed off their enjoyment as 'being natural for a male to go forth and reproduce''....................actually have psychological problems.............well at least it is out in the open...................thanks geriatrickid.

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Marky. You, like all the other newbies that arrived here due to the blatant & unfettered invitation to the world during the 'war' in Bangkok, are simply repeating old & finished threads.

Not only this & as Guesthouse has indicated, you happily expose your sexlife here for the world to see.

Not only this but you then tell us about 2 failed marriages & then tell us that you 'taught' a course in 'body language'.

It appears that you didn't heed your own advice.

For christ's sake, what will it take for you to be able to be 'you'?

You are right I was a newbie in 1969. But what “war”, in Bangkok? The last time I heard about a war in Bangkok was before I was born. Not much before but before.

Failed marriages! There is failure and there is self preservation. Unless you were there I think it a bit harsh to say failed marriage. I was married three times and divorced three times.

But fair is fair. How is your track record?

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Interesting thread. Certainly beats the 'where can I eat for 25 satang, a new somtam shop has opened, how much to pay g/f, what do you love about los, and all that dowry' malarkey. Why give the op such a hard time. Perhaps he's joshing but it certainly wouldn't be unbelievable to bed that much totty in that time-frame if you have the gift of the gab, nouse, looks, and energy.

On the sleeping, perhaps it's simply the unconscious mind aligning the body a decent amount of space to get a sounder night's kip as opposed to any untoward feeling.

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On the sleeping, perhaps it's simply the unconscious mind aligning the body a decent amount of space to get a sounder night's kip as opposed to any untoward feeling.

On the sleeping, perhaps it's an over active mind (but not intellectually over active) that is a problem.

From memory, most people who either are new to relationships or just not 'switched on' seem to exacerbate the minute detail in order to explain their inadequacies.

This is what I did in my first encounters.

Usually, one learns from one's mistakes, as I did (& as many others have done).

Marky, are you really crying out for help or are you just trolling?

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This belongs in the "ridiculous threads" thread.

Yep the honest replies from mark45y are surely bringing out some responses which clearly could carry the label 'ridiculous'.......often not even mentioning if their wife sleeps in the same room!..............:D ...............does the response from SBK mean she could have been one of the 2000?.....:whistling:

Highly unlikely. I have self respect, but cheers for the giggle anyway.

I have to agree with elkangorito. While it may have started off semi sort of interestingish it has quickly degenerated.

I visited a bar one time on an island in 2005. There were four lovely western ladies having a party.

No, I’m sure it wasn’t you. I don’t think.

As said, Mark. I have self respect.

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Interesting thread. Certainly beats the 'where can I eat for 25 satang, a new somtam shop has opened, how much to pay g/f, what do you love about los, and all that dowry' malarkey. Why give the op such a hard time. Perhaps he's joshing but it certainly wouldn't be unbelievable to bed that much totty in that time-frame if you have the gift of the gab, nouse, looks, and energy.

On the sleeping, perhaps it's simply the unconscious mind aligning the body a decent amount of space to get a sounder night's kip as opposed to any untoward feeling.

But aren't we hard-wired to be reasonably social creatures?

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What do people do with their other bedmates? A "good" friend of mine had this girlfriend who had a dog that insisted, his place was between the 2 of them.

What happens if there is a cat in the picture? When one's legs are used as pillows or if someone decides he prefers to sleep horizontally when you are positioned vertically, it doesn't leave much room for stuff.

Some people snore. I have it from a reliable source that the snoring compels the bedmate to seek shelter elsewhere. (She also said, that if she gets arrested for smothering the guy, no one will convict based upon years of suffering. Meanwhile she talks in her sleep, like sleeping with a crazy lady. Probably discussing ways to murder the poor guy. :lol: )

What difference does it make anyway? Some people's bedmates are wearing pajamas + sweater + bathrobe. As if no has heard, the "You make this room like an icebox, this is Thailand, not North Pole. Just because you look like Santa Claus does not mean I have to live like him"

Hey, want to know a fun fact? The more sexual encounters one has, the more likely one is going to be a carrier of various STIs and other beasties like warts. Just what every woman wants to hear; "Yo lady, I just got done screwing with 9,999 women of various backgrounds and you will be number 10,000. As a recognition of this event, I am giving you a nice wart, some herpes and a chance to say you fornicated with a guy with psychological problems." Just what every lady wants.

I was in love. The lady was a high school principal and head of the state’s teachers union. She was heading for a career in politics after teaching. She had a PhD in math. We got along perfectly. Liked the same things, same food, movies, and other things.

She had two dogs and three cats. They all slept in the bed. I noticed the sheet had a lot of little spots on it.

The animals were kept outside during the day and slept with her at night because she was alone. The spots were blood from flea bites.

I woke in the morning to find bites all over my legs.

The animals had no problem adapting to our cuddling but I had a major problem adapting to the flea bites. I left never to return.

The incongruity of so well an educated women having fleas in her bed not lost on me.

I am well aware of the risk of STD’s. It is one of the reasons I wear white underwear.

I get tested now frequently. Luckily for most of my young life when I was very active AIDS was not a problem. Herpes is of course a constant fear. But it was 2000 years ago too.

Psychological problems? You mean you know someone in Thailand who does not have Psychological problems? You forget some of us have been reading your posts since 2007.

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On the sleeping, perhaps it's simply the unconscious mind aligning the body a decent amount of space to get a sounder night's kip as opposed to any untoward feeling.

On the sleeping, perhaps it's an over active mind (but not intellectually over active) that is a problem.

From memory, most people who either are new to relationships or just not 'switched on' seem to exacerbate the minute detail in order to explain their inadequacies.

This is what I did in my first encounters.

Usually, one learns from one's mistakes, as I did (& as many others have done).

Marky, are you really crying out for help or are you just trolling?

You have an odd habit of replying to my posts by replying to other people and not the posts I write to you.

I don’t know if I should reply to you through other peoples posts and it is some kind of etiquette from whatever country you come from.

Please don’t take offense but I will wait for you to reply to the post about me being a newbie in the war in Bangkok by blatant and unfettered invitation.

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The animals had no problem adapting to our cuddling but I had a major problem adapting to the flea bites. I left never to return.

What? No discussion about this?

Thank god, because this isn't what I was talking about when wanting to live vicariously through Mark's recounting of his adventures.

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On the sleeping, perhaps it's simply the unconscious mind aligning the body a decent amount of space to get a sounder night's kip as opposed to any untoward feeling.

On the sleeping, perhaps it's an over active mind (but not intellectually over active) that is a problem.

From memory, most people who either are new to relationships or just not 'switched on' seem to exacerbate the minute detail in order to explain their inadequacies.

This is what I did in my first encounters.

Usually, one learns from one's mistakes, as I did (& as many others have done).

Marky, are you really crying out for help or are you just trolling?

Pardon me Elk, but I have yet to see where you have retained and displayed any useful knowledge at all.....................perhaps in the future?.......instead of your constant stream of posts criticising other posters and not contributing at all to the actual theme of the thread. So where does your wife sleep in the bed?

Edited by 473geo
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