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Thailand To Remove Alcohol, Tobacco From FTA

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This will be interesting to watch as to how it plays out. I reckon Thailand has made a somewhat extreme opening negotiating stance by coming out with this and later some kind of compromise to create an uneven playing field to protect the local alcohol industry will result. This could be higher import taxes than the FTA mandates or a far lengthier period of incremental reductions.

As I've posted many times, the Thai big 3 brewers/distillers will continue to lobby very hard to maintain their unbelievably lucrative cartel. I reckon they're good for another 40 years before the forces of globalisation finally forces them to sell up.

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Thailand being a Buddhist country can do without Alcohol and Tobacco.

Yes but the Thai government and it's associated cronies, being as Buddhist as the Ayatollah Khomeini, can not do without the taxes and profits alcohol and cigarettes bring.

Anyway, without cigarettes what are the monks going to smoke? :whistling:


What a laugh...protect the health of Thai consumers. But it's OK to still sell alcohol and tobacco from Thai manufacturers. This is all about tax dollars and lobbying by the Thai alcohol and tobacco companies. I'm sure the organization called the Thailand Tobacco Monopoly http://www.thaitobac...h/page/home.php is lobbying their butts off to keep competition out of Thailand. Thailand and Free Trade are words that just don't seem to go together.

I fully agree!!!

What about all the other monopolies? The electricity monopoly is one.

This whole thing 'smacks' of segregation...yet another point to add to Thailand's desire to NOT be a part of the rest of the world.

Just when will the 'elite' grow a brain? Oops!! I forgot. Burma is a 'next door neighbour' & it would be pretty simple to join the Burmese 'ideal'.

BTW, I refuse to call Burma 'Myanmar', since the name Myanmar was introduced by the current Burmese junta.

'Myanmar' has been the country's name since at least the time of Marco Polo, in Burmese. They only changed the English version of the name. Myanmar's short-lived (1960-62) democratic government in fact enshrined the name in the national charter.


Just when will the 'elite' grow a brain? Oops!! I forgot. Burma is a 'next door neighbour' & it would be pretty simple to join the Burmese 'ideal'.

BTW, I refuse to call Burma 'Myanmar', since the name Myanmar was introduced by the current Burmese junta.

'Myanmar' has been the country's name since at least the time of Marco Polo, in Burmese. They only changed the English version of the name. Myanmar's short-lived (1960-62) democratic government in fact enshrined the name in the national charter.


I'm surprised people are surprised at this move.

Thailand being a Buddhist country can do without Alcohol and Tobacco.

:lol: Selective Buddhism more like. Merit-making for one's own ends and a general disregard for those around one does not a Buddhist make.


Thailand being a Buddhist country can do without Alcohol and Tobacco.

Yes but the Thai government and it's associated cronies, being as Buddhist as the Ayatollah Khomeini, can not do without the taxes and profits alcohol and cigarettes bring.

Anyway, without cigarettes what are the monks going to smoke? :whistling:

Thai monks do not smoke, as self abuse is a sin.

I heard that Belgian monks drink so much that they even brew their own beer in their churches; and worst, sell it to church comer at a profit.



Thai monks do not smoke, as self abuse is a sin.

It should be easy for many Thaivisa members to take photographs of Thai monks smoking. I personally know a Thai monk who smokes.

BTW, 'sin' is a christian word. I didn't know that Buddhism has 'sins'.

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